the billionaire's rose(comple...

By Shkh19

295K 9.3K 258

a simple yet beautiful hard-working girl falls in love with simply the wrong but the right guy at the same ti... More

fired (edited)
another CEO (edited)
Charlie is missing(edited)
getting to know him(edited)
a long night (edited)
Jin is home (edited)
The nice side(edited)
do i like him (edited)
must resist!(edited)
the black dress(edited)
black dress part 2
a new rival
the truth
what to do!
a date
overflowed love
first day in love
awake and in love
i love you
passionate love
crazy in love
future wife
jass's family
Mr. & Mrs
lady boss
important note
our simple end
miss you guys

the day after

6.4K 213 6
By Shkh19

both of jass and sam slept until noon the next day , ignoring anyone and everyone , they didn't care about work or about the people in the house as they slept peacefully , it was almost 12 o'clock when Sam woke up and saw jass sleeping in his arms and her messy hair on her back and face , he smiled gently as he kissed her forehead and tried to get up without making noise , but his try was pointless

"good morning " jass said

"morning love? how are you feeling? any pain?" jass blushed as she hid her face in Sam's neck , Sam laughed out loud as he gently played with her hair

"come on let take a shower and after that we can eat something i am starving " Sam said as he got up and walked to her side of the bed , jass tried to stand up but her legs gave away right away making her almost fall , but Sam held her tightly

"let me help you, you're going to be soar today " Sam said worriedly

"it's okay love " jass said while kissing his pouty lips

"come one let's get you cleaned up " Sam lifted jass of the ground and lead her to the shower , they slowly took a warm shower together and after that they ate breakfast and sat with Sam's grandmother for a while and of course Sam's grandmother ended up making jass stay the week at their place , saying that its crazy that she is going to stay at a hotel when they have a thousand rooms at their place so the next two weeks were basically a huge joy for Sam , jass , and the grandmother as they spent most of the time together going between work , dates , and home , and of course the thing that Sam loved the most was the nights where he can he have jass all for himself , but after 2 weeks jasmine's apartment was finally done , so after a lot of struggle she was finally able to convince Sam's grandmother to let her go back , Sam's grandmother got so used to having jass that she didn't want her to go , she felt like she had a daughter with her and so she got attached and so did jass , since she lost her grandmother a couple of years back she couldn't be more happy to have a new granny who can love her and give her the affection she wanted.

**** a month after jass moved back to her apartment ****

Its been a month since jass moved to her apartment and life has been going great , she and Sam are doing amazing they would go out on dates all the time , they would go and have dinner and lunch at his place with granny and they are enjoying every minute

Jess was waiting for Sam down her apartment she wore a green dress with nude heels , and sadly she was nervous as hell , today was the day she and sam are going to have dinner at the lee's house and tell them about their relationship , for jasmine this was a big deal since these people are her family that she always wished for 

"sorry I am late love" sam came to jasmine running as usual he was wearing a black suit and white shirt underneath

"its okay " jass said as she walked towards him , he hugged her tightly and after that he pushed her slightly away to look at her

"Damn! you look beautiful tonight" jass blushed as she looked at his face and fixed his tie

"you don't look so bad yourself handsome "

"well thank you my lady, are you ready?" jess moved away slightly as she nodded her head

"what's wrong love?"

"nothing I am just a bit nervous that's all "

"you don't have to be , they are people that we care for isn't that why you should trust them that they will be happy for us " sam said as he played with her  dangling hair

"yeah your right, well let's go we don't want to keep them waiting, do we?" sam nodded as he helped her to the car, and within 20 minutes they arrived at the lee's place 

"sir sam , miss jasmine welcome! please come in the madam and master are waiting for you in the living room " all of a sudden while the maid was welcoming in both of them charlie came running the stairs 

"jass , your here" and he jumped on her making her almost fall backward but sam held her by her back , she smiled at him gratfuly as she hugged Charlie tighter , she kneeled down to his level as she played with his hair 

"hey baby , i missed you "

"i missed you to , why aren't you visiting me , are you mad at me ?"

"what of course not , i was just a bit busy , i am sorry baby forgive me " jass said as he coaxed the little guy in front of her 

"charlie stop holding them at the door and let them come in first " aunt lee said as she cam towards jass to hug her 

"oh my baby i missed you so much " 

"i missed you to aunt" jass said as she huged her back , but all of a sudden aunt lee moved away and hit jasmine at her arm 

"ouch " jass said as she rubbed her shoulder , sam was already holding her hand and looking at her worridly 

"why did you do that aunt?" jass said sadly

"for not coming for almost a month you unfilil girl , and you" aunt lee said pointing to sam " you're no better , whats wrong with you two" aunt lee said before she turned around and started walking away , jasmine continued rubbing her hand as she walked with sam beside her 

"does it hurt love?"

