Into The Shadows • Shadowhunt...

By taylaxauffray

49.7K 752 193

Allison Wayland, twin sister of Jace Wayland, is thrown into the "mundane" Clary Fray's journey of self-disco... More

• Chapter One •
• Chapter Two •
• Chapter Three •
• Chapter Four •
• Chapter Five •
• Chapter Six •
• Chapter Seven •
• Chapter Eight •
• Chapter Nine •
• Chapter Ten •
• Chapter Eleven •
• Chapter Thirteen •

• Chapter Twelve •

2.4K 30 17
By taylaxauffray

"Bring the flowers out to the wedding tent and the rose petals at the entrance." Isabelle said as she walked in front of two Shadowhunters who were carrying boxes of flowers for the wedding taking place in the next two days.

"Isabelle, which colour do you like better? It's for the curtains adorning the wedding tent." Another Shadowhunter came up to the raven haired girl, holding two different coloured cloths.

Isabelle looked at the gold and blue cloths before smiling at the woman. "The cobalt blue. Its elegant, masculine and very Alec." She replied.

Allison walked over as Isabelle watched everyone rush around in preparation for the wedding.

"Hey, the cuff and necklace just came." The blonde girl said softly as she held two separate boxes containing the items that Lydia and Alec will wear once married.

"And Brother Jeremiah is on his way." Aaliyah mentioned as she walked past with the flowers for Lydia's bouquet.

"Perfect!" Isabelle smiled. "Ally, those can go in my room." She told the blonde who gave a short nod and walked off.

"How are we supposed to get any work done with all this going on?" Jace's voice rung out as he walked past Isabelle.

The girl rolled her eyes before following after him. "We haven't had a wedding here in years. People are allowed to be excited." She gave him a pointed look.

"We need to focus." Jace said. "Have you narrowed down the list of Downworlders for Magnus Bane?"

The eldest Lightwood twin sighed before bringing up the list on the monitor. "I've got it down to 20 but it's going to be hard to figure out which warlock had cast that spell on Jocelyn." She looked up at the blonde boy.

"I don't care how tough it is. We've got to find him." He folded his arms, glancing through the list.

"Have you spoken to Alec?" Isabelle asked.

"He's probably busy with wedding plans. I don't need to talk to anyone. Let's just stick to the mission, okay?" Jace snapped,turningto her. He was about to walk off but was caught by the arm.

"I know the both of you are upset at each other but you can at least make an effort. Your sister, who is still hurt, at least made an effort of helping out for the wedding. He's your best friend and your Parabatai, Jace. Don't forget that." Isabelle said before walking off.

Jace watched the raven haired girl's retreating figure with gritted teeth and clenched fists before looking back at the monitor, her words echoing in his head.

Clary stood in the room at her mother's side with Luke standing beside her. The red head never took her eyes off of Jocelyn as she spoke up. "She looks so peaceful. I wish I knew how to reach her..." She said softly.

Luke looked at the girl beside him and gave her a small smile. "It's going to be fine." He reassured her. He watched her for a minute before sighing softly. "I'm sorry, Clary. We should have told you everything before this got out of hand--"

"Luke, we can hash all that out when we wake Mom up." The red head cut him off, looking up at her father figure. "The important thing now is that we have her back." She said looking back to an unconscious Jocelyn.

"I'm looking for Lydia." A voice said and the two turned to find Alec at the door. "Have either of you seen her?" The raven haired boy asked. "I don't mean to interrupt or anything--"

"No." Clary shook her head. "Stay for a minute." She said.

"I gotta get back to the station." Luke announced and looked at Clary. "Call me if anything changes." He gave her a gentle smile before leaving the two Shadowhunters alone, patting Alec's shoulder on the way out.

Alec looked at the red head and walked over slowly, glancing at Jocelyn. "How is she?" He asked.

