If Walls Could Talk // JAYTIM...

By ashxtodd

30.1K 1.2K 263

Tim doesn't plan on talking with Jason when he goes to crime alley, because why on Earth would Red Hood be th... More

1. Some things are meant to be secret
2. So if I tell you just keep it and don't say a word
3. Yeah when the doors are all closing, it's bound to get loud
4. 'Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to sound
5. Oh, not everything is so primitive
6. Oh, but I'm giving in
7. If These Walls Could Talk
8. I hope they wouldn't say anything
9. Because they've seen way too many things
10. 'Cause we'd fall from grace
11. We're falling
12. Yeah, we'd fall from grace
13. I love your hair and your face
15. Don't let that glass go to waste
16. Oh, you're a king but uncrowned

14. I wouldn't dare let you down

1.5K 64 6
By ashxtodd

14. I wouldn't dare let you down

            "You're so unlikable" Tim scoffs. 

           Jason rolls his eyes. "We get it babybird, no need to deny your feelings" Jason says playfully. "Anyway, we should go back to Dick" 

           Tim makes a face. "What?" 

           "We have to talk to him right now?" Tim groans. 

           "Unless ya want B to come to yer apartment and see me and then Dick tied up. It's your call" Jason reasons. 

           "Alright, fine" Tim sighs. "But can I at least have a smoke? I'm really anxious"

           Jason nods in understanding. "Yeah yeah, a smoke's fine" 

           "You have a pack?" Tim questions, as they get up from the couch. 

           "Yeah, it's on the nightstand in my room" He tells him.

           "Okay, thanks" Tim says, as he jogs out of the room.

           Jason sighs. What the hell is going on? At this rate he doesn't know if he's wondering what's going on in his life right now or Tim's life. But then again, lately their lives have been overly connected and personally he's not sure how much he appreciates it and how much he despises it. 

           Sure, its had it's greatness; He became 'friends' with his replacement and made a 'connection; with him. But the downside of it all is still very prominent and as much as they run away from it, the more it haunts them. For example: Dick fucking Grayson stumbling into Tim's apartment and getting caught by Jason out of everyone. And then Bruce - that doesn't even have to be explained, it's just a mess. Fucking hell.

           He knows he isn't the only one struggling to deal with accepting all of this. Tim is too. But he doesn't want to share his burden with him. Tim already has a shit ton of crap to deal with, and if Jason adds his problems along side with them, it's going to end up being chaotic, that's for sure.

           Lazily, he picks up a clean knife present on the kitchen counter, before walking down the hallway to Tim's room. His movements seem more robotic like than human.

           But eventually, he reaches the room, just in time for Tim to be also entering it.

           The room is clean. That's the only way Jason can even describe it. Well except for the part where Dick is trying to crawl and get out of the room. That shit's messy.

           Carefully, he takes out his pistol from his belt and aims it at Dick. "Where the hell do ya think you're going, Dickface?" He questions.

           Dick's attention instantly diverts to the two other guys present in the room and his eyes widen - in what would seem like fear.

           "Took your lighter by the way, I think I lost mine" Tim says nonchalantly, as he passes Jason and Dick, over to the window - acting as if his 'brother' isn't being held at gun point (but then again he is the one who kidnapped him in the first place)

           Jason snorts, still pointing his gun at Dick. "I swear ya don't have anything that's actually yours"

           "I'll have you know before you came here I was so anxious for your arrival that I smoked most of my pack and I haven't smoked since 'cause I've been so busy" Tim admits, as he places the cigarette on his lips.

           "Oh? Ya drunk or something?"

           "No, why?" Tim asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion, as he lights the cigarette.

           "Just 'cause ya have a tendency to confess things while being drunk" Jason replies sheepishly.

           "What?" Tim inquires, even more confused, as he exhales smoke.

           "Ah yes. Remember when ya drunk texted me to pick ya up?" Tim nods. "Well ya also told me 'bout yer childhood crush on me and how most shit in yer closet is my shit"

           "Shut up" Tim says, his face turning red, as he looks away, exhaling smoke out the window once again.

           Personally, that night was very confusing and Jason vowed to never talk about it again, but this opportunity was way too good to be missed. Plus, they're at a point in their relationship in which they joke about past events in ease and it doesn't feel awkward. It's truly amazing how quickly they've achieved this, seeing as they've only been roommates for less than a month. But somehow, they just instantly clicked. It's a weird feeling to describe in Jason's opinion.

