Escape the Evil (incomplete)

By babylunaeclipse

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Escape the Evil (incomplete)

14 0 0
By babylunaeclipse

Escape the Evil chapter 1

"Melanie, are you almost ready?" my younger sister yelled from the next room.

"Jaylee, there is no need to rush. All we're doing is going to see a movie with Lucas. And even that isn't for another hour," I called back.

Lucas is my fiancé. He asked me to marry him last weekend at dinner. Apparently Jaylee knew about it, but Lucas had found some way to keep her quiet.

I decided to wear the light pink dress that Lucas had got me for my twenty-first birthday, which was only a month before. I then curled my shoulder-length blonde hair.

There was a knock on the door. "Melanie, hurry up! I want to get there early!" Jaylee exclaimed.

I opened the door. Jaylee's eyes grew wide. " look amazing," she stuttered.

I just giggled. "Thanks. And why do you want to get there early. He's my soon-to-be husband, not yours."

Jaylee just looked at the floor. She then admitted, "Jeremy is going to be there too, remember? Or did you forget that this was actually a double date?"

I shook my head. I had completely forgotten about Jaylee's boyfriend. "Fine, I'll hurry up. I take it he's supposed to be there early or something?"

Jaylee just nodded. She turned and walked back into her room. I grabbed my small silver clutch bag, which only had my phone, wallet, and keys in it. I slipped on my shoes. By the time I was down-stairs, Jaylee was already waiting. She was standing by the door with her purse in her hand. I smiled then asked, "I take it that means that you are ready to leave?"

Jaylee nodded her head enthusiastically. I took my keys out of my purse then replied, "Then let's get going."

She threw the door open and ran to the car. I unlocked the car. Before I could even open my door, she was already in and buckled up. If only someone could convince her that school was a dinner date with Jeremy.

Once I was sitting, and the car was started, Jaylee put in a cd. I instantly recognized it. Memento Mori, Flyleaf's newest cd. Beautiful Bride was the first song on the cd. We're going to see my fiancé and she decided to put that song on repeat. Ironic if it was my opinion.

Jeremy was already there when we pulled up. He was sitting on the bike rack. It was obvious that he wasn't one for dressing up like I was. He was wearing black jeans and a skin tight navy blue shirt. Jaylee ran up to him. He smiled as he embraced her in a hug. I just stood awkwardly in the background. “When is you fiancée going to get here?” Jeremy asked.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure. Jaylee knew that you were getting here early so she rushed me out the door. I'm actually not sure how long until Lucas is going to be here, especially since I'm usually late, not early."

Jeremy just nodded. Jaylee had begun to look annoyed. "Why don't you call him and tell him to get his butt up here," she told me.

Escape the Evil chapter 2

I took out my phone. Lucas was on speed dial. As the phone was ringing, I just looked at the ground. "Hey sweetie. Something wrong?"

I giggled then replied, "Well, we are already at the theatre because Jaylee's boyfriend was going to be there early. So therefore, we're waiting. And you know Jaylee; she is not the patient type."

He just chuckled then replied, "Okay. I'll be there in five minutes."

I clicked a button to end the call. Jaylee was just looking at me as if waiting for an answer to a question that she had yet to ask. Knowing what the question was, I answered, "He'll be here in five minutes."

Jaylee smiled then asked Jeremy, "So, what do you want to do with the extra five minutes we have?"

Jeremy smiled. He then replied, "Well, what would your big sister approve of?"

Jaylee just shrugged then looked over at me. "You answer his question. I don’t know what you would approve of," she told me.

I sighed then said to Jeremy, "Well, what were you thinking of? You tell me and I'll tell you if it's okay."

Jeremy shook his head then whispered something to Jaylee. She just nodded.

With that, Lucas' blue Hyundai Genesis Coupe pulled into the parking lot.

Once we were in the theatre, Jaylee was in a much better mood. We were going to see the newest horror movie.

Escape the Evil chapter 3

We exited the theatre, Jaylee holding onto Jeremy tightly, and me and Lucas holding hands. "Th…that was scary," Jaylee admitted sheepishly.

Jeremy just caressed her arm then replied, "It'll be okay sweetie. I won't let the vampires suck your blood until you die."

Jaylee just rolled her eyes then said, "Jeremy, I'm not joking around. That movie really was scary."

Jeremy stopped walking instantly then said, "Oh, I didn't realize quite how serious you were. I can tell that you are sort of scared, but only because you are pretty much blocking off all circulation in my arm, but I didn't realize how scared you really were." With that, he gently presses his lips to Jaylee's.

I looked over at Lucas. He was just smiling. "What'd you think of the movie?" I asked.

He shrugged then replied, "It was okay. I have seen better. But parts of it were pretty scary. I mean, the two human girls trying to escape from the volcano as it is about to erupt. I'm surprised they survived that. Then the vampire massacres. Overall it was a pretty good movie."

I just nodded in agreement. Jaylee and Jeremy were now just holding hands. Jeremy smiled then asked, "So, you guys want dinner? It's on me."

I glanced at him. He was 5 years younger than me…but then he was saying that he was going to pay for dinner? "You know what, I'll pay," Lucas told Jeremy.

Jeremy shrugged then replied, "Sure, if you want to."

Jaylee picked the table. It was right next to the counter. The waiter walked up to us and advised us to get their new Blood Burgers which are in honor of the movie that we had just seen. That is what all of us but Jaylee ordered. Jaylee just got a plain old hamburger. That's when Jeremy really realized how much she was really scared apparently because he scooted closer to her and put his arm around her waist. "It'll be okay. It was just a movie. Please don't be so scared," he tried to coax her.

Jaylee just sighed then exclaimed, "I'm fine. The movie was scary. I'm not a baby! You don't have to treat me like one!"

People were looking at our table now. I just shrugged then reassured Jaylee, "Sis, we aren't trying to treat you like a baby. And neither is Jeremy. You are just so jumpy that he was trying to let you know that he is there for you."

Jaylee sighed then gave in, "I suppose you're right Melanie."

Jeremy nodded his thanks to me then said to Jaylee, "If you want, you can come with me to this really awesome party tonight. And before your sister gets uptight, there will be no drinking and no…something."

I glanced at him then said, "There better not be either of those. As long as you can guarantee that those few things won't be there, then she can go if she'd like to. "

Jaylee smiled then agreed, "Yeah, I'll go. It sounds fun. Where is it at?"

Jeremy surprised me when he said, "It's at my church. I hope that doesn't turn you away. I have wanted to invite you all week, but I never got a good chance."

Jaylee giggled then assured him, "I don't mind it being at a church. I go to church every Sunday anyway." Jeremy just smiled.

Escape the Evil chapter 4 (Jaylee’s POV)

Jeremy pulled up in front of the house in his black Mercedes Guardian. I smiled. “Jeremy’s here. I’m leaving,” I yelled to my sister.

I walked out to his car.

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