Into The Shadows • Shadowhunt...

By taylaxauffray

49.6K 752 193

Allison Wayland, twin sister of Jace Wayland, is thrown into the "mundane" Clary Fray's journey of self-disco... More

• Chapter One •
• Chapter Two •
• Chapter Three •
• Chapter Four •
• Chapter Five •
• Chapter Six •
• Chapter Seven •
• Chapter Eight •
• Chapter Nine •
• Chapter Ten •
• Chapter Twelve •
• Chapter Thirteen •

• Chapter Eleven •

2.1K 32 2
By taylaxauffray

The man stood up, stepping out of the locker and pulled the blonde twins into a tight hug as they cried.

"Jace, Allison..." He breathed. "I can't believe it..." He held onto them and pulled back.

He noticed that Jace was quite uneasy as he stepped back. "Jace, you're hurt..." He frowned before looking at his children. "How did you both find me?"

"No, you're dead. Valentine killed you... Valentine is here..." Jace muttered before having his face cupped by his father.

"Jace, it's me." He tried calming down the distraught boy in front of him while Allison stood silently with tears flowing down her cheeks.

The man noticed that his children weren't alone and looked at the red head who stood to the side awkwardly. "I'm Michael Wayland, Jace and Allison's father." He introduced himself before looking back at his children. "I've been here for ten years. Valentine kept me here but he took off and left me."

"And Jocelyn Fairchild?" Clary asked with worry.

Michael glanced at her. "He took her with him. And you are?"

The red head's eyes became glossy. "Clary, her daughter." She replied. "Meliorn, the Seelie, told us that he was here with her."

Suddenly, Jace began falling to the side but was caught by Michael and Allison.

"He got infected by demon venom. Please tell me he's going to be alright..." The red head looked at the blonde male worriedly.

Jace shook his head. "We need to find your father, not mine..." He said gruffly.

"Allison, hand me his stele." Michael looked at his daughter who reached into her brother's back pocket, grabbing his stele.

She handed it over and Michael lifted his son's top, tracing over the Iratze rune which gave a very faint glow.

"The rune is weak." Michael announced.

"We gotta get him out of here." Allison said, holding her brother.

"But we closed the portal." Clary looked at her then to the older man.

"Valentine has a portal here. Let's go." Michael said while handing the stele back to Allison before letting Jace lean on him. He put the blonde boy's arm around his shoulder while Allison did the same before the four began walking.

"Stay with us, son." Michael glanced at the weakening Shadowhunter.

"All I know is, we gotta get you out of here." Alec said while he paced the office while Isabelle sat silently next to her twin as she stared at the floor. "Who do we know in Idris?"

"The only people who care is Mom and Dad but they're under suspicion." Aaliyah watched her brother pace up and down.

"What about Lydia?" The eldest sibling asked.

"Lydia?" Isabelle repeated while looking up at the raven haired boy. "Why do you keep going there? She's prosecuting me and you said she had no choice."

"She doesn't." Alec replied. Isabelle stood up, glaring at her brother.

"Everyone has a choice, Alec. I made mine." Alec stared at her in silence, playing nervously with his hands. "Let me just get through this without losing my self respect." The eldest twin sighed and moved to the window.

"I know you don't want to believe this but Lydia said she would help if we can give her a way to do it." Alec began. "Maybe I can get them to delay the trial."

Isabelle spun around, facing him again. "Why? So I can sit in here and play computer Solitaire while they find something else to blame me for? I'm just a scapegoat to The Clave. They want the Cup."

Aaliyah sighed, standing up as well. "She's right, Alec."

The raven haired boy looked from his youngest sister to his other. "So let me buy some time and find it." He pleaded with the elder twin. "Jace and Clary--"

"Disappeared through a door to God knows where, Allison going after them." Isabelle cut him off. "You said that they're lost forever." She shook her head before looking away. "And so is the Cup."

"What if I was wrong?" Alec looked at his sister. "I can't find Jace because I weakened my bond but that doesn't mean that he can't be found," He said while moving closer. "That he can't find us. We just need more time."

