Destiel one shots

By Geekstiel

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Just some Destiel one-shots. :P More

Destiel one-shots
Date night
Stand up for me
swim meet
Happy Birthday Dean
Ding Dong Song
Tea and those damn blue eyes
The Inevitable

Thanksgiving Dinner

7.4K 262 153
By Geekstiel

"'s that time of year again. Thanksgiving is here, and the holidays are just around the corner, let the chaos begin!"-the guy on the news chuckles-"Have a good thanksgiving everyone!"
"Ugh, thanksgiving is already here? This year has gone by so fast." Cas turns off the T.V and throws his head back on the couch.
"Yep, almost too fast. Cheer up babe,"-I come up from behind the couch and kiss him-"Everything is going to go fine; your family will come over, Sam and Jess with Lily, Bobby, Kevin, Charlie, and everyone else. We will all be laughing and drink wine, and stuff our faces with food until we explode." He laughs. "Are we even going to have enough room to fit everybody?" He looks back at me. "We will figure it out, stop stressing!" I say, messing up his hair then walking away. He grumpily fixes his hair and yells, "Thanksgiving is in two days!" I just laugh as I walk down the hall.


"Get, your ass out of bed you lazy bum." Cas says, smacking my butt. I roll over to look at him, peeking over his shoulder. It is five until nine. "I told you that we shouldn't have done those things last night." I yawn. "Yeah, as you pushed me up against the wall." He grumbles. I smirk then lean forward to kiss him. He runs his fingers through my hair then down my back and-like every single damn time-I get the chills. I push us up so we're leaning on the headboard. He smiles and turns his head to the side, leaving my lips lonely. "We can't spend too much time in bed. 'Got to cook." He reminds me. "Well I'm just really thankful to have you, and this is me showing you my thanks. After all, it is thanksgiving, right?" I say, pushing my hips down on him. He stifles a moan and tries to reply. "So what you did last night wasn't you thanking me?" He glances at me. "I don't know, I couldn't tell if you understood that I was thanking you, you kept cursing and screaming." I smirk. He bites his lip and looks down.

So flippin' hot. I think to myself. I lick my lips then turn on my side, so I'm lying besides him now. "I wish we could just do this forever. Not having to worry about anything, just you and me, and your stupid hairless cat-"
"Hey! He's not stupid. And the reason we got a hairless one is so you won't be sneezing every five minutes!"
I laugh, then continue. "Endless bottles of champagne, good food, amazing nights, and even more amazing mornings. No work, or people, or anything." I say, drifting off to a fantasy world. "That's not that thankful of you." He jokes, intwining our fingers together and resting our hands on his stomach. "I love you," He whispers. We've said it plenty of times but yet, every time he says it; it means so much more than the last one. I kiss his side, making him laugh. "I love you too." We lay there in silence for a few more minutes.
"I'm going to go start getting things ready." He mumbles. I lift my head up. "Okay." I watch as he gets up, staring at his bare ass.

Soon after, I also get up. Throwing on a pair of pants, not worrying about buttoning them. I head into the kitchen where Cas is already a busy bee. A busy bee in his tight underwear to be exact. "I think Sam and Jess are coming early; around twelve." I say. "Yay, aww I can't wait to see Lily. How old is she now?" He asks. "Um, two I think."
"Holy crap! She's old!" He gasps. "I know." I say.

I walk over to Cas, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm going to be leaving for work soon, I'll be back around twelve, too."
"I wish you didn't have to work today." He says sadly.
"Me neither, but I'll try to get done earlier for you." I say. I force him to spin around. I look him in the eyes. "Don't get too stressed out, okay? I'll be home before you know it and I'm sure Jess will love to help so don't be shy." I say. He nods then leans forward, pressing our lips together. I kiss him back, relaxing muscles I didn't know were tense. I pull back. "I'll be back soon." I say, dragging my hand down his arm as I walk away.


I bragged my boss into letting me go early, so I get home at eleven-forty. When I walk into the apartment I am instanly surrounded by the smell of food and realise how hungry I am. "That smells amazing!" I walk up behind him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Then I go to grab a biscuit but my hand gets smacked away from Cas. "Hot! It literally just came out of the oven two seconds ago, stupid! Anyways, you don't need to be eating anything." He says while he glances over all the food. "But I'm starving." I complain into his shoulder.

