Sketch Book

By insanityrebel

250 2 13

People wanna see you fall. People wanna see you fail, but fuck them. Let them choke on honey. This is art, so... More

Makoto Naegi

46 2 13
By insanityrebel

Though I'm not finished, here's a little sneak peak to what I'm working on. For those who's familiar with Daganronpa, good for you. Those who are not, look it up or something.

Any critics? Let me know in the comments. (And yes, I'm in an time of struggling so I had to reference.)

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42 3 3
akskskdjxnskalal ahahahahahahahahahah🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 how am gay started 🙄💅💅💅💅💅😍😍🤩💅💅💅
4 0 4
AM I A SIMP?? You tell me! These are my opions not yours and I don't care if you leave hate.
65 3 6
Random scenarios I come up with are being put on display for you to enjoy. ✌️ bye
290 5 6
idk I had the idea of it in the middle of the night