Sonic unleashed x RWBY

By ernsts22

71.8K 614 341

Eggmans newest plan is trying to awaken dark Gaia to destroy the planet but something happened to sonic. He t... More

Apotos Windmill isle
Apotos Widmill isle act 1
Apotos Widmill isle act 2
Savannah citadel act 1
Savananah citadel act 2
Holaska cool edge act 1
Ruby's Confession
Chun-nan Dragon Road act 1
Spagonia Rooftop Run act 2
Chun-nan Dragon Road act 2
Holaska Cool Edge act 2
Empire City Skyskaper Scampers act 1
Shamar Arid Sands act 1
Empire City Skyscraper Scamper act 2
Shamar Arid Sands act 2
Adabat Jungle Joyride act 1
Adabat Jungle Joyride act 2
Eggman Land
The Final Battle

Spagonia Rooftop Run act 1

2.3K 21 3
By ernsts22

In the university:
Sonic: Hey, Professor
Professor: Oh Sonic and you girls are here. Tails already told me the good news.
Sonic: Where's Tails?
Professor: He's fixing his tornado. He said something about upgrading it.
Ruby: So what do we do now? We got one part of the planet restored.
Professor: With part of the planet restored, I've been able to locate two temples.
Weiss: Really?
Professor: Yes. According to the Gaia Manuscripts, there is a temple here in Spagonia.
Everyone: What?!
Yang: Who would have imagined one was hiding so close?
Blake: I guess the other continents have the temple then.
Professor: Exactly. The second location is Holaska.
Sonic: We've already went there Professor.
Professor: ...Hm Oh ho! So you've already been to Holaska, have you?
Yang: Of course and it was so fun!
Ruby: Yeah!
Blake: But the thing was we couldn't get inside the temple.
Professor: Well That doesn't matter now. You guys can start by looking into Spagonia site.
Sonic: Thanks Professor.
Weiss: Your not bad Professor.
Professor: Why thank you Weiss.
Sonic: Okay guys let's go to the entrance stage.
Team RWBY: Yeah!
They inside the entrance stage and went to the act.

When they were in the stage, Dark Gaia's minions were here.
Sonic: Time for some clobbering Wrahhh!
Sonic goes first with a claw swipe added with a kick tumbling the minions. Weiss gives Ruby the fire dust and Ruby puts it in her weapon. Ruby shoots the weapon making a fiery explosion. Blake: using her weapon as a boomerang giving it to Yang swinging around kicking all the minions.
Sonic: Nice teamwork guys!
Team RWBY: Thanks.
They went up to the roof and saw a big fence blocking the way.
Chip: It's gonna take something really, really big to break that fence down there!
Sonic: Ok guys let's start searching.
Everyone went around trying to fine something big when they saw a big barrel.
Ruby: Guys look at that barrel!
Yang: That's big.
Blake: There's also a lever to pull.
Weiss: If we release the barrel, it's gonna hit the fence.
Sonic: I'm on it!
Sonic pulls the lever releasing the barrel hitting the fence.
Ruby: Yeah now we can get in.
They went in founding themselves  robots and a new big monster.
Weiss: Whaaa! What is that thing.
Yang: Watch out!
Everyone dodges the blast when the big monster opens his belly bringing out more minions.
Blake: He can just send out enemies whenever.
Weiss: We gotta stop him fast before there's too many!
Sonic: Let's do this quick!
Sonic and Yang repeatedly punches the monster, moving him back. The monster send another blast attacking Sonic and Yang:
Ruby: Sis, Sonic!
Weiss: Look out!
The monster tries to punch Ruby but Weiss uses her ice dust, to freeze his hand.
Ruby: Take this! Ruby slices the hand making one of his hands gone.
Blake sliced up the other one. The monster tries to send another blast again until Sonic and Yang punches the monster tumbling into the ground
Yang: Hmph. Like we'll let you send another one at us!
The monster gets back up and tries to run but Sonic grabs his head swinging Sonic into kicking the monster in the head twice.
Sonic: Here goes!
Sonic goes inside the monster's belly.
RWBY: Sonic!
Sonic punches the monster inside making it move back an forth finishing off with a rapid punch getting Sonic out.
The monster vanishes as well with the enemies.
RWBY: Sonic!
Ruby: Your Okay!
Sonic: Of course I am.
Weiss: Don't scare us like that!
Blake: We thought you were a goner!
Yang: Can't lie, it was cool.
Sonic: See, but yeah sorry. At least we can continue.
The next area was a big tower to climb.
Weiss: We have to climb all the way up there?
Blake: Looks like it.
Weiss: Ughhhhh!
Sonic and Team RWBY climbs up the tower dodging the blades and shockwaves. They find themselves up top where the clock tower is.
Everyone: Whoa!
Ruby: Its so beautiful at night!
Yang: I know right?
Blake: there's another lever
Sonic pulls the lever having the clock move sideways.
Sonic: Looks like we're crossing the clock.
Weiss: This is just getting worse!
They went across the clock and jump to another roof where the goal ring is.
Ruby: Alright we made it.
Seconds later two big monsters appeared.
Weiss: Ahhh those are the ones we defeated before!
Yang: And we'll do it again!
Blake: Yeah!
Sonic let's split up.
Sonic, Ruby and Weiss focus on the belly monster while Yang and Blake handle the other.
Weiss uses her ice dust freezing the hands. Sonic and Ruby destroys the hands.
Sonic: Weiss put the fire dust on me.
Weiss: What!! Are you crazy?!
Sonic: Trust me!
Ruby: He'll be fine I believe in him.
Weiss: F-fine.
Weiss uses the fire dust on sonic having fire around Sonic. Sonic uses a spin dash with a fire making it a fire spin dash. Sonic blasted fast going through the monster with a fire explosion.
Sonic: Oh yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!
Ruby: Wow that's so cool!
Weiss: Wow!
Sonic: looks like Yang an Blake are holding their own.
With Yang and Blake:
Blake swings her weapon to Yang going around an around getting faster, going straight to the monster. It tried to smash Yang but it was too late as Yang punches the monster repeatedly making the monster to the edge.
Yang: let's go Blake!
Blake: Right!
Yang powers up while Blake uses a fire clone in close of the monster making smoke.
Yang: Yahhhh!
Yang comes through the smoke punching the monster so hard, it was flying in the sky.
Yang: Nice one Blake.
Blake: Thanks. You too.
Sonic: That was nice Yang. Like the punch.
Yang: Thanks Sonic. Yours was cool too.
Blake: How were you able to maintain that fire around you.
Sonic: Don't know really. I just thought of using Weiss's fire dust and it worked.
Ruby: Cool!
Yang: Well anyway, good job everyone.
As everyone gave a hi five. They finished the stage and went back to where they exited the entrance stage.

