The Gift - Jaemin x Jeno

By abnegative

397 23 3

one shot a modern faerie tale jaemin never expects jeno to break his heart and feels utterly lost and alone h... More

The Gift part one
The Gift * Part Two

The Gift * Part Three

112 8 2
By abnegative

The Gift • Part Three

The sun had long dipped below the horizon when they arrived at Mark Lee's party. "Stay close to me and don't take drinks from strangers," Jaemin said as he gripped Renjun's hand tight. "Okay." Renjun smiled brightly as they walked up to the house. People were everywhere, outside on the lawn, walking around with drinks in pairs or groups. "Jaemin! Human music is so wonderful!" Renjun tried to pull Jaemin into another impromptu dance but there were people everywhere. "Wait until we get inside," Jaemin said to the delighted faerie boy, "then I promise I'll dance with you. Later."

Jeno stood in the kitchen, beer in hand, Yeri and Mark and a few others around him. The conversation had been causal gossip until Donghyuk burst into the kitchen bursting with news. "Jaemin's here and he brought a boyfriend!" His eyes sparkled with the excitement of juicy gossip and he quickly ducked back out to tell the next group he came across.

"Jaemin has a boyfriend? Since when?" Yeri's friend Chaeyoung piped up into the conversation. "He's super cute and they suit each other so well. We saw them together today, didn't we Jeno?" Yeri's eyes flicked over to Jeno who took a big gulp of his beer.

Jeno listened intently to the conversations around him. He felt on edge, nervous even, knowing that if someone said something awful about Jaemin he'd have to defend his best friend. Jeno's fears of his friend being outcast, or worse, bullied made his stomach churn with anxiety.

But as he listened in he soon realised no one seemed prejudiced, or disgusted, or even surprised.

"Na Jamein has a boyfriend, how cute."

"Have you seen him? Ugh they look so good together..."

"It's so nice to see Jamein happy. He's never even had a date that anyone knows of."

"I heard he confessed on Valentine's Day. Can you imagine how romantic that would have been?"

"Jeno did you know? How long have they been together? Is he really as sweet as he looks?" Chaeyoung's questions were innocent enough but Jeno slammed his beer bottle down on the kitchen bench. "I don't fucking know okay?" He turned to the group with an uncharacteristic frown, fire and rage flaring in his usually gentle expression, his face wearing an expression that was both unexpected and unsettling. He grabbed another beer and stalked from the room leaving his friends staring after him in confusion.

"What's up his ass?" Mark laughed.

"He's jealous!" Yeri laughed too. "Can't you tell?"

Jamein wasn't a big drinker. The night before, his feelings in turmoil, his mind awash in confusion, he'd used alcohol to quiet the demons inside him. Tonight he led Renjun by the hand through the house party, stopping to talk to a few people on the way, introducing Renjun to everyone who spoke to them. By the time he made it to the kitchen in search of a few soft drinks he was greeted by a chorus of strangely excited voices.

"Hi Jamein. Hi Renjun. We met earlier today. Remember?" Yeri pushed her way towards the two boys to make conversation with Chaeyoung right behind her. "Hi! I'm Chaeyoung. Nice to meet you." Chaeyoung pushed her way between Jaemin and Renjun before Donghyuk appeared and joined he group.

"Jaemin. Jeno's pretty upset. I don't know what's wrong with him." Mark pulled Jaemin aside. "He's had a few too many already and I think it might be best if you go find him." Jamein looked over to Renjun who was completely entranced with Donghyuk's golden complexion. "We'll keep an eye on him. He'll be fine." Jamein was worried about Jeno and he knew he had no good excuse for not leaving Renjun alone. "Renjun. I'll be back in ten minutes. Okay?" Renjun smiled as he continued his conversation with a grinning Donghyuk.

"So..." Donghyuk smirked at the older boy. "You and Jamein. How long have you been together?" Renjun thought hard. "About one day." He smiled at Donghyuk. "You're very beautiful." He reached out and stroked Donghyuk's cheek as he stared into his eyes making the other laugh. "Hey, Mr Handsy, wouldn't want your lover to get the wrong idea!" Donghyuk grabbed Renjun's hand and moved away a little but Renjun just frowned. "Jaemin isn't my lover. He's Jeno's soulmate." Renjun blessed Donghyuk with a smile that was warm and comforting and made the younger feel soft inside. "I could never come between two soulmates who are destined for each other."

"Interesting...." Donghyuk murmured as he rubbed his hands together. "Want to get a drink?"

"Jeno..." Jaemin called out as he searched the yard. The light was dim and there were people everywhere. He searched and he called out and he asked everyone if they had seen his friend. But everyone just shook their heads and shrugged at him and he sighed in unsatisfied resignation.