"Grasping at straws now?" Isabelle asked as she sat on the arm rest of the sofa.

Sighing, Alec crouched beside her. "Izzy, listen. I'm your big brother, please let me help you for once." He pleaded as she stared at him.

Entering the Jade Wolf, Clary called ran forward as Michael and Allison helped Jace in.

"Help!" The red head called, grabbing the attention of Luke and Simon, who was now a fully fledged vampire, as they rushed over.

"Clary what happened?" Simon asked.

"Michael Wayland?" Luke stared at the man as he and Allison sat Jace down at one of the many empty tables.

"Valentine fled with my Mom but we found Jace and Allison's father." Clary rambled.

"Wait, I thought Valentine killed their father." The vampire frowned in confusion.

"He tried." Michael answered before glancing at Luke who crouched down in front of them. "Hello, Lucian."

The Alpha shook his head in disbelief. "This can't be. I never thought I'd see you again."

"Yeah? Well, I never thought I'd see anyone again." Michael responded.

Luke nodded before looking at the elder blonde twin. "What happened." He asked.

"A demon got him, he can't fight the venom. His Iratze rune has weakened." Allison replied, her eyes never leaving her brother. "He needs blood urgently."

"But we can't go back to the Institute." Clary added, staring at her father figure before getting an idea. "Hotel Dumort! Simon, there has to be blood there."

The vampire nodded before he grabbed a blanket and his keys. "Let's go." He said, throwing the blanket over him to protect him from the sunlight and running out with Clary.

"Hurry!" Michael called to them while Luke ran to the back for supplies.

The blonde boy began gasping for air while Michael pressed a cloth to his neck, Allison clutching her twin's hand.

"It's okay, Jace. Help is coming." She said, a stray tear sliding down her cheek as his veins slowly began turning black.

"The message said 'Have everything ready. The trial will begin immediately.'" Lydia said while walking beside Alec. "She's on her way."

The raven haired boy stopped and looked at his fiancée. "But that doesn't make any sense. Why rush this? We both know that Jace, Allison and Clary are out there."

"They aren't on trial for high treason." Lydia stood in front of him.

"There's nothing solid. If we can delay this for a couple weeks..." Alec trailed off hearing the doors open.

Turning his head and moving to stand beside Lydia, he saw guards step out first and parted before an older woman, with dark brown hair, dressed in a burgundy dress, heels and a black coat, walked up to them while staring directly at the envoy.

He also noticed the presence of a Silent Brother.

"Guards, at ease." The woman nodded to her guard. She turned her gaze to Alec. "Excuse us." The raven haired boy left without a word, Lydia watching before returning her gaze to the authrotive woman.

"I understand you've cooked up some kind of marriage with..." The woman gestured towards Alec as she took a step closer towards her envoy. "I don't understand."

Lydia looked at her. "It's a suitable marriage for both of us." She said respectively.

"Well, I won't dispute that right now. As long as it doesn't interfere with your case against his sister." The woman replied.

"You have my assurance..." The blonde nodded but the woman shook her head.

"I need your word, Branwell, not flaccid reassurance."

"What we are seeing is the same pattern Valentine showed before the uprising." The woman continued. "Bending of the law, defiance of The Clave order."

Sighing softly, Lydia spoke. "Ma'am, I don't honestly believe Valentine was involved with the Seelie escaped."

"Spare me your honest belief." The woman said, rolling her eyes. "Everything is out of control. We were fools to believe Valentine was dead and now his daughter has the Cup and he's out there somewhere. I won't have it!"

The envoy dropped her gaze before staring up at the woman again. "I'm sorry, Inquisitor."

"Why are you sorry? You didn't steal the Cup. Just do your job. Be efficient, be competent, be useful to The Clave." She stared her envoy down before looking at everyone in HQ. "We begin this evening."

"Why would Valentine tell his prisoner what he was planning to do?" Clary asked as they all sat at a booth, Jace included who was looking and feeling much better after the blood transfusion.

"He didn't. Not directly." Michael replied. "But he gave me a way to know about all of his plans."

"How?" Jace looked at his father, from his spot beside Allison, who sat between them.