"no its okay " jasmine said as she looked at him 

"oh my baby is here " uncle lee screamed as he saw jasmine walk in 

"hi uncle" jass walked and hugged her uncle and so did sam 

"oh look how beautiful have you become again " a silly voice came from the hallway and there was jin standing as he leaned on the wall , jasmine smiled slightly as she walked towards him to hug him , but before she could touch him sam pulled him into a brotherly hug and whispered in his ear 

"hands off" at first jin was shocked but after a while he started laughing hystyricly 

"so it happened?"

"yeah " sam said holding jass closer to him 

"come on let's go eat everyone " aunt lee said, everyone went and sat at the table , charlie sat at one side of jasmine while sam sat at the other side , the maids satrted puting the food on the table when sam coughed 

"actually before we start eating , me and jasmine would like to say somthing " sam said as he looked at uncle lee 

"oh what is it kids?" aunt lee asked 

"actually.... its.." jass said but no words came from her mouth , but all of a sudden the hand that was holding her hand under the table was out lifting both of them for everyone to see 

"me and jass are dating , and we would like to have your blessing uncle and aunt " all of a sudden uncle lee started laughing as he stood up and went to hug sam 

"good, good , you better take care of her for me , she is the daughter that i always wished for " uncle said as he pushed sam slightly 

"thats true you better take care of my baby girl , or i wont forgive you " aunt lee said as she smiled for jass and sam , but before thier happiness could complete the sound of a chair falling came , and charlie stood up and went to his room running and he locked the door behind him 

"charlie " aunt lee shouted as she and everyone else ran behind him , but when they tried to open the door they found it locked , so they started banging on it 

"charlie , open the door" 

"charls open the door bro , come on "jin screamed , everyone tried but it was pointles , charlie was having a panic attack and this was going to be a long night 

"jass you try , he listens to you " jasmine nodded her head as she knocked on the door

"baby , can you open the door for me " but no response was heard

"charls , please open the door , i will come in alone okay baby , lets talk okay ?" for almost an hour jasmine was trying to talk for charlie but he wouldnt budge

"okay lets break the door" jin said

"you can't , you will trigger him more like that " aunt lee said as she paced around 

"aunt , uncle please go and rest leave this to me okay , everyone else should leave to " jass said as she stood by the door , everyone nodded thier heads as they started walking to the living room 

"are you okay love ?" sam asked as he hugged jass 

"yeah i am fine , i will be better when i see him in front of my eyes , anyway go and sit with the others , i will take care of things here " sam nodded his head as he kissed he and walked away 

jasmine sat on the floor and leaned at the door and started talking to calm charlie down 

"you know charls , when i first came here i was really scared and woried , i had no one and i wasn't used to this kind of life , but then i met you and i found a new home , i found a little brother , and an amazing aunt and a great father figure and even jin he is like big brother to me ....." jasmine contined talking for an hour nonstop without moving and noticing the time 

"jass , baby are you okay ?" sam came and asked as he squated down to jasmine's level

"yeah yaeh , i am fine "

"no your not fine , come on lets get you to eat something , you havn't eaten anything all day ong , and your hands are freezing" sam said as he touched jass cheeks

"i am not gonna eat until charlie comes out " 

"thats crazy jasmine..." sam said madly , but right after he finshed talking the door to the room opend slightly , and charlie's head came out 

"only jass is allowed in "  jassmine stood up and walked towards him and closed the door behind her , the room was dark with everything else scattered on the ground , jess turned the lights on as she walked to where charlie was sitting , she sat beside him and looked at him 

"would you like to tell me whats wrong?"

"are you leaving me jass?" charlie asked with tears in his eyes 

"what? of course not baby? why would you think that?" jasmine said to him 

"because you have uncle sam now and you dont need us " charlie said as he cleaned his tears 

"thats rediclues baby, i will always need you no matter what , do you hear me ?"
"are you sure?" charlie asked again 

"i am sure baby" jass said as she hugged him tighter 

"are you hungry ?" jass asked Charlie and he nodded his head 

"then lets go eat " jass said as she stood up , but the moment she stood , she felt the floor move underneath her and everything become blury for a second , but before she hit the floor she leaned on the bed 

"jass are you okay ?" charlie asked as he held her hand , she nodded her head to him and efter a second she was able to stand at her own 

"i am okay baby , come one lets go and eat "

"jass should i call uncle sam ?"

"NO!" jass screamed "its okay , lets not tell anyone okay , we dont want to worry them , do we baby?" charlie nodded his head as he held jass's hand and walked outside of the room 

and thats how the night continued , of eating laughing and joy , but not for everyone ...


hey guys , neww chapter finally , its the longest one ever , i hope you like it 

love you all , and don't forget to comment and vote 

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