Issei Keywielder (Kingdom Hea...

By Naisu9

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Issei will be the main character in this story as you saw first version of the story I wasn't happy with it s... More

Chapter 1: New Adventure
Chapter 2: Madagascar
Chapter 3: Kung Fu
Chapter 5: Land of the Dead
Chapter 6: Berk
Chapter 7: The End
Chapter 8: Training
Chapter 9: New Worlds
Chapter 10: School...
Chapter 11: Let the Games Begin
Chapter 12

Chapter 4: Hero

955 17 6
By Naisu9

Issei and his friends were back in ship that his keyblades made they were heading to a new world they were actually awake for this one since the world they saw confuse them...

Issei: Hollywood... Really?

Kiba: Are we being movie stars in this world...

Vali: If so count me in it's my time to shine!

Issei: Well let's go guys!

Issei drove the ship towards the world for a new adventure but upon arriving their look changed once again but here's the weird part they were actual animals.

Issei: Oh come on I'm a K9!?


Vali: Why am I a cat...


Kiba: Sweet I'm a freaking Eagle!


Issei: Alright so we are actual animals now but can we still fight...

Issei tried to summon his keyblade and it appeared on his mouth only the Oathkeeper the Oblivion appeared on his tail.

Issei: Well that's good.

Vali used her balance breaker and was a cat in armor so pretty normal but her flag pole she held it with her tail and her sword she held it on her mouth.

Kiba just used his feet to wield his sword sure it was a bit off but he can do it.

Issei: Alright we aren't technically in Hollywood where are we?

Vali: Even I don't know.

Issei: Kiba give us a look up in the sky and see if you can tell where we are.

Kiba: On it.

Kiba flew high into the air looking around hoping to spot something to tell them their location but as he did all he saw was a white dog about to drop a cat on the road!

Kiba: Uh oh...

Kiba flew back down to tell his friends what was going on and they quickly began following Kiba towards the place Kiba got the cat off the white dog and Issei pinned the white dog onto the ground.

???: Tch calling you henchman to attack me!?

???: I don't even know these three! But thank you for saving me from that crazy dog!

Issei: Don't think you're free cat and you! Why the heck would you hold a cat over the edge like that!?

???: She's the one who knows where my person is! She kidnapped her and is keeping her hostage!

Issei: Is that true...

???: No! This dog thinks I do! He's from Hollywood and we are in New York!

Issei: Oh my God his home is on the other side of the freaking State!

Vali: Kiba can you fly all the way over there?

Kiba: Are you crazy!?

Issei: I mean that's we're supposed to be but we are here.

???: Oh great your three as well!?

Issei: Relax we aren't going to threaten you.

???: Really?

Issei: Yeah but we will be needing your help because I have a feeling you know this state all I know is about Japan...

Vali: Same.

Kiba: I know a bit of it but yeah it would be you help us.

???: I'm stuck with you four.

???: So you are reinforcement to help me?

Issei: Uh what?

Vali: Sorry dog but we aren't reinforcement more like the savers of this world.

???: Oh God I got 4 crazy people now!

Issei: You keep calling us crazy but this guy is the only one since he tried to technically tried to kill you...

???: Yeah but than you 3 come in claiming to save this world and being on a ship!

Issei: Well our story is true see.

Issei and his friends summoned their weapon to show they weren't joking.

Bolt: Amazing! You three will make good teammates I'm Bolt nice to meet you!

Mittens: Great... I'm Mittens seems like we will be working together...

Vali: Wait Dog you also have powers?

Bolt: Of course how else will I take out the green eye man.

Issei: Sweet so we have another power house in the group.

Kiba: Well seems like we all have our destination.

Mittens: First we need a mode of transportation because walking all the way over there will take days even months.

Issei: Kiba fly into the sky and search for a mode of transportation.

Kiba: On it.

Kiba flew all around looking for something to take them there the quicker the better he says and he found the right vehicle.

Kiba: There's a moving truck thats heading for Hollywood with it we should be able to take it and make it their in about a day or two.

Issei: Alright well than come on you two seems like we are heading off.

Mittens: God help me I'm with actual weird super heroes even this white dog has powers...

They made it to the moving truck quickly Issei was about to bust the lock with his keyblades but Bolt said he had it as he stared really hard at the lock...

Vali: Uh hey dog what are you doing?

Bolt: I'm using my heat vision if I stare long enough it will melt and will let us in.