"Still the same, I guess." Clary answered looking at her mother. She sighed and looked up at the boy in front of her. "Alec, I know you and I don't always see eye to eye on things..." She trailed off and corrected herself. "Actually we never see eye to eye on anything. But I do want to thank you for everything you've done to help get my Mom back." She said softly.

"Actually, I should thank you." Alec said, finally pulling his gaze from the floor to look at her. Clary stared at him with shock. "I don't know what would've happened to Isabelle after the trial if you hadn't returned the Cup." He sighed. "You saved my sister so thank you."

"My whole world turned upside down but you and I thanking each other..." Clary trailed of with a smile. "That's just too much." She said with a giggle, even managing to receive a small smile from Alec.

"Yeah." The raven haired boy replied with one last look and leaving the room.

The following morning, Magnus sat at the head of the table with Allison as Jace and Clary both entered the room at the same time. "Morning." The red head greeted.

"Morning." Jace muttered, taking a seat beside his twin. "You just come from training?" He asked softly, causing the warlock to look up from inspecting his nails, to looking between the two that had just entered.

"Yeah. I'm working on my right hook." Clary replied just as softly, standing next to Magnus, who now sat at the table awkwardly with his eyebrows raised.

"Good. That's a good punch." Jace said, not looking at the red head.

Clary looked at him before nodding. "Yeah, well I'm working on it."

Allison looked between the two before meeting Magnus' gaze. She rolled her eyes while Magnus decided to break the awkwardness.

"Well, this conversation is no doubt sentillating, remind me again why we couldn't do this at my place?" The warlock asked looking at the Shadowhunters. "At least there we'd have cocktails." He added.

"It's 9 in the morning." Clary stated, looking at him in shock.

"Well, it's happy hour somewhere, Biscuit." Magnus smiled at Clary.

"I'm with Magnus. A cocktail would go down great right now." Allison said, putting her feet on the table. "Although I'm in need of something a lot stronger." She added.

The warlock grinned at her and was about to reply but got cut off by Jace. "We invited you here, Magnus, because Hodge can't leave the Institute. He's an important part of this mission."

"Well, then where is our tardy little tutor?" The warlock asked.

"Pardon the delay, Magnus." Hodge came in, looking at directly at him as he walked past. "I was following a lead." He explained as he walked to the monitor.

"Now we've narrowed down a list of warlocks to these three." The Institute's instructor projected images from his tablet to the monitor.

"Why is Ragnor Fell up there?" Magnus questioned, index finger raised. "He is not more powerful than I am."

Hodge turned to the warlock. "Some disagree. He is older than you."

"But certainly not wiser." Magnus replied with a smirk.

"Who is Ragnor Fell?" Clary asked.

"He's the former High Warlock of London." Allison answered, leaning her head back while spinning in her chair boredly.

"He's also one of my oldest friends." The warlock added. "Very prickly. Likes to keep to himself."

"Okay, look, we just need to figure out which one of these warlocks had enough access to Jocelyn that they could create the potion without anyone discovering what they have done." Hodge said to the group.

"In the early 90's, Ragnor was a professor at the Shadowhunters Academy in Idris." Magnus began.

"Isn't that when my mother lived there? Could he have made the potion for her?" Clary asked looking at the warlock beside her.

"The little bugger!" He said, thinking about it for a minute. "That's why he never responded to my fire messages."

"Ever since Valentine began hunting warlocks, Ragnor has been held up in his secret country house just outside of London." The warlock continued. "For all I know, Ragnor suspected my fire message was a ploy by Valentine to lure him out of hiding." He paused. "We'll have to confront him face to face."

"You're going on this mission?" Hodge asked.

"Of course! I'm the only one Ragnor trusts." Magnus exclaimed.

"What's going on here? Nobody told me about a meeting." Alec's voice rang out as he entered the area with Lydia.

"Magnus figured out that Ragnor Fell is the warlock who can wake my mother." Clary said while Jace got to his feet, looking at his Parabatai.

