Wishful Dreams (Kamen Rider E...

Por Paranilla

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**Credit to Rufus147 for the beautiful cover** Elkie Winters is asked by one of her friends about what world... Más

-80- **Read Note at the end please**


143 2 9
Por Paranilla


"Oh, your girlfriend really is living here now!" 

I stand up and turn, eyes landing on the new CEO of Genm Corporation. He really is working with the Bugsters! Wait...then is he a Bugster too and somehow got ahold of the company? How would he get ahold of a company so easily?

"Yes, she's his girlfriend and she's so pretty! I wish I could be as pretty as she is!" Poppy is just too bubbly at times and then she fizzes out in the next moment. 

"You're pretty enough, Poppy," Ren says, holding out flowers to Poppy. Oh, those are some pretty roses!

Poppy rushes up to him and takes it from him, smiling at it. She's getting flowers and what do I get? A killer Bugster who is jealous and playful almost all day long. I swear, life is wanting to crap on me here right now for no reason. Actually, there is a reason and it is because I lied. Bad karma does exist it seems. 

"She wanted to return to my side and I allowed her. I'm such a good boyfriend already!" Parad exclaims, sounding proud of himself. He sounds close. Where is he?

I look next to me and scream, stumbling back. "Parad, what the heck? I'm not used to you all teleporting all around like that yet!" I'm just used to people walking around and being normal. Why can't I teleport too? 

"Oh, did I scare you? I didn't mean to." He holds out his hand to me. "I guess I'm not as good as I thought I was when it comes to being your boyfriend. Okay, I'll work on the teleporting thing. I don't want to keep freaking you out." 

"She'll get used to it eventually," Graphite states. "Trust me, it gets better. Oh, I saw Taiga not too long ago. I rubbed it in his face that I was alive again and that he'll have to wait to fight me." And by that, he means that he just showed up and did nothing. Tons of nothing.

I take Parad's hand and he pulls me into his body, hooking an arm around my waist. "Parad!" I gasp, looking up at his face.

He looks down, smirking a little. "I am just wanting to show Ren that you're mine. You see, he's kind of a man who looks for love and I can't have him trying to steal you from me."

"She's not my type since she's your type," Ren comments, sounding bitter. "I'll just find love from different cuties in the world!"

"Yes, that is the spirit!" Poppy exclaims and I look over at her as she smacks Ren back away from her. She tosses the flowers to the side and pops up beside me and Parad. "I wish to find someone like Parad. He's the kindest man around." Yeah, he's so kind. Absolutely kind with how he kills people. Definitely.

Poppy has to be totally brainwashed in order to think something like that. If anything, she likes Emu. Of course, it isn't anything romantic. Or is it? Do I have competition out there that I don't know about?

"So, what's his real name? The CEO of Genm Corporation has an actual name that isn't human, right?" I ask, changing the subject from my love life with Parad and everyone else's love life.

"Lovelica," Parad answers as he brings his face closer to me. He places his lips on my forehead and pats me on the back with one of his hands. "It is close to love freak, huh?"

"I guess it is," I reply. So, Lovelica is Ren Amagaski. He is the CEO of a company he shouldn't have ownership of and he's also one of the Bugsters for the game. 

"I can't wait to find out if Taiga spreads the news to Hiiro."

"Oh, my goodness! Will you shut up about Hiiro? It is like you're obsessed with him and Taiga!" I groan. I think Hiiro is a nice guy at times, but I don't want to hear about him all the time when I am here. 

Parad presses his lips on the top of my head and releases me. "You're insanely beautiful when you're rude to him."

"Hey, it isn't an obsession at all! I can stop thinking about either one of them when I want to," Graphite states and I look at him as he smirks. "Really, I can."

Graphite has a lot of issues and Hiiro and Taiga are part of those issues. He is so focused on hurting them and rubbing it in their faces that he ruined their lives. I honestly don't get him sometimes. He really is just obsessed with the two of them.

"Graphite is just upset that he has memories of a date with Hiiro," Parad whispers and I look at him. I wouldn't want to have any kind of memory of that. 

"I think you should try a different approach when fighting Hiiro and Taiga, Graphite. How about you look for love too? It'll empower you," Lovelica states, probably doing some stupid pose or looking into a mirror. I can't keep my eyes off Parad right now, so I don't know.

"Hey, I don't want a relationship with anyone in the world!" Graphite shouts. "That's not what I want. I want to fight."

"I am pretty sure you're too busy to date because of your hand distracting you. Actually, wait...that is the only offer you have gotten. Your hands are the only things that will touch you," I say, insulting Graphite. I don't have to look at him to insult and it feels great to insult such a huge jerk. 

How is he a huge jerk? Well, he turned Taiga into the major jerk he is today. Back then Taiga wasn't as rude as today's Taiga.