Issei and Kiba just stared at each other confused heat vision is supposed instant but this was taking forever so Issei just took his blades and broke the lock and signaling everyone to get in and hide so the humans don't find out about them.

Issei: Alright so this truck is driving all the way to Hollywood so all we have to do is stay in here and we will be there in a couple of days.

Mittens: *sigh* Welp let's all get comfortable because even I can tell this will be a long ride.

Issei layed down the couch going to sleep Vali got near and slept on top of him while Kiba landed a lamp and slept on that they were in the car for a while making their way towards Hollywood Issei without knowing was already on his adventure bringing Bolt back to his person.

(Somewhere else)

Irina: Master why bring this boy is he really of use to you?

Ansem: Yes Irina for he will make a good vessel.

Irina: But what about me master? I've done everything why am I being left in the dark.

Ansem quickly grabbed Irina by her throat and stared her down.

Ansem: Don't be quick to question me you just do as I say.

Irina: But I don't get it... Why keep him alive? Issei is useless for you master why need him?

Ansem: Why do you think I ordered his world to be destroy you stupid child.

Irina: I-I don't know Master...

Ansem: Is to make him fall to darkness you fool that kid he has hold great power... Power that I want not only can he wield two keyblades with no problem but the sacred gear as your world calls it its fascinating! So much power especially with his armor I want it!

Irina: Than master allow me to bring him! I can easily beat him and-

Ansem: You will leave him be Irina focus on his little friends instead break him! If we can make him fall to the darkness it will be easier.

Irina: Yes Master... If I were to obtain that power...

Ansem just stared at Irina before walking off and attending to his new vessel.

Irina: I will do as Master told me... But he never said I could "accidentally" kill him.

(Back with Issei)

Issei and his friend were no longer in the moving van because of a box Styrofoam fell on him saying it was his weakness which just made Issei and his friends look at him weirdly did this dog really have powers? But any way now they walk towards a trailer park because they were hungry even Issei and his friends had to admit they were starving themselves Issei and Vali already knew how to beg Kiba on the other hand just came in a stole food... He's a bird what's do you expect while for Bolt...well they had to teach him how to beg because he didn't know at all! It's like teaching him how to be a dog for once...

Issei: Jeez Bolt its almost like if you've never went out and been a dog I swear man.

Bolt: I've been fighting the Green Eye man for as long as I can remember I don't think I've ever done this thing you call beg.

Vali: Atleast we are full now so we just have to look for a new ride and we can all get to our destination.

Mittens: Wait why!? Every week new people will come in and we can always ask for food! This is a paradise!

Issei: Unlike you mittens we have a goal in our mind so we are going like it or not.

Mittens: Can we Atleast go to one more house please?

Issei: *sigh* Alright one more Bolt you're doing the begging.

Bolt: Alright.

Bolt went up to the door and knocked on it and begged for food unknown to them someone recognized Bolt.

???: No way... Are my eye deceiving me? Or are you the real Bolt right in front me!

Bolt: Whoa whoa wait-

Mittens: You know this dog?

???: Of course! This guy's is fully awesome!

Issei: Hold on just who are you hamster...

Rhino: I'm Rhino but that's beside the point we have Bolt the super dog! Right in front of us!

Vali: So Bolt has fans huh...

Alan: How does he know him though?

Elen: Maybe he's saved him before?

Kiba: That would make sense.

While they were talking Rhino was just going on about how Bolt awesome was by explaining his adventure to them Bolt was surprised that this hamster knew so much about him and he was never able to see him. (we all know why)

Issei: You've seen the super bark? How strong is it this dog here isn't willing to tell us.

Rhino: He can take down giant obstacles with them! Even whipping out and entire army of the Green Eye man's henchman!

Issei: Really now...

Draig: If he is able to do all that why can't is feel any power coming off him?

Issei: I guess he's just good at hiding it?

Rhino: So where is um Penny?

Issei: Who?

Bolt: Penny is my person and she's been kidnapped by the Green Eyed man I'm on a mission to rescue her and bring her back home.

Vali: I guess that's why you need to get to Hollywood than.

Rhino: This is terrible she can be in grave danger!

Issei: Well that's why we got this cat here she knows where she's leading us so we can save her and get to our destination.

Rhino: I supposed she's a minion of the Green Eye man!?

Issei: Uh...

Issei still didn't know what to say to that but let it slide since it's what the hamster believed what he hated was the fact was he was joining them now on their little adventure...

Kiba: This is way to many people...