"How can I help?" Alec asked. The blonde male scoffed softly and folded his arms.

"We're just recovering a warlock, Alec. We've got this covered." He said while the raven haired boy looked back at him.

"Besides, you have emissaries from The Clave to meet." Allison muttered as she stretched, getting to her feet. "I'm sure you wouldn't want to tarnish your family's perfect image." Alec stared at the girl he loved with sad eyes, remaining silent.

"Now if you'd all excuse me, I have packing to do." She looked at everyone and walked out, not noticing the frown coming over the raven haired boy's face.

Later that morning, Aaliyah, Isabelle and Alec emerged from the elevator. "Now that The Clave has control of the Mortal Cup thanks to your lovely bride-to-be," Isabelle nudged her brother's side with a smile. "Mom and Dad can come home now. They arrive tonight."

"I heard. Max is staying with his tutors in Idris, it's safer there." Alec said softly, a little out of focus. He sighed before looking at his sisters. "This wedding is becoming more of a headache than I've planned."

"Alec, you don't have to go through with this if you don't want to." Aaliyah looked at her older brother.

"It's what I want." He replied earning a nod from the short girl.

"Okay." She said which made the eldest sibling to tilt his head slightly at his youngest sibling.

"Okay?" He repeated. "No big argument from you?" He asked and looked to Isabelle who was looking at plates, glasses and cutlery for the wedding. "You too, Izzy?"

Isabelle looked to her older brother and stepped forward. "You stood by me for my trial. Now, I'm standing by you, big brother." She said.

"And I may not agree with your decision, which hurt my best friend, but you're my brother. If this makes you happy, then I will support you." Aaliyah said, looking at him which caused him to smile at both of his sisters.

"And I'm throwing you a bachelor party." Isabelle grinned.

Alec turned to her with raised eyebrows. "A what?" He asked

"A bachelor party." Yip, he heard his sister correctly.

"I don't need a bachelor party." He said.

"No one needs a bachelor party but I'm throwing you one anyways." Isabelle replied as she walked with her siblings. "Actually Jace should be the one throwing it but considering everything he must be going through with Clary, I don't want to ask him to do anything." She folded her arms. "You know what I mean?"

"I do." Alec said. "Sisters can really drive you nuts sometimes." He smirked at her causing Isabelle to roll her eyes playfully.

Alec then sighed and looked at the twins. "Is she leaving?" He asked softly.

Isabelle and Aaliyah knew that he meant Allison. His face was void but his eyes said so much.

"Yes." Aaliyah finally replied and Alec felt his heart drop. Allison was leaving because of him. "Go talk to her Alec. If you don't, you may regret it once she leaves..." The younger twin stared at her brother sadly, knowing that he was hurting inside.

"Yeah, I will." The eldest sibling responded quietly, hazel gaze turned to the floor as the sisters watched him sadly.

That afternoon in her room, Allison was packing her bags. Zipping her bags closed, she then sat on her bed, taking the locket off from around her neck and holding it in her hands. It was heart shaped, with doves on either side appearing to be carrying the heart. She smiled slightly, running her fingers across the engraving on the heart.

"I see you still have that locket." She turned to see Alec standing in the doorway, looking at her.

She cleared her throat, standing up and nodded. "Yeah." She replied softly.

The raven haired male made his way towards her. "I remember giving that to you for your 18th birthday." He smiled fondly at the memory and looking at the engraving. "Aeternum..." He read as he took the item of jewelry from her slowly and opened it up to find a picture of himself inside. He looked at her the blonde with sad eyes.

"Guess forever was wrong, huh?" Allison said with a small smile as she took the locket back from him. She stayed quiet before looking at the boy beside her. "Do you know what happened when I went to that alternate dimension?" She asked.

"You and Clary had to find the portal to lead--"

"I'm not talking about that, Alec." The blonde cut him off. "I saw you." She said, surprising Alec. "And we were married and happy... We had a daughter..." This surprised the raven haired boy even more.