He didn't want to leave Renjun unsupervised for too long. So he took one last look around before heading inside back to the party.

He checked the kitchen and found only Yeri and Mark and a few of their older friends. "Shit..." Jamein swore under his breath before heading into the living room where the couches had been moved out to make room for a makeshift dance floor. Music pounded and people danced and Jaemin found Renjun with Donghyuk.

He had a half empty red drink in one hand and a half empty yellow drink in the other. The music thundered in Jaemin's ears as he watched Renjun grinding on Donghyuk, his face brightly lit with delight, Donghyuk's arms around Renjun's neck. He watched Renjun close his eyes and take a huge gulp of the red drink before he pushed his way through the crowd and pulled Renjun down by the arm.

"Renjun! I told you not to take drinks from strangers!" Jaemin grabbed for the red bottle as Renjun giggled with glee. He let go of the red one before downing the rest of the yellow liquid in the other bottle. "It's yummy," he giggled again as the pineapple flavoured alcohol ran down his chin, "It's making me feel funny!" His cheeks were flushed as he let Jaemin pull him close to his body. "And Hyuckie isn't a stranger..... he's my new friend..."

Renjun leaned close to Jaemin's ear and slurred a little. "I want to take him home. He's sooooo pretty.......They'd love him in the faerie world!"

He sank heavily against Jaemin's body and dropped his grip on the almost empty bottle of sweet pineapple alcohol. "I want to go home." Renjun mumbled and Jaemin sighed. So did he.

Jamein helped him out the front and deposited him on the front lawn. "Stay here and don't move," Jaemin wanted to check the house one last time for Jeno before he left. He turned back to see Renjun flat on his back and had to laugh. The grumpy little faerie came all the way to the human world to help him and just ended up getting drunk and dancing on a table at a house party.

Renjun lay flat on the grass and sang to himself a little. He didn't know where he'd heard the song but it had kind of always just been in his head, in his memories, the song of the rhythm of his heart.

Little dandelion bright and true

Little petal I love you

Earth below and sky above

Grow up to fill the world with love

He giggled a little and wondered how the stars could look so different from the way they do at home. He held his hands out in front of him and played with his fingers for a bit before singing his little song again.

A shadow fell over him and he was suddenly staring up into Jeno's face.

"Do you love him?" Jeno asked as he stared down at the little fae. Renjun sat up in surprise before scowling rudely at the dark haired man. "Yes. How could I not?" He giggled again at Jeno's expression shifting from angry to sad. "I love him but we aren't lovers."

Renjun laughed again and the sound, like the gentle pattern of rain on leaves, rang clear across the quiet night. "He's pretty and he's kind. He's sweet and caring and fun. He's special and you had the chance to be with your soulmate." Renjun stood up unsteadily on wobbly legs and pointed at Jeno's chest. "You had a chance at true love and I think you blew it!"

A cold breeze suddenly blew up around the two warring boys and tiny florets of dandelion fuzz surrounded them as they stared at each other.

"You hurt him." Renjun said. "You made him cry a lot. I don't know if you deserve a second chance."

Jeno bit his lip as he turned and walked away.

Jeno drained the rest of his beer and tossed the bottle aside. He didn't want to go home yet, to his cold empty bed, to the demons raging inside his brain. He hid in the shadow of the house and watched as the beautiful boy with the rose hued hair found his golden friend on the lawn. He watched as Renjun grabbed Jaemin's hands and swung him around in a circle making the pink haired boy squeal with laughter.

Jeno's insides twisted as he watched Renjun and Jaemin dance in a soft slow embrace to the sound of Renjun's giggles. He watched as they began to walk, before Renjun stopped suddenly, bending down to the ground.

He watched on in silence as Renjun held the dandelion out and Jaemin blew its fuzz. Their smiles could be seen even in the dim light and as they began to walk off hand in hand Jeno turned and threw up the stomach full of beer he had consumed to try and forget.

He tried to forget that it was his dance the golden haired boy was dancing.

But as he slumped to the ground he couldn't forget. Shattered rose petals filled his mind as he closed his eyes and tried to block the world out for just a minute. He was so tired. So tired he barely registered Donghyuk and Mark picking him up and moving him inside.

"Jaeeee.....min......." Renjun singsonged as they walked home to Jaemin's dorm. "I'm so sorry Jaemin.... I don't think I'm helping....."

Jaemin had to laugh. "You are." Renjun had no idea how much he was helping. Every minute with the gentle faerie boy was a minute he didn't have to deal with his broken heart. Renjun's curiosity and child like wonder had patched Jaemin's shattered heart a little. It might not be whole, it might never be whole again, but Renjun's company had wrapped it in care and comfort and love.