           From the corner of his eye, Jason can see Dick watching this whole exchange in confusion and also concern as he watches Tim smoke. Fair enough, Jason decides. There's a lot of things that Dick has no idea about so it's fair that he's confused as hell about it.

           "Now, back to business, shall we?" Jason asks, as he walks closer to Dick - who is definitely terrified, judging by the utterly scared expression on his face.

           "We shall" Tim replies nodding.

           Jason kneels down on the floor, tucking the gun back, before wiping his hands on his jeans and then holding the knife in his right hand once more.

           "Now Dick, we have proposition for ya" Jason starts. "Well technically it's not a proposition since ya don't really have a choice but then again-"

           "We'll let you go but you can't attack us. We're going to be explaining some things to you, then you can decide to do what you want to do from there. We won't hurt you, unless you attack" Tim explains.

           "Hey! Why did ya interrupt me?" He asks, pouting sadly at Tim.

           "You were rambling" Tim deadpans.

           "Yeah so?"

           "Just shut up and untie him" Tim says in an irritated tone.

           "Yes sir" He replies sarcastically before taking the knife and cutting the ropes.

           After a while, Jason finally manages to cut the ropes with a kitchen knife. By then Tim's cigarette has run out and the room smells like it.

           There's still tape on Dick's face but he doesn't seem to bothered by it. In fact he's too worried trying to get his arms and legs to stop being numb. Being honest, the lines made by the ropes on Dick's exposed arms almost makes him feel bad for 'kidnapping' him. 

          Keyword; Almost. 

          It doesn't take long for Dick's arms and legs to get back to working. When that happens, Dick immediately rips off the tap from his mouth, wincing at the sudden pain.

          "What the fuck" Is the first thing Dick says. 

          Jason's hand goes to his gun in reflex. 

          "Jason, don't" He hears Tim say. 

          Much to Jason's dismay, he obliges, before looking at Tim's face and then Dick's. Dick is currently narrowing his eyes at him. Jason smirks. 

          "Come on" Tim says, offering his hand to Dick. "I hope we didn't traumatize you that much" Tim says teasingly, but at the same time there's a serious edge to the statement like question. 

          Dick gets up, taking Tim's hand. "I've been through worse" He admits. 

          "So..." Jason says, reminding everyone in the room that he is still in fact in the room.

           "So you guys gonna tell me what the hell is going on between you two?" Dick asks. 

           "Just for the record, we aren't a thing" Jason states. 

           "Yeah whatever" Dick says, rolling his eyes. 

           Jason narrows his eyes at Dick in annoyance. 

           "Okay okay, come on let's not fight" Tim says, coming between the two guys. 

           "Fine" Jason scoffs as he walks towards the exit. 

           All of them walk to the living room in silence.

           It's surprising to Jason that Dick hasn't tried to kill them yet. Hell, he didn't even think that this thing would work if he's being honest. He just knew this was the right thing to do since they literally cannot do anything else because if they do, they're even more fucked than they already our and the whole "falling from grace" thing would get a lot more real. 

           Quietly, they all sit down on the couch. 

           They remain like that until Dick breaks the tension and decides to speak up. "So, when were you going to tell me you started smoking?" He asks, looking directly at Tim. The thing is, Dick is sitting in the middle, so Jason can't really see the expression on Dick's face but judging by the tone, he's obviously very concerned. 

           "It started a couple months back" Tim confesses. "It started after Bruce came back. I was dealing with a lot. The company, school, cases. I needed a relief" 

           There's a nervous pit in Jason's stomach causing him to feel like there's butterflies in there - and not the good kind. He's very anxious about it because, oh my God this is actually happening

           The insane thing is that this is Tim's story, not even his and he's this flustered about Dick finding out. He cannot even begin to imagine what Tim must be going through at this very moment. 

           "So you took smoking?" Dick says - sounding more like a question than anything. 

           Tim chuckles humorlessly. "I took way more than smoking Dick. Worse even" 

           "W-What do you mean?" Dick asks. Again, Jason can't see his face but he can definitely guess that Dick knows what he means but doesn't want to accept it. 

           "Drugs" Tim finally manages to choke out. Jason wants to vomit. Here it came. The big bomb. This is where everything changes in this conversation. "Cocaine and weed mostly" Tim admits. 