"To be completely honest, I didn't want to leave that world..." Allison continued. "Because I felt so happy there being married to the guy I love and having the most beautiful little girl with him."

Alec's eyes widened at her confession. "You love me?" He whispered.

"I always have, Alec." Allison gave a small smile. "For the longest time." She added while placing the locket in her other bag and zipped it closed.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Alec stared at her.

"And say what?" The blonde turned back to him. "As a 16 year old girl, do you think it would be that easy for me to come out and tell you that I love you when I knew nothing about it at the time?" She asked. "I wouldn't have been able to look you in the eye if you rejected me."

"Besides what use is it now? You're getting married tomorrow and I leave for Idris." She ran her fingers through her hair as she sat on her bed.

"You're not coming to the wedding?" Alec frowned.

"I can't, Alec." Tears formed in her blue eyes. "I can't watch you marry someone else without feeling pain."

Alec shook his head as tears of his own began to well up in his hazel gaze. "Ally, please..." He pleaded, taking her hands into his as he crouched down in front of her, Allison staring straight back at him with her unshed tears. "I am so sorry... If I could take it all back, I--"

"You can't, Alec." The blonde shook her head, cutting him off. "What's done is done. You have to uphold your family's name." She looked away and bit her lip. "You're doing the right thing."

"Allison..." Alec stared at her with tears threatening to fall. His heart was breaking.

Allison stood up and walked to her door. "You should go... Last minute wedding prep and all..." The blonde said while looking at the raven haired boy who stood up.

Alec sighed heavily and slowly walked to the door, stepping out of the room and paused as Allison caught his hand. "It's going to be okay." She gave a small smile. "You're going to be happily married and soon enough, I'll receive news of a little Alec or Lydia on the way." She laughed slightly.

A tear slid down Alec's cheek, staring down at the blonde. Allison raised her hand to his face, wiping the tear gently with her thumb. She slid her hand down to cup his neck as she stood on her toes, placing a soft lingering kiss on his cheek. "Goodbye, Alexander..." She whispered.

Tears flowed down Alec's face as he watched her step back into the room and closed the door. Once the door was closed, Allison slid down it as the tears poured. She whimpered, pulling her knees up to her chest and cried.

That goodbye to Alec hurt like hell.

That night, once Jace and Clary had gotten back from visiting Ragnor, Isabelle walked up to them looking directly at the blonde. "Jace, you're coming to Alec's bachelor party right?" She asked.

"No. He doesn't want me there and I'm swamped." Jace replied walking past the raven haired girl.

"You two seriously haven't worked things out yet?" She questioned.

"There's nothing to work out. If he wants to talk, we'll talk." The eldest Wayland twin said stubbornly while Isabelle and Clary followed behind him.

"He's your Parabatai." Isabelle said and watched as Jace stopped looking directly at Lydia who was speaking to a Shadowhunter.

"I have more important things going on than a bachelor party." Jace muttered before looking at the girls. "Come with me."

"We were attacked by a shax demon when we went to see Ragnor Fell and the attack could be a coincidence. Valentine must have been tracking us." Jace said softly.

"You don't think someone from the Institute told Valentine where you were going, do you?" Isabelle asked.

"There's no other explanation." Clary answered.

The raven haired girl turned to the red head. "No one here would betray us like that." She then looked to Jace. "This is our family."

Jace stepped forward between the girls, watching Lydia. "Not everyone." He muttered.

"I swear if Lydia--"

"Slow down." Clary cut off the angry blonde. "We don't know if she did anything yet."

"And wrongfully accusing someone of a crime is dangerous." Isabelle added. "Trust me, I've been through it." She watched as Jace gritted his teeth.

"Lydia was right there beside Alec when we were talking about Ragnor Fell. If she doesn't admit it, I'll make her." The blonde seethe, turning on his heel but stopped as Clary moved in front of him.