"He injected me with Downworlder blood." Michael looked at his children, Jace gritting his teeth in anger at this piece of information. "The pain was excruciating."

"Sometimes I was sick for days but it's not often you got Shadowhunters to do experiments on." Michael continued. "I guess that's why he didn't kill me. But little by little, I developed advanced hearing and vision." He began telling the group what Valentine's plans were.

"Who's Renwick?" Clary asked.

"Not who, it's where." Luke looked at the red head beside him. "It's a deserted Small Pox hospital on one of the islands of the East River."

Clary shook her head. "We can't track over water."

"He left me to die in that cage." Michael spoke again.

Luke looked at him with a shake of the head. "Valentine never had room for compassion."

"He won't get any from me when the time comes." Jace stood up.

"You need a strategy." Michael looked at his eldest child.

"Fine. Allison, Clary and I will scout around." The eldest twin replied.

"Jace, no. Your runes are still weak. Luke and I will go." Clary stood up as she spoke to the blonde male.

"I'll be fine, Clary." Jace said.

"Jace, just sit your ass down." Allison rolled her eyes, not in the mood to hear the back and forth bickering.

"Fine, but be careful." Jace sighed while sitting next to his sister once more, folding his arms.

Back at the Institute, Alec and Aaliyah filled Isabelle in on what happened earlier, regarding the Inquisitor's arrival.

"You know what? I'd rather be stripped of my runes and sent into exile than be part of this world. What kind of people sacrifice justice for law?" Isabelle paced the room.

"That's very noble, Izzy, but it won't look so great when you are running for your life from a pack of demons with no Shadowhunter runes to protect you." Alec said as he walked closer to his sister.

"Jocelyn lived as a mundane." Isabelle said stubbornly while turning her back to her brother.

"You know Jocelyn had her runes and weapons, Izzy." Aaliyah stood by her brother as she watched her stubborn twin. "Do you really think that the demons won't find you?" Isabelle didn't answer her twin.

"You haven't exactly kept a low profile." Alec added which earned him an elbow to the ribs from his youngest sister.

"Point of it all is, you can't just let them convict you." Alec continued. "You need an advocate."

"Did you grow tired of helping big brother plan the wedding?" Magnus asked while leading Aaliyah inside his apartment.

"I need to ask you something." The short, raven haired girl replied.

"Will it take long? I have a life to live." The warlock asked, pouring himself a drink.

"It's not about me. It's about my sister, Isabelle." Aaliyah said.

"Oh, I see. Are you referring to the fact that your brother's adorable fiancée has your twin on trial for treason?" Magnus questioned, picking up his martini before taking a seat and looking at the short girl. "What can I do for you, my dear Aaliyah?"

"My sister wants you to be her defense attorney." Aaliyah looked at the warlock. "I offered and told her I'd ask you. I'm sorry to bother you and I know a Downworlder can't defend a Shadowhunter in court." She said as she turned to leave.

"But," Magnus spoke which caused the Nephilim to pause in step.

"A Shadowhunter accused of a crime can choose any advocate." Aaliyah looked at him. "That can't mean a Downworlder."

The warlock narrowed his eyes slightly before speaking. "The Clave was so rigid and prejudiced back in what they called 'The Time of Angels' that they didn't dream of a Shadowhunter asking Downworlder for help." He smiled.

"Besides they didn't bother to exclude us so," Magnus got to his feet. "Since you all say 'The law is the law'," He made an impression of an old man while repeating the motto which amused the raven haired girl. "There's no stopping me from slipping through this gaping loophole."

"For a price." Aaliyah knew that was coming and sighed softly.

"Okay, what do you want?" She folded her arms.

"What's important to you? What tells me that your twin sister means enough for you to make a real sacrifice?" The warlock dragged on before staring at the Shadowhunter. "I know, your double bladed staff."

Aaliyah stiffened slightly. Her weapon had special meaning to her. Isabelle had given it to her when they both turned 16.

But this was her twin's freedom on the line and she would do anything for Isabelle's freedom.

"Done." She finally said causing Magnus to smile as he raised his glass to her before taking a sip of his martini.