I let go of him and walk over to our cat, who is sitting on the couch, and pet him. "Can you call or text Sam or Jess and ask them if they can pick up a few things at the grocery store?" He asks. "Yep, on it." I say. "What do you need?" "Um I know I need more cooking oil, honey, possibly more bread rolls, milk, and... oh! Cranberries, because I forgot to get them."
"Got it." I say then walk out of the room to call them.

Right when I hang up I hear a big crash from the kitchen. I walk in there quickly to see what happened and Cas had dropped the green-bean casserole. "Shit!" He shouts. "Don't move, you're surrounded by glass." I say as I notice he doesn't have shoes on. Then I hop over there and sweep him off his feet, putting him down where it's clear floor. "That was one of the bigger dishes too." He frowns. "It's okay, I'll just call Jess and ask her if she can pick up some more of the stuff so you can make it again. Don't worry." I say, rubbing his arm before I go to clean it up. "No, don't. They're already getting enough stuff."
"You know how Jess loves to help. She will be more than glad to get it."
I glance up at him. He's holding his right hand. "Are you hurt? What happened?" I ask as I finish cleaning the mess. "It was too hot, burn me through our crappy mittens."
"Are you okay?"
"Just burns."
I grab a sandwich bag from a drawer and put some ice in it. I grab his hand gently and pull it to me. It's already red. I put the ice pack on it and he closes his fingers around it. "Keep that on for a while." Then I walk away to call Jess again.

I come back in the kitchen a few minutes later and he's back to cooking. My eyes trail up and down him. He is still just wearing his underwear but with one of my shirts on now. "Have you taken a shower yet?" I ask. "Nope, I've been busy rubbing the turkey." He laughs. "But I still need to get the chicken ready, and then I have to do the stuffing, deviled eggs..." He keeps going on. I roll my eyes. "Go shower, you're a mess." I tell him, pushing him away. "Because of you I am." He smirks. "Don't you need to shower too?" He questions. I bite my lip. "I'll shower after, Sam and Jess should be getting here soon." As much as I'd love to join him though...

I turn around as he shuts the door to the bathroom. Then I start peeling potatoes. Fifteen minutes later-more or less-Cas comes out with a towel around his waist. "Are they here?" He asks before walking into the kitchen. I shake my head 'no', giving him confirmation that it's okay. "Have you seen my blue tie?" He says, eyes scanning over the mashed potatoes I'm making. "Um, it might be hanging up outside on the railing." I say. He just stares at me blankly. I double look at him then understand why. "Oh, yeah I'll get it." I laugh. I put down the masher then walk out to get it. Right when I grab it a dark blue shiny car pulls up in the parking lot beneath me. Jess gets out of the passenger seat then Sam from the driver's. "Jess, Sammy! You're finally here!" I shout. Jess walks up the stairs to come greet me. We hug then she asks how I'm doing. "I'm great. How are you? How is Lily?" I ask and Sam walks up, carrying Lily who is sleeping. "Extremely tired apparently." He laughs. "Come on in, guys." I open the door for them. "Whoa the place is huge!" Jess says, looking around. "Yeah, it is." I say. Sam puts Lily down on our couch then walks over and we hug. "So good to finally see ya, Sammy." I say as we pull away. "Been too long." Jess agrees.

"Looks like you guys are already busy bees." She says looking at all the food in the kitchen. "Speaking of, where is Cas?" She asks. "Oh, he just got out of the shower." I say lifting up the tie. "There are drinks in the fridge if you want some." I offer then walk into my room. Cas already has his clothes on now. I walk over to him and wrap the tie around him. "You want it on now?" I ask. "Sure." Then I tie it for him, loosening it a bit once I'm done cause I know he doesn't like it tight. I run my hand through his wet hair. "You look perfect." I say, with a smile. He blushes. "Come say hi to Sam and Jess." I say then kiss him gently.

"Oh my gosh! Cas you look amazing!" Jess says blissfully. "Nice too see you again Jess." He says, pulling her into an embrace. "What all do you have to cook left?" She asks. "About everything." He says softly. "Well, then let's get to cooking!" Sam shouts. "Oh, Sam can you go get the groceries out of the car?"
"I'll come with." I say as Sam heads out the door. "You gonna cut your hair anytime soon, Sammy?" I joke as I grab a bag. "What? Jess likes it like this!" He argues. I shake my head.