"Jace, you are too worked up to talk to anyone right now." The red head said.

"Especially not an important envoy from The Clave." Isabelle added again.

"Let me talk to Lydia. If you accuse Alec's fiancée, you will ruin whatever relationship you have left with him." Clary said, watching the blonde's every move.

"Clary is right, Jace. If Lydia did this, she might not be so defensive with Clary. She might let her guard down and slip up." Isabelle walked forward, looking at her adoptive brother.

"Fine." Jace rolled his eyes and turned to Clary. "But I want to know everything she says." Clary stared at him before turning on her heel, leaving the training room.

"Just a couple more steps." Isabelle smiled as she led her blindfolded brother down the stairs, later that same evening. "Almost there."

"Izzy..." Alec started.

"You trust me don't you?" Isabelle asked with a grin.

"Not really. Besides I told you I don't need a bachelor party." Alec responded.

"Well, you need this one. Now count to five and take your blindfold off." Isabelle said with a smile as she left the room.

"Really Izzy?" Alec questioned but counted to five anyway. Once he took his blindfold off, he saw nothing.

"Seriously?" He muttered and turned around only to see his best friend come in.

"Izzy said you wanted to talk." Jace said looking at his Parabatai who folded his arms.

"I don't know what she thought I wanted to say." Alec replied.

The blonde shrugged his shoulders. "Great. I guess I'll go. I've got work to do anyway." He turned to walk but ended up stopping.

He sighed. "Dammit, Izzy." He muttered to himself before walking back to his best friend. "You know what? She's right. We do need to talk." He said.

"Okay. Well, it's my bachelor party so you go first." Alec replied.

Jace nodded and looked at the raven haired male. "I don't know how things got so messed up between us but I do know that my life has gotten a lot harder without talking to you."

Alec nodded, staring at his Parabatai. "Mine too."

"I know it seems like I've been making a lot of crazy choices lately and I know you think that I was only thinking about myself and Clary, that I wasn't thinking about the consequences for everyone else. All I can say is, I've been going through a lot." Jace continued and looked at the ground. He sighed and looked at Alec, walking closer. "I only did what I though was right, Alec, but I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry..."

Alec sighed softly. "I know." He started as Jace stared at him. "I just... I got caught in all this drama." He said which caused the blonde to laugh slightly.

"Yeah, I mean, you're getting married tomorrow."

"And Clary is yours and Allison's sister. What's up with that?" The raven haired boy had a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Don't even get me started." The blonde responded causing Alec to chuckle slightly while watching his best friend sit down. "I kissed her." Jace continued.

"Hmm..." Alec hummed as he walked over slowly.

"What's worse is that I wanted her." The blonde added. "I was falling in love. I must be sick or something."

"No." The raven haired boy said and sat next to his best friend. "No, you're not sick. The situation is just confusing." He said as Jace turned his head to look at him. "Trust me, I know. My love life isn't exactly all rainbows and sunshine."

Jace smiled slightly, knowing Alec meant his relationship with his twin sister.

"It's like you have this plan for your life and you know what you need to do, what your responsibilities are... And you think that if you follow the rules, everything will be fine and then someone comes along and pushes you off that path... You just..." Alec trailed off.

"Hey, I get it." Jace said softly.

Playing with his hands, Alec looked from his Parabatai to the floor. "The point is, we're Shadowhunters. Emotions get in the way. If you get knocked off the path, you have to focus and find your way back."

Jace continued to stare at his best friend beside him. "You still have to be true to yourself." He added.

"I am." Alec said and stood up. "I'm fulfilling my duty."

Jace sighed softly. His Parabatai, his best friend and adoptive brother that he loved, could be so stubborn when he wants to be.

"Would you be my best man and give me away tomorrow?" Alec turned to Jace who grinned up at him.

