Love At First Sight My Ass |...

By jikook_sunray

747K 37.9K 19.3K

[editing] ❝ I fucked you good then. Didn't I? ❞ Love is a funny word with so many interpretations of its defi... More

Disclaimer & Additional Info.
Chapter 1: Addictive Touches
Chapter 2: Labels
Chapter 3: Almond Flakes & Milk
Chapter 4: Busan Satoori
Chapter 5: The Fall
Chapter 6: Worrying Over You
Chapter 7: Third Encounter
Chapter 8: Main Lead
Chapter 9: Forgotten Dinner
Chapter 10: Lost in 134340
Chapter 11: "I'm no expert at love."
Chapter 12: An Apology Led to a Second Chance
Chapter 13: Awakened Dominance
Chapter 14: "They're the same..."
Chapter 15: Tease
Chapter 16: First Day of Shooting
Chapter 17: Jealousy's Temptation
Chapter 18: Cautious Exchanges
Chapter 19: Karma
Chapter 21: Monologue Performance
Chapter 22: "You make me thirsty."
Chapter 23: Frozen In Time
Chapter 24: "I don't want to be a second option"
Chapter 25: Drunken Jeon
Chapter 26: Hungover
Chapter 27: Unraveling Secrets
Chapter 28: I don't know what love is.
Chapter 29: Late Night Stroll
Chapter 30: Doubts of Love
Chapter 31: Pandora's Box
Chapter 32: When Realization Hits
Chapter 33: "You are me."
Chapter 34: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 35: Devil's Puppet
Chapter 36: "I really loved you."
Chapter 37: Anxious Statements
Chapter 38: Tiny Step
Chapter 39: One Last Time
Chapter 40: Gifts For Both
Chapter 41: Epiphany
Chapter 42: Rushing to You
Chapter 43: Perfect in His Eyes
Chapter 44: Divine Intervention
Chapter 45: Gained Freedom
Chapter 46: "My Jimin hyung."
Chapter 47: Birthday boy
Chapter 48: 0613
Chapter 49: Slowly, Deeply and Passionately
Chapter 50: Counting Days
Chapter 51: Once a Tease, Always a Tease~
Chapter 52: Our Love is Infinite

Chapter 20: Backfired

11K 613 248
By jikook_sunray

・゚: *・゚:*  *:・゚*:・゚

There are scars that heal with time, it could take days, months and a year, but in his case, the scar over his heart was so big that he couldn't heal; at least not completely. He knew that, but as the time ticked by, the scar became covered with a band aid named Kim Taehyung. But, yesterday that band aid fell off and was replaced during the night.

"I'm sorry for last night." Hoseok set down his hot coffee mug on the countertop while Taehyung served an gaeran tost-u on a plate and gave it to his not-labelled-boyfriend.

"For which one? Puking on my bed or getting drunk since you woke up?" The actor turned his back feeling a sense of guilt thinking he was the reason why the model had chugged down plain Soju first thing in the morning after waking up.

"Both. I was stressed but that isn't an excuse for what I did. I'm sorry Taehyung-ah." Hoseok grabbed onto the crusts of the totsu with his fingers and took a bite. When his tongue tasted the delicious flavor of eggs, cabbage, bread and species, he hummed in delight. "Mm... Mas-issda," Hoseok mumbled with a mouth full of the totsu. "This is delicious Tae. Thank you."

"You're welcome. If you're going to get drunk, at least give me a warning because I was worried all afternoon when you didn't answer my calls," Taehyung sighed and leaned closer to press his lips against the crown of the elder's head. Knowing he's not the type to control every single movement his not-labelled-boyfriend does, he toned down how he felt about it.

"Are my eyes good? I have a video shooting for the promotion of a new Gyung-min perfume."

"They're a little swollen. Take a spoon and apply the back of it to them."

・゚: *・゚:*  *:・゚*:・゚

・゚: *・゚:*  *:・゚*:・゚

Tension fell over Jimin's eyes. Through the minor headache he had, he kept his eyes on his hands and looked up to meet the raven-haired actor's doe eyes from time to time. "Just put your card in, or are you afraid to lose?" A smug grin from Jungkook made him choose a green '5' card and cautiously place it on top of the yellow '5' card from the stack.

