Free Time | x K. Bakugou ♡

urnotmyd4d द्वारा

161K 5.1K 4.5K

You and your twin brother, Izuku had no choice but to be separated after an incident that happened in the hos... अधिक

Character info ♡
#1 - discovery
#2 - the journey
#3 - hey, mom
#4 - family
#5 - class 1A
#6 - daddies children
#7 - spicy
#8 - control
#9 - combat training
#10 - uncle might
#11 - the big three
#12 - the journalist
#13 - humour
#14 - bonding with boomy
#15 - cursed
#16 - crackheads
#18 - controlled
#19 - the living legend
#20 - father son reunion
#21 - eri
#22 - my quirk.

#17 - mp bar

4.8K 167 119
urnotmyd4d द्वारा

4 years ago. When y/n's quirk erupted.

Scientists along with Recovery girl and even David Shield had been on the case about the whole situation.

She was in a private lab surrounding by monitors and had needles injecting fluids into her body.

It had been 2 weeks and she still hasn't woken up. Everytime her father or Toshinori came to visit, they would notice the strands of snow white hair that used to be a lucious green, covering the right side of her peaceful face. The beeps from the heart rate monitor putting all worries aside, knowing that the cheery little girl that would always put a smile to their face was alive at least and could, again, make everyone laugh.

Bandages covered her body from the cuts and scrapes her quirk had caused.

Labs had been testing and observing her blood, genetics, quirk and all other things until they came to a couple conclusions:

Y/n's quirk became too unbearable for her tiny body to withstand and had no choice but to release all the energy that it had been storing for 4 years.

But what scared everyone, Hisashi Midoriya especially, was that...

It would happen again.

The whole situation would repeat. The second after y/n had collapsed from the release of energy, her body immediately started to store more power again in her body. Since she was a child, no one could tell her this yet. Mostly because after she woke up she was emotionally unstable.

And for everyone to see how traumatised a 4 year old child could be, it broke their hearts.

One of the reasons why is because she had ended the life of her auntie that day.

Atsuko Midoriya.

One of the most caring and loving people you will ever meet.

Y/n adored this woman.

And it had to be that at the time she was visiting, her quirk had erupted.

A thick blade of ice, straight through the heart.

Her father told her that it wasn't her fault, that everything was okay.

But it wasn't.

Y/n couldn't help but blame herself. She was one of the two family members she had.

and she killed her.

Everyone who heard the story of what happened couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. A child her age didn't deserve to go through something like that.

It was a tough time for Hisashi as well.

His sister died and it was his daughter who caused it. But he knew that it truly wasn't her fault. However, seeing the immense amount of guilt y/n held shattered his heart into pieces.

The day she woke up, they saw that her deep e/c eyes had gone pale. And y/n vividly remembers when she looked into the mirror to see the new her.

Toshinori had to take a few months off of hero work to help support two of the most important people in his life. He swore to help y/n especially on her path of life. He would help and support her in any way he could.

On the other hand, the news that something like this would happen again would always be crawling at the back of their minds.

"At the ages of around 16 to 18 y/n Midoriya will experience something like this again. It is up to us to find a way to lower the damage it will cause. We have strategised the precautions to take when the time comes. Until then, we will be working on a pill to help contain her quirk for as long as needed. Hopefully in the future, she will be able to withstand it and not need the pill for any longer. The dosage will vary depending how stable y/n's quirk is at the time. For now, we're still working on perfecting the pill. It's esitmated to be ready around 1 year from now." Recovery girl was one of the head organisers in the work of stabilizing y/n's quirk. She held a strong urge to help the young girl since she needed as much as she could get.

Chiyo Shuzenji also known as Recovery Girl was quite close with Toshinori and Tatsuo so she was granted access to all exclusive information and data.

This being that there's a microchip like device which monitors y/n's heart rate, blood pressure and other things in her neck. The few people who can access it like her dad can also see her location through it as well.

The device is only for emergencies (or when Hisashi likes to mess about but he doesn't want to invade y/n's personal space so he doesn't constantly check where she is at all times). When the device senses that her quirk is unstable it sends a harmless shock through her neck - kind of like a notification - to tell her that she needs to take a pill.

An analogy for y/n's quirk is that it resembles an mp (magic power) bar in a video game.

However, even at full capacity the holder carries on to produce more magic power.

Since y/n was young and fragile at the time, she couldn't withstand any longer than a month after when she was supposed to get her quirk.