It was a different kind of love to his love for Jeno. His love for Jeno raged inside him, it was strong and passionate and wild, it was all consuming and unstoppable.

The love he felt for Renjun was one of stillness and grace. It was soft and careful, it was gentle and soothing and calming, it was bathed in a light that was full of energy.

His love for Renjun was glittering stars and a crescent moon in a cold indigo sky.

His love for Jeno was a midsummer sun, blazing its heat and life down on the scorched earth.

When Jaemin unlocked the door and Renjun fell onto his bed Jaemin let him stay there. He tried to pull the sneakers from his feet but Renjun slurred in a comical protest. "Leave my star shoes on Jamein. I need them to dance across the sky in my dreams..." Jamein brushed the hair from the faerie's forehead and laid next to him. "You have no idea how much you've helped me...." he whispered to the snoring boy before drifting into sleep.

Jeno didn't want to open his eyes. He could feel the throbbing hangover pounding at his brain and the bright sunlight stabbing through his closed eyelids. He groaned and opened his eyes reluctantly as he sat up and tried to orient himself. He recognised Mark's spare room and groaned aloud.

Jeno stumbled downstairs and into the kitchen. Mark was standing at the counter stirring sugar into a coffee cup and he smirked at Jeno's ragged appearance. "Coffee?" He asked and Jeno shook his head. "Water?"

Jeno asked and Mark grabbed him a bottle from the refrigerator. Jeno downed the whole bottle and rubbed his eyes.

He jumped when he heard a voice behind him. "Hey! Look who's up! The dumbest of all dumb shits!" Jeno turned to see Donghyuk smirking at him with his hands on his hips. He looked bright and fresh and well rested. Jeno knew he was none of those things.

"Morning Hyuk," he turned back to the counter and sat down on a stool. He put his head down on the cool laminate and revelled in the slight relief it provided. "I know I wiped myself out last night but dumb shit is a bit dramatic."

"Well, besides my natural flair for the dramatic, that wasn't what I was talking about." Donghyuk smirked again as he sat next to Jeno on the other stool. "Come on Jeno. Spill. Are you really so jealous of that kid who turned up with Jaemin?"

"It's not just that. I fucked up. I fucked up big time and I think I've lost him." Jeno's eyes glazed over and Mark and Donghyuk glanced at each other.

The three sat in silence as the other two waited for Jeno to speak again.

"Would you guys still be my friend if I was gay? Like, would it affect our friendship, and would it change the way you think of me?"

Silent stares passed between Mark and Donghyuk. "Is this about Jaemin?" Donghyuk asked as Mark passed him a cup of coffee. Jeno groaned and put his head back on the laminate surface as he thought over the last twenty four hours.

He told them everything. Jaemin's roses, his honest and hopeful eyes, his bravery and his sincerely awkward confession. He told them how he ran away leaving Jaemin shattered in a pile of rosé and broken feelings. He recounted the previous day, his shock at seeing Jaemin with the beautiful golden stranger, his burning feelings of envy and jealousy.

"You're right actually Donghyuk. I am the dumbest of dumb shits. I can't believe I hurt him, and all for the sake of what people would think, and now he's already moved on."

Donghyuk chuckled and Jeno looked up at him. "You dumb shit. That kid isn't his boyfriend. He's weird though. I asked him if he and Jaemin were together and he went on and on about you and Jaemin being soulmates and how no one could ever come between you." Donghyuk chuckled into his coffee. "It's like he's from another planet. Cute but weird."

"What do you want to do now?" Jaemin asked softly. He'd woken up with Renjun next to him and had been highly amused to see the little faerie had been turned back into his former grumpy self by a killer hangover. Renjun had grumbled all morning on the couch about the side effects of the 'fruit poisoned magic potion' he had consumed the night before.

Now that the morning had turned into afternoon he was feeling a little better. "I've only got a few hours left," Renjun said, "Can we just go outside?"

Jamein wasn't ready to let go. Renjun had only been in his life for a little over a day but Jamein had fallen victim to his quirky charms. He gripped the faerie's hand tightly as they walked across the grass. Goodbye was in the air and Jaemin could feel it.

"Lay here with me.." Jaemin fell onto the grass and pulled the faerie down next to him. "I'm sorry I couldn't help. I've failed." Renjun's voice was small and sad as he buried his face in Jaemin's chest. Jaemin wrapped his arms around the faerie boy as he held him close. "But you have helped me Renjun. More than you could ever know..."