"I'm not afraid to lose, are you?" Jimin said as he waited for the raven haired's reaction to his move.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled once he saw the green '5' card and proudly chose a green 'reverese' card from his hands and placed it above Jimin's last move. "I know I'm going to win. Let's make a bet," he proposed.

Once Jimin saw the green 'reverse' card, he scoffed in annoyance because his lost turn gave the other male the advantage now that he had less cards. "Sure. What'd you want to bet?" He waited in caution for an answer and never losed focus on Jungkook's expression full of cockiness.

"If I win, I can ask you anything and do whatever I want with you for all day and you can't lie when I ask a question." Jungkook kept his stare on Jimin biting his lips. His cheeks were still red as were his own, both of them were sick with a sore throat and slight headache but that didn't stop them from this; even though it should. Shifting his gaze from the writer's plump lips, he analyzed the cards in his hands and smirked. He chose the card on the left corner and placed it above the stack waiting for a reaction he'd enjoy. "I change it to blue. Take four more cards Jimin-ssi."

Jimin's eyes closed a little as he focused his vision on the '+4' card that allowed Jungkook's cockiness to grow by the second. "Yes. Asshat," he mumbled the last word and slowly began taking up four more cards and add them to the three he had in his hands. Now, he had 7 cards and Jungkook had 3. Jungkook gave him a moment to organize his cards and began observing his concentrated stare.

"This asshat has a name, one that you scream so well when I touch you."

Because of Jimin's concentration, he just nodded along without paying attention to the raven haired and began a strategy with his mind claiming victory! That action made Jungkook's grin falter.

Once Jimin glanced up to meet Jungkook's eyes, he licked his upper lip. "Don't try to seduce me, I'm still going to win, Babe." A blue '1' card was placed above the stack.

"Before claiming victory for yourself, Babe, remember you were the one who wanted to make a bet. So, before I make my move, do you agree to mine?" Jimin smiled, not a That's cute smile but a You're fucked smile. The raven haired gulped, feeling the soreness of his throat made it uncomfortable to talk but he still did.

"I agree," he said, low and cautious. The lion had to prepare his claws for protection.

"If I win, when we get better, you'll go with me on a date and you'll follow my every order," stated the writer.

Jimin chose a blue card from his hands as he watched the raven haired's reaction. Jungkook nodded in agreement. "Yes," he mumbled. In his vision he only saw Jimin's eyes. The adrenaline of his body made the beating of his heart beat increase. 'What the fuck?' He questioned in his mind, it felt like he was being dominated by his submissive and he was letting himself submit; something he never has done, at least willingly.

"And," Jimin added once he placed the blue card on top of the stack but his hand still covered it. "I get to top you at least once and whenever I want."

The card was a blue 'blocked' card.

"You agreed," Jimin said as he chose another card and placed it above the other blue 'blocked' card. "Now, I rule." A red 'blocked' card was neatly placed, the writer's smug grin never leaving his lips. "I want to add," he continued. A red 'reverse' card was placed and Jungkook's left eye twitched. "Jungkook-ssi, What would I order you to do on our date?"

The anxiety was coursing through Jungkook's hazy vision. He wouldn't let the writer win. He couldn't go through something like that. You're the dominant. His mind kept screaming through sickness. But he still had a chance.


The raven haired actor looked back at the two cards in his hand as sweat began forming in his forehead. "Take two more," ordered the writer. Jimin placed a red '+2' card on top of the stack and watched as thr younger's face brightened up.

"I don't think so," countered the actor.

Jungkook placed another yellow '+2 card' and once he retracted his hand, Jimin's shout pierced his ears. "UNO!" he had shouted. The elder pointed a finger at him with a triumphant smirk.

Luck wasn't on Jungkook's side today it seemed, and he blames it on being sick.

"Fuck!" Jungkook cursed loudly, grabbing 6 more cards from the other pile.

"I'm King Park Jimin," teased Jimin. He placed a yellow '2' card and waited for Jungkook's turn.