Vali: I'd say.

Issei: Yeah it's a good thing on our adventure there's only 5.

The giant group made their towards a train and their plan...was to jump Kiba of course just flew towards the train while Vali and Issei jumped but before Issei jumped he heard Rhino said he watched Bolt of the humans magic box which finally hit him Bolt is an actor...

Issei: Guy we have to help them now!

Vali: Why? Bolt has powers they can easily get on.

Issei: No! You don't get it Bolt is a normal dog! The reason he says he has powers is because he's an actor and he doesn't realize it!

Kiba: Don't worry I'll go help them!

Kiba flew towards them to give them a hand Issei and Vali were about to join till heartless began appearing on top of the train.

Issei: Oh you've got to be kidding me!

Irina: Hello you pesky little-

Irina got a good look at Issei before laughing her ass off.

Irina: Oh my god! Are you serious!? A dog!? That's rich!

Issei: What the hell do you want Irina you're already a bother to us anyway.

Irina: I'm just following order Issei~ And that's killing the rest of your friends!

Issei readied his keyblades sure fighting as a dog was going to be hard but he needed to fight to protect his friends.

Vali: Issei you handle her I'll handle the heartless!

Issei: Thanks Vali Alan Elen give her a hand!

Alan: On it!

Elen: Bring it on!

Issei ran towards Irina who shot blast of fire towards him he just sliced them away and did a roll attack with his keyblades out hitting Irina directly but she had her Excalibur Mimic out block his attack and easily flip him over her head and kicked him.

Issei: Tch your lucky I'm even a dog or else this would be different!

Irina: Oh really now well that's too bad because this is where you meet your end!

Issei: Heh not likely.

Issei pointed his keyblade into the sky shooting a white beam but red flame surrounding it.

Irina: N-No way!

Issei: Meet another of my friends! Valstrax!

Irina: How did you get such a dragon!?

Issei: The day I completed Pos world locking that world from you I found this in my ship Draig told me about this dragon and how strong is it while its not a heavily dragon it's one that is strong enough to teach you a lesson!

Valstrax using his wing immediately began attacking Irina she jumped into the air to dodge his attack and began flying to get away but Vlastrax was just to fast smacking her back down to the ground Issei jumped off the train to continue his fight with her he knew he couldn't miss this opportunity Vali on the other hand finishing the heartless off ran towards Bolt and Mittens but to see that they weren't on the train no more.

Vali: Crap!

Kiba: Vali! They got caught! They jumped off the train and rolled down the hill over there they are being taken to the pound.

Vali: Shoot alright we will follow them Issei right now is fighting Irina!

Alan: Shouldn't we help him?

Vali: Have faith in him hes strong I'm sure he will do damage on her.

Elen: Alright come on let's go save Bolt and Mitten!

Vali, Kiba, Alan, and Elen make their way following Rhino who saw where the car was going but as for Issei well...

Issei: Thunder!

Issei using his magic hit Irina directly causing her to stay in place before being smacked with Valstrax tail again into a couple of trees.

Irina: T-This isn't supposed to be happening! I'm supposed to be stronger! NOT SOME DOG AND HIS DRAGON SHOULD BE ABLE TO BEAT ME!

Issei: You're strong Irina in all honestly bit since I have Valstrax you have no hope in beating me!

Irina: Damit...

Issei was about to attack Irina with his final attack till he was smacked away by another person with white hair.

Irina: Tch I could have handled this Riku.

Riku: You know what Ansem said Irina so unless you really want to get into trouble you will return and leave Issei alone and focus on his friends!

Irina: Fine.

Irina followed Riku back in a dark portal not before getting one last word out.

Irina: No matter how strong you get Issei Ansem will still beat you! Give up now and serve your purpose!

Issei: I rather die.

Irina: Heh that will be arranged in the near future.

Irina left leaving Issei to think what she meant but he put that behind them and now was wondering where the hell was he...

Issei: Great I'm lost but I atleast taught Irina who's the boss.

Draig: Got on Valstrax and fly into the sky maybe you'll be able to spot them.

Issei: Alright Valstrax you ready?

Valstrax just got down to let Issei get on board and began flying high into the sky Issei kept and eye out looking for his friends it was getting dark so soon Issei won't be able to find them at all or so he thought as he heard a massive explosion not to far from him.

Issei: I'm guessing they are over there...

Issei got off Valstrax and desummoned and made his way towards the explosion to see his friends getting out of a pet shop.

