Children Of The Crucible

By SilverLyrebird

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Seven teenagers. One connection. Follow them as they each discover their unique power. If they use this powe... More

Copyright Notice
A Strange Occurence
Any Explanation?
Olivia Part 2
Sami Part 2
Blair Part 2
Tommy Part 2
James Part 2
Stevie Part 2
Witches and Warlocks
Revealing of Powers
A Trip to Olivia's
The Dark Truth
The Next Monday
Making an Appearance
The Notebook
The Plan
Putting the Plan into Action
The Ferryman
Return to Earth
A Picnic in the Woods

Gwen Part 2

104 22 19
By SilverLyrebird

Author's Note

Hey everyone. Thank you so much for 1000 reads, it means so much!

Gwen's PoV

I woke slowly, stretching my arms above my head in an almost cat-like manner. The light struck my face at the perfect angle, its golden glow highlighting all my best features. My light brown hair was spread out on my crisp white pillow, gleaming in the sun light.

That's not what happened.

That's how I would like to wake up, but definitely not at all close to how I actually woke up.

What actually happened was that I awoke with my head hanging off the mattress, the pillow on the floor, and my hair wrapped around my neck as if it was trying to strangle me. My eyes were sore and my throat was dry.

I pulled my legs out from underneath Snowflake who was curled up at the bottom of my bed. She would be very cranky if I disturbed her nap.

The cold, wooden floorboards creaked under my bare feet as I made my way to my wardrobe. Apart from my skirt, I couldn't much vary what I wore to school. I selected my short grey pencil skirt to wear with my regular white shirt and red and black stripy tie. It's definitely not a fashionable uniform by any means.

After doing my makeup in front of the mirror, I scraped my hair into a pony tail and applied a few layers of my newest lip gloss, which was a gift from James.

Finished, I replaced all my make up back into its bag and zipped it up. Well, at least I tried to- some of my hair had managed to escape my pony tail and was stuck in the zip, preventing it from closing fully. Urgh this was going to be painful to get out.

I slowly unzipped the bag once more, not wanting my hair to be violently pulled off. I got it about halfway when I realised that my hair wasn't stuck on the bag, it was stuck in the zip pull itself. I sighed and decided it wasn't worth attempting to untangle it. It was only a small amount of hair- I could just cut it off. I turned my head slightly, looking for the scissors on the far side of my desk. Grabbing them, I turned back around to look at my make up bag and was puzzled to find it fully zipped up, my hair sitting neatly next to it completely unknotted.

I shook my head and stared at it. I was glad I didn't have to cut my hair but confused as to how it got untangled and the bag zipped up. Maybe my hair wasn't as knotted as I thought it was. But that didn't explain how the bag zipped itself.

I decided to leave the issue and grabbed my hair brush, wanting to make sure my hair didn't tangle again. I pulled the brush through it a couple of times which was enough to make it sit nicely, reaching almost down to my waist.

It did get in the way a lot of the time, but I couldn't get it cut. Firstly because I loved it long, and secondly because I was still trying to grow it longer than Stevie's. We had this competition when we were kids to see who could grow the longest hair and I was still trying to beat her, despite the fact that she was completely unaware the competition was still going.

I chuckled slightly, imagining her face when I finally overtook her and told her I had been trying to win all this time, then left the room to brush my teeth.

Impossibly, my hair got tangled in the bathroom door handle when I reached it. It was literally a straight metal bar. This was getting weird.

I looked at my hair in the handle and tried to figure out how it got caught. But as I watched it, I observed something amazing. The handle slowly but surely started to turn and the door opened for me. As soon as it was opened enough, my hair immediately let go of the handle and returned to my side.

It was as if I had another arm. I stood awestruck in the door way for a moment before entering the bathroom. I was reaching for the toothpaste when my hair suddenly jolted and grabbed it before I had the chance to reach it. It split into two sections, one lifting off the cap and the other squeezing such a perfect, pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto the toothbrush that even my dentist would be satisfied.

I stood gasping at my hair before lifting the toothbrush into my mouth and scrubbing my teeth. I rinsed my mouth with water from the tap and left the room, my hair once again wrapping around the door handle and pulling it closed behind me.

I didn't have the foggiest idea how my hair had suddenly developed its own mind and was performing all these tasks of its own accord. It was remarkable, and actually really helpful.

I grabbed my phone to message Stevie, asking her to meet me at school ten minutes early. I was never on time so she would know that it was urgent.

I walked downstairs to put out some food for Snowflake, not wanting her to be left hungry while everyone was out. I didn't bother with breakfast myself- I always feel sick if I eat in the morning, don't know why.

I left some dry food out for her and put out some fresh water before leaving the house with plenty of time to get to school and talk to Stevie.

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