A Rose's Thorns

By 888AthenaBlack888

1.1M 37.5K 13.1K

"Good luck, Rosalie Dorea Potter." The Dursleys played a huge role in shaping Harry's character. But what if... More

Authors Note
Act I
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
EXTRA 1 ~ potion's lesson
EXTRA 2 ~ meeting the inner circle
EXTRA 3 ~ sick day
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Extra 4 ~ the day i met a vampire
Act II
Act II: Introduction
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
EXTRA 5 ~ the day after the confession
Extra 6: first date
EXTRA 7 ~ slight drinking problem
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 11

24.5K 832 127
By 888AthenaBlack888

"Life is 100% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it." -Dennis P. Kimbro

-------------------> ON THE SUBURBAN STREET WHERE THE DURSLEY HOUSEHOLD was located, all the houses looked exactly the same, the yards were neatly trimmed and everything was perfectly normal, just like it was supposed to be.

However, on one particular Tuesday, at around four in the afternoon, this normalcy was broken by the appearance of a tall man with a long white beard.

He was a sight to behold- with his extravagantly ridiculous bright purple robes and a matching, bright purple tall, pointed hat. The man had a grandfatherly face, filled with wrinkles and smile lines along with literal twinkling blue eyes.

He was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Grand Sorcerer, Supreme Mugwump, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, former Transfiguration Professor and current Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a (very proud) Gryffindor alumni and an enthusiast of anything sweet.

He looked around the street with a secret smile before his eyes fell on his destination- Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

He made his way over there, his robes almost flying majestically around him.

Stopping in front of the house, he took a moment to check the blood wards and was very pleased and happy to see that they were as strong as ever. He then made his way to the front door and rang the bell.

While waiting for the door to open, his mind couldn't help but drift towards his latest sweet tooth- a muggle candy called Twix. Oh, it was absolutely delightful! The caramel layer tasted like heaven along with-

He blinked his thoughts away, as he realised the door had still not been opened.

'No worries,' He thought as he rang the doorbell yet again. After a minute of waiting, the door still had not opened, and there was no shuffling of footsteps either.

He momentarily frowned. What if something was wrong?

Just as he was about to caste an Alohomora on the door-

"Sir? Oh, Mister!" Came a voice.

Albus turned around to see a pretty young teenage girl with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Are you here to see the Dursleys?" the young girl asked curiously while looking at his attire weirdly.

It was a shame that people never did fully appreciate his unique robes...

"Yes, I am," Albus answered, a smile painted on his face.

"Then you might have to wait for quite a bit," the girl told him. "Mr Dursley has gone to work and Dudley had wrestling practise until five today. Mrs Dursley has gone shopping with my mum and the other ladies and knowing them, they will not be back until well after sundown."

Albus allowed his face to show a slight frown.

"Oh, is that so? Well, thank you, Miss..."

"Melissa Williams."

".. Williams for informing me of this." He said.

The girl, Melissa, shrugged. "Who are you supposed to be anyway?" She asked, still eyeing his attire.

"I am Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts." He replied with an inviting smile.

"Headmaster?" Melissa asked with a raised eyebrow. Her eyes then held realisation. " Oh!" She exclaimed. "You must be here for Rose, then. School officials are always coming around for her, you see. She is incredibly smart. But I'm sorry to say, that she will definitely reject the offer to attend your school. She has already been accepted to Eton, you know."

Throughout the time Melissa spoke, Albus' ears kept repeating one particular sentence. 'You must be here for Rose.' Melissa had said.


Rosalie Potter.

By the familiarity with which Melissa talked about her, it was obvious that the two girls were dear friends. Albus smiled at that thought.

She was leading a happy life. While he had been disappointed to not have seen her attend Hogwarts, he was glad that she had led a happy and quiet life, just as he had intended. The poor girl would not have been able to have a nice childhood in the Wizarding World, with the paparazzi trolling her and the hidden Death Eaters seeking revenge. Children were synonymous to innocence, and according to him, innocence must be preserved.

He was happy that leaving her with her muggle aunt had been the right decision.

But, Rosalie- sorry, 'Rose' Potter best be prepared. Because now, she would have to step into the world of magic and take her rightful place as Heiress of House Potter and more importantly, she would have to play her designated role in defeating a certain Dark Lord.

"Miss Williams, do you by chance know where Rose is? I wish to speak to her." He said.

Melissa giggled. " Oh Rose? She left."

His smile dropped, " I am not sure I follow."

Melissa leaned in a bit and lowered her voice by an octave, excited at the prospect of sharing a piece of gossip.

"You see, a month ago, the girls- Rose, Janice and I- were playing truth or dare when we saw this group. They were an odd lot. Attractive, but odd. Anyway, so, things happened, and long story short, the most handsome man I have ever seen, Marvy Silver or something, took Rose away for the day. I am not sure what exactly happened during that time, but she came back that Saturday with the man. Next thing I know, Mrs Dursley informs us that Marvy Silver was some kind of a genius and was holding this summer camp for smart people that Rose was selected for. She won't be back all summer. Mrs Dursley also said that Rose might also not go to Eton, but instead attend a college in the USA. So she might not be able to visit us and we won't be able to see her for quite a bit of time. I envy her a bit, to be honest. Not about the collage part. It's just that that man was so incredibly good looking. I personally feel the both of them -Rose and Marvy, that is- should get together. They make a dashing pair-"

"- Thank you, Miss Williams." Albus interrupted. His skin growing paler and his smile dropping by a millimetre with every word spoken by Melissa. "But do you mind describing to me the appearance of this man?" He asked politely, even though he had a sinking feeling that he knew just which 'odd lot' and the 'incredibly good looking man' she was referring to.

"Sure." Replied Melissa, smiling brightly. "You can never forget such a beautiful face. He was tall- taller than you, sir. He had black hair that was a little wavy but styled perfectly. His skin was extremely pale. His features were gorgeous. He looked very fit and was very polite and charming. And his eyes! Oh goodness, his eyes! They were so beautiful! Such a lovely shade of blue. Like an icy lake." She finished with a dreamy sigh.

Albus stood shell-shocked, the ever twinkle in his blue eyes was now nowhere to be seen.

"Thank you once again, Miss Williams. But I am afraid I have to leave now." He said politely, but with haste.

"No problem, I am always happy to help," Melissa answered. "Have a lovely day."

With one last smile in Melissa's direction, Albus swiftly walked away.

When he was far enough and was sure no muggle was present, he took out his wand and spoke, "Expecto Patronum."

His Patronus broke free from his wand, with a silvery angelic glow.

"Order Meeting at Longbottom Manor, now. It is very important and everybody must be present. I am afraid our deepest fears have come true." He spoke clearly to his Patronus.

It was truly an emergency, and something had to be done fast because Tom Riddle had Rosalie Potter.

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