"Alec, if this is what you really want..." Jace trailed off. "I'd be honoured." He smiled.

"I'm always going to be here for you." He added.

Alec smiled at his best friend. "Me too." He said and held out his hand which Jace took hold of.

The two smiled at each other, finally happy that they've sorted out their issues.

The next night, Aaliyah knocked on Allison's door causing the blonde to look at her. "Liyah, wow, you look great." She smiled at her best friend who wore an elegant, gold, one shoulder two piece, long sleeved dress which complimented her figure perfectly. Her long raven hair was straightened out and pinned off to the side with a clip, her make up done naturally.

What caused the blonde to giggle internally was that even though she knew Aaliyah was wearing heels, her best friend was still short.

"Thank you, Ally." The raven haired girl smiled before sighing softly. "Are you sure that this is what you want?" She asked.

AAllison knew what she meant. "No, but it's what I have to do." The blonde responded.

"I had to try one last time." Aaliyah gave a soft laugh before pulling her best friend into a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much, Ally." The short girl felt tears welling up but she held them back.

"I'm going to miss you too, Liyah." Allison said with her voice breaking and pulled back with a watery smile.

"I left a dress on my bed for you, hoping you'd change your mind." Aaliyah wiped her eyes carefully causing Allison to giggle softly.

The younger Lightwood twin took her phone from her clutch purse and checked the time. "I better get going." She said and looked at her best friend. "Remember, it's not to late to change your mind."

"Liyah!" Allison laughed as tears slid down her face.

"Okay, that was the last time. I swear." Aaliyah giggled, a tear of her own, sliding down her cheek. "You better call me from Idris." She pointed.

"I will..." The blonde smiled softly. Aaliyah gave her best friend one last smile and a hug before leaving for her brother's wedding in the hall.

Allison looked around her bedroom which held many memories. She smiled to herself, no turning back now. "I can't believe I'm about to do this..."

Alec stood at the altar, Jace beside him as he watched his parents walk up to him.

"When you first proposed to Lydia, I'll admit, I was wary." Maryse said looking at her son. "But now," She straighed out his golden coloured blazer. "You have made me so proud."

She cupped his face, giving him a warm smile before taking her seat next to Aaliyah. Robert then took a step forward and shook his son's hand before sitting with his wife and daughter.

"Alright, you ready for this?" Jace asked as Alec turned to him.

"As ready as I'll ever be." The raven haired boy said softly. He hoped that Allison would be here but knew she wouldn't come.

"Hey," He looked to his Parabatai. "It will be fine." Jace said, giving him a smile before they took their places.

A banging of a staff was heard and everyone looked to the Silent Brother as his voice echoed. "Attention! The ceremony is about to begin."

Alec sighed softly, and looked at the end of the aisle as his sister, Isabelle, walked down, wearing a beautiful gold silk dress, smiling at everyone while carrying a small golden pillow which held the cuff that Alec would wear along with a stele. She took her place on the bride's side.

Lydia then appeared, wearing a beautiful, strapless, rose gold dress with a sweetheart neckline, her hair pulled back in a braid and light makeup, carrying a bouquet of red roses. She smiled at Alec as she walked down the aisle and took his hand as she reached him, being helped up the step.

She turned to Isabelle who held the pillow towards her where she took the cuff and placed it on the raven haired male's wrist.

Alec then turned to Jace, who held his pillow towards him, picking up the necklace and placing it around Lydia's neck, clipping it.

"It is time for Alec Lightwood and Lydia Branwell to mark each other with the Wedded Union rune." Brother Jeremiah's voice echoed. "A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart, a union is born."

Alec was the first to be runed. Lydia picked up the stele from Isabelle and faced the man who would soon be her husband.

She smiled at him and just as she was about to draw the rune on his wrist, the doors opened causing all eyes to look towards the end of the aisle...

