Winston Academy Middle School...

By WiseOwl07

333 23 2

Skyler Robinson and her family have always been viewed as... different. Skyler didn't think much of it, she d... More

Author's Notes
Chapter One: Mom Sends Me Away
Chapter Two: I Meet My Roommates
Chapter Three: My Life Got Flipped Upside Down
Chapter Four: Term is About to Start
Chapter Six: I Discover Something
Chapter Seven: I (Kind Of) Figure The Riddle Out
Chapter Eight: Mythology Class Suddenly Becomes Interesting
Chapter Nine: A Family Secret
Chapter Ten: Life Somewhat Settles Down
Chapter Eleven: Exams, Ugh. -Not
Chapter Twelve: Not Again
Chapter Thirteen: Things Are Getting Messy
Chapter Fourteen: New Year, New Problem
Chapter Fifteen: This is SO Hard
Chapter Sixteen: The Moment Comes
Chapter Seventeen: Wait What? No Way...
Chapter Eighteen: I'm Leaving, For Now

Chapter Five: Term is ACTUALLY Starting

20 1 0
By WiseOwl07

The following two days were not particularly eventful or anything, so I didn't bother to explain them in detail.

Like what Willow said, on the second-to-last day the dining room went from barely full at breakfast to jam-packed at dinner. By the way, if you don't know what I'm implying here, I'm basically saying that a lot of people came.

The school complex suddenly burst with people. Chattering echoed in almost every hallway. Very different from the quiet, empty buildings we've had before.

The boys got another roommate. His name is Theo Brown, and he's descended from a harpy. All the dorms around ours got claimed by students too. It was a big, sudden change in atmosphere.

The night before term started, Professor Holland gave us a welcome speech.

"...Tomorrow term will start, so please be prepared..."

Everybody groaned.

Even half mythical kids still hate school, huh? I guess some things are to stay as they are.

I didn't mind term starting, and I was excited. So I packed my bag for Monday's lessons and went to sleep early.


Science and Math were taught by none other than Ms. Lana. Probably one of the best teacher/ lesson combination we have according to me. The lessons are (I assume) standard 7th grade stuff, which is fine by me. The rest of the class though, not too big of a fan. My friends were relieved that the teacher was at least fun.

The English teacher was Mr. Quark. He's okay, not the best but still good enough. Again, the lessons were presumably standard 7th grade stuff.

General Magic was taught by Mrs. Winter. She's pretty strict but fair. On our very first day of class she clearly stated our end goal for the first semester and started explaining. After that we were given a simple practical assignment, which wasn't too hard. Out of class she becomes a different person entirely, almost like an aunt to the kids.

Ms. Thistleworth teaches Defence 101, which is basically combat practice. We were given an item based on our abilities and skills, then she magicked some practice dummies to life for us to practice against. Being a werewolf Hybrid, I got a sword and shield, but other Hybrids were given other things. Willow got a bow and arrow. Kaiden got a staff. Some others had spears or throwing knives or shurikens. It was a LOT of fun.

Mythology is probably the most boring class. Yes, the lesson itself is exciting, but the teacher's way of explaining isn't. Mr. Sparrow just DRONES on and on and on in a monotone voice. I just end up learning the material on my own by reading.

The Language is entirely different to Mythology. It's so new and... odd but so familiar that it could never get boring. Mrs. Barkley sometimes does get carried away with chattering in The Language without explaining what each word is, so sometimes we just sit there listening and trying to figure out what she's saying.

I'll just insert this for the record, but Werewolf Training might just about be my new favorite. It's so cool.  The teacher, Mr. Goodwill, said that by the end of the 1st semester we should be able to turn into our wolf forms and back at any given time, which sounds awesome. It's also so unpredictable in a good way, you never know what activity we were going have the next meeting.

Last but not least is Sphinx Class with Mr. Kingston. It's pretty basic, just doing puzzles and riddles and stuff like that.

For the most part, all 7th graders go to the same class in batches, but all the ancestor- specific classes are mixed between grades. All werewolves go to the same class at the exact same time, and the teacher just gives each grade a set of instructions. It's kinda chaotic, but okay...

Apparently Michel shares almost all of the same classes with me. Being both seventh graders and werewolf Hybrids, we meet A LOT. And although it's no secret that I'm probably the best student in 7th grade, Michel's pretty close. He is really smart.

Same with Kaiden. He is also very smart. In fact, Kaiden, Michel, and I have this friendly rivalry on who can get the best grades. I usually win, being part Sphinx, but there are times when one of them beats me.

A unique thing about Winston Academy is that Friday is basically a day off. It's supposed to be the day where retests and extra lessons are held. For those rare Hybrids who have two different mythical ancestors, it's also the day where we have our second ancestor- based class.

Let me tell you, despite that, school at Winston Academy is tiring. Even for me. But I can manage, I can get by with quite a lot of allowance.

Yes, I haven't forgotten about my side project of researching about the accident. But after days of looking in the library, I haven't found anything either.

I have also tried looking for it on the internet, but obviously there wouldn't be much information about it. Come on, why would ANYONE share that on the internet. It would probably go viral and then be labeled as fake.

I just had to keep trying, I knew there was something to be found.

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