Later that night at the Institute, Magnus stood in front of the Silent Brother, the Soul Sword between them while the Inquisitor sat on the throne which was covered with various Shadowhunter runes. The main rune, which was the Angelic rune, was above the head rest and was glowing.

"Will I survive if I touch it?" The warlock asked while pointing to the Sword.

"If you tell the truth." The Inquisitor answered.

Magnus gave a look before placing both hands on the Soul Sword while the Silent Brother's voice echoed throughout everyone's minds. "By the power of this Sword, do you swear to defend your client with integrity and honesty?"

The warlock looked at the Silent Brother in front of him. "No argument for me on that." He answered before letting go as the Silent Brother gave a slight bow, returning to the Inquisitor's side.

"Make your case, warlock." The Inquisitor spoke.

Magnus gave a small smirk. "My case is simple. It is true that Isabelle Lightwood acted against orders of The Clave by trying to free the Seelie, Meliorn, but she did not act against the interest of The Clave." He continued. "Preventing the possible death of a Seelie, it may have saved the Accords."

The woman on the throne gave the warlock a look. "We are not here to speculate what might have happened if the defendant hadn't interfered."

Magnus tilted his slightly. "You mean what might have happened if she hadn't stopped the Silent Brothers from torturing the Seelie."

"I await valid argument." The Inquisitor began to get impatient with the warlock. "Do you have one?"

The warlock stared at the woman on the throne. "What you want is the Cup," He said and gestured towards Isabelle behind him. "My client does not have it." He continued.

"Since this whole proceeding isn't about what it's really about, I'm moved to have this case dismissed." He ended with a shrug.

"You're out of order." The woman glared.

"Oh, this whole thing is out of order." Magnus countered. "It's not Isabelle's fault, it's the Cup! Put the Cup on trial." Magnus said and took a seat next to Isabelle who stared at him.

"I couldn't even count the demons." Clary said, clearly upset.

"But we still have to get Jocelyn out of there." Luke added as he looked towards the Wayland family.

"Every suicide mission." Jace muttered while he paced the room.

"Does it have to be? I have the Cup. Demons have to obey me." Clary folded her arms.

"That's what Valentine wants. He's knows you'll do anything to save your mother. He wants you to take out the Cup and use it." Michael replied to the red head.

"And if I do?" The red head asked

Allison rolled her eyes at the girl. "Duh, he'll take it and he won't hesitate to kill us all." She said from her spot against the wall.

Clary glared at the blonde girl. "Let him try."

Lydia stood up and took to the stand. "You've led us to believe that you, alone, carried out this operation." She began. "But Clary Fairchild was see near the City of Bones that night." She looked at Isabelle who was now seated beside the Inquisitor.

"Maybe she was out for a walk." The raven haired girl answered.

"And you expect us to believe that you distracted the guards and escaped with the prisoner on your own?" The envoy folded her arms.

Isabelle shrugged. "Pretty slick." She looked at the Inquisitor. "Isn't it?" She asked.

The Inquisitor narrowed her eyes at the young Shadowhunter. "I suggest you think about how 'slick' it would be when Valentine uses the Mortal Cup to raise an army of rogue Shadowhunters."

Isabelle stared back. "I don't want Valentine to succeed." She replied.

"Well, that is the first sane thing I've heard from you." The woman responded.

"You know what's insane? Thinking we have the right to treat a Downworlder's life as worthless." The raven haired girl kept her gaze on the woman.

"Isabelle." Lydia caught her attention. "I should warn you that everything you say here will be considered in the verdict."

"Good." The elder Lightwood twin stood up. "Consider this, Valentine didn't come out of no where. We use our angel blood to justify everything we do just like him. Like him, we forget that we are not only angels, we are part mundane." She announced, looking at everyone present in the room. "We can be afraid and fear makes us cruel. We turn our fear to Downworlder's just as Valentine did and just as he did, we will turn on each other." She finished.

"You think we're doing that to you?" The Inquisitor looked at the woman beside her.

Isabelle looked at her before finally answering. "You'll have to answer that yourself," She turned her gaze out once more. "Madame Inquisitor."

