Captive of the Shadows (The F...

By Magic_Dome_Books

242 15 1

It started out like any other day. How was I to know it was my last day on Earth? You see, on that day, my bo... More

Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eight

15 1 0
By Magic_Dome_Books

GOOD GOD, how am I supposed to operate this stuff? What's up with no instructions? True, the senior Hogman had explained the basics, and at least Haedyn seemed to grasp it all pretty fast. Now, for the third time, he was trying to show me what to do.

Those are the samples, and right there are the Shadows, and over there are Shadows as well, and that's the unfiltered magic and then here go the Shadows again. Sheesh! The Hogmani had replaced electricity with magic and Shadows. And so the genetic analyzer was now around four feet across and about as high as my waist.

It was all too much for me to process. My brain might as well have shrugged and said, "Do whatever you want. In any case, I have to think about it."

"Rory, assemble the tests," Haedyn said. "You don't possess any magic, but here it's what powers everything, like your electricity. So I'll operate this equipment. Meanwhile, you put your hands here."

He indicated a luminous handlebar, inside of which something viscous and dark gurgled.

"All you have to do is grasp it and imagine what should happen. The Shadows will capture your thoughts and let me know when I can start it up."

It wasn't easy to grasp the handlebar. I looked at it and kept my cool. Haedyn didn't rush me. I think he understood my misgivings and was giving me time to adjust.

Just then the kitten showed up. It looked like a wisp of smoke jumping onto the rail, arching its back and flashing bright green eyes. It paced back and forth, and stretched. I glanced at Haedyn, but he didn't seem to see the Shadow.

Meanwhile, the kitten was obviously trying to assure me that I had nothing to fear. He played with an invisible little ball, pounced at it a couple of times, and tried to bite his own misty tail.

So where'd you come from, you smoky little beastie, eh? I'll talk with you later, when we're alone. I threw a look at the kitten to let him know I'd have plenty of questions for him next time,. Then, finally, I laid my hands on the handlebar.

I was neither hit by a blast of magic, nor hurt in any way. In fact, nothing happened. But then I heard the instrument emit a faint buzzing sound, and the specimen dropped down into a network of transparent pipes surrounded by Shadows and containing those clear, liquefied golden flames. From there, it disappeared from view. Meanwhile, Haedyn was clutching a handlebar on the opposite side in which the Shadows were mixed with a golden light. He was frowning as he stared into space. I could see that his eyes were glowing a little with a golden light. Wowza!

This process went on for three minutes at the most. Then the kitten disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared, and Haedyn straightened up and exhaled. "That's it. It worked."

"Now we just have to wait," I muttered, wiping my brow with my hand. I'd broken out in a light sweat. I guess I was nervous.

"Does it usually take awhile?" Haedyn asked.

"I want to start by carrying out an analysis of the DNA structure, and then breaking it down into fragments for further analysis. So it should take around a day. At home, on Earth, I used computers for all the data, so I didn't have to track everything myself. But here..."

"You told the Shadows what you needed them to do," Haedyn cut in. "And I'm acting as the end-of-session signal. In other words, once the Shadows are done, they'll alert me by summoning me. Have something to eat, Rory. You look like you're played out, again."

"Really?" He was spot on. I wiped my hands on my vest and asked,

"Can we eat somewhere else for a change? Do you have a cafeteria or something like that? If I have to stay inside these four walls another minute, I'll go bonkers."

"Yes, there is somewhere else," Haedyn said. "But Rory, remember what happened the last time you ventured out?"

"Are you referring to the Tree? Speaking of, when might I see it? I really do need some samples. They're essential."

"You'll have to wait a few days. A thorough sweep of the place is underway right now. Then you'll have to ask Doran."

Haedyn ruffled a shock of his hair, looked at me and suddenly smiled. "Come on. I think we can find somewhere else to eat. Especially now, because there won't be too many others there. Only, I have a request: don't leave my side. Stay right by me. Got it?"

"Got it!"

I really wanted to see another part of the palace. Otherwise, it was ridiculous: here I was in a completely different world, but either confined to this lab or my chambers, not allowed to see what's what out there. I'd clearly adapted physically and wasn't sick at all when I passed by windows. In fact, I could even see in Ruadh a rather crazy kind of freaky beauty.