"Hey, shut up!" Graphite replies, sounding annoyed. "My hands can't be the only thing offering to touch me. I'm pretty sure if I could access my memories of things Saki knows, I could seduce Hiiro with ease."

"Why would anyone want to seduce him?" Poppy laughs. "He's so cold and nasty!" Great! I turned this into an insult Hiiro party!

"It is pretty possible. You should see if it works," Parad suggests. "That way when you're busy trying to seduce him, I'll be able to seduce her."

"And I can seduce Emu!" Poppy shouts and I bite my tongue. I need to let it go right now. "What? Is it wrong to seduce her ex?"

"But you have me," Lovelica whines, trying to get some loving. I feel bad for him. He is surrounded by guys who are just really handsome compared to him. I'm sure Lovelica isn't too bad personality wise. 

I look over at Graphite as he looks me over. "What is it?"

"How would anyone get seduced by you?" 

"Hey, that's not nice, Graphite!"

"It is an honest question, Parad. How?"

"Are you blind? Wait...you're not into Hiiro, right? Man, that would be so awkward for you. Say you're in the middle of a battle and suddenly you get in the mood. Oh, that would be embarrassing!" Parad laughs, not even answering the question. Bugsters can get in the mood?

"How did you find out about sex?" I turn my attention to Parad. I have to turn.

"It is natural to have sex isn't it? I guess I learned it from Kuroto. Don't worry, we never touched each other sexually," Parad answers, being honest with me. He looks down at me and smiles. "It was all friendly between us until he started being a meanie." Okay, now he's back to being a baby.

So, he's know about sex for a long time now, huh? Why didn't he tell me that he did? Honestly, it would have made things even better for me right now. It would have made this even more exciting.

"Hiiro isn't man enough to have sex."

"Graphite, no one cares about you and your Hiiro issues. Just because he didn't bang Saki, doesn't mean he didn't find her appealing," I say, rolling my eyes. Goodness, he's annoying!

 I haven't had sex with Emu yet, but that doesn't mean I don't want to. I really, really want to be with Emu in the bedroom all night long. I really do want that, but it isn't possible with all the craziness going on. It isn't possible right at this moment due to Parad being Parad and doing Parad things.

"Sex?" Poppy seems lost. "Does it feel good?"

"It so does!" Parad tells her, answering her question. "Kuroto had this tablet that he would watch stuff on and I saw him browsing some sexy videos. It looked like everyone in them had a good time." Okay, now he's seen it? He's just not being honest about somethings with me. Just how much does this Bugster know about sex?

"Oh, I want to try it now!"

"Then try it with me!" Lovelica exclaims. "I'm single and needing some sweet love right now!"

"In your dreams!" 


I look over as Lovelica spins and lands on the ground, looking heartbroken. He really is a Bugster, huh? That is something too dramatic for a human to do.

"How much did you see in those videos?"

"Oh, tons! I saw a lot of things and I want to try all those things with you. We're going to have fun like they did." Parad sees this as a game doesn't he?

"What kind of videos are you both talking about? I want to see," Graphite says. "For studying. Nothing else." Now he's curious about sex. Great!

I raise a hand up. "None of you are going to have sex, okay? Sex isn't something you can just do with anyone randomly. Okay, you can, but it isn't what it that is meant for. It is meant to mean something and you can't just do it randomly because you can. It isn't right unless you're getting paid for it." I don't get screwing randoms unless you get paid for it. Not that it is legal, since it is illegal. 

"So, get paid for it?"

"That's a great idea, actually," Graphite says. 

"Okay, don't do that! Have sex with someone you love and care for, alright? Goodness!" I am such a bad teacher at this. Why do I have to be super awkward and weird? And why am I teaching Bugsters Sex Ed now?

"Kuroto had these things that looked like deflated balloons in his office. I blew one up before and he got mad," Parad says, ignoring what I'm talking about. Thank goodness he's not listening! Wait...what?

"You mean condoms?" That man had condoms lying around? "Anything else?"

"He had a few toys he wouldn't share."

Toys? Sex toys? Okay, kinky Kuroto confirmed now. Good thing this ins't in the actual show or else it'll be banned from the eyes of children.

Lovelica sighs. "No one wants to give me love."

"It's okay!" Poppy shouts. "You can have friendship! Friendship makes everything better!" She's just trying to comfort him and hurt him now. She is so evil now and I am kind of liking the new Poppy. Minus the her wanting to get with my precious Emu.

"He had toys? That isn't up my alley," Graphite asks.

I look at Parad as he nods his head. "Yes, he had a ton of toys. He had this one that I saw in a video that could go certain places. I don't know the terms for those places, but it was weird. Like a black hole!" 