That was when she broke.

All of the 'magic power' left her body for it to create more. And it will continue to do so until y/n's body can't withstand any more. However, in this case, her body is getting stronger - meaning that her 'mp bar' will be increasing in capacity as well. So until it has caught up with her growing body and strength will it become more instable.

The process isn't exactly smooth, however. There will be times when her power will grow a lot more than other times - this is where the pills Recovery girl helped manufactured came in handy.

Just before y/n's 5th birthday, the pills were ready and she had to take around 4 a day.

Soon enough it went from 3.

To 2.

To 1.

That brings us to now; the present.

Turns out that the device in her neck has detected slight changes in her body and quirk.

All the scientists that were in charge of the research 12 years ago were notified. As well as her father, All Might, David Shield, Recovery Girl, Aizawa and even Sir Nighteye.

~1st person~

My phone was vibrating from the pocket of my hoodie and rudely interrupted my music as I was walking towards my dorm room. It was pretty late, like about 11:00pm.

Dad? I've already rang him more than once today... I wonder what he wants.

"Yo, need something?"

He sighed before responding, "Pumpkin, I've gotta tell you some pretty big news so you're gonna have to si'down for this one."

"Umm... Okay."

After I shut my dorm room door, I sat down cross legged in my bed, back leaning against the wall.

"You remember the incident 12 years ago, right?"

I was shocked hearing that our conversation was going to be about that.

"Unfortunately. Yes."

"We told you that the cause of it was because of an unstable built up of your quirks energy and your body couldn't handle it. But we didn't mention something important to you because you were so young at the time..."

My heart rate became quicker, I didn't know what I was going to be told next. And if it was about the incident, I knew it wasn't going to be good.

"W-What was it?" My voice was shaky.

"We didn't tell you that it was going to happen again."

My heart sank. And the stupid ears the old hag cursed me with fell flat.


"Yes, sweetheart. But please, try not to worry so much. This time we're prepared. When you were unconscious for those 2 weeks everyone planned out procedures on what to do when the time comes. You have people to help you this time, alright? Everything will be okay." He was speaking to me as if I was still a child. But that's how I needed to be handled at the time. With care like I was as fragile as glass.

"S-so... What's going to happen now?"

"The pills, you have to take four a day from now on, got that?"

"Four?? But that's how much I needed when I was 5!"

"Yes, y/n but this time it's different. We need to be as alert as possible. Your vitals are changing, indicating that your quirk could potentially break out again. I don't want you to get as hurt as you did last time. I love you so don't go doing anything that could trigger an early outbreak, okay?"

"Yeah, alright. I love you too."

"You can get more pills from Granny before school."

"Will do."

"Sweet dreams, princess. I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you most." At with that, he hung up.

I smiled to myself before turning my phone off. I opened the door and walked onto the balcony. The moon was shining but the light pollution hid the stars. That sucked. I love stars.

I gripped onto the railing and my head fell down. My hair fell with it as it went from my back to the sides of my face.

I started to cry. Sobbing, even.

I was so happy that there were so many people helping me with this. But what if they get hurt by me just because they were involved? When my quirk breaks out again, it could be worse. I could hurt more people.

Maybe someone will share the same fate as Aunt Atsuko.

I was scared. And all I could do at that moment was cry. My cheeks were getting damper and damper and more tears flooded my face.

It lasted for maybe around 10 minutes. My eyebrows were still furrowed but my cheeks had dried.

I wasn't tired.

I couldn't go to bed.

I grabbed my duvet from my bed then wrapped it around my shoulders before jumping up onto the roof from my balcony.

It sucks that the roof was sloped, but I'll live. I used the duvet as a cushion while sitting on the very top of the roof.

I looked out to see the city lights.

There may not be stars but this view is almost as good.

I sat and stared. Stared at the lights that illuminated Musutafu.

After thinking for a while, I sighed to myself.

My idea was stupid, but comforting.

There was a song she used to sing. After she died I could never forget the melody and the calming tone of her voice every time she sang it.

Who knows how my memory was so good? Thinking about it was bittersweet in itself. I could hear her singing it in my head whilst my fingers twitched and tapped to the melody.

~3rd person~

She always wondered who that person her Aunt Suko talked about in the song. Maybe she had a boyfriend and y/n had a potential uncle?

But if she did then I busted it.