"Haedyn, can you tell Aerona that I'll want to see her in a day and I'll also draw some of her blood then. I've got to analyze her hormones. So for the next 24 hours, she needs to abstain from drinking, sex, and stimulants."

"You gotta be kidding....," the healer muttered. "So what's the nature of this analysis?"

"I want to take a look at her reproductive system and see if you have thyroid hormones. I know for sure you do have a thyroid – I studied one of your books on anatomy. And there are other little things I want to look at. We have to approach this from every angle, Haedyn. To be honest, I'm really intrigued by what's going on with your people. Even if I wasn't my freedom depends on my ability to quickly find and solve your problem.?"

We walked along a wide corridor dominated by dark brown and purple hues. A mirror floor, lamps recessed into the walls, niches with sofas, and statues that gave me goose bumps. And also faeries. A lot of faeries passing by one by one and in small groups. All had very business-like looks. Some were loaded down with books, others carried strange vessels with who knows what inside.

I was curious and so asked Haedyn, "So what do the subjects of the Court of Shadows do with themselves?"

"They live their lives."

"Ha ha, very funny. It's just that I see all these faeries living in the palace. I doubt Doran allows them all to freeload."

"You're right," Haedyn grinned, turning right and starting down some stone stairs. I was right behind him, having noticed that the kitten, in turn, was now following me.

"You know, Rory, that the Shadow Court accepts everyone. There's just one caveat to that. Everybody has to work. Half the inhabitants of Ruadh are scholars of some sort. Doran is cunning. Both the Seelie and the Unseelie Courts are stuck in their ways. They are loathe to accept any changes. So Doran draws the scholars in. Including historians. We are the only ones who judge all three Courts. Doran is constantly looking for precedents to various crimes perpetrated throughout our long, rich history. This makes it easier to work things out. Sure, the magic of the Wild Hunt can always point to the perpetrator, but that's not enough. You also need the tools to analyze the situation."

"Wait a minute! I'm one of a slew of scientists, then?"

"Yes, you could say so."

"What the hell do you need me for, then? Can't you all get together and figure it out?"

"Rory, we study Chaos and everything about it. But when it comes to reproductive issues... alas ... stereotypes and pride come into the picture. Even we scientists have problems with it, and we're the most reasonable inhabitants of the Three Courts. Doran is probably the only one who can honestly accept that we are dying out. Even I have a hard time with it. I can't help but think we're going to live forever. And the most important thing is that we simply don't possess your knowledge. We're used to solving all our problems with magic. I don't even know how to conduct the simplest of blood tests."

I was in a city of scientists who didn't know the first thing about applied science. It doesn't get better than that!

"I have one more question," I said, glancing at the kitten, who was amusing himself by first disappearing into the wall, then jumping out again. "People never see the Shadows?"

"Not unless Doran lets them. Your vision is different from ours. At most you might catch sight of something foggy at the edge of your vision. But at the request of the King of Shadows, they may manifest to you. We see them, but they can disappear whenever they want. Only the King is in constant contact with them."

So this meant that I definitely shouldn't let on that I could see the kitten. Or was this Doran's doing? Yikes! I sure didn't want to ask him. Who knows what would ensue...

I suddenly realized that, except for work, I myself was like a kitten here, except a blind one – totally helpless. One false step and I was doomed. Most likely I'd be punished for getting it wrong. I automatically rubbed the intricate bracelet-tattoo on my wrist. The pain I'd suffered was burned into my memory – I wouldn't soon forget it. Nope, better to avoid a repeat performance.

But yes, I felt somehow better when I thought about how I'd get my revenge on Doran. Someday, somehow, the great sex we had together notwithstanding. I still wasn't sure how I'd exact my revenge, but I knew one thing for sure, and that is that it would be unforgettable.

Yes, I really did feel better just thinking about it. And "my" kitten puffed up a bit, as if it could tell.

"So what if a mortal is suddenly able to see the Shadows without Doran's help?"

"That means they aren't mortals," Haedyn said, yawning. "But don't worry about it, Rory, you're a human, that's all. If you had the slightest drop of faery blood in you, we'd feel it right away."

