The Street (English) - Bradle...

By claireverms

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A simple girl who will see her life take a big turn following a family drama. She will meet the right people... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (last one)
New FanFic

Chapter 10

806 14 12
By claireverms

"- I ... There is something else I must tell you ...

- Go ahead, to the point where I am. I said

- We should stop talking to each other. He announced me

- I agree, our relationship causes us only problems and it also hurts your band. So from now on we ignore ourselves. We will only speak when necessary.

- It's OK. Good night Mia... He turned his back on me but I could see tears "

Tonight we both cried, not because we were sorry, but because even if we didn't like the decision, we knew it was the best solution.

The next day, we explained our decision to the boys, they were surprised but said nothing. We then went to the airport without our usual good humor and took off for the United States for the rest of the tour. It was a new start for Brad and me but not necessarily the best.

* 1 month's ellipse *

What can I tell you about this past month? Brad and I kept our promise. We only spoke in the event of force majeure. At first the atmosphere was very cold but over time we learned not to point out to people that we didn't talk each other. I was very sad at first because after all I have feelings for him but I got used to it. The times when we had to talk were pleasant, he was nice to me and it reminded me of our good memories. Everyone made sure that we never was with each other. For example, for the rooms, I was always with James who always supported me. Speaking of the guys, they never really agreed with our decision because they are convinced that we love each other and that it is a mess. So they tried to dissuade us at first but quickly gave up

Let's talk about Bradley now. Contrary to all I would have thought, he hadn't slept with anyone for a month, or kissed for that matter. He was always the only one to stay sober in the evening. He was always polite to me and almost cracked once when he came to see me when I was alone. But he changed his mind. Physically, he cut his hair and he looks even better than before. It has only been a month and everything has changed in him. The truth is that everything has gotten sexier, he has changed his style of dress, he often wears half-open shirts and he puts on his glasses much more often. It even looks like he has become more mature. Anyway, I thought that moving away from him would make me forget my feelings for him and well, it's just the opposite. He drives me crazy, every action he does makes me fall for him even more. The other day I walked past a half-open door and caught him buttoning his shirt. I had to tap into my mental strength not to enter the room and kiss him.

Regarding the tour, I received my first salary, which was far beyond my expectations. I get along very well with everyone and I love to visit different cities every day so I'm in heaven. They use my guitars every night, even Brad never lets go of the burgundy guitar I gave him. Their concerts are always as fabulous and given the smiles that Dean (their photographer) manages to capture every night, I think the fans have the same opinion as me. I now know all of their lyrics. Speaking of songs, Missing You is the only link I have kept with him, every night when he sings it we fix each other and it is the one and only connection that we had during this month. Fans have noticed this but are used to it now.

Today is February 20 and it's my birthday. We're now in Los Angeles and the guys don't have a concert until tomorrow. That means we're going to be able to party tonight!

I was currently in my hotel room on my bed, I turned to James's bed and saw that it was empty. Great start for a birthday. I heard a knock on the door. I went to open the door and I discovered Tris, Con and James

"- Happy Birthday Mia! They screamed and I think everyone in the hotel heard them.

- Thanks guys. I laughed while they took me in their arms. I was a little disappointed that Brad didn't come, I would have liked that for my birthday he put our promise aside.

- He hesitated to come, but he didn't want to screw up your stupid promise. When are you going to stop all this? Told me James as if he had read my mind

- I don't know ...

- Anyway, now is not the time to talk about this. Today our little Mia is 25 years old and we are going to celebrate it as it should be. Said Connor. First you'll get dressed and come down with us to have the wonderful breakfast that we prepared for you.

- The breakfast that YOU prepared for me? I said surprised

- Okay, well, the hotel prepared it to you. He confessed

- I thought also. I laughed. I hurry to get dressed and I'm coming. I said then that they went out "

The four of us went downstairs and I found myself in front of a large table full of different foods. It looked delicious. The whole team joined us to say happy birthday and we sat down to enjoy this wonderful feast together. Only Brad was missing, but he wasted no time in arriving. No sooner had he set foot in the room than everyone was silent. He walked over to me, wished me a happy birthday, and walked over to hug me. I did not move but let him do it. When he was finished he went to sit next to Connor and everyone resumed their conversation.

