Anakin and Padme: Stoping the...

By RandomSt0ries

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. But only characters and ideas I create Chancellor Palpitine has just reve... More

Chapter 1: The Dark Side is Revealed
Chapter 3: Back on Tatooine
Chapter 4: Jabba's Palace
Chapter 5: Meeting Master Yoda on Dagobah
Chapter 6: Leia I am your Mother
Chapter 7: Endor
Chapter 8: The Phoenix Squadron and The Skywalkers
Chapter 9: The Ewok Village
Chapter 10: Reunited Across The Stars
Chapter 11: The Princess and The Ewoks
Chapter 12: Qui Gon's Wisdom
Chapter 13: Luke's Father
Chapter 14: The Emperor's Pet
Chapter 15: The Redemption of Darth Vader Part 1
Chapter 16: The Redemption of Darth Vader Part 2
Chapter 17: The Victory of The Rebels
Author's Final Announcement

Chapter 2: The Founders of The Rebellion

977 21 0
By RandomSt0ries

Padme's POV:

Anakin left in a rush today. Normally I wouldn't think much of it, but lately he's been acting very strange. Distant for some reason. I know he's been having bad dreams but he refuses to talk about them with me. I don't know what else there is that I can do.

*I get a holo-message*

"Bail?" I ask

"I can hear you, but I can't see you." He responds

"Sorry I'm getting dressed real quick. Can you call back?" I ask

"Alright." He responds

*finishes getting ready*

I am starting to unserstand why Anakin used to laugh at the idea of me being a senator.

*I call Bail back*

"Sorry Bail. What do you need?" I ask

"Go to your landing port so we can deliberate something." He says

"Do I need to get into my own ship?"

"No just meet at the landing port. We'll pick you up." Responds Mon Mothma

*transmission ends*

*walks out to landing port*

I hope this is good. Though if it is without the chancellor present it must be about him.

"Padme!" Says Mon Mothma

"Come on in." Continues Bail

The Senate Building, Corasaunt:

"What did you guys need to talk about?"

"Have you noticed that it's just us three out of all Senators?" She begins


"Well this idea we're about to share as preposterous as in may be was only going to be shared with the most trusted senators. You Padme and Mom Mothma. Now you must promise to tell no one including the Jedi." Finishes Bail

"I promise." I decide

"As you are already aware The Chancellor has a lot of power." She says

"Especially after your representative broke the tie on the vote giving the Chancellor emergency powers."

"To stop the war." I correct

"While at the time we all thought that indeed he was going to stop the war, he didn't. Even after being kidnapped he doesn't put an order out against the separatists. He's letting this war drag out for a long time." Finishes Bail

"What do you suggest we do about it?" I ask curiously

"If we go too far down the wrong path. I suggest a rebellion." He says

"A rebellion? That's insane!" I shout

"Quiet down!" Says Mon Mothma

"You were Queen on Naboo when you were 14 and the Trade Federation tried to invade and take your home world." She says

"This has no direct correlation to the subject at hand." I respond firm

"Listen Padme. We don't want to Rebel. This is only if we start getting oppressed along with others as your people got oppressed." He says gently

"Okay. If and only if. The Chancellor was an amazing adversary getting through my tine as Queen so it is very hard to believe he could do anything bad."

"Thank you for at least considering Padme." They says to me

*they drop me back off at my quarters*

I wish I could tell Ani. But I made a promise. One which I intend to the fullest extent to keep. Anakin wouldn't go for helping the Senators end the war by talking through him. The Chancellor's best friend as I and many others would call it.

"Threepio Did Anakin say anything before leaving today?" I ask hopefully

"Nothing specific to where he was going. But what he did say was, he would probably be home late." He responds

"Oh thank you." I say with longing eyes

"My Ani,"

I know I acted like I thought it was crazy. The idea of rebellion. But part of me wants to be that careless senator I was back on Geonosis. But I guess those years in a way were the best years of my life. I married Anakin. I'm gonna have a child. It's gonna be a boy despite what Anakin thinks.


Anakin confided a fear that he had of me dying in childbirth. I made him promise to be honest with me. So that's how I know.

*looks at the Japot Snippet*

I can remember our first meeting so clearly. Even for a little boy he was a strong fighter. A better pilot than all other Naboo fighters combined. I might be biased in that train of thought.

At first when I saw Anakin after the first time in 10 years I wasn't sure what to think at first. I mean yes, he was very handsome. And some how with age ge always seems to get more so. While with I look more tired and harmless.

Of course being married to a Jedi puts more stress on me as well. Not knowing if that will be my last time seeing him ir not. Before he came back with the Chancellor I had thought he had died. And many times before that even.

I may seem trivial for being worried about the safety of a Jedi. But I don't know what I would do if I lost my Ani. But then again Anakin Skywalker is no regular Jedi.

He's been so protective of me since I remember. While sometimes it is very annoying it is still kind of cut in a small way. But there is a conflict he shows when he is near to me. Around anyone else he cannot bear to show his true emotions. He won't admit it but he does carry the weight of the world on his shoulders

When he was 9. He was the only one who could save us. He won a very dangerous Race where some were killed. He saved me and my royal guards along with destroying the whole naboo invasion. He was made a Jedi given the words of a title called

The Chosen One

*admidst my thoughts I end up somewhere unexpected*

*I find myself awaking on my Naboo Cruiser ship next to Anakin*

*I see him jump to a stand and yell*

"We're crashing!!!!"

How was this chapter on Padme's Thoughts. Tell me in the comments and please vote. More chapters coming soon. I will try to update everyday. Thanl you for reading. May The Force be With You.

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