Bird in a Lions Cage

By Ladyofshallotte

26.3K 1.5K 201

this is an Academy Fan Fiction. I've never wrote one before but i figured i would give it a go. After years o... More

Chapter One - Intruder
A note from the Author
Chapter 2 - Ghost
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Sampson
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

3.7K 253 51
By Ladyofshallotte

Raven's POV

We couldn't help but stand and watch Sang roll around with the overgrown cats. I was so proud at all the progress she has made in such a short amount of time. Some part of me wondered how long they treated her like an animal. I knew the answer would just anger me. When I picked her up she was more animal than human. It took us days before she would talk.

"Raven!" someone yelled from behind me. I turned to see the Herman team making there way from the house. Cole Herman made his way to me. "Just the man we wanted to see. Where is your kitten?"

"Sampson." Corey said. Most of the others had already started wandering off, Luke and Gabe headed for the less dangerous animals. I'm sure to start planning some way to get us back. 

"That's good. He really missed her." Claire Herman said. They were a couple in their late 40s. Well known for their work with saving abused animals in the Academy. "She seems to be looking better. She really has changed.  Who knew such a beautiful girl was under all that dirt and grime." she paused. "Have you gotten a closed adoption yet?" I couldn't help but scratch the back of my neck, technically Coney and I didn't have enough to make it happen yet. I wasn't about to ask my brothers. They just met her.

"No, but we will be filling soon." Mr. Blackbourne said. I didn't realize he was listening. I know we planned on keeping her but we never discussed the real plan. 

"I know you wanted to give her time but are you going to introduce her to the Academy." Cole asked

"No," I said. "You know what they do to ghost birds. She has already had a hard life." The Hermans exchanged looks.

"Can we have a chat?" Cole said stepping closer to me. Obviously he wanted a private word. My eyes found Mr. Blackbourne. His eyes told me everything I needed to know. Whatever the Hermans wanted I wasn't going to like it.

"Mr. Herman, Anything you have to say to Raven you can say to the rest of our family, Sang included, should we call a meeting?" Mr. Blackbourne said authority dropped off every word. Axel and Sean must have noticed the tension and made their way back over. Corey was quiet at my side. They couldn't just take her away from me.

"That won't be necessary. Raven the Ring leader got away." Claire said. "Honestly we went in only knowing about the animals. Sang was a surprise. After with all the other things we've found. We're calling for more help."

"What does this have to do with Sang?" I snapped. Corey's arms on me tightened.

"She is the only one that has seen his true face. She knows how his act works." Claire said.

"She knows how to perform and she is great with the animals." Cole said. "Plus she is a ghost."

"Get to your point, Mr. Herman. "Mr. Blackburn demanded.

"If you don't let her help us catch them we will be forced to alert the Academy of her presents. I'm sure they would be willing to place her with us." Cole said, Claire looked at the ground I could only hope she was as disgusted with his words as I was.

"Hell fuck No." Gabe yelled. "Is this some black mail shit?" All I could see was red.

"Letting her and forcing her are two different things." Sean said.

"I mean make sure she helps. You have a sway over her." Cole had the audacity to say. "We can give her back when we are done." 

"She is not property to be borrowed!" I boomed. "How dare you! You saw what hell she was living in! You saw more then me and you're still asking this of her." I couldn't help but ramble off some swear words in Russian. My brother's gathered closer and they looked as pissed as I felt.

"I'm not asking. I'm sure she would do anything for her lions." A voice behind me said. The Herman's wouldn't make eye contact with me. I didn't have to turn around to know which scumbag was behind me. I don't know how I he even got into the Academy.Corey kept me from the smirk of Rocky's face but Luckily I didn't have too. North slammed his fist in the pigs face. Yelling broke out as Brandon, Mark, and Silas held back the men. 

"I'll help if Raven and Corey will." The small voice rang out over the crowd. "I won't leave him no matter how much you threaten me."

Everyone turned to the small blonde. Her green eyes held a fire I didn't realize was there as she sat on the back of Samson just inside the enclosure.

"Threaten my family again, four legs or two, and I'll show you just how much I've changed." She hissed before turning to me. Her eyes softened "I wanna go home, Bear." I nodded. Of course they had to ruin this for her. She hastily said goodbye to the cats keeping a distance from the Herman's and Rocky. She launched herself in my arms as we made our way back to the car. Everyone walked quietly making sure to shoot the 'hosts' a glare. 

"Family First?" Sang asked in Russian. I couldn't help but smile. 

"That's right, kitten. Family First." I said making sure to hug her extra tight.


I'm my own worse critic... in case anyone was wondering what took so long. I'm going to do my best to update faster but I make no promises. Especially ones I'm not positive I can keep.


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