
By Chanel2003Rose

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By the 2 Besties Chanel and Shaniyah More

Broken - Season 1


53 0 0
By Chanel2003Rose

*At the house*
*Phone call*
Shaniyah: hey bae
Josh: Hey baby girl how are you feeling
Shaniyah: Great actually you should come over my family will be home in 3 days because of a game in MD.
Josh: Ok cool I will be there in 15 minutes.
Shaniyah: See you in a few babe.
*He arrives*
Shaniyah: Hey bae I missed you while I was on the phone *while hugging and kissing him*
Josh: I missed you to but what have you been doing?
Shaniyah: Well rea....*Phone rings*
Shaniyah: Hello?
Chanel: Hey can I come over because Im bored?
Shaniyah: Hold on let me ask Josh....
Shaniyah: Hey bae can Chanel come over?
Josh: But babe......... I just wanted it to be me and you tho...
Shaniyah: Well I say she can come over she just is bored and we can play truth or dare or spin the bottle and invite Jayson because you know she like him.
Josh: Tru ok watever
Shaniyah: Chanel??? You are welcome to come???
Chanel: Ok be there in like 30 minutes.
Josh: I will call Jay *Dialing his number*
Jay: Hello?
Josh: Yo watup umm u wanna come to Shaniyah house Chanel is gonna be there?
Jay: Ok yea and I know she likes me and does she know that im coming?
Josh: Uhh no
Jay: Ok
Josh: Well you are right next door so come now.
Jay: Ok
*Chanel arrives*
Chanel: Hey boo
Shaniyah: Hey well come upstairs
Chanel: Ok
*When she gets to Shaniyah room*
Shaniyah: Sure
Chanel: Why didnt u tell me that Jayson was here???
Shaniyah: Well Josh invited him and we all know you like him soooo.......
Chanel: Yea i do a lot his is so cute tho i cant help it.
Shaniyah: I know can we go back now.
*Walking to Shaniyah chair*
Chanel: Hi Jayson
Jay: Hey
Chanel: Hi josh
Josh: Hi
Shaniyah: Soo guys do YALL want to play truth or dare.
All: Yea
Shaniyah: Ok I will go first.......Chanel truth or dare?
Chanel: Truth
Shaniyah: Ok umm .....Is is true that u like Jay???
Chanel: Omg really........YES I DO HAPPY NOW??
Shaniyah: Very
Jay: Wow Umm my turn...... Josh truth or dare??
Josh: Dare
Jay: Ok I dare you to Pick Shaniyah up and kiss her.
Josh: Ok
*Walks over to Shaniyah and picks her up and kissed her for 2 minutes.
Chanel and Jay: Ok then
Josh: I loved that thanks for that dare.
Jay: U r welcome???????
Josh: Ok then Jay Truth or dare??
Jay: Dare
Josh: Ok I dare you to Kiss Chanel and hold her waist while doing it.
Jay: Really man...... Well ok
*Jay walks up to Chanel grabs her waist and kisses her for a very long time*..
Shaniyah: You can stop now...
Josh: I knew that she liked him
*They finally stop*
Chanel: Wow
Jay: Anyways I'm tired of this game so do YALL want to watch some movies
All: Ok
Chanel: Josh y u telling all my business
Josh: CUZ that is what I do
Shaniyah: Well ok then I'm gonna go to the bathroom now.
All: Ok
Jay: Sooo Chanel you know I like you so will u go out with me?
Chanel: Ummmm Yea I wold love to
Josh: I knew he would do this
Chanel: Boy Shut.....
Shaniyah: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this hurts.........
All: Umm Niyah u ok
Shaniyah: Ummmmm I think I'm bout to have a baby.......
All: Tha fuck
Shaniyah: Help me........
Chanel: I will call the doctor

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