But maybe it was just for the sake of it being a romance song. Maybe there wasn't another person involved?

Either way, she can't be in love anymore. Because she's not here. Her smile. Her laugh. The voice that filled that motherly role in my life for a split second.

Tears fell from her eyes and didn't stop.

Maybe I can fall in love one day? Huh.

Coincidentally, Bakugou couldn't sleep that night either. He went on to the balcony to get some fresh air.

He couldn't sleep because he was thinking about y/n. It was stupid. That's what he told himself at least. A crush? Hah, as if.

More like an infatuation.

He had no idea if she saw him more as a classmate or not and pissed him off. But he knew that he liked her, oddly enough. It was frustrating.

She was rediculously strong even without using her quirk.

And not to mention her looks. Goddamn.

But as he stepped out he heard wind swishing up to the roof followed by a gentle thud. He was curious so he went to check it out.

Using explosions that were almost soundless, he reached the top and climbed up.

His crimson eyes saw a familiar shade of green over a duvet wrapped around the girl's frame.

There was no doubt about it. It was y/n.

He stood there, not knowing what to do.

She let out a sigh and lat her head roll back onto her neck and the duvet that was wrapped around it.

"What's up with you?"

Y/n's ears perked up and the familiar, but more husky, voice.

"...Nothing much." She cursed herself for hesitating.

"Hm." Yeah right.

Bakugou walked up the roof towards y/n. As he did so, the girl opened up her duvet. He knew what she was gesturing to and slightly panicked internally. The shocked expression on his face was thankfully hidden by the darkness of the night sky.

He sat near y/n but she wasn't satisfied, so she scooched over until they were practically touching and wrapped the duvet over his shoulders. This made Bakugou feel stuffy as he adjusted to the foreign feeling. Even y/n was slightly flustered.

But at the time she was too caught up in her emotions to think too much into it. She couldn't. All she needed at the time was support and comfort.

"So why are you sitting up here?" Bakugou asked,

"Just felt like it I suppose." She lied.

Y/n could feel her eyelids become heavy and her head collapsed on to the side of Bakugou's shoulder - because of the height difference.

He chucked and she felt flustered when feeling him jolt up and down slightly. It was calm and peaceful.

"Tired huh? Let's get you to bed, dumbass."

"Mhm." She nodded weakly in response.

He carried her bridal style at first but realised he needed to use his explosions to soften the fall. So instead, he threw her over his shoulder along with my duvet which caused her to groan.

They both landed on y/n's balcony before Bakugou opened the door to her room and placed her on her bed.

Y/n opened her eyes and adjusted the duvet so to was comfortable. But then she realised she wouldn't be able to sleep. There was a hot boy. In her room. At some time around midnight.

"Yeah, no. I don't think I'll be able to sleep."

"But you were literally just tired a second ago."

"I dunnooooo." She whined, "can you stay with me?"

They both slightly blushed at her request, but Bakugou answered,


"Ughh... Why not?"

She sat up with her legs crossed and leaned her head on the cold wall.

"Wanna play GTA?" She asked. And in response, she got a grunt along with a, "whatever."

She let Bakugou play the game since it wasn't multiplayer and found it somewhat amusing. At the most random times he would press X then B really quickly and the character would flop. Y/n found it hilarious. He would do it on random people and into trash cans.

Everytime she laughed, it would give Bakugou butterflies in his stomach and could feel his face warm up. The same thing happened when she decided to lay down with her legs rested on his lap.

He offered her the controller multiple times until he realised that she was getting tired and slowly losing consciousness while watching him play.

Bakugou was running over hookers and speeding away from the cops when he heard a yawn. Y/n was almost out of conciousness to realise and soon after she fell asleep. Little snores could be heard from her and her ears would twitch everytime Bakugou got frustrated and groaned that it was the character's fault.

He was doing random shit and eventually died when he accidently fell off the roof of a building he was parkouring on. He groaned and flung his head back which ended up forcefully hitting the wall he was leaning on.

His anger soon disappeared when he saw the peaceful face of y/n Midoriya.

Then he did the most impulsive thing he's ever done in his life.

He leaned forward and pushed a few strands of hair out of her face before kissing her forehead.

When he realised was he did he turned into a blushing mess and gently moved her legs off of his lap and went to leave.

But then he noticed that the room was illuminating. The source being y/n.

He saw that she no longer had a fluffy tail or heterochromatic ears, but normal ones instead.

Did I do that?


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