"This doesn't make any sense." Luke said, arriving at the abandoned hospital alongside Michael and his children. "This place was infested with demons last night." He muttered while looking around.

"That's what he wants." Michael replied. "He wants to draw us in and force Clary to use the Cup."

Suddenly, Circle members rushed out, seraph blades in hand, and attacked Luke and the Waylands which gave Clary the chance to run inside.

Jace and Allison fought side by side, killing their Circle member with ease. They watched their father and Luke kill their opponents just seconds after before regrouping.

"I forgot how much fun this was." Michael muttered with a smirk.

"Greymark!" A voice called out causing the Alpha and three Shadowhunters to find a Circle member standing on top of an old, rusted car. "Where are your claws?" He asked.

"I don't need special powers to fight you, coward." Luke replied.

The Circle member scoffed and motioned to the seraph blade in Luke's hand. "Don't bother with that. It only lights up for real Shadowhunters.

Luke turned to the Wayland family. "Find Jocelyn." He instructed. "I got this." He turned back to the Circle member.

Jace stepped forward but got stopped by both his twin and father.

"We need to find Clary. Now." Michael said to his son.

Glancing at Luke one last time, Jace gave a nod and ran inside the hospital, leading Allison and Michael in.

The family were eventually chased down by demons and found Clary along with an unconscious Jocelyn.

Michael and Jace shut the door behind them and drew two runes on the door, locking it as demons began banging on it.

Clary turned to the family and noticed that Luke was missing. "Where's Luke?" She asked.

"Fighting Blackwell. He told us to leave him there." Allison answered.

Clary ran towards the door to go to Luke but Jace caught her and reassured her that Luke would be just fine.

"Get ready!" Michael alerted the three Shadowhunters as the demons' screeching and banging became frantic by the minute.

Magnus got back to his feet while adjusting his blazer as he looked at the Inquisitor. "I'd like to call Lydia Branwell to the stand." He said.

The envoy looked at the woman on the throne.

The Inquisitor looked from Lydia to the warlock. "I don't see the relevance." She said.

"That makes two of us because I don't see the relevance of this trial." Magnus replied before looking at the envoy. "Ms Branwell, if you would take the stand."

Lydia rose from her seat and walked to the stand, taking a seat on the chair next to the Inquisitor.

Once she was seated, Magnus began. "I just have one question. Why are you persecuting this case?" He asked.

The envoy sat silently which caused the woman on the throne to look at her. "Answer the question, Counselor." She said.

Lydia sighed softly before looking at the warlock. "Because the law is hard but it is the law."

Magnus wanted to roll his eyes but was stopped as the blonde continued.

"But that doesn't make it right." She looked at Isabelle who looked at her with surprise. "We're trying someone for being compassionate, thinking for herself. She's saved a life that was being sacrificed for nothing."

"That would be enough, Branwell." The Inquisitor said.

"No." Lydia looked at her. "It isn't." She turned her gaze to the Shadowhunters.

"Looking out at the faces here, a brother and sisters who disagree on everything except for how much they love one another, how loyal they are to each other..." She watched Isabelle who turned to look at her twin and older brother. She then looked to Magnus. "The man who took this case, pretending to want payment in rare objects but who really believes that injustice towards his friends is intolerable." She stated while Magnus gave her his own look of surprise.

"Loyalty, decency, compassion and love, these are the concepts we should consider to decide guilt or innocence in a case like this." The blonde continued until the Inquisitor slammed her hand down.

"Those are not the concepts of the law! Now enough of this nonsense."

"I agree." Lydia said to the Inquisitor before looking at the audience. "This is nonsense." She stood up, her head held high. "I withdraw the charges." She announced which resulted in clapping.

Isabelle smiled and ran too Magnus, pulling him in for a hug.

Lydia smiled at the raven haired girl before stepping down the stand.

Aaliyah ran to her twin who she hugged tightly and Alec pulling his little sisters into his arms.

Magnus smiled and waved his hand, flinging paper from his briefcase into the air as the clapping for Isabelle continued.

"Silence!" The Inquisitor order as she banged her gavel. "Order! Silence!"

