better : alvaro romero


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2.5K 101 167


camila ended up leaving jersey the same night she got there. right after she got back to the hotel, her brother and thalia rushed in the room. camila was just about to fall asleep when she heard them shuffling through their stuff.

camila noticed how panicked her brother was, suddenly becoming panicked herself. elias was usually chill about things, he knew how to maintain his cool in tough situations so when she saw his panic, she knew something was wrong.

"elias what's wrong?" she sat up, her breathing uneven.

"we have to go home now!" he shouted, causing camila to flinch. thalia motioned to the suitcases and camila quickly got up from the bed. she wanted answers, but she knew she wasn't going to get them so the least she could do is listen to whatever elias tells her.

they packed their suitcases and checked out of the hotel, a car already waiting for them as they exited the hotel. they took the next flight back to florida.

as soon as they landed, they rushed out of the airplane and grabbed their belongings, rushing out of the airport and seeing their father waiting for them outside of the airport. he looked tired, and he looked like he had been crying.

"where's mami?" camila asked, watching her brother and father look at each other. "where is mami!" she panicked, shouting at her brother and father for answers.

"you didn't tell her?!" her father shouted at her brother. elias shook his head and his father looked in the rear view mirror, making eye contact with camila through the mirror.

"we went out. i was drinking so mami drove home. mami was sober, cammy. i promise she was sober." her father explained. "we were at a light, and it turned green so your mother started driving and suddenly we were hit from her side. i made it out with barely any cuts and bruises but your mother was unconscious as the ambulance arrived at the scene."

camila didn't say a thing. she didn't know what to say. she couldn't cry, for some reason she wasn't able to. but her heart was breaking every second she wasn't by her mothers side. she's going to be okay, she's going to be okay.

when they arrived at the hospital, camila rushed into the waiting room. her mother was undergoing surgery for internal bleeding in her head. elias was definitely taking it harder than anyone else, he is a mommas boy and doesn't know what he would ever do without his mother.

she sat against the wall of the waiting room, watching her brother panic and thalia comfort him. her dad was getting coffee, not wanting to be in the waiting room for the reason being that all he could think about was the worse that could happen.

today 5:13am

my love 🤍
i know you're asleep, but
i left jersey. family emergency.

my love 🤍
i'll see you when you get home.

camila closed her eyes and rested her head against thalias thigh. thalia had one hand on elias' back and the other hand going through camilas hair.

camila @cramirezx
pls say a prayer for my mami 🥺

julian barboza and 4 others liked your Tweet!

today 5:43am

julian 🃏
is your mom okay

got in a car accident, she's
undergoing surgery now

julian 🃏
everything will be okay
camz, i promise

julian 🃏
i know we left off on the
wrong foot but i hope you
know i'm here for u always.

thank you jul, appreciate it.

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

the house was quiet and camila couldn't bare the silence. it was new years eve and camila was barely getting home from visiting her mother in the hospital.

the surgery went well, her mother would be on bed rest for two months at the most. she has a fractured arm and cuts on her body from the glass. she also lost all sense of touch in her leg, but other than that she's okay.

camila plopped on her bed, opening her laptop to go on twitter.

incoming call from varo <3


camila smiled as she seen her boyfriends face pop up on her laptop. he waved and showed mattia, who excitedly grabbed alvaros phone.

"hi cam!" he smiled. alvaro took the phone back and she can hear mattia calling him names. camila laughed as her boyfriend reappeared on her screen.

"hi love." alvaro smiled, setting his phone on a desk in mattias room. he sat down at the desk and focused his full attention on camila.

"hi there." she laughed.

"how's your mom?" he asked her. camila frowned and told him her condition, alvaro feeling bad because he knew camila was going to stress over it even though she would never admit it. all he wanted was to be by her side to comfort her, but he was in jersey and couldn't afford to pay for a new plane ticket.

the two talked, mattia butting in here and there.

"so what are you guys doing to celebrate?" camila asked, alvaro going silent.

"party at breannas!" mattia shouted, alvaro turning around and staring at mattia.

"oh, again?" camila shifted in her bed uncomfortable. alvaro nodded and camila grabbed her arm, once again feeling fearful of the events that can possibly take place while she's not there.

"i have to go pick up elias." she lied, not wanting to be on the phone anymore. "i'll talk to you later, be safe." she smiled.

alvaro and mattia waved into the camera before camila hung up. camila quickly opened the thread to hers and elleahs messages.

today 3:45pm

camila 🧚🏽‍♀️
remember how i told you
about that breanna girl

camila 🧚🏽‍♀️
the boys are going to a
party at her house again 🙁

elleah 🧜🏽‍♀️
you're worrying about nothing

elleah 🧜🏽‍♀️
actually, worry your ass off

elleah 🧜🏽‍♀️
a whole group full of dogs,
imagine ? 🤢

camila 🧚🏽‍♀️
hey you're suppose to make
me feel better about this .

camila 🧚🏽‍♀️
just because you think ale
wronged you, doesn't mean
alvaro will wrong me too

elleah 🧜🏽‍♀️
think ?? really camila ??