Alright then. I literally and figuratively bit my tongue to keep myself from letting on about the kitten. My intuition was simply screaming at me to keep it to myself for the time being.

"Haedyn! Haedyn, wait!" I heard a voice that made me flutter inside and see everything in rosy colors.

Sighing, Haedyn turned around. Just then, Jioladh caught up with us. He was attired only in pants held up by an incredible buckle: it depicted an unfamiliar beast smiling broadly, with flashing purple eyes. The stunningly handsome face framed by the flaming red hair was as hunky as it gets and so very.... very... Whereas Doran's aura got me all worked up, Jioladh simply made me want to bask in his presence, as if he was emitting rays of sunshine. It's strange that I'd initially regarded him as dangerous. But perhaps that's because there was something monstrous about all faeries. But unlike monsters, they were possessed of reason, which actually made them even more frightening.

"I can't get into the lab – it's locked," Jioladh said. "And I need to get in there. Oh, hi there, Rory."

As he spoke, he grabbed my hand and kissed my wrist, sending waves of pleasure through me.

"Contain the Enchantment," Haedyn grumbled.

"Oops! Sorry!" said Jioladh, without the slightest bit of remorse. "I'm always forgetting about it."

"Well, keep on forgetting and risk the wrath of the King."

And carrying on in the same vein, we descended some stairs. I sniffed: I could smell something incredibly appetizing. I was practically drooling. "What do they make here?"

Jioladh had quit channeling Enchantments my way. He was still unbelievably alluring, but not perfection itself. In truth, he was the most gallant faery to cross my path thus far. For example, just now he'd helped me negotiate the stairs. Too bad I didn't trust faeries, though, not at all. All of them are hypocritical horrors.

"I don't think Doran would be too put out by just a minor Enchantment. They aren't capable of binding his adorable little toy to me. And look how she's blushing — it's adorable."

Blushing? Um, the last time I'd blushed was when I was being potty trained. Okay, and when I looked at Doran in bed.

"Just the same, don't cross the line," Haedyn warned. "Enough, got it? Have your fun, but be careful."

I glanced at Jioladh and, to my amazement, he winked at me. I wanted to ask him if he was crazy.

We turned a corner and entered a huge room dominated by the smell of incredibly tantalizing food, and the clatter ubiquitous to any restaurant.

Without even thinking about it, I followed Haedyn and Jioladh while looking around me and enjoying the smells. It was an interesting place.

Clearly, it was carved into a cliff or something: the stone walls were amber-brown, with golden streaks, and roughly hewn. And the light: it was bright, like the rising sun. I had no idea where it emanated from.

The place wasn't very crowded. There were just a couple of tables with patrons. The tables themselves were carved out of a dark green translucent stone. Haedyn led us to one such table in a far corner. I carefully lowered myself onto a bright pillow that lay on a semicircular stone bench. And then I asked, "So is this a local cafeteria?"

"I prefer to call it a small dining hall," Haedyn grinned, opting to sit next to me, thereby forcing Jioladh to sit further down.

I didn't seem to be attracting too much notice, just a couple of faeries who glanced my way briefly and then were distracted by whatever they were talking about. Apparently, nobody wanted to stare too openly at the King's toy.

What ensued was simply wondrous. For example, I didn't see any waiters, yet there were dishes on the tables: bronze colored plates and elegant chalices. Plus utensils, and lots of them. I was glad that I'd been well-versed in etiquette as a girl and so knew how to conduct myself at a place like this.

But I wished Jioladh would keep away. I couldn't talk about things with Haedyn while he was here.

"Rory, what do you want?" Jioladh's question interrupted my thoughts. "I mean, to eat. Just tell me and I'll say it out loud. As you are human, it won't be heard if you say it."

"So they'll bring anything we want?"

"Absolutely," Haedyn said. He had already uttered an unfamiliar word, and presto! — An impressive hunk of meat surrounded by strange vegetables appeared on his plate. And the smell!

Almost drooling, I said, "Steak with corn and peas. And juice. Cherry." And then I added, impulsively, "And bird's nest soup."

Jioladh repeated all this, and a few seconds later I stared at my plate. There were two dishes, actually. One held the steak, and the other held a jelly-like mass in which I discerned what looked like webs. So this was the most expensive dish in Asian cuisine? This mucus-like substance?