Everyone became silent and turned to face her before the woman continued, staring directly at the Lightwood siblings, Hodge, Magnus and Lydia. "If you think refusing to prosecute exculpates the defendant, you are wrong." She announce and stood from the throne. "She is guilty."

"The defense was correct. The Clave wants the Mortal Cup. If its returned within 24 hours, this ruling will be vacated. If not, Isabelle Sophia Lightwood will be stripped of her runes and exiled from the society of Shadowhunters forever." She announced and banged her gavel.

Isabelle stared ahead, unshed tears in her eyes as her siblings held her. They have to get the Cup back and fast.

"Clary, now, we can't wait any longer!" Jace said to the red head as she got the Mortal Cup out of her bag.

She held it up. "Demons, I command you, fight Valentine!" She said.

Allison and Jace got out their seraph blades as they saw the demons were on the verge of successfully breaking in.

Clary glanced at the blonde male before commanded again. "Demons, fight Valentine!"

"That's clearly not working." Allison said, gripping her blade as she looked around, the growls becoming louder and louder.

Michael stepped forward before turning to the red head. "Let me try." He said and Clary gave him the chalice.

He faced the door and took a deep breath before he turned back to the three young Shadowhunters who watched him.

He took his blade and cut vertically into his arm, Jace and Allison's eyes widening and before their very eyes, Michael Wayland was now Valentine Morgernstern.

"Valentine." Jace gritted as he raised his blade, Allison glaring at the man with her own blade raised.

"Demons, attack my enemies!" Valetine commanded as he held the Mortal Cup up. "I command you!" The demons began breaking through but

Clary smirked slightly at her father. "Knock it off, guys!" She called and the demons stood down.

Valentine looked at his daughter as her smirk widened. "You're not the only one who knows how to cast a glamour." The red head said and pulled out the real Mortal Cup from her bag.

"Psyche, bitch!" Allison smirked.

Valentine's eyes widened and looked to his hand were he found that he was, now, holding an ordinary coffee cup.

Gritting his teeth, he threw it to the floor causing it to shatter as he glared at the three Shadowhunters.

"Should we let the demons take care of this?" Clary asked the twins.

"No." Jace answered, glaring at the man with pure hate. "Send them away. He's mine."

Allison looked at her twin as Clary commanded the demons.

"You pretended to be our father." Jace glared, gripping his seraph blade ready to attack.

"Jace, I'm highly pissed off too but think this through." The blonde girl touched his tensed shoulder.

"Listen to your sister, Jace." Valentine spoke. "And I wasn't pretending."

Jace shook his head. "Yes, you did. You murdered him!" The boy lunged forward, pressing his blade to Valentine's neck.

"I'm not lying. I am your father, I always have been yours and Allison's father." Valentine said to the boy, hands raised midway.

Allison narrowed her eyes, gritting her teeth as the man continued. "The face you both saw as Michael Wayland was mine. Then and now. It was a glamour."

Jace was seething at this point as he stared at the man in front of him. "Don't listen to him, Jace!" Allison called out.

"He's my father, we know that for a fact." Clary added.

"Yes, that's true, Clarissa. That's a fact, I am your father." He looked at his daughter before glancing at Allison and finally looking back at Jace. "But I am also Jace and Allison's."

Jace stared with glossy eyes. "Think about it, why are the three of you so drawn together?"

"Excuse me, but let's get one thing clear here. I am not drawn to her and I never will be." Allison gestured to the red head. "Jace on the other hand is."

"It was meant to be. Blood calls to blood." Valentine continued, staring Jace in the eye.

"No." Jace said, tears welling up as he removed his blade from Valentine's neck, who smirked at the boy as he took a step back.

Allison moved to her brother's side and stared at the man who confessed to be their father.

"My dear family," Valentine said, opening a portal in a cracked mirror before turning to them. "Together at last. A lost mother found, brother and sisters reunited."

Without warning, Jace raced forward from Allison straight towards Valentine, gripping his shirt and bringing his seraph blade back to his neck.

"You won't kill me." Valentine said. "I said that you were weak and I meant it."