I bring up my hand to my face and hit it on my forehead. What in the world is wrong with my life? Did I do something bad other than lie? Did I kill a ruler of a country in my past life? Something had to be wrong in order for this to happen right now.

"I want to send Hiiro into a black hole."

"You can always gift him one of those toys. I bet Kuroto moved them elsewhere so no one would find them when I killed him. You know what? We should go and find them so we can test them out. That's a fun thing to do, right?" 

I smack myself again and sigh heavily. "Why do you guys want to try sex toys? Those things are for those into kinky crap and you all aren't into kinky crap as far as I know. Actually, Graphite is the only one here who is." I totally don't have any kinks. Nope, none at all. 

"What kinks could I possibly have?" Graphite chuckles. 

"You're being serious?" I look over at him. "Dude, you want to beat up people for no reason. You're so into being a dominate person in the bedroom. You probably like chains, handcuffs, and whips."

"Are those things fun and can be used against Hiiro and Taiga?"

"Dude, they're not into you."

"And I'm not into them. I just want to torment them and laugh." He's so stupid.

"I want to play with Emu, but no toys. Do you think he has any? I'm now curious about what he has shown Elkie in private." Why would Emu even show me any of those things? That guy would blush a million different shades of red before he could even bring it up.

"What?" Emu with sex toys? Doubtful. "He's a saint compared to me."

"So, you have sex toys?" Parad is so smirking right now and I don't want to see it.

Graphite smirks. "Did you leave them elsewhere so you can hide them like Kuroto did? I bet you like doing kinky things behind the backs of those around you. Did you watch videos like Kuroto did? Maybe you two watched together." Ew, gross.

"Why are you two turning this on me? Poppy, help!" I wouldn't dare watch a video with Kuroto. I would rather actually sleep with him than watch anything with him. That freaks me out more than the idea of sleeping with him for some reason.

"She doesn't need sex toys when she can get the real thing. What is the real thing?" Poppy is killing me here right now.

I sigh heavily and shake my head. "Okay, you know what? I don't have sex toys and never did have any. You know why? Because I was lonely and only in love with one person ever. And you know what that one person didn't do with me? Have sex."

"Man, that person is lame!" Graphite laughs. "Who doesn't have sex with someone they love?"

"You haven't even gotten laid yet so shut up!" I snap. Why is that man judging me? All his dating and love knowledge is from some woman's relationship with Hiiro.

"Hey, I can have sex with whoever I want when I want to. Trust me, I can have sex with someone like Hiiro before you can have sex with someone you want to." Okay, he's dead. I am going to kill him now.

Parad grabs my wrist and I look at him. "Okay, we're having too much fun now. Let's stop with messing with Elkie."

"Oh, I thought it was okay to mess with her. Besides, I am being serious about the sex thing. I seriously could have sex with anyone before she can." 

"I'm going to kill you!" I shout, turning my head towards Graphite's smirking form. I feel arms go around me and pull me back. "Parad, let me dominate that man to death!" Pretty sure I'm death glaring that idiot right now. He's going to give me winkles. 

"Dominate me all you want to, girl. Wait...you can't!" Graphite laughs, finding himself funny. I am seriously going to destroy him. Now I know why everyone hates him. "I am the only dominate one here besides Parad."

"Parad is dominate?" My heart pounds faster as my face starts burning. Why wasn't it burning a few moments ago? Stupid body! 

I swear, I'm thirsty for some guys. That is the only reason I keep thinking about Emu and Parad in a totally unacceptable manner. Well, Parad is the only unacceptable one. Okay, I just need to focus on wanting to bang Emu. Yes, that is a good start. Sex with Emu is good and sex with Parad is bad.

"I am very dominate," Parad answers, placing his head on my shoulder. "Want to find out sometime?"

"Yes, do that!" Poppy claps her hands together, seeming thrilled. She's still killing me.

I am going to die young. 

A/n: Next chapter will get to the plot, but I wanted to have some fun this chapter. Sorry it isn't anything super amazing, but I'm like up at three in the morning putting this out. I'm like brain dead. 

I know it isn't in their characters to do this, but I am like "This whole story is just not in the show really" and you know what? It has Elkie changing things. So, yes, things are changing. That is how this works. I'm the writer and I make my own rules. Don't judge me D:

But yeah, things are going to be all wonky with that because of Elkie and Jennie being there. Also, real life needs to be in here. People watch sexy videos all the time. Sometimes you get a random pop up of it on tumblr when you're looking for posts from stuff you're following (yes, I've seen enough nuts and more to last me an entire lifetime). 

Kuroto, come back! You would have been nice for this conversation in this story. I nearly died writing the stuff for it. I imagined it and I nearly died. You can thank me later for this mess of a chapter. I am pretty sure next chapter we'll get some storyline. Yes, maybe (or not, depends on what happens when I start typing). Thanks :D

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