I started with the steak, trying to avoid looking at the soup. I'm glad it didn't stink, at least.


Wow, it was great hearing somebody call me by my full name! Jioladh, you've grown in stature in my eyes.

"How do you like it here?"

"I want to go home," I said candidly. Haedyn sighed, but said nothing, but Jioladh was evidently surprised.

"So you haven't fallen under the spell of our King? My, my..."

"I'm mesmerized. But I still want to go home."

"You're a strange one," Jioladh said thoughtfully, stirring a thick brown concoction. "Usually humans who find themselves among faeries forget about everything else. And they live as if in a beautiful dream. Although ... The Court of Shadows is here in Alfheim. Perhaps the proximity to Chaos disrupts our natural charm. What do you think, Haedyn?"

"Could be," the healer said curtly "It could be that after years of existing in isolation from us, humans have developed an immunity."

"But what difference does it make," the redheaded charmer said cheerfully. "Here's what I think, Aurora. Maybe I can buy you after Doran's tired of you? The Seelie Court has always been favorably disposed toward humans."

"You're no longer of the Seelie Court," I said.

"Nevertheless, I was born and raised there. Haedyn, what do you think? Will Doran let me buy her once he's through with her?"

What a guy. Even as he was saying such unpleasant things, his eyes were sympathetic and, as if, trying to tell me something. I tried to remember what I'd heard or read about the Seelie Court. As I recall, they did treat people better.

Haedyn shrugged, and said something about not selling the skin of the bear until it's dead. Which offended me — I almost dumped my soup on him. It was hard, but I didn't, deciding that life was too short to waste time letting the faeries push my buttons. Anyway it was senseless. They were impervious to me, and I'd just end up getting all worked up over it.

And, anyway, I had better things to do, like feasting my eyes on the sights. I saw seven different faery species. Indeed, the most beautiful of all was without doubt the highest 'caste.' The rest looked ... intriguing.

For example, there were little faeries no taller than my waist. They'd be downright cute, except for their glittering red eyes and the spike-like teeth that were evident when they smiled. And then there were the two hulks over there, almost ten feet tall with huge eyes and noses to match them. Or that super thin woman in an unusual dress akin to artsy rags, with a pale, thin face and bright yellow eyes. She noticed me looking at her, and gave me a big smile, so broad that the corners of her lips touched her ears. I shuddered and switched my gaze to the fluttering lights playing tricks here and there. A thought suddenly occurred to me: there were all these species, yet only the upper echelons suffered from deformities. Others might be ugly, but this was naturally ugly, the way they were meant to be. None of them had mismatched ears, an exposed brain, or deformed limbs. Why not?

I fidgeted and mentally asked Jioladh to be a good boy and run along. Alas, my two companions were discussing some experiments related to treating particles from Chaos. Clearly my mental dispatches weren't registering with Jioladh. But I overheard enough to know that the treatment hadn't worked yet, and could even result in increasing the disfigurement.

And yet you refuse to even consider radiation? I almost spilled my juice. I pulled myself together and tried to regulate my breathing. Doran never did give me a straight answer when I asked him about it. And in all of the ensuing turmoil, I'd forgotten about it. This could explain my queasiness even. Had Haedyn somehow protected me and healed me with his magic?

Just thinking about it made me uneasy. What if radiation and Chaos were somehow linked? Why would only the higher faeries be impacted in terms of mutations? Is it that they're in closer contact with it? But Doran looks just fine. As do the healers...

I had all sorts of chaotic thoughts running through my head, and only Doran or Haedyn could help me restore order there. But the latter was occupied with his red-haired colleague, while the former was busy traipsing about on his royal duties. I needed to be patient. Luckily, I had plenty to occupy myself with.

Back at the lab, I lingered until late into the night, poring over books on faery anatomy. Fortunately, Haedyn was totally okay with this. He'd deposited me there, and then taken off somewhere. I suspected he was with Jioladh, talking about matters related to their healing activities.

And there was no sight of Doran. The kitten was nowhere to be seen, either. I immersed myself in my studies until just about midnight. By then, my head was spinning. Haedyn didn't come back to the lab, and so I was escorted to my chambers by two Hogmani. Once there, I undressed as if in a fog, readied myself for sleep, and dropped off into a deep slumber almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. But my sleep was interrupted.