There stood Allison, in a black dress, tight fitting until her hips and fell freely after, a slit running up the side of her left leg until her mid-thigh along with a pair of silver heels. Her makeup was done naturally which made her eyes stand out even more and her blonde hair was pinned up with a few strands falling out.

She stared at Alec and he at her, the raven haired man was stunned at how absolutely stunning she looked.

Aaliyah grinned at her best friend while Maryse glanced at Alec. Seeing that her son was staring at the youngest Wayland twin, the mother stood up and walked towards her.

"Allison--" The girl held her hand up to the woman.

"Maryse, this is between me and your son. I will leave if it's what he wishes." She said as she walked down the aisle and stopped half way.

Alec continued to stare at the blonde and Jace looked at his best friend. "You going to be okay buddy?" He asked, seeing how stunned he was.

"Alec..." Lydia caught his attention with a soft smile.

"I can't breathe..." Alec finally spoke, feeling like he was about to pass out.

"I know. It's okay." Lydia replied while

Alec shook his head. "I can't do this." He said and the envoy's smile faded slightly. "I thought we were doing the right thing but this isn't it." He continued.

"You don't have to explain." Lydia said.

"I'm sorry." Alec looked down at her.

"Hey," She said, smiling and placing her hand on his shoulder. "You deserve to be happy. I'll be fine." She reassured him. "Now go get her."

Alec turned to Allison, staring at her. He didn't need to be told that again.

He began making his way over to her and Maryse rushed up to her son. "Alec, what are you doing?" She demanded.

"Enough." The raven haired boy glanced at his mother, passing by her and wrapped his arm around Allison's waist, pulling her into a passionate kiss.

Jace smirked at his sister and best friend, Isabelle and Aaliyah grinning at them while Maryse stared in shock.

The two pulled away slightly, Allison giggling. "You never cease to amaze me, Alexander Lightwood." She whispered as Alec stared down at her with a smile before looking at his parents.

Maryse stormed off, Robert following after his wife. The twins ran up to their brother and best friend.

"Alec, I am so proud of you!" Isabelle smiled.

"Me too, big brother." Aaliyah said before they hugged the couple. Stepping back, they saw Simon appear by their side.

The vampire looked at the couple with a grin. "Guys, that was incredible! It was like watching the live version of The Graduate. You know the Dustin Hoffman movie, the amazing one?" He rambled, causing Aaliyah to give an amused smile while Isabelle giggled.

He pointed to Alec. "You were Ben. 'Elaine!'" He quoted before pointing to Allison who giggled. "And you were Elaine, a more badass version of her."

"Who invited the vampire?" Alec asked, growing tired of Simon's rambling of the movie.

Simon looked at the raven haired male. "Seriously?" He asked while Alec received an elbow to the ribs.

"He's happy to have you here, Simon." Allison smiled before giving Alec a look while he rubbed his side.

After the wedding crash, Magnus had called to let the group of Shadowhunters know what he had found.

Now, entering the training room, the Warlock had made items appear on the table. "I've pulled every item from every magical port of Ragnor's belongings but I can't determine which will lead to The Book of the White." He said as the group began looking through the various items.

"Wait, this bookmark. I've seen it before." Clary said as she picked up the bookmark. "In the alternate dimension you showed me a book of spells and this was in it. It must have been The Book of the White."

"If that's the case, we can track the bookmark to find the owner of the book." Alec announced as he stood beside Allison.

"Okay." Jace shrugged and reached for the bookmark, only for Magnus to take it.

"Warlock tracking is stronger." The warlock smirked before closing his eyes.

A few seconds passed before Magnus opened his eyes again, the group looking at him curiously. "Well, there's good news and bad news." The warlock said. "The good news is that I know the owner. The bad news, it's Camille."

"Camille? Camille Belcourt, your ex, Camille?" Allison asked which caused the warlock to narrow his eyes at her.

"Noted, and yes. It seems Raphael has her locked up in the basement of Hotel Dumort." Magnus said.