"You guys are life savers! Thank you." Cas says, kissing Jess on the cheek as we bring the groceries in. "Uh-oh I think Jess is stealing your boyfriend Dean." I hear a familiar voice say. I look over at the front door and my favorite red-head is standing there. "Charlie! You got here early." She smiles. "Yeah, hope it's fine. I brought a special pie just for you though." She says, setting her home-made berry pie on the counter. "Where's Dorothy?" Sam asks. "Oh, she'll be here in about an hour or so, she had work today." I nod then pull her into a hug. "Glad you could make it." I say. "Kevin frickin' solo in the house!" Sam yells. "Hey guys." Kevin says, almost shyly. Then I feel a tug at my jeans. I look down to find little-miss-Lily. I pick her up and kiss her cheek. "You're so big!" I exclaim. "Food." She points over to the kitchen where Cas, Jess, and now Kevin are cooking. I walk over into the kitchen, squeezing my way between Jess and Cas. "There's my favorite two-year-old!" Cas beams.

As more and more food got placed on the table more people kept arriving, and soon the feast will begin.

I look up from the dish I was making to find Sam, Lily, and Kevin playing with Bobby's dog, Rumsfeld and I smile. "You know what this party needs? Music!" Ash shouts as he starts playing music. I look back at Cas who was making some type of meal in his dark blue apron that read 'kiss the chef'. I walk over and grab his messy hand, pulling him away from the dish. "Dance." I say as I start moving my feet. Then everyone joined in, even Lily who bounced up and down, you could even say Rumsfeld was dancing, wagging his tail at everyone; hell! Even Bobby gave in and started dancing. Me and Cas break apart finding new dance partners and I end up dancing with Ellen, who is like a mom to me.
"It's a nice place you boys have." She says, as we slowly stop dancing. "Yeah, it is." I agree. Then I look over at the front door, noticing someone else walked in. "Excuse me." I say to Ellen then walk over to the door. "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Novak." I nod. "Oh hello Dean." Mrs. Shelly says. "Nice to see ya son." Mr. Peter says, putting a hand on my shoulder. Then after them, shortly came in Hannah, Gadreel, Gabriel, and Balthazar.

Jess brought out the chicken and put it on the table. Then Sam got the ham. And finally Castiel with the turkey. Everyone got there plates and loaded them with food. I watch as Castiel helps Lily with getting her food choosing the perfect small meal for her. He is so good with kids. I can't wait until we decide to adopt one. I smile at the thought. He will be the perfect dad.

I lean on the wall and take a sip of the wine in my hand. The apartment is full of talking and laughter; happiness and warmth; it's full of family, I decide. That's what family is. It doesn't matter if you're genetically related or not, what matters is that they love you and you love them. They're special to you no matter what. Family can be a pain in the ass sometimes, no joke, but what matters is that they are there for you no matter what and they'll love you no matter what. Whether you're family is big or small, or however different types of crazy they are, or even if they aren't human, they are still your family, so appreciate them because one day they'll be gone without warning and you'll regret the moments you weren't thankful to have them there with you. This all sounds cliché, I know, but it is true.

Someone nudges me and I look to my left. I smile as I see Castiel. He leans his head on my shoulder. "Happy thanksgiving." He mumbles. "Happy thanksgiving." I say back. He lifts his head. "I'm glad everything worked out." I look at Bobby, Sam, and Ash who are watching the game. "Yeah, me too."
I turn my head to look at Cas, who is watching everyone. He notices me staring and looks at me. "What?" He whispers shyly. I don't say anything but put a finger under his chin and lift it up slightly, then kiss him. It's not just like any other kiss, but instead a slow, long, meaningful kiss that you'll probably remember until you're eighty. One that makes you feel flutters just like your very first kiss. I slowly pull away, pressing my forehead to his and we both smile.

Thanksgiving is a special time of year because;
a) you finally have a reason to stuff your face with food
b) family.

Okay quick authors note!
First, thank you for reading! It means a lot! I hope you liked it, I know it's not perfect but I've tried my best to make it good. So tell me what you think in the comments and make sure to vote if you enjoyed it!
Also, I hope you have an amazing thanksgiving! Be thankful for all you have, even if it's not much.

Happy thanksgiving guys. Bye! :)

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