Forbidden Love (Ko X Reader X...

By Tko207

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~ LEMON AT THE END ~ Ko is 12-17 years old boy who works in a bodega with his two friends in the plaza, he me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 9

1.5K 51 224
By Tko207

( Your pov )

Tko kept annoying me in class, so I started annoying him as well.

We started throwing balls made of papers at each other, and we got detention for it.

Right now I'm in the detention room, nobody's here except Tko and I, and we both kept glaring at each other.

"Alright, I called your parents. As for now, I'm going to do some paperwork, and you two are going to stay here and behave. My office is right there so don't even try and get out, I'll leave the door open", the teacher who is supposed to watch us said and left.

"Ugh this is all your fault, now I have to spend more two hours in this stupid school!", Tko started complaining.

"Ah! My fault?! You're the one who started spitting those chewed papers on me!! Eghhh so disgusting, you're disgusting!", I said as I felt grossed.

"Pffft, and you had to be so sensitive about it", he mumbled.

"Oh just shut up", I said as I crossed my arms.

Few minutes later of silent, "ughh this is taking too long!", Tko said as he got up, and I looked at him, confused.

"What are you doing?", I asked as he went to the window.

"I'm getting out of this hell", he said as he opened the window.

"What? Are you crazy? You'll get in so much trouble!", I said.

"Whatever. So are you coming?", Tko asked as he turned to look at me.

Is he seriously asking me to go with him?

"And get in more trouble? No thank you", I said as I crossed my arms.

Tko then started chuckling, "heh, and I thought you're a villain, are you even really a villain? Because you're more like a chicken to me", he said with a smirk.

"Oh and I thought you're a hero, are you even really a hero? Because you're more like a dork to me", I said in the same sarcastic tone as him.

"I'm not a hero, I just go by my own rules", Tko replied. I look at him with a bit of surprised.

He's not a hero?

"Anyways, are you gonna be a real villain and run with me, or you're just going to be a stupid nerd and stay here", Tko asked again.

Should I go..?

"Oh suck it", I mumbled as I got up from my place and walked to him.

Tko jumped out flying since we're in the 2nd floor, I did the same and followed him.

We both flew, but I didn't know where are we going, so I decided to ask.

"So where are we going?", I asked.

"I dunno", Tko simply said.

"What? Are you serious right now?", I asked.

"Yep. I'm hungry, let's go to restaurant or something", Tko said as he sped up.

I followed him to wherever he was going to. We saw a food truck so we landed there. There wasn't much people here, so that's good, I don't want people to see us together.

Tko ordered two burritos without asking me for what I want.

I feel like I'm his dog following him everywhere...

After few minutes, Tko handed me my burrito. "Thanks", I said as I took it.

"That'll be $15", the man said as Tko opened his burrito.

"I don't have money", Tko simply said as he took a bite. I looked at him shocked.

Is he for real?

"You don't have money?!", the burrito man asked with anger.

"Is that a problem", Tko said as he glared at the man and made a purple fire fist.

The man looked shocked and a little scared, "n-no..", he said as he waved his arms and shook his head.

"Good. C'mon Y/n", Tko said and started walking.

"My god!", I started laughing as I followed him, "I can't believe you just did that!", I said and kept laughing.

We both sat on the street and started eating. "Heh, there's so much you don't know about me", Tko said as he winked at me.

"So you're the alter ego of Ko?", I asked and took a bite of my burrito.

"Yep, I'm more like Turbo Ko, but Tko for short", he said as he took a bite of his burrito.

" you're the bad one?", I said with a smirk.

"I'm also the stronger, faster, and the cooler", he proudly said with a smirk.

"And obviously the cocky one", I said followed with a giggle.

After we finished our burritos, we stood up, "now where do we go?", I asked as I cleaned myself.

"Hmmm wanna go and destroy some buildings?", Tko asked.

"Hell yeah!!", I said with excitement and we both started flying.


~ Skip Time ~
~ 1 AM ~

Tko and I destroyed a lot of buildings today, we stole some money and jewelry, we also stole some fancy clothes and then crashed into a party and started dancing. The police kept following us but we didn't care, we just destroyed their cars because it was so annoying.

I really had fun today! Who thought Tko could be so fun to hang out with?!

Right now, I flew to BoxMore with Tko, he said he's gonna make sure I make it safely home.

What a gentleman.

"Alright, I made it safely, now you can go", I said as we both landed on the ground.

"Wow, just like that? No thank you or anything? Rude", Tko said with a smile.

I giggled, "yeah right. Thanks you, I really had fun today", I said as I offered him a smile.

"We still can have more fun ya know", he said with smirk as he leaned closer to my face.

"My god, ya nasty!", I laughed as I pushed him on the chest lightly and Tko started chuckling.

"C'mon, I know you want it~", Tko said, still smirking.

"I think we had enough fun for today. I'll see you tomorrow?", I asked.

"Yeah, sure", Tko said as he put his hands in his pockets.

I hesitated for a sec as I blushed, but I eventually gave him a kiss on his cheek.

I than ran to the door, "bye!", I said before getting inside the factory and closing the door behind me.

I leaned my back on the door and hid my face with both of my hands, letting myself slowly slide down on it.

I feel happy..


( Tko's pov )

Y/n suddenly kissed me on the cheek before she ran to the door, "bye!", she said as she got in, closing the door behind her.

My eyes widened with shock and surprise at her sudden reaction, but then a smile grew on my face as I blushed a little.

I then jumped flying, heading to mom's house, but suddenly on the way home, I kinda felt dizzy. I landed on the ground, the dizziness turned to a pain.

Before I knew, I was back to Ko's mind!

"What the?!", I said in shock.

"It's time for you to get back to the cage"

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