"Well, after I punched her, there's no way she'll help me." Clary muttered.

"You think?" Allison asked sarcastically.

"Al, come on now." Jace said softly before he looked at the red head. "She won't have a choice. Trust me." He said before making his way out.

Allison looked at Alec, who gave her a nod, before she ran after her twin.

While the others were busy, Lydia was preparing to leave for Idris. She walked into her temporary office with her bag and took out her stele.

She then drew a rune on the wall, which was in fact a hidden safe, revealing the Mortal Cup.

She picked it up and as she turned, she was hit and flung across the room and into the coffee table which broke under her back from the hard impact.

The blonde groaned in pain and reached out for the chalice that lied close by. But someone had picked it up before she could even reach it...

Allison came back into the training room where she found Alec, leaning against the table, still waiting for her.

"How is he?" The raven haired boy asked.

"He's okay. He's still awkward about the whole Clary thing." Allison replied.

"And you?" He asked pulling her close to him that she stood between his legs.

"Me? I mean I'm coming to terms with... You know." She continued. "But I couldn't be happier in this moment." She smiled at Alec, cupping his face between her hands.

The sound of footsteps caused the couple to turn their heads, seeing both Robert and Maryse entering. Alec stood up and walked to his mother who stared at him.

"What have you done, Alec?" Maryse asked. "To us, to this family?"

"This isn't about you." Alec replied.

"Of course it is." Maryse said. "You are either being selfish or naive. This wedding was your plan from the start and now you have humiliated us in front of the most respected members of The Clave." She paused, her son staring at her. "I don't even recognise you anymore."

"I'm the same person I've always been. Now everything is out in the open." The raven haired boy took a step closer, Maryse looking behind him to the blonde who turned her gaze to the floor. "And all for her." The woman said.

"Are you serious right now? Allison is your adoptive daughter!" Alec said and watched his mother leave.

Robert sighed and walked up to his son. "Just give her time." He said and glanced at his wife's retreating figure.

"And you?" Alec arched an eyebrow. Robert turned back to him.

"If Allison makes you happy, who am I to stop it." He replied before giving a small smile over at the blonde haired girl. "Don't let her go." Robert said, patting his son on his shoulder before taking a step back. "I'm going to check on Mom." He said and left.

Alec sighed softly as Allison stood beside him. "That went a lot better than I expected it to." She said.

"Yeah?" Alec chuckled softly while the blonde giggled. She turned to him with a smirk. "But you know what I've realised? We haven't gone out on our first date yet."

The hazel eyed male rolled his eyes with a chuckle while wrapping his arms around her, pulling her closer. "Well, do you wanna go for a drink sometime?" He asked.

The blonde giggled, staring up at him, hands on his chest. "I'd like that."

"Great." Alec grinned before pulling her into a soft but passionate kiss.

Meanwhile, Luke sat at Jocelyn's side, staring at her and talking to her while she was still in her coma-like state. Hodge stepped in, a bag slung across his shoulders. Luke looked at the Institute's instructor noticing the bag.

"How is she?" Hodge asked while looking at Jocelyn.

"Asleep but she's at home." Luke replied. He looked at the bag and back to Hodge. "You okay, Hodge?" The Alpha asked.

"Yeah. You should get some rest." The instructor replied. "You've been so vigilant. Why don't you let me watch over her?" He offered the wolf to which he appreciated gratefully.

"Thank you my friend." Luke said as he stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said while on his way out, Hodge nodding with a smile.

Making sure that Luke was gone, Hodge then slipped a ring onto his finger, twisting it which brought up a hologram of Valentine. "You have the Cup?" Valentine asked.

Hodge reached into the bag and pulled out the Mortal Cup before he looked back to Valentine's hologram. "Help me break my punishment rune and I will bring it to you." He said.

The hologram moved closer until he stood in front of Hodge. "A deal is a deal." Valentine said with a smirk.

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