Jace was beyond the point of seething, Allison not too far behind herself.

"What's the matter, Jace? Can't kill the man who raised you?" Valentine taunted the blonde boy.

"But we can!" Clary ran forward with Allison, their blades raised but they came to a halt when Valentine spun Jace around and held his own seraph blade to his neck.

"Come with me, son." Valentine spoke to the distraught older twin as he stared at the girls. "You know that you love me. Your sisters are more than welcome to join us and bring your mother along." He said before shoving the boy towards the girls.

Allison caught her brother, glaring at Valentine as he disappeared through the portal.

A loud bang was heard and Luke came rushing in, immediately heading to Jocelyn's side.

The twins couldn't be bothered at the moment as they stared at the mirror where their father has just disappeared.

Clary sat in an empty room at the Institute watching her unconscious mother, Alec standing at the door as he watched both the red head and Jace while Allison was with Aaliyah.

Jace walked over to his best friend who stood in the room silently. "Clary gave Lydia the Cup." He said. "Hodge is taking her to lock it up until she goes back to Idris." He stared at his Parabatai who watched the red head.

"Okay." Alec replied.

"Okay?" Jace repeated. "That's it, Alec?"

Alec turned his hazel gaze to his best friend. "I don't want to get into it." He said with no emotion, turning to leave.

"Stop." Jace said and walked closer. "I do want to get into it. You almost killed me, you weakened our Parabatai bond just to find me."

Alec looked at the blonde. "Are you serious right now? You betrayed me, you lied to me, you attacked me when I was doing what we should have been doing together." The raven haired boy listed.

"I didn't betray you, Alec. I saved you from yourself!" Jace countered before he glanced back at Clary. He then lowered his voice. "If you had taken Meliorn to be tortured, you would have that on your conscience for the rest of your life."

"Really?" Alec said.

"Really." The blonde repeated.

The hazel eyed boy shook his head before looking at him again. "Everything you do is for a higher principle. You took the Cup and you nearly handed it over to Valentine."

"That was not our intention and you know that." Jace looked him in the eye.

"Our intention?" Alec questioned and glanced at Clary. "Is that intention to risk Izzy's life or hers?" He was met with silence from Jace.

"This isn't even about Clary, its about you." Again, silence.

"Now I'm going to tell my sister that she still has a future." Alec said and left the room, leaving Jace in his thoughts.

Magnus stood at the fire place as he watched Isabelle. "I'm sorry that we lost the case." He said, walking over to her slowly.

"Yeah but at least we lost it in style." Isabelle said, looking at the warlock with a small smile, causing him to return it.

Alec entered the room, causing the two to look at him.

"Where's Liyah?" Isabelle asked as her twin always came with Alec to visit her in the office.

"She's with Allison. She's back along with Jace and Clary." He replied.

"They gave the Cup to Lydia." Alec grinned down at his sister. "You're free to go."

Isabelle smiled and ran to her older brother, hugging him. "You were right, they came back. You knew!"

"Well, I didn't actually." Alec chuckled and looked down at his sister in his arms, who looked right back at him.

Magnus smiled at the siblings and grabbed his blazer. "Well, my work is done her. Please tell Aaliyah that no payment is necessary." He said and left the siblings.

The siblings watched Magnus' retreating figure before they looked at each other with a smile before hugging each other once more.

Meanwhile, in their respective rooms, Jace and Allison stared at the floor with tears sliding down their cheeks. Valentine was their father all along...

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Ben Lightwood, twin brother of Alec Lightwood, has been missing for over a month. When Jace finally finds him in the clutches of Valentine's men, ch...
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What if Clary had a twin? What is she was Calmer than her sister? What happens when they hit 18? What if she catches the eyes of Alec Lightwood and M...
134K 2.9K 43
Olivia Wayland is Jace Wayland's younger sister. She grew up alongside Jace and the Lightwood siblings. She is in a complicated relationship with her...
284K 5.8K 30
Yvanna Abigail Wayland is the younger twin sister of the notorious Jace Wayland. She is more of a rule follower than her rule breaker brother. When s...