Issei: May I ask why did you destroy someone's car!?

Kiba: It was the best idea I had ok!

Issei: You're paying for that if we ever come back!

Kiba: That is if we ever come back!

Bolt: Enough we need a ride something big possibly.

Rhino: I think I found one!

Issei stares at their new ride a giant house...

Rhino: You're welcome~

Everyone ran towards the house jumping in and relaxing.

Issei: Oh thank god we made it.

Vali: So Issei how was facing against Irina I'm guessing you won?

Issei: I was winning till someone named Riku helped her out and saved her they both seem to be working for Ansem...

Kiba: So not only do we have to deal with Irina we actually have to deal with some guy named Riku!?

Issei: Yeah but this Riku guy just looking at him hes clearly far stronger than Irina he could easily control her and beat her without even trying...

Vali: Damn...

Kiba: Also Issei while I was flying I notice the dragon when in the world did you get him!?

Issei: In Pos world after we completed that place it gave me the dragon I'm thinking if we save this world too we can gain another dragon on our team.

Vali: Sweet! The more people on our side the better!

Mittens: Are you three still on this thing with you guys having powers?

Issei: You see heres the thing we actually have powers Mittens Bolt there Yeah sorry but hes a normal dog.

Bolt: Yeah sort of figured that out...but that doesn't mean I wont stop going towards Penny shes my person I know she misses me...and I miss her.

Issei: Well now that you figured out that you're a normal dog it's best we start teaching you how to he a real dog.

Bolt: Really?

Issei: Sure we're friends and friends help each other out no matter what.

Vali: I'm a cat so...

Kiba: Can't do much there I'm a freaking bird for crying out loud.

Mittens: Well I guess we have a lot of work to do than Issei you ready to start teaching him?

Issei: Let's do it.

So began Bolts training to be a real dog and he really needed it since he knew nothing of being a dog of course neither did Issei but he knew how to treat them since he technically was human first how they ate and where they drank mittens tried to convince him that it was from the toilet but Issei had to really explain they got a water bowl and ate from a bowl of course they could eat the stuff on the floor that their owner didn't care about even Issei had to try stick his head our the window feeling the same rush as Bolt of course they were still making their way towards Hollywood and in good time too as they were only a few hours away but the thing was Mittens has grown attached to Bolt not in a romantic way mind you as a sister type way that she made them a home thinking they could live together but Bolt made a point he needed to get to Penny she was his human and they were meant for each other Mittens tried to make a point that she wasn't real she was just an actor.

Issei: That's where you're wrong Mittens you can never know if she isn't real if Bolt believes deep down in his heart that Penny is looking for him than let him find out you can't do this someone just because you had a bad experience while I don't say your people were in the right Bolt here still has a chance if you are his friend you would encourage him to go not stop him.

Mitten just sat there with a pissed off face not even daring to answer just walks off leaving them to do whatever while Issei and his friends get a ride with Bolt all the way to Hollywood.

Bolt: I know she cares about me...I mean she was the one who adopted me that day and raised me...

Issei: I'm sure she does miss you Bolt we will reunite you with your person and you will be happy once again.

Bolt: Thanks Issei...I really don't know what I would have done without you guys...I just wish Mittens could have come with me Penny would have loved having her around.

They finally made it to their location going all the way towards a studio that Bolt works in Issei let Bolt do his thing and look for Penny while he and his friends explored the place I mean they had to come there for a reason right?

Issei: Ok what the heck we came all this way and for what?

Vali: I don't know but why isn't Bolt going for that Penny girl I mean look at her shes upset...

Mittens: Because Bolt mistaken a movie scene.

Issei: Mittens!?

Mittens: Yes I came but that's not important we have to find Bolt quickly and tell him Penny misses him!

Mittens got a head start going towards him Issei and his friends were about to follow but Alan quickly stopped them warning them about Irina on top of the building.

Issei: Crap and I can't summon Valstrax here or else people will get the wrong idea!

Alan: Master just turn human like Elen and I.

Issei: We can do that?

Alan: You have the magic to do it not only you but so does Vali and Kiba.

Issei: Well I guess that's what will help us in this let's do it!

Issei using his magic turns back into a human as well did Vali and Kiba happy to be one before they went towards Irina who just had a blank look.

Irina: Why?

Issei: Huh?

Irina: Why waste your time with these fools shouldn't saving your world be more important but here you are trying to save them even helping them for no reason can't you see they are just and obstacle to you!