While talking with Emma I saw Connor throw a raspberry at Brad. The latter entered to his game and throw him a blueberry which unfortunately landed on Tris. A battle ensued between the guys and James eventually joined them. They found themselves on the ground fighting while everyone was watching them. They laughed out loud and I smiled when I looked at them. I must admit that I didn't often see them laughing so much together and for once you could really see how much they appreciated each other and it was fun. On top of that, I missed Bradley smiling so badly

We all finished lunch and the boys spoke

"- Mia we have planned a busy day and it starts right away. We noticed that you really like animals, so we decided to take you on a horse ride on the heights of L.A. and then we'll go paintball to beat you up. Told me James "

It was therefore very excited to spend this afternoon with them that I quickly changed my clothes. I dressed relaxed for this first activity. I was looking forward to doing that with them and secretly hoping Bradley would come with us. I quickly found myself in the hall waiting for them, always late. Brad was the first to arrive in the hall

" - You come with us ? I questioned him

- Uh yes ... Unless it bothers you and in that case I can stay here. He said embarrassed

- No, on the contrary, the guys will be happy to spend time with you. And me too, I thought

- Thank you. And he fell silent because the boys arrived

- We can go ? Asked Tris

- Yes I am ready. I said enthusiastic "

So we set off for the activity together, smiling. It may have been my birthday today but I wanted to take advantage of it so that the guys would meet again. Our decision affected them because they couldn't really be with me and Brad at the same time, so they made choices and rarely spent time together. But today that was going to change. I was already happy to see that they were laughing together in the car.

We quickly arrived on the place, they gave us each a horse and the five of us left with a guide. On the way, the guys remembered funny anecdotes about the tour and we all laughed together. We paused halfway and took the opportunity to take several photos. The landscape was magnificent and we really had a good time. After three hours of walking, we returned to the car towards paintball. To be honest I had never done it so I was pretty scared

The paintball managers put us in a game with 3 other girls because we had to be 8. We had to make two teams of 4 and I ended up with Brad, James and one of the girls who was apparently named Lucie. And given their reactions when they saw the guys, I think they're fans. Anyway me and James we were on the left and Brad and Lucie on the right while the other 4 were facing us.

The game started, I was really bad and James had to protect me all the time. After a while I decided to run to another place to protect myself but I fell violently and the only person who saw me was Brad

"- Mia you're okay? He said worried

- My stomach hurts ... I said. He decided to carry me and we slipped away from the game without the others seeing us

- It will be fine. He reassured me. We got to the bathroom and he made me sit next to the sink. He crouched down in front of me and looked at me as if to ask me for permission to lift my sweater

- You can. I told him. He lifted it to look at my wound. I had a slight cut in the abdomen

- I'm gonna ask reception if they have any disinfectant. He told me before going out and come back a few seconds later. He took cotton and imbibed it with disinfectant. It might sting a little. He disinfected my wound then took a fairly large bandage and put it on. His fingers on my skin gave me feelings that I hadn't felt in a long time. I closed my eyes.

- Thank you. I said

- Why ?

- You noticed the chills I had because of you but you didn't say anything. I said looking at him

- Yet it was not the desire that was missing. He smiled, embarrassed

- You should propose a date to Lucie. She's been watching you since the beginning of the game. I don't know why I told him that

- Not interested. He said

- There was a time when I didn't even have to tell you to do it. I pointed out to him

- People change. He ended the conversation and we went to join the others who were wondering where we were

- Where were you ? We lost you from sight. Asked Connor surrounded by the others

- She hurt her stomach so we went to disinfect her wound. Said Brad

- Oh nothing serious I hope. Sorry Mia I hope it doesn't ruin your day ... Said James

- No it's okay don't worry I had a blast. I reassured him

- Well, we should go back, the day is not over. Tris told us»

We said goodbye to the girls, and we get back to the hotel where a wonderful meal was waiting for us. We ate quietly and when we were done, Tris told me

"- Mia, we're going out tonight for your birthday. So you have two hours to prepare. Go! "

I went straight to my room and took a good shower. I decided to make up my eyes lightly but put a red lipstick on my lips. Once that it was done I decided to take a red dress because as you may have noticed I like this color. It was long and slim, kinda sexy. I left my hair loose and curled it slightly. Finally I put on black heels and I finally got out of my room to join the guys in the hall.

"- Mia, you're sublime. James looked at me from top to bottom. I'm proud to have such a pretty best friend. He laughed

- I agree with James. You're beautiful. Connor told me

- I confirm. Finished Tris. I turned to Brad, he had been staring at me since I arrived.