It was a little after 2 a.m. when I jerked awake a. It was like someone had summoned me in the dark, empty room. Heart pounding, nerves on edge, my eyes snapped open. But the two night-lights in the floor revealed an empty room. No one had called my named. At least, not out loud.

But the kitten sat atop my chest. And its green eyes glowed like two magical embers. They didn't gleam in the dark like real cat eyes, rather, they glowed.

I gulped, and for some reason whispered, "What's up?"

The Shadow twitched its tail, just like a cat, and for some reason I said, "You know, I'm fully aware that you're a Shadow. But can I give you a name? It'd be a way of distinguishing you from the others. Can I call you Zephyr?"

M-r-r-r groused the "cat," as if to say "Why talk about this now? — whatever." But he didn't seem opposed to my naming him. Alright, then.

And then, suddenly, it was just like a 3D movie. I was still sitting in my bed, but I was also in Doran's quarters. Which was rather over the top in its gloomy splendor.

The King was there. But he wasn't alone. Hands clasped behind his head, he was all but lying on his huge bed. He was attired in light pants, nothing else, except for the ubiquitous silver pendant on his powerful chest. Shadows swirled around his head, touching his short black hair. Doran looked suspiciously happy.

"I demand that you return my subject!"

The voice of his companion was arresting, despite the angry tone. And she herself was so 'splendiferous' that I was not even jealous. Meaning how can I be jealous of perfection itself? She had a fantastic figure encased in a sparkling, translucent gown, thick honey-colored hair, fastened with a golden hoop, huge almond-shaped amber eyes and flawless features. And her sexy, slightly raspy voice gave even me goose bumps. And all I was doing was watching her in 3D!

"Go ahead, demand it, Ornia, demand. I enjoy listening to you speak."

That's the King of the Court of Shadows for you. When dealing with his peers, Doran behaved quite differently, although I could discern a mocking note in his gaiety – very carefully disguised mockery. The stupendous lady, meanwhile, was definitely from the Seelie Court. I could feel it in my bones.

"Cut it out!"

"I'm not doing anything but listening patiently to your whining about my new subject."

"Do you know what that bastard did?" Ornia hissed like an agitated rattlesnake.

"Fucked your lady-in-waiting," Doran chuckled, and I started, making Zephyr blink disapprovingly. Although, who was this to him?

Merely the Queen of the Seelie Court!

"Is that what he told you? And did he forget to mention that he so enchanted two half-breeds that after he fled, they killed themselves? And another mortal is still in a coma. He played his flute, enchanting her, then he fucked her and fled."

I remembered the sounds of that flute, and shuddered. I must never forget that if I ever see that flute in his hands again, I'd best take off running and not look back.

"That's unfortunate," Doran said grimly. "I am, indeed, sorry to hear this, Ornia. But now Jioladh is a member of my Court. And here, he is guilty of no wrongdoing. Merely a few attempts to fool around with my toys, oh, and fuck my sister."

"What hasn't been with her, really? Doran, hand over my subject."

"He's my subject," the King said. "You should've done a better job keeping tabs on your favorite. The Court of Shadows does not betray those who come in peace and ask for haven. Do you simply want to prattle on about it for a bit?"

"I came to demand the judgment of the Wild Hunt. And I accuse Jioladh of deliberately harming those who are helpless before his magic!"

"I reject your request, because I do not see anything criminal in Jioladh's actions. Ornia, I understand how easy it is for you to let your guard down in front of me, but do not play the fool. What is it that you seek here? You know, of course, that the notion of a judgment is absurd."

The beauteous Queen of the Seelies stood there, biting her lip a little. She emitted a soft glowing aura, so alluring that I felt like basking in it. It wasn't overtly sexy or arousing in any way, rather it was bright, airy.

I felt a painful prick in my chest and screeched a little: Zephyr had taken it upon himself to scratch me, or did he bite me? In any case, it snapped me out of my little trance.


Oh, that voice! So thrilling and insanely sexy, how could the King resist it?

"Yes, that's my name. Are you again set on seducing me? Chaos, this is, indeed, quite a performance!"