As the sun dipped slowly they lay in contented silence. Renjun content with the sound of Jaemin's heart beating. Jaemin soothed by his fingers running through Renjun's golden bronze locks.

"It's almost time," Renjun said sadly, and just as he stood he heard a buzz. Jamein pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw the text from Jeno.

I'm sorry. Please let me make it right Nana. We really need to talk.

Meet me at the dorms in an hour.

Jamein sent a reply and grabbed Renjun's hands. "He wants to talk." His eyes glittered with excitement in the slowly dying sun and Renjun's face lit up in triumph. "Really?" He asked and Jaemin nodded. "You did it Renjun. You really helped."

As the sun gasped it's last breath of light and life for the day Jaemin reached up and pulled the beret from Renjun's hair. "You are beautiful  Renjun. Beautiful and wonderful and loved. Please don't ever forget it." Tears filled his eyes as they moved closer and Jaemin's voice broke a little. "Please don't ever forget me..."

Hues of gold and bronze and rose, reflected in the shining hair of one young man and one lost fae, threw themselves across the sky. Time stood still as Jaemin's hands went to cup Renjun's soft cheeks and he pressed their lips together. The kiss was slow and sweet and the only way he knew how to honour their goodbye. And when he pulled away he gasped in shock and wonder at the sight that stood before him.

"Your wings!" Jaemin gasped and Renjun looked confused for a second. Suddenly realisation washed over him and he began to beat the beautiful wings that protruded from his shoulder blades.

They weren't ice blue like he expected. They were golden yellow, the colour of dandelions, and when he beat the lacy filigree wings dandelion fuzz floated in the air around him. It settled in his hair and on Jaemin's shirt and covered the grass around him.

"Jaemin!" Renjun cried out in astonishment. "Thank you! You've given me my wings and they're beautiful!" He used them to leave the ground for a brief moment before landing lightly in front of the pink haired boy. "Thank you for the precious gift."

"You're welcome." Jamein said as he smiled with his whole heart. "You've given me the gift of my soulmate. I could never thank you enough."

With one last hug the sun vanished. Renjun glowed blue, then gold, then he shrank.

And then he was gone.

Jamein stood still for what felt like forever before suddenly shaking himself back to reality.

His steps were light and free as he crossed the grass to wait for Jeno outside his building. He had a feeling everything was going to work out fine.

One minute Renjun was standing on the grass and the next he was back home. He sat up from where he had landed in front of the Prince's throne and blinked a little at his disorienting surroundings.

"Prince Sicheng?" He asked and the Prince smiled brightly. "I see you have succeeded my precious fae. Now stand up before me and let me see your wings."

Renjun stood and uncurled his wings. They sparkled with hues of gold and bronze and a streak of rose running through the delicately lacy wings. He beat them slowly at first, then faster, and the small crowd that gathered gasped in surprise. Renjun flittered up into the air as dandelion fuzz swirled around him and the onlookers marvelled at the beauty and power within the young faerie. Because his power had been revealed as the strongest one. Renjun's power was love.

When his feet hit the wooden floor again Renjun bowed deeply in front of his Prince.

"You have made me proud little fae," Prince Sicheng smiled, "but what are those on your feet?"

"These?" Renjun wriggled his sneakered feet and giggled. "These are my star shoes. They were a gift."

Jaemin sat on the garden wall and swung his feet while he waited. He checked his phone to make sure he didn't have any messages and when he looked up he saw him.

"Hi," Jeno said with a sheepish smile, his feet moving slowly towards Jaemin. His hands were clutching a bouquet of pink and yellow roses and his face was full of earnest sincerity.

"I'm sorry Nana. I was scared. I was a coward and I never should have hurt you." He held the roses out towards Jaemin and blushed despite the cool breeze that surrounded them. "I was hoping we could do this over."

"What changed?" Jaemin had an idea but he wanted to hear it. He wanted to feel the satisfaction and achievement on Renjun's behalf. Even if Renjun wouldn't ever know.

"I couldn't stand to see you with him Nana. Everything he had should have been mine and I wanted it." He held the roses out again and Jaemin took them and put them down just in time to be wrapped in Jeno's strong arms.

"I love you Nana. Please accept my apology and my confession. I promise I'll never hurt you."

With no one to witness but the moon above Jaemin was lost in Jeno's lips on his. He kissed him harder and deeper, with love and longing, his hands clinging to Jeno's shirt as if he was afraid to let him go. Jeno's lips responded with hunger and desire as he gave in to the truth of what his heart wanted.

They kissed for what felt like forever and neither of them noticed the tiny swirl of dandelion fuzz that blew up around them. They were too lost in each other, in all consuming love, the meeting of two hearts destined to be together.

The end

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