           "..Tim I-" Dick practically whimpers. This is where he lashes out and either blames it on Jason or gets very angry at Tim. But that never happens. "I'm so sorry" he says instead, hugging Tim. Dick sounds broken. Sounds utterly defeated. Most of all, Jason knows he's crying. Being not full on sobbing, but there is still tears present. 

           "You know the worst of it? Bruce never noticed. Never even dared to check on me. The only time he ever called was for business. Never for his son" Tim says laughing humorlessly, as tears escape his eyes. 

           "Tim, he still loves you-" Jason tries to reason with him. 

           "Oh come on Jason! We're both outsiders in that family and you know it!" The sad thing about Tim's words are that they're true. They're outsiders. Ironic considering the family is a family for outsiders. But they don't fit in there. They're misfits. 

           "Tim you are a part of the family" Dick speaks up, dismantling himself from Tim.

           "Dick please don't try to make me feel better about it" Tim argues as he wipes away his tears and sniffs. "T-This whole thing, everything is just- I love you all b-but I'm not a Wayne! I never was, never will. I'm a Drake. I don't belong in the family'

           Jason doesn't know what to do. He feels paralyzed. He wants to comfort them both but he can't. Not even by words. He doesn't know what to say. 


           "Shh" He says, putting his index fingers on Dick's lips. "Let me finish the story" Tim says. Helplessly, Dick nods. "W-Well after that I just...distanced myself from everyone. Then one night I went to crime alley for a smoke" He says. A laugh escapes his lips. But this time, there was humor in it. 

           "There I met Jason. I told him about my shitty life. He was like a therapist. It felt good to let it all out. But then Barbara found out" 

           "Babs knows?" Dick asks, his expression a lot less emotional from before. 

           "Yeah, I'm surprised you're that shocked. She is Oracle after all." Tim replies. "And then..." Tim trails off. Obviously the rest of the events get worse so obviously it's hard for Tim to talk about them. 

           "It's okay, I'll continue" Jason says all of a sudden. 

           "Thank you" Tim mumbles quietly before fumbling with his hands anxiously. 

           Dick's face suddenly turns to him and the nervousness returns once again. He gulps. "..Barbara was well..she took it way too well" 

           "What do you mean?" Dick inquires. 

           "She well..uh she trusted Tim. Like I mean like she literally thought his addiction would go away overnight" Jason replies. His tone pissed off. In all honesty, he's still very mad about that. "She treated Tim like he was an adult! He's seventeen for God's sake!"

           Dick stays silent - probably to process the revelation. But Jason still carries on. "Then well when I found out I had to keep tabs on him. Thankfully I did. Found him tryna steal some drugs from a deal he stopped. Then he passed out and I had to leave him in his apartment and took all the alcohol and drugs I could find but then he went to a bar the next day and then drunk texted me to pick him up.

           By then I knew I had to tell somebody. I told Spoiler and BlackBat since I personally thought that Timbo would appreciate that I tell them out of everyone in the family, no offence" Jason says. Dick just nods, listening to the story patiently. "The girls tried but ya know even that isn't enough sometimes. Then Roy showed up. Thanks to him I managed to talk to Tim and well confront things. The reason I'm staying 'ere is 'cause he's gonna tell Bruce by the end of the week and he wants to be sober" Jason ends. 

           Dick stays silent again. 

           "Thank you" He finally says. 

           "It's no problem-" 

           "No Jason" Dick stop him. "I really mean it. Thank you so much for taking care of Tim while I wasn't here" His voice more confident. "And Tim" He starts, as he looks Tim. "I-I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't here. I'm sorry that I left you when Bruce came. I-I shouldn't have. But you could have at least called. I'm here for you. Always have, always will" Dick says.

           "I'm sorry" Tim mumbles, still looking down and playing with his shirt. 

           "It's alright, just please don't ever do that again" He says, wrapping his arms around Tim and giving him a hug. 

           They stay like that for what seems like forever for Jason but actually a few seconds. Jason feels awkward and uncomfortable and definitely like he's third-wheeling. 

           "Oh come on Jason. Do you seriously need an invite? Come here" Dick says, pulling Jason into the hug with his free hand.            

           "Woah" He breathes out, before he bumps into their bodies. Slowly, he hugs back. 

           He feels...good. Content even. 