- Brad? I called him

- Oh sorry. He shook his head. Mia you're gonna have to put this blindfold on your eyes until we get there

He walked over to me and tied the blindfold around my head. They then helped me get to the car and we drove a few minutes before arriving. They took my hands to get me out of the car

" - Are you ready ? Said Brad's voice

- I think so. I said shy. He removed my blindfold and I found myself in front of a huge villa. Guys, it's so nice to have rented this villa, but why? I asked

- Come in and you'll see. They pushed me by the shoulders into the aisle of this house. "

I pushed the door and about fifty people got up, shouting "surprise". I recognized Niall, the 5SOS, Shawn and a few other celebrities that I didn't know. On top of that there were a lot of people I didn't even know of seeing. The villa was beautifully decorated with balloons and other stuffs, there was food on each table and a large dance floor in the center of it all. I had tears in my eyes, it was adorable. I turned back to the guys and hugged everyone.

"Thank you guys ... No one has ever done something so crazy for me. I said crying

- It's normal Mia, you're our best friend. Now stop crying, you're going to ruin your makeup. James laughed

- Who are all the people you invited? I asked

- Just friends of ours. We knew you didn't really have friends in England so we invited no one. But they're all happy to be there don't worry. And then they all heard about you so they wanted to meet you. Finshed Con »

I walked over to the 5SOS boys to say hello, they were always so funny and I was glad they came for me. I continued to walk around the guests to thank them for having responded to the boys' invitation, it had allowed me to meet great people and I even made a few friends. I only had Niall left to greet. I walked over to him and took him in my arms

" - I am glad to see you !

- Me too, happy birthday by the way. He laughed

- But you should not have returned to England a month ago?

- Yes, but I came to Los Angeles for a few days, I have a house here. He told me

- Thank you so much for coming here, it really touches me. I said to him

- I think we're being watched. He said in my ear

- By who ? He nodded to me and I turned around. Brad was staring at us. "

When he saw that I was watching him in return he started to look elsewhere. So I left Niall to head over to Brad and find out what his problem was. When I got behind him I tapped him on the shoulder to turn him around

"- What's your problem with Ni- I was cut off by the doorbell

- I think you should go open. He told me "

Despite the fact that I was upset I listened to him and opened the door

"- Happy birthday Mia

- No not You...

- I'm also very happy to see you sister

- What are you doing in America Martin? I didn't know if I should be happy, I resented him

- I came to wish my sister a happy birthday because her new best friends invited me. He said

- Now that you're done you can go. I said

- What? You don't want me anymore because you replaced me with those guys? He was getting upset

- Those guys kindly invited you so don't criticize them. Listen Martin, you're my brother and I love you but you let me down when I needed you. So we need a discussion. But not tonight because I want to have a good evening and not think about it. Stay in town until tomorrow and we'll talk. Good night ... I said and shut the door. I turned around and everyone looked at me, I made my most believable smile and went to get some drinks

- We're sorry Mia ... We thought you would like it ... Said the guys who had just arrived behind me

- It doesn't matter, you did well, I need to speak with him. I confessed to them

- Are you coming to dance? Connor offered me, holding out his hand.

- With pleasure. So we joined the dance floor. I thought Brad would make an effort for my birthday, that we would turn the page ...

- He organized an entire birthday day and especially a wonderful evening. Is it considered as an effort for you?

- It was ... He was the one who organized everything? I stuttered

- Yes. We helped him with a few things but he did the biggest. He asked the hotel to cook meals for you, he booked the activities, he spent two weeks calling all the guests to come and he decorated the whole villa. Mia you mean a lot to him you know ... He admitted to me

- Oh my god ... I'll go talk to him. I said

- IT'S GIFT TIME. Shouted James »

Connor pushed me over to a table with perfectly wrapped gifts on it. I opened a dozen gifts, they were all great, I couldn't believe it, I was so spoiled ... Then came Niall's turn, he approached me with a small case and handed it to me. I discovered a beautiful pair of earrings. I thanked him a thousand times and went over to the boys' present. It was a small envelope with writing "from James, Con and Tris" that I took in my hands. I opened it but didn't understand right away

"We know you've always dreamed of going to Japan. So we decided to offer you a trip for two of 2 weeks in Japan. They smiled

- I ... my god I can't believe it, it's great thank you guys you are the best. I took the 3 of them in my arms, thinking that Brad's gift must be this wonderful day. "

Once I thanked everyone, the DJ turned on the music and everyone went back to dancing. I wanted to go talk to Brad but I couldn't find him anywhere so I just kept dancing and drinking a few glasses of champagne.

After a few hours I was going to sit down because my feet ached terribly. The music giving me a headache, I made the decision to go to rest in an upstairs bedroom. No sooner had I closed the door behind me than it opened again. I took off my shoes and turned to see who had just entered.

"-Brad? "

Hope you like this chapter ! It was so long to translate it so i'm really sorry as always for all the spelling mistakes

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