"Just think of what we could do if we were to unite our two Courts! Doran! My Court is stronger, more ancient, and more prosperous. And you can bring in all of the benefits of Chaos. Can't you see what this means? We could..."

What they could do was left hanging: The broadcast was suddenly interrupted.

"Hey, where's the sequel?"

But Zephyr had already jumped off of me, and, flailing his paws through the air like he was swimming underwater, he floated out of the bedroom.

"You can't trust any felines!" I hissed after him, and lay back on the pillow. And what was all that about? Why show me the two rulers together in conversation? So that I keep my distance from Jioladh? Or to let me know that the Seelie Queen yearns for a union with Doran?

I turned over and hugged one of the pillows. I needed more sleep, but a whirlwind of thoughts and feeling were spinning round in my head. And I was truly bewildered as to why Doran would reject such a seductive offer? What a gorgeous Queen, and a fabulous Court, to boot.

Like a green-eyed snake, I felt pangs of jealousy stir within me. A weak little snake, to be sure, but poisonous, just the same. Mentally, I tried to carefully stamp it out. Allowing myself to be jealous of faeries made as much sense as opting to throw myself from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Both were akin to suicide.

Somehow, I managed to fall asleep again. Two hours later. After tossing and turning, I was exhausted. I threw a couple of pillows onto the floor, scolded myself for giving a damn, and then I finally fell asleep. And I had a dream, so unexpected, so vivid, so realistic. I dreamed that I was still lying in bed, when, suddenly, Zephyr came back.

In the dream, I got up, somehow confident that I should follow the Shadow, which was circling around near the door flashing his eyes at me.

It's funny that the sensations I felt were just like real life: the cool stone floor under my bare feet, a light draft kissing my bare and for some reason flushed skin. In the dream, I didn't bother putting on clothes.

A pale lilac mist swirled in the corridor, in which Shadows were frolicking And I felt something...strange, extraordinary, welling up within me. I felt like I was on the verge of grasping something really important. Meanwhile, the space around me was breathing, changing, and as if alive. With every cell of my body, I felt the palace itself changing. In the daytime, I couldn't really see this, but in my dream, I understood this, and accepted it with complete equanimity.

I kept following Zephyr as we passed along a corridor filled with that animate mist and... then I realized that I was awake.

Sitting astride Doran. An absolutely delighted, aroused Doran, who was already holding me by the hips. I automatically tried to "dismount," but his steel grasp held me in place.

"I have one question. How?" the King asked. "I told the Shadows to let you into my chambers, but didn't think that you'd show up so quickly."

My response could win a prize for spontaneous banality, "I'd like to see if there's any radiation impacting the palace."

Good one, Aurora, just the thing to say whilst sitting on a naked man. Who is so excited already that he's about to enter you. I felt the tip of his rock-hard cock right there, about to move inside, and almost lost my train of thought. What was it I wanted to talk about...?

"Radioactivity?" Doran asked in a soft tone. "What, do you suspect something?"

He raised his hips a little, penetrating deeper I was flushed with heat mixed with a delicious kind of pain which only increased. Struggling to keep from moaning, I said in a ragged voice:

"I can't...oh!. can't talk about it... right now. I ... I need to check ..."

Just then Doran once again gave a slight thrust, generating a tiny flash of what felt like lightning inside me. Here I was, swimming in his arms again. What was up with that? Not to mention that I wanted to press every inch of my body into his.

"How are you going to do this check?"

I leaned over and licked the King's nipple, then nipped at his skin and felt such exultation as Doran's breathing audibly quickened. Awesome!

"I need...."


I felt the heat build up in me, moving toward a crescendo. But somehow, I managed to hold on, not let it all out. Although by now I was so caught up in the ecstasy of the moment, any thoughts that entered my head were immediately banished.

"Counter, a... counter," I somehow remembered the word. "A counter...Geiger, m.-m-m."

Doran suddenly grabbed my face in his hands and stared at me for a couple of seconds with glowing eyes in which swirls of darkness merged with a greenish fog. It was like he was probing very deeply into me with his eyes. So deeply that it was a little creepy. What is it he's trying to see there? And why?

"If you have to, then so be it," the King said gruffly. What ensued was something so shamelessly sweet, yet fiery... Throughout it all, Doran kept holding my head so that I had to look into his eyes. Right into them, which made my head spin.