Tails: Hey guys!
Sonic: Hey buddy finished your tornado?
Tails: Yep. Also the professor wanted me to give you something. I think he came up with something after reading more of the manuscripts.
Weiss: Its a camera?
Tails: Well, this is it... Not sure what he expects you to use it for, but hey.
Sonic: Alright I'll take it just in case.
Tails: Thanks I'll wait for you guys when we're ready to head out.
Sonic: Thanks buddy.
As they were walking, there was a crowd dancing and there was the pink hedgehog Amy.
Mister: Ah ha ha ha! Cmon babe let's dance the night away!
Amy: Ack, heeelp!
Ruby: What's going on?
Chip goes out of Sonic's hair.
Chip: Woah, is there some kinda party going on?
Sonic:No... Something's not right here.
Blake: Whatever it is we should be ready:
Yang and Weiss nodded their heads as chip gets the camera and starts taking pictures. As he took pictures, Dark Gaia's minions were controlling them.
Chip: There's a carnival of creeps out there!
Weiss: Woah, those look different then the ones we fought before.
Sonic: Doesn't matter. We're a team we got each other's back. We can take em.
Ruby: Yeah!
Yang: Let's get em!

Sonic punches the creature sending them into the floor but they got up.
Sonic: Their stronger than before.
Ruby attacks the creature but it dodge her scythe.
Ruby: And their fast too.
Weiss: We have to trap them.
Blake: I got this.
Blake uses her weapon, wrapping the creatures and swinging it, making them dizzy.
Weiss with her ice dust, froze the creatures so they wouldn't move. Yang uses her missiles launching them in the air. Ruby jumps up an slices them down with Sonic right next to them.
Sonic: Rrraaaa. We're-hammer!
Sonic insanely smashes the minions sending purple energy through him.
As they disappeared the people were getting back up.
Yang: Woah, what was that?
Ruby: Yeah you just smashed them to the ground with some purple energy.
Sonic: Don't know, but it's useful.
As the people got up, Amy got up turning around.
Sonic: Guys let's get out of here!
RWBY: Wha!
Sonic grabs all of them and extends his arms going to roof to roof.
Yang: What was that for?
Sonic: That girl Amy, she's kinda crazy.
Weiss: Oh is she your...
Sonic: No no no!
Blake: Doesn't matter. We should get back to the university.
Sonic: Yeah.
As Yang, Weiss, and Blake were ahead, Ruby and Sonic laughed as they hold hands to the university.
That's it for this chapter. There was a temple here in Spagonia. And Sonic's friends are going back to the professor.
What's next for the heroes? Find out in the next chapter!

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