Forbidden Love (Ko X Reader X...

By Tko207

42.7K 1.4K 4K

~ LEMON AT THE END ~ Ko is 12-17 years old boy who works in a bodega with his two friends in the plaza, he me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 10

1.4K 49 169
By Tko207

Sooo some of ya wanted lemons.., and some didn't want.., so I decided there won't be lemons since there's people doesn't want it, plus I'd feel embarrassed if I wrote some lol.

Anyway, enjoy~


( Your pov )
~ Next Day ~

Professor Venomous wasn't very happy to see me the next morning, he was really mad and disappointed with me.

"I don't appreciate this kind of behavior Y/n", Professor Venomous said with crossed arms.

He was sitting on his office while I stood there looking down at my feet.

"I know sir, and I'm sorry", I apologized.

But honestly I don't regret yesterday, it was one of the best days I've ever had, I've never felt so happy and free in my whole life like that.

I hope he didn't find out about me hanging out with Tko...

Professor Venomous let out a sigh, "I have a present for you", he suddenly said, making me I lifted up my head, looking at him confused.

Present? But I thought he was mad at me?

He opened his drawer and took out a small box wrapped with a red ribbon.

He then stood up and walked closer to me. "Here", he handed it me and I took it.

I look at it confused, "but...why would you give me a present if you were mad and disappointed at me?", I asked as I looked at him.

"I wanted to give it you yesterday, but you never showed up, and you don't have a phone", he said.

I looked down as I blushed out of shame, I didn't know what to say...I really feel bad..

"Aren't you going to open it?", he asked.

I looked up at him, "of course", I said. I then looked at the present and opened it, my eyes immediately widened when I saw...



A new phone!!

I looked at Professor Venomous with shock, it's not that I didn't like it, but I was...surprised..

"A new phone?", I asked as I started getting a bit emotional.

"Do you like it?", he asked as a soft smile appeared on his face.

"I love it", I said as my eyes started getting watery. I then jumped hugging him tightly, "thank you"

"You're welcome Y/n", he said as he hugged me back. "I saved my and Fink's number in it, if you need anything you can text or call. And you better tell me if you're going to run away", he jokingly said and I giggled.

"I will", I said as we pulled apart, and I rubbed my eyes.

"No c'mon, let's go before you get late for school"


~ Skip Time ~

I walked to my class with a smile on my face, I still feel happy about my new phone.

I can't wait to tell Tko about it! Should I ask for his number? No, play it cool Y/n, and let him ask you first.

I got in my class and went straight to my seat, I saw him with his hoodie on, facing the window.

"Hey", I simply said, trying to act normal and cool.

Instead of Tko, Ko turned his head and looked at me angrily.

"Yeesh, what are you so grumpy about?", I said as sat down.

"Are you seriously asking me this?!", he said, making it clear that he's mad at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him, confused.

Did I do something wrong to him?

"You destroyed a lot of buildings yesterday! You stole money and jewelry, you destroyed copes cars, and you literally hurt people!! You did all that with Tko!!", he whisper yelled at me.

"Well dah, I'm a villain, remember?", I said as I crossed my arms.

"But that doesn't mean you have to do all these stuff with Tko!!", he said angrily.

"Why are you mad at me?! He's the one who came with all those ideas, plus he's a villain, so I don't see where the problem is", I said as I shrugged.

"People can literally mistake me with him and you were with him!! And that can destroy my reputation as a hero!!", he said furiously.

"Well it still not my fault, Tko is the one who asked me to go out with him", I said as I crossed my arms.

"You could've said no to him!", he said.

Seconds later, the teacher came, "good morning class", ms. Cherry said and all the class greeted her. She then looked at a paper in her hand, "may I know where is Ko Kincaid and Y/n F/n?", she asked.

Ko and I looked at each other before we raise our hands, "here", we said at the same time.

"The principal would like to see you in his office", she said.

"OoOooOooOooo", the class went.

Ko glared at me before getting up and walked to the door, I sighed and followed him.


~ At The Principal Office ~

Ko politely knocked at the principal office, "come in", we heard mr.Smith.

Ko then pushed the door open and we both got in, "come and sit down", he said.

Ko and I went and sat across his office.

"I think we all know why the two of you are here, right?", mr.Smith started.

Ko and I looked at each other confused then back at him, "you were supposed to have detention yesterday, but you two ran away", he said as he closed his eyes and rubbed temples. 

Oh crap, I forgot about that.

"Sir I'm very sorry, I hadn't been myself yesterday and-", Ko nervously tried to explain but the principal cut him off.

"I don't want to hear any excuses. I want you today after school for four hours to clean the school bathrooms, is that understood?", mr.smith said with cold tone. My eyes widened.


"Yes sir-", Ko was cut off again.

"No way!!", I snapped as I stood up, "We are not going to clean this stupid school bathrooms!!", I yelled angrily.

"Watch your tone miss Y/n, you should've thought about the consequences before running from your detention", he calmly said.

"But this is unfair and disgusting!!", I yelled again.

"I said watch your tone, should I make it six hours?", he warned me.

"Y/n stope refusing", Ko whispered nervously.

"And who the hell do you think you are?!", I asked.

Ko's eyes widened as he looked at me, then looked at mr.Smith to see his reaction.

"I beg your pardon?", the principal asked.

"Do you know who my daddy is? My daddy is a powerful businessman who can literally turn your life into hell, and he can destroy this stupid school if I wanted to, just a call from me to him and it's over!", I said in a demonic tone as I took my phone out of my pocket.

I lied as I faked my confidence, hoping he would believe it, if not then I'll be in a worse situation.

Luckily the principal seemed shocked and worried, especially when I took out my phone and saw it's brand new.

"N-Now now we don't want that to happen, right? I'm sure we can make an agreement, how about only two hours to clean the bathrooms?", he nervously asked with a stupid smile on his face.

"No! We are not going to clean the disgusting bathrooms!!", I yelled.

"I don't think tha-", mr.Smith was cut off by me making a call and putting the phone in my ear as it started ringing.

I called Professor Venomous..

"Alright how about one hour??", he asked.

I rolled my eyes at him and gave him my back, Ko looked at me worried.

When Professor Venomous answered, "Hey daddy..", I said.

I then heard mr.Smith sighed, "alright, no cleaning the bathrooms", he said.

A big smirk grew on my face as I hang up the phone.

I'll explain to him later..

I turned around, "good, now c'mon Ko, we don't wanna miss our class"

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