elleah 🧜🏽‍♀️
yk what

elleah 🧜🏽‍♀️
choose his side over mine,
shouldn't be surprised when
you almost did the same thing
when it came to campo .

camila 🧚🏽‍♀️
i'm not choosing sides !

camila 🧚🏽‍♀️
look at you el . once again
making everything about you

camila 🧚🏽‍♀️
i came to you for comfort but
here you are turning it around
and making shit about alejandro

camila 🧚🏽‍♀️
sorry my boyfriends friend broke
your heart or whatever the hell
you wanna call it. no need to be
so fucking bitter.

camila wanted to scream. her boyfriend was going to party at his exs house, her mom was in the hospital, and her and her best friend aren't on good terms.

camila couldn't do much about anything. it was out of her hands and she'd have to let everything happen on its own. she had no control over her mothers health, nor did she have any control over what alvaro did tonight or who he did anything with.

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

alvaro entered the all too familiar house, turning to the side and seeing breanna talking to jess. he smiled and waved at the two, then catching up with the boys.

roshaun was walking next to alvaro. mattia, kairi, and alejandro were walking in front of them. they walked into the backyard, this time staying together as a group.

alvaro and camila agreed to call each other before the clock stroke twelve, though she wouldn't be with him physically, it gave both of them comfort of being with one another through the phone.

alvaro was standing outside with a cup in his hand. he was talking to robert who was already drunker than drunk. he felt someone standing next to him and seen breanna, rolling his eyes and turning his full attention to robert.

"you smiled and waved when you came in, but now you're rolling your eyes at me." she sighed, dragging her hand on his arm. he sighed and turned to her.

"do you remember monday night? like at all?" alvaro asked her.

"uhm, i remember throwing up and you being in the bathroom, but that's all." breanna lied. she remembered everything that happened that night, including what she told alvaro.

"just watch your liquor breanna." he muttered, turning his attention to his friends once more.

alvaro tried not to drink as much as he did the previous night, but breanna was forcing shots down his throat. he didn't want to say no and kill anyones vibe, so he was taking them without refusing them at all.

mattia and roshaun were watching alvaro, both noticing how much closer breanna and alvaro have gotten throughout the night. breanna was all over alvaro, and roshaun wasn't comfortable with it at all; he didn't see alvaro pushing her away from him or distancing himself from her though.

it was eleven-fifty and the clock would strike twelve in ten minutes. alvaro knew he had to call camila, but he was too occupied by breanna.

she was throwing herself at him, and during the moment he was all here for it, not thinking of the consequences. roshaun was finally fed up with watching the two smile and flirt.

roshaun made his way to the two and pulled alvaro away from breanna. alvaro looked at roshaun, confused.

"what are you doing?" alvaro asked roshaun, furrowing his eyebrows.

"you're dating one of my best friends and letting your ex get super close to you, you guys look like you're more than friends." roshaun explained himself. roshaun was angry at alvaro, not wanting to have to deal with anything alvaro was doing.

"breanna and i are just friends, just talking, roshaun." alvaro pulled away from roshaun. roshaun watched alvaro as he walked away from him and back to breanna.

"he's going to cheat, i just know it." roshaun told mattia, huffing as breanna grabbed onto alvaros arm. "they haven't even been together for a month!"

"that's not your concern." mattia informed roshaun. roshaun shook his head.

"come on, mattia. don't you want to protect her? you guys have built a bond. don't let this stupid ass ruin it."

"i do want to protect her! it's just... it's bro code roshaun." mattia defended himself. "alvaro was our bro before camila was anything to any of us."

roshaun shook his head for what seemed like the hundredth time and walked towards the fence that overlooked the city.

he looked at his phone, seeing the time being eleven-fifty nine. people began counting down from ten.


camila stared at her phone, waiting for alvaro to pick up.


alvaro grabbed breannas hand, looking over the fence and at the view in front of him.


camila called once more, anxiously waiting.


roshaun scoffed as her turned his head to look at alvaro holding hands with breanna.


alvaro pulled his phone from his pocket, seeing the picture of his girlfriend pop up on his phone. he shook his head and placed it back in his pocket.


camila turned her phone off and stood in the living room with her father, brother, and thalia. they were watching the countdown on television from new york city.


breanna pulled alvaros face so that he was facing her, placing one of her hands on his chest.


camilas family were shouting the numbers, trying not to let their moms condition get the best of them.


alvaro cupped breannas face. roshaun watched as his best friend was getting ready to cheat on his girlfriend.


"happy new years!" alvaro crashed his lips into breannas. the sound of cheering and fireworks surrounding them. mattia, kairi, alejandro, and roshaun watched their good friend be cheated on by their best friend. all of them knew they couldn't say anything about it either, it was bro code after all.

camila was upset. she was upset that alvaro didn't pick up, despite her calling numerous times. she didn't expect him not to pick up, he promised her he would and promises were everything to her.

╔═══ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ═══╗
╚═══ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ═══╝

what a WHORE! it really do be like this
though huh 🥱. see ya'll in the afternoon! (:

don't forget to vote + comment! <3

word count: 2040

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