"This isn't 'A Sorcerer's Kiss', Jimin. You aren't a sorcerer king." Jungkook's gritted teeth sent a shiver down the writer's spine and a yellow '4' card was placed on the stack.

"Oh, I know, but I have something you don't." Jimin's eyes portrayed nothing.

Jungkook couldn't predict his move and his eyes got lost in the elder's once again.

"And what's that?" He found himself leaning forward.

"The advantage."

A '4+ Wild card' was placed on top of the stack.

"Uno," Jimin whispered as he leaned forward too. "I change it to red." He placed a red '6' card and pecked Jungkook's rosy lips. "I won," he whispered again and watched Jungkook sniff as a response.

"Fuck you, Park," huffed Jungkook, clearly annoyed with how his plans backfired completely.

"No, it's fuck me, Park," Jimin grinned and sat up from the floor to search for a napkin. "You're bottoming for me one day. Don't forget that!" he shouted as he walked farther away.

"Achoo!" Jungkook sneezed loudly soon after dropping his cards in the process. "Achoo!" His eyes closed as his runny nose began expulsing liquid. "Aghk..." he groaned as he felt the liquid mucus run down his lips. "I'm sick because of you." Getting up from the floor, he ran in direction of the nearest place that had a napkin.

"Bless you," Jimin said in English, his voice lowering down. "I know... Don't rub it in my face." Jimin grabbed a napkin and blew his nose in it while Jungkook did the same. "You were the one who kissed me though..." He mumbled with his nasal voice.

"I know... I-I'm sorry. I'm just stressed. I haven't been sick in a long time." Jungkook had a shiver run down his spine as he cleaned his nostrils; nose reddening at every second.

"It's okay. We're both human." Jimin slowly walked towards him and wrapped his arms around him. "Can you keep me warm?" he asked as he buried his face against the flesh of the raven haired's neck.

'Is this the same man who won against me in UNO?' Jungkook felt himself wrap his arms around Jimin and lean for his warmth. And once again, he blamed it on being sick.

"Is it okay to fall for you?" Jimin mumbled, but his words never reached Jungkook's ears, or so he thought.

I don't deserve your love.

Jungkook blamed it and cursed upon it. He blamed it on being sick that he thought like this, weakly.

・゚: *・゚:*  *:・゚*:・゚

・゚: *・゚:*  *:・゚*:・゚

In his apartment, Min Yoongi finished washing the dishes while little Beomgyu watched 'How To Train Your Dragon' dubbed in Korean. As he finished, he dried his hands and walked by the living room to place a small kiss on his son's head.

"Appa will be in his room resting okay? Come get me if you need anything. Don't open the door to strangers," he ordered.

The little boy nodded as he watched how Toothless drawed with a tree branch while Hiccup watched amazed.

"Yes, appa," he replied and Yoongi ruffled his hair before leaving to his room.

Once inside his bedroom, he went inside his closet and searched for a specific shoe box. He opened it and sighed with sorrow, "I miss you. I'm sorry." Yoongi grabbed the golden ring and slid it through his finger and then began reading a document that broke his heart every time he saw it.

"Divorce papers, Min Yoongi and Min H-

"Appa! I can't find the Strawberry Milk!"

Little Beomgyu's voice startled him and he slid the ring out of his finger, then he left the papers inside the shoe box while he shouted, "I'm on my way!"

The shoe box hid away his memories physically but not emotionally.

"What was that?" Yoongi asked with a saddened smile as he saw Beomgyu pouting.

"I can't find my Strawberry Milk..." He kept his pink lips in a pout.

"It's right here baby." The director grabbed a pink drinking box and gave it to his son.

"Oh!!! Thank you, appa!" Little Beomgyu grabbed the Strawberry Milk and didn't hesitate to open it and continue watching the movie.

"Raising him wasn't a mistake. He's such a lovely kid. I love him with all my heart." Yoongi fondly watched his son with teary eyes and his words faded into a whisper knowing well for who he meant them.

・゚: *・゚:*  *:・゚*:・゚

H-Hi 👉🏻👈🏻

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