           "I don't care if you guys think if you're not in the family, I still love you guys to death" Dick mumbles and Jason feels like he's going to cry. "..J-Jason I'm sorry. About everything. About how I reacted when you came back...it was just hard for me to accept the things that you did and you becoming Red Hood...I'm so sorry. But I'm glad you're here now" Dick says, as they pull away from the hug. 

           Jason is most definitely now emotional. 

           He laughs, but a tears still slips out of his eyes. "..I-I... love you too" He manages to say. 

           Once again, they hug, but this feels different. It feels like they're meeting each other after years. "Welcome back, little wing" He whispers, as they pull away. 

           "Seriously? That nickname again? Way to ruin a moment Dickface" Jason says, a laugh escaping his lips as he wipes the lonely tear from his face. 

            Dick rolls his eyes. 

           "Guys" Tim speaks up. "Not to ruin the moment, but we still have something to do" 

           "What thing?" Jason asks.

           "The Bruce thing" Tim replies. 

           "Oh fuck" He mutters under his breath. He totally forgot about that. They're fucking screwed if Dick doesn't help them. 

           "What?" Dick questions, utterly confused once again. 

           "Bruce called today. They're worried about where ya are 'cause they haven't heard from ya" Jason sighs. 

           "But why are they worried? I'm usually MIA for a lot of days, it's only been two so far, right?" Dick questions. 

           "Yes but, Bruce said that you told them that you are coming to Gotham two days ago. So they're worried about where you are" Tim explains. 

           "We need ya to call him and make him not worry" Jason adds. 

           "You want me to lie to the batman?" Dick asks with his eyes wide. Both of them nod. "Well look, I'm good at lying but Bruce can smell bullshit from miles away" 

           "If Tim can do, so can ya" He argues. 

           Dick sighs. "Fine, but Tim you're going to do most of the talking. Are we clear?" 

           "Yup" Tim replies. "Okay then, I'm calling him"

           Jason and Dick both nod as Tim takes out his phone from his pocket. Tim dials the number and Jason sits back on the couch, biting his bottom lip. 

           "Hello?" Eventually Bruce finally picks up and Jason's heart rate spikes up. 

           "Hey Bruce" Tim says into the phone.

           "Uh hello Tim, what's the matter?" He questions. Always something related to business, never about family

           "Uh Bruce, it's me Dick, I'm at Tim's at the moment" Dick speaks up. 

           "Dick? What are you doing there? What happened?" Bruce asks in a distraught voice. Of course when it comes to Dick he's all dad-mode but when it came to me or Tim, it has never been like that. The fuck?

           "Sorry I didn't tell you before but, when I was coming to Gotham an emergency came up and I had to go undercover. Turns out the case I was undercover for is connected to a case Tim has been working on as well" Dick says. Decent enough lie, Jason decides.

           "Oh. Is this on speaker?" 


           "Is this the same case you said you had a lot of evidence, Tim?" 

           "Yeah. Dick found some more evidence as well, so we're going to be working together on this one for a few days, don't worry about us" Tim reassures. 

           "Alright. Thanks for informing me. Anyway I should get going" Bruce says. 

           "Alright bye" Tim says before abruptly hanging up. 

           Jason sighs in relief. "At least that's taken care of"

           "No kidding" Dick says, as he falls back on the couch. "That took more energy that I would've expected" 

           "I mean we were lying to batman after all" Tim says. 

           Dick hums. 

           They sit in silence once again, just admiring the living room itself. 

           "I think we should make a plan" Dick states. 

           "For what?" Jason asks, raising an eyebrow. 

           "You guys are going to talk to Bruce in a few days, we need a game plan. Like we aren't just gonna go there and just say it. Like I mean especially you Jason" Dick reasons. "We at least need to have an idea about what we're going to say and when and where" 


           "Then we should call Steph and Cass, right? We should get all the help we can get, I'd say" Tim says. 

           "Okay then, it's settled, you go call them and tell them to come here ASAP" Dick says. 

           "Yes sir" Both Jason and Tim say in unison. 

           "Learn to respect your elders" Dick says, shaking his head in disapproval. 

           "Ok boomer" Jason blurts out. Tim gives him an unimpressed look. "What? I keep up with the kids" 

           "That sounds wrong in so many different levels" 

           Jason just shrugs at Tim's comment but smiles nonetheless.



Okay sorry for the caps, anyway 2 more chapters left and I am so excited!! :)))

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