It was too good. So good that it seemed like anymore and I wouldn't be able to withstand the relentlessly powerful thrusts that made everything inside me explode. I felt him moving harder, harder, the force was almost unbearable. I was drowning in a pool of tenderness and unrelenting power, gasping for air and again and again felt myself imploding only to be reborn. In a new world.

After releasing his molten lightning, Doran sat up and started greedily kissing me. He reveled in my exclamations and protracted moaning. And shuddered from the aftermath of his orgasm. "My Rory," his hoarse voice penetrated my mind and remained there forever.

I fell on my side and closed my eyes, feeling the lingering orgasm gradually subside. So intensely insane. I heard Doran get up, and thought about taking a shower, but just didn't have the strength. I lay there, limp, as if I had no bones inside me anymore. I was devoid of thoughts, energy, left only with a lazy euphoria.

"My Rory."

I head these words he'd uttered echoing inside me. I just sighed. Guys were always saying things like that, things that made you want to smack yourself on the forehead. Although, actually, there was a certain logic to the King's words. As far as he was concerned, I did, in fact, currently belong to him. And this was signified by the bracelet-tattoo on my wrist. Ah, if I knew how to remove it, just watch me make tracks.

The bed groaned a little under the weight of the returning King. I felt everything inside me flutter again. I couldn't not respond to his presence, and he clearly had far too many pheromones.

I felt his hot body pressing into my back as he set about matter-of-factly spooning me, one hand completely covering my breast. Which immediately grew heavy as if it was filling with desire. Whoa! I was wiped out!

"Rory," his breath touched the back of my neck, "I propose peace."

I opened my eyes in surprise. Was I dreaming all of a sudden about how a certain Faery King was demonstrating humanity?

"Excuse me, what did you say?"

Doran nibbled my neck, giving me goose bumps, and purred into my hair. "You and I have the same goals. I'm not ordering you to agree, but I am proposing that we coexist in peace."

"We have the same goals?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Exactly! I want you to help us regain the ability to procreate, and you want to help us so that you can return to your homeland. Moreover, we are drawn to each other. Maybe you shouldn't try to enrage me anymore?"

I couldn't stand it and rubbed my eyes: Was that really Doran in bed with me?

Well, yes, that's him. He lay there, his eyes now perfectly normal, with a silly grin on his face.

"What's behind such diplomacy?"

"If you're less tense your work would move along faster."

"Well, in that case...It would seem that you're also having sex with me to help me relax, right?"

"You are insolent for a mortal," Doran said. "I've never encountered a mortal like you before. And your insolence is not stupid, but very well thought out."

He rolled over and loomed over me, leaning on his fists. His ragged breathing mingled with mine.

"I want to make love to you because I love to hear you cry out in ecstasy," he said in an even, low voice, "I love to hear you moaning beneath me. I love feeling how wet you are when I touch you."

He lowered himself a bit and pressed his firm lips on mine, swollen from kisses, whispering so that his soft-as-silk words penetrated my very being:

"Every time I see you, I want to take you, again and again. Until you're putty in my hands. And you beg me for more. Understand? But I do not take women by force, therefore I say to you now: stop making up problems, just relax and enjoy your time here at the Court of Shadows."

It was hard to think coherently, but I tried. "So when am I going to work?"

"Whenever you want to, except at night."

"So you're offering me hot, steamy sex and peace? But I haven't quarreled with you. We discussed the rules, and I accepted them."

"You hate it here, Rory. What I'm saying is, why not look at things differently?"

Doran's face — hard and stern — was very close. I could smell his body, and just wanted to snuggle into it like a cat and purr. But, clearly, the King wanted a response.

"Okay. I agree to give peace a chance," I said, choosing my words. "All the more so since I really should try to look at you from a new angle. Just take this off."

I held my hand out, indicating the wrist with the "bracelet."

"Take it off," I said softly, "so that I don't feel like a possession."

The answer was short and nothing if not telling: "No."

"Why not?"

"First, I cannot remove the symbol of my ownership over you. Second, if I remove it, you'll try to escape."

"My word won't be enough for you?" I said, my eyes narrowed. The intimate atmosphere we'd been enjoying was quickly dissipating. And Doran's eyes grew colder and harder with every second.