Issei: Because friends help friends Irina I dont need a reason to help Bolt at all.

Irina: Friends? You just met the stupid dog!

Issei: So what?

Irina: You care for a dog that has no meaning to even exist it's a dog hes puny hes weak! He amounts to nothing!

Issei: Hes a dog with a heart Irina and a strong one at that his lead him all this way to his human and her heart kept on beating for the day to see him again.

Irina: I strong heart huh...well I guess I would be a shame to turn him into a heartless now wouldn't it~

Issei: If you want him you will have to go through me!

The two aimed their weapons at each other before they could fight they were instantly stopped by a fire breaking out in the studio.

Issei: Wait a minute that's where-

Kiba: Bolts human is!

Vali: Damit what did you do Irina!?

Irina: For once I actually did nothing idiot but it seems this fits in my favor Bolt will watch her human die and soon his heart will fall into darkness just like the rest I've collected.

Issei: I won't let him fall into it I will be there for him!

Irina quickly summoned another heartless to distract them before leaving herself.

Issei: Tch seems like we will have to handle this guy first!

Vali: Let's make it quick than!

Elen: I will fight too!

Alan: Count me in!

Kiba: Ready Issei?

Issei: Yeah let's do this!

Issei summoned his keyblades and summoned his armor and flew towards the heartless stabbing it in the chest and using his thrusters pushed it straight into the sky where no one could see them fight.

Kiba: Good plan the higher the better.

Vali: Especially in the clouds.

Issei: Yep let's end this guys.

The heartless quickly flew higher in the sky and charged up and energy attack and firing it at Issei who summoned a barrier to block the attack Kiba flew towards the heartless trying to stab it in the eye but got smacked by its head away Vali pulled a sword that Issei had to admit had great power she rushed towards the heartless stabbing it in the side before releasing a giant amount of flame through the heartless making it go through its mouth.

Vali: Feel my flame!

Issei quickly took the chance and brought down a large amount of thunder on the heartless destroying heavily damaging it on it's back Kiba came back and pulled out Incursio and came in like a rolling ball slicing the wings off the heartless causing it to plump it towards the studio.

Issei: Let's go!

Issei like a flaming ball of light went towards the heartless pulling out both keyblades and stabbed it in the head Kiba and Vali joined in and began slicing the heartless in half before it hit the studio releasing the heart.

Issei: Done.

Irina: Do you not know when to give up!?

Irina went in to attack Issei but he quickly caught her Excalibur Mimic with his bare hand and just gave her a deadly stare.

Issei: You're not Irina far from it I don't know why but I remember a promise one I made with Irina a long time ago...

Irina: What?

Issei: I be your hero Irina...I don't know why I finally remembered that but I did...

Irina stood there shock on her face that's something she forgot a long time ago she began grabbing onto her head tightly before screaming into the sky Issei notice something though it was Irina but it wasn't just one but two one in front of him but the other one seemed chained up as if it was struggling to escape.

Issei: I knew it...

Vali: Issei what's going on?

Issei: Its Irina but also not her at the same time shes being controlled.

Kiba: So that chained up Irina is-

Issei: The real Irina.

Irina: So you've finally figure out you damn fool well no matter as long as I control this vessel theres nothing you can do to stop me!

Irina left before Issei could do anything else leaving him there to think of what was going on but he put it in the back of his mind and focused on the important thing Bolt but he didn't have to worry as he saw Bolt being pulled by the paramedics seeing him safe and with his person happy...

Issei: Guys I think our adventure in this world is over...

But before Issei left he notice Bolts collar shining shooting a beam of light into the sky showing a keyhole and Issei did his thing shooting his beam of lighting closing the keyhole saving the world.

Issei: Alright come on guys let's go.

Kiba: What about Bolt?

Issei: They are in safe hands now and it seems he will have a better life from now on.

Everyone saw Bolt snuggling next to Penny happy and alive they even saw Mittens and Rhino under the carrier.

Issei: Be happy you three you deserve it.

And with that Issei summoned his ship and began going to another world with his friends near by protecting him but what stay in his mind was the chained up Irina it was the Irina he knew the kind heart caring one...

Issei: Irina I don't why I'm saying this but...I will save you and I will save everyone else as well...

And that's the end of this chapter hope you guys enjoyed this one sorry it took so long it's not the same typing this on phone that and I got DBZ Kakarot and I just got Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC and I fucking loved it! But for now NAISU SIGNING OUT!

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