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#2 rvwendy #22 reveluv (2/8/19) #1 rvwendy #14 reveluv (23/2/20) " Through this lifetime and the future ahead... More

Author's note
Author's Note


142 13 7

Playlist: In and out by Red velvet

They were sitting in the living room together. Still adjusting with the situation they're having. No one was talking, which makes the situation more awkward than they are; only breathing sound was heard. Jaehyun is fixing his gaze to Wendy when suddenly Taeyong let a huge fake cough which made Jaehyun slowly avert his gaze from Wendy while smirking.

"Am i really in danger?" Wendy finally broke the silence between them. "But why am i in danger? did i do something wrong? I certainly remember i don't have any bad friends, or enemies. It must be one of those kids i mad about spraying graffiti in front of my parent's shop! i think it's them, but they're just kids what revenge they're seeking with me giving them just a mere warning?"

"No it's not them," said Jaehyun slowly.

"Oh, it could be those bullies in my high school year who's seeking revenge for their leader, i should have finished them before they transfer to other schools"

"You were involved in a school fight? i thought you're just a soft girl like you are now" Taeyong said, with amaze in his tone.

"Too soft, you need to man up your gear, have you worked up lately?" Jaehyun said it with a smirk on his face.

"shut up Jaehyun, i do workup. The history of me being a school fight is long gone. I'm more of a soft person now"

"Really? your double chin is showing want me to fetch a mirror for you?"

"Do you want me to smack the heck out of you?"

"Yeah hit me, i want the old Wendy who stood me up when the uncle last time didn't give me my change"

"Are you flirting with my girlfriend, now?" Taeyong said, eyeing angrily at Jaehyun.

"i don't call that a flirting but truth and yeah i try" Jaehyun sticking both of his palm in defense."

Wendy scoffed and Jaehyun manages to wink at her. She cleared her throat and continue their real discussion.

"So what danger I'm facing?"

"Something really bad"

"Yeah like, what?"

"Have you had like a weird dream lately like a man suddenly showing up in your dream?"

"Trust me she dreams of me" Taeyong stating, stealing a glance at smiling Wendy.

"Sure, Romeo," said Jaehyun sarcastically "I meant like a creepy man came to you asking you to do something, or telling you something you should know? like that? do you meet one?"

Wendy holds her breath and breath out. Not sure if she's ready to let it out. If she let all of it out about the mystery man, it might lead her to reveal her secret of being a time traveler. If she doesn't, it might be too late for her to say it; if she lives to tell the truth about it.

"I met one" She begins. "He was tall, black curly hair, brown eyes, thick eyebrows, and a mustache", "His skin is as pale as the snow but his lips remain a fade magenta"

"I know the 'person' is looking for you, the one you met in your dream; haunt you everywhere you go. I know he left a letter saying he will eventually meet you soon" He said slowly. Wendy was startled and curious about how Jaehyun knows about it. Surely he wasn't there that day, or was he?

"Seeker, they called him, his job was to seek the time traveler inheritance and consume it so that they can possess it for their own good"

"Wait- wait a minute, did you just say time traveler inheritance, can you repeat that?" Wendy asks, wanting to sure what she heard is right.

"You heard me right the first time"

"I know, but a t-time traveler? I'm not sure what you're talking about" Wendy was stuttering, she felt like she's being undressed in the middle of the conversation.

"So you're saying his like a stalker? stalking people's lives?" said Taeyong while knitting his eyebrows.

"But why? why he has to consume it?" Wendy asks, desperately.

"I think you know the answer to that"

Wendy tried to remember every single information her mother and grandmother tells her about being an enemy with other people. No matter how she tried to remember it, it doesn't ring a bell.

"They want your soul Wendy," Jaehyun said. "The soul kept them alive for all these years, those kinds of power feed them so that they can stay alive; being undead and torture people with their lives. But it's just not any soul, He wants your fear soul; a time traveler soul. That's why he always trying to find you everywhere you go. He knows you possessed the power of time traveler, and he wanted to use it to capture every soul of every time traveler he found from past to future."

"But if he already knows where i am, what's gonna happen to me? what's the real reason he wants to have it? and what's that got to do with consuming my fear soul in it?"

"I believe he wanted it since a seeker can't live long, his soul is like a butterfly soul, he wanted to use the power to manipulate the time he supposes to be dead by taking the time traveler's power and take the fear out of them"

"He sounds like an undead vampire who seeks blood to keep him alive," Taeyong said, trying to describe the situation in an easy way.

"I guess his time is running out and he was in a rush of finding the last survivor of the Time traveler inheritance"

"You mean all these years he was trying to find me? cause he wants my fear soul? said Wendy "What happened to the previous Time traveler? and the other before that? what happened to them? did their soul been taken too?"

Jaehyun was sighing and Wendy can tell he was taking his time to answer it. "Didn't your mother or anyone in your family tell you about it?"

"They never tell me anything related to my power, I've been searching answers for it all of these years and still i don't know"

"Have you go back and travel to the past and ask them about it?" Taeyong ask. "They might have the answer to it"

"I tried to, but whenever i tried to use them it just shows me my past lives," She said. "Someone could have blocked my power from going farther to the past and-" She stops her words and finally snapped. "How in the world you guys knew i can travel back to the past?" she was eyeing to both of them. "That reminds me, all of this time-traveling story got me on edge until i almost blew all my secret. I guess you guys already knew beforehand that I'm one of the time travelers"

Jaehyun shrugged. "Took you a while to figure it out, you're so slow on catching this type of things." Wendy threw a pillow to Jaehyun; he dodges it.

"Jaehyun came knocking on my door the other day and told me about it," said Taeyong.

"And you're cool with it?" said Wendy, slowly.

"My girlfriend with a superpower? of course, I'm cool with it!" he said with an enthusiastic tone. Wendy was smiling after Taeyong finally knew her power, it was hard for her to keep her power a secret since she doesn't want anyone other her parents know bout it.

"What about you Jaehyun? how do you know all of these kinds of stuff about time travel? are you one of the seeker?" Wendy was skeptical about Jaehyun knew all about the Seeker and he knows where Taeyong lives and it's not possible he could be the Seeker who is seeking her.

"I'm your other half" he finally said. Wendy raises both of her eyebrows.

"My what? other half? like other half of related siblings?"

"No, but I'm your half. I'm one of the time travelers too." His word gave Wendy a shocked face and all this time, she've been told she the last time traveler since a kid. "You're a time traveler too? but how is that possible? why didn't you tell me?" Wendy was clearly into it.

Jaehyun looks at Wendy's eyes and he bows his head, and then he went back looking at her.

"Do you wonder why you couldn't go to the future?" He said, slowly. "Cause I am your future, your other half. And i believe you're my past, my other half" he explains. Taeyong mouth was wide open and he closes it with his hand; shocking at what he's listening. It confuses Wendy and she can't help but knit her eyebrows. 

"How is this even possible? why are you my half?" she said. "i thought being a time traveler possessed three power to travel to the past, present, and future but why you're my half?"

"You sounded like you're sad of me being your half?"

"Did i sounded sad? I'm overwhelmed! i feel like my head is about to explode any second"

"No don't explode, I'll be needing your head to lay on my shoulder," said Taeyong, worrying.

"Why you just came back now and tell me all of this?"

"Cause I'm-" Jaehyun's word was cut out when they heard all the windows, and door slam shuts loudly enough to make them hit the ground covering themself. A full ghast of winds blew across them and with the window and door is closed; the living room is now pitch black.

"He's here" whisper Jaehyun.

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