"You are always striving toward this imaginary freedom of yours, Rory." His words hit me like a whip, "I understand. But with the future of my people at, I will not remove the bracelet. I don't want to reveal to all that you are my weakness. And I'm not going to let you go. Are we done with this, now?"

Despite the fact that it was warm, I felt a chill. Well, Aurora, got it yet? You get all relaxed, and oh-so-chill, and decide that the faery isn't so bad after all, right?

Wrong! You're not an autonomous creature here. You're just an educated animal. Although, indeed, he really does need my mind. My body is just a nice bonus.

"Yes, message received."

I got up and slipped out of bed, fighting the urge to wrap myself in a sheet. The King's look was far too lusty, as if nothing had happened.

"There will be no truce," I said in a cold tone. "Don't worry, though. I'll do my job. Don't count on any more than that."

And I'll think up a special revenge. As soon as I'm finished dealing with your damn genes.

"Stop!" Doran's roar pinned me to the spot for a couple of seconds. His voice held too much power. So much so that it was only with great difficulty that I forced myself to make my way toward the exit.

Just then I was encircled by swirling Shadows. I could see the King's enraged face through them. "I didn't say you could go."

"I need to sleep," I said impassively, "And avoid stress. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, and then there are your ceremonial games. I assume I'll be in attendance there?"

"Sleep here. I'm not asking you."

I shrugged and got back in bed. Great, here we are. The Shadows disappeared, no longer detaining me. But something cold and slippery lingered in my heart. I silently lay in the immense bed and turned away. I hugged myself and bit my lip when I felt Doran's hand sliding down my thigh.

I simply mentioned quietly, "Someone doesn't like to take women by force, isn't that right?"

"Your body is telling me ye'".

"My body — that's one thing," I said eloquently. Doran's not a fool, though, so he understood what I was saying. It was even rather interesting seeing what he'd do. Would he really go so far as to take me against my will?

He froze. I felt his hot, angry breathing behind me and involuntarily flinched and closed my eyes. Then a pause, during which my heart pounded in my ears. The seconds flowed by like honey dripping off a spoon.

What's your move, King?

And then, when I was about to scream from the stress of it all, it was over. Doran simply disappeared from the bedroom, exiting through the shadow portal. It was awful, cold...I felt like crying. I even sobbed a couple of times. But then I forced myself to calm down.

It wasn't like anything had changed. I was shown my place from the get-go here. I was a slave, even if a privileged one. So we work, and at the same time we develop a plan for exacting revenge and then escaping from here.

Great. It's just that inside, I felt an unpleasant drag. After all, all I wanted was to be able to feel like I was free, as opposed to feeling like a pet poodle. Because deep down I got it: Doran wasn't about to allow anything to impinge on his authority in the eyes of his subjects.

But let's start with the fact that he basically purchased me and brought me here against my will. Again I sobbed dryly, angrily. I could try putting myself in their shoes, seriously. But did the tragic situation the faeries were in really give them the right to treat me like a dog on a leash? Not to mention the other conditions of my "tenure" here. It was like, "help us, please, and also service the King. Otherwise, you're fated to forever be a whipping dog for the Wild Hunt."

I sensed I wasn't alone anymore, looked up and saw Zephyr. It seemed he'd grown some, and was now sitting on the pillow next to mine, his paws wrapped around his tail.

"Leave me alone."

The Shadow narrowed his green eyes, but stayed where he was.

"Why did you lead me here?" I asked angrily. "See what happened?"

Why couldn't they talk?

Zephyr seemed to arch it's back and fluff its fur. Which is strange, saying this foggy little entity had "fur".

"I'm the idiot here," I continued my monologue, "because I knew deep down that it was futile to ask. But I took a chance, I did ask. But now everything is clear. We'll go on working, smiling, waving."

Zephyr fluffed his fur even more, so that he was like furry little ball. And then from somewhere deep down inside him, a shaky voice issued from the Shadow, although it was more like the rustling of grass:

"It's-s-s f-f-fine."

I felt my eye widen in shock. "You're talking?!"

Zephyr spoke slowly, clearly with difficulty, not to mention that hissing sound. It was like two foreigners trying to communicate