Who Are You?

By Wandering_Fujoshi

616K 25.2K 7.1K

Rhea, a normal college student who's drowning in loans and debt, dies by the infamous truck-sama. Unwillingly... More

Arc 0.1 - Soul Space
Arc 1.1 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.2 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.3 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.4 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.5 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.6 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.7 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.8 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.9 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.10 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.11 - Alex Mcguire
Arc 1.13 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.14 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.15 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.16 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.17 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.18 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.19 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.20 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.21 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.22 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.23 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.24 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.25 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.26 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.27 - Alex McGuire
Arc 0.2 - Soul Space
Arc 2.1 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.2 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.3 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.4 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.5 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.6 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.7 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.8 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.9 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.10 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.11 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.12 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.13 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.14 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.15 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.16 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.17 - Grayaon Hale
Arc 2.18 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.19 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.20 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.21 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.22 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.23 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.24 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.25 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.26 - Grayson Hale
Arc 0.3 - Soul Space
Arc 3.1 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.2 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.3 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.4 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.5 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.6 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.7 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.8 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.9 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.10 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.11 - Luther Abravel

Arc 1.12 - Alex McGuire

12.3K 494 116
By Wandering_Fujoshi

haha oops,
I posted the last chapter up too early. I didn't wait for the comments to gather up from 1.10 if they wanted Alex doing 'it' to be shown in the next chapter or not. But if there's quite a lot of positive responses, then I'll be sure to add it to as a sequel at the end of this arc.

Also, I want to know if you guys want a mass release when I finish writing the chapters for this arc or should I just keep publishing the moment I finish writing each chapter?


Alex arrived at the entrance of Eric's building after almost getting into a car accident. Twice.

He emotionlessly parked his car, entered the building, to the elevator all the way to the top floor, walked straight past security, past the assistant-secretary and opened the grey tinted glass door, into Eric's office.

All just to see, Sherry sticking her whole body up against Eric.

Both Sherry and Eric were shocked to see him enter so abruptly, albeit for different reasons.

Eric seeing Alex here wasn't surprising, but the fact that he saw him and Sherry hugging, he immediately took Sherry off of him as if the feeling of guilt hit him. And that shocked him, why did he take his crush out of his arms when Alex appeared? Furthermore, he should have no reason to feel guilty, so why?

Sherry was the most shocked. She had no knowledge of Alex and Eric being close. Close enough that neither security nor that clumsy assistant sitting outside had attempted to stop him. Realizing this she secretly felt glad, this means that Eric did as he promised and became closer to this man all just for her. Now her company can covert even more shares from the Roland Enterprises, that is if Eric can convince Alex McGuire for it somehow.

Alex was still expressionless as he watched, making Eric a bit nervous.

Alex honestly didn't care at all about what was happening here. Eric is the second male lead, he and the female lead being together isn't surprising at all. He has no interest in getting involved, but right now he had no choice but to. What he needed right now was to sleep, to do that he needs Eric.

"So sorry for interrupting, but I have some business with Eric."

"Oh? Aren't you Alex McGuire? The advisor and one of the founders of Roland Enterprises? I don't know if you remember, but we had met once before, about a month ago? You and Eric are friends? You never told me about you and him being friends, Eric." Sherry turned to Eric as she said the last sentence. She had a gleam in her eyes, clearly, she was playing something asking these questions.

"Yes...We are friends, right Eric?

"Uh, y-yeah, we're friends."

The moment Eric ended that sentence, a screen popped up in front of Alex.


[Get into contact with Eric Quincy and make a friendship with him]

[Points Awarded: 350p]
[Current Points: -4,650p]

[Mission #1 - 50% Incomplete]
[Mission #2 - COMPLETE]
[Mission #3 - 100% Incomplete]
[Hidden Quest - 99% Incomplete]

This system announcement made some questions pop into Alex's mind, but he swiped the screen away with his eyes. He decided to not bother overloading his mind about it until he got some sleep.

The expressionless Alex walked closer to the two.

"Yes, we are friends. I currently need this friend, so if you wouldn't mind..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Sherry began talking about how they should all get together soon and have some dinner with her fiancé, Brendon. For some reason, there was an abnormal amount of stressing out that she had a fiancé with her words as well as showing off her engagement ring as if trying to say 'no sorry, I know you're interested in me but I can't go out with you, I'm taken'.

Alex discreetly rubbed his temple when he pretended to brush his hair back. Slowly a smiling began to grow on his face, 'Someone please make this blabbering bitch go awaaaayy! Or I swear to god someone is going to get hurt soon!'

As if Eric heard his inner thoughts, he decided it was time for Sherry to go as he ended the conversation.

"For sure, the both of us will definitely meet up with you guys one day. We should talk about it more, another time."

"Yeah? You guys definitely should. Anyways, I gotta go now Eric~" Her voice turned sultry at the end. As she walked towards the smiling Alex she touched his arm and said her sultry voice only he could hear "I'll be seeing a lot more of you, gorgeous~" Alex dropped his smile and turned his head at his shoulder as she left through the door.

Only when she finally left through the elevator did Alex turn his head towards Eric. Blank face and all he slowly strutted closer and closer towards Eric. When he was too close, Eric instinctively took a step back.

Then they continued with this step back and step ahead routine until Eric's body was pressed against the wall behind him. Alex pulled Eric's wrist towards himself, making Eric's body crash into his broad chest. Wrapping his arms around Eric's waist he leaned him against the wall and lowered his face towards him.

Just as Eric thought he was going to be kissed by him, Alex instead lowered his head down and rested his forehead on Eric's shoulder. Eric didn't move, he couldn't move.

He had felt Alex being strange the moment he walked in, expressionless. Alex was never expressionless, he always either had a smirk playing on his lips or some form of a smile. Even when being unreadable Eric still had an idea of his mood from the vibe he was giving off.

Eric thought Alex was like this because Sherry was hugging him. And when Alex said he needed him for some business/as a friend, he also thought it had to do with him and Sherry hugging or to talk about his excessive pursuit on him.

Until, he caught Alex trying to put pressure on his temple when he brushed his hair back. That action definitely made him worried. It made him think that something was definitely wrong.

And then there was Alex's smile towards Sherry, it was completely different from his usual ones. This one brought a chill to Eric, he felt some underlined bloodlust spilling from behind that smile. Trusting his gut, he ended Sherry's talking in a hurry. He was thankful that she got the message and left.

What made him even more worried was what Sherry had said to Alex before leaving. Before, Alex was at least showing some small sign of emotion from the atmosphere around him, but not after she left. It was like he was moving but not awake.

"Sleep with me."

This sentence completely short-circuited his brain.

"Wha-what?! I already told you I'm no- ALEX!" Before he could finish what he was saying, Alex's knees buckled and he began falling on his side, towards the wooden desk. Thankfully, Eric was quick to catch him before Alex injured himself.

Eric didn't know what happened to Alex but he became panicked. He put Alex's body on the sofa in his office and kneeled beside him to check the man's breathing, doing a full-body search for any injuries of any kind.

He instantly relaxed, Alex's breathing was calm and alive and he didn't seem to be injured anywhere. It just seemed like he... fainted?

Frowning, he contemplated on this for some time when a thought hit him.


When he had his people do a full background check on Alex that included his health records, medication and diagnostic. He was an insomniac. Although it wasn't properly diagnosed, most medication Alex ever took was for sleep or similar to it. His former therapist also put down insomnia in her records on Alex McGuire.

Looking at this person, he showed absolutely no signs of insomnia whatsoever with his time together. He believed it to be false after interacting with him, but it seems that this bit of information could possibly be true.

Calmly getting up from his position, Eric picked Alex up with ease and carried him to the corner of his office, just to the side of his dark wooden desk. Adjusting his hold on Alex, He put his right hand on a black keypad after a mechanical voice of confirmation was heard, a hidden door suddenly opened.

Inside was a whole private bedroom suite.

A king bed with black silk sheets with a thick fluffy blanket stood in the back wall of the large room. On the side was a single leather sofa beside a wall filled with books. In front of the bed was a large flat screen above a fireplace. There were two separate doors, one leading to a walk-in closet, the other leading into a full bathroom suite.

(A/N: Hidden bedroom suite in a lawyer's office. This is a very similar idea to one of the arcs (Endou Kai) in one of my all-time favourite world-hopping stories. The first one who knows which one it is I'll give them a shoutout! Plus have my love as a fellow fan~... I'm talking too much in this story lately, I'll stop now. Enjoy~)

Eric carried Alex towards the bed and set him down. He then proceeded with taking off Alex's shoes and jacket. Just when he was about to put a blanket on Alex, he was suddenly pulled down onto a hard chest.

A deep voice was heard and he was suddenly pulled once again to the other side of the bed, with Alex cozying up to him.

Alex had only woken up in the moment and saw Eric. Instinctively, he reached for him as if he was going to disappear. He pulled him to his side and trapped him in his arms.

"You can't leave... you need to sleep with me. I've been suffering all week because of you..." After saying this short and vague line, he moved in closer to Eric. Breathing his scent in, he began sleeping once again as peacefully as that night

'Suffering? Why was Alex suffering because of me?' Eric didn't understand what Alex was talking about.

He thought back to all of the visits he's gotten from Alex in the past week. There was always a sense of annoyance every time he saw Alex. He didn't like Alex romantically and always tried to avoid him, but this man always found a way of bothering him. Always texting him with similar things like,

'Hey hot stuff, you thinking about me? Cause I'm thinking of doing you.'
'Hot stuff, I'm coming over. What kind of food do you want tonight?'
'Hot stuff, I'll bend you over one of these days~'

Yet this man never did anything remotely sexual or inappropriate this whole week. The only intimacy they ever had was that kiss.

'Was it because I wasn't cooperative and willing to see his feelings for me? Is that why he's suffering? He shouldn't be in any pain or suffer through anything because of me.'

As Eric looked at this sleeping man putting his head against his neck, he couldn't stop himself from thinking about all his features. From the face to the body, he was as attractive as they come. He could pass as an Adonis in any country.

Seeing as his principles were bending, he immediately put a stop to his thoughts. All he knew was that being in such close proximity to this man again brought weird feelings inside of him. Ones which phe didn't like or even expect to feel.

Eric's phone began vibrating. Shuffling his hand to his back pocket, he picked up the call, putting the phone on his ear.

"Mr. Quincy, the board meeting starts in 10 minutes." It was his official secretary.

Trying to leave Alex's arm only made them have a tighter hold on him. He couldn't move. Sighing he had no choice, "reschedule all meetings and plans booked for the rest of the week."

"Yes, sir." With no questions asked or explanation told the call was ended.

Frowning at the attractive face too close for his liking, he gave up. Thinking to close his eyes for a few minutes to try to get his thoughts in place ended up with his eyes being closed for more than a few hours.

Two men in bed, sleeping together. One with his arms tightly wrapped around the other. One with his head snuggled in the other's chest, seeking warmth.

Parasite had no words.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*SLAM* A glass full of alcohol was thrown towards a buff bald man wearing a full suit with a wired microphone in his ear.


Blood began streaming out of the man's forehead, down his face. Hazardous broken glass and alcohol scattered around the area the bald man was standing. Without a flinch or sign of being in pain, he calmly reported his findings.

"Sir, we've been searching everywhere and everyone who had been in and around the top floor that night. No one but Ms. White and Mr. Quincy had entered the room. However, they both have solid alibis to prove they didn't do it."

"That's what you've been telling me for THE PAST 2 FUCKING DAYS!"

The man standing behind the large oak desk in a fit of rage was none other than the Male Lead.

Brendon had never been more humiliated in such a way in his entire life.

That night he was getting it up and on with Sherry when he suddenly blacked out and woke up naked in an alleyway dumpster in the slums, hundreds of miles away from his city. With nothing but his tie and socks on, he was forced to fend for shelter, food, and clothes from smelly hobos and druggies littering the streets. He even had to fight with a savage dog to keep a ripped blanket. He had no way to go home or grab a hold of a phone in the area. All this took place in a few days until his bodyguards found him almost dead from the cold in the middle of the street.

The news of his lowest moment in life was all over social media. He didn't have the face to go outside for the rest of the week. What's worse is that his wedding is in a few weeks and Sherry had made no appearance in front of him since that night at the club.

He was a fucking disaster.

Drowning himself in alcohol, while his company was on the brink of dropping from the rankings because of this ONE incident. They were only able to stay up with the ranks thanks to Sherry and Carl's efforts.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door before it opened to reveal Sherry.

"Sherry? Oh my god! Where have you been? Everything's ruined for me!" Running over to Sherry he began to sob in her arms.

The bald man nodded his head towards Sherry and walked out of the room.

"Shhhh, everything is going to be alright.
Don't worry." Sherry consoled him slowly bring him to lay down on the sofa with his head on her lap. He pushed and rubbed his head against her stomach, sobbing even more.

"I've found a way for us to get revenge on the one who did this to you."

"What!" Abruptly sitting up, he looked towards Sherry with surprise, before quickly turning into rage. "You know who he is?! TELL ME WHO THAT FUCKER IS?!!" He shook Sherry's shoulders harshly before calming down and hugging her, spewing out apologies and asking for forgiveness.

Sherry got a feeling of déjà vu for some reason. Shrugging it off, a gleam flashed through her eyes.

"It's him. Alex McGuire. He did this to you."

Clenching his gums in absolute rage, he vowed to kill that fucker with his own hands if he had to. He didn't doubt or even question Sherry about how she knew it was Alex McGuire.

He trusted her wholeheartedly.

"Don't worry, we'll have our revenge soon. For now," She caressed Brendon's face with the back of her hand, her voice fell into a sultry whisper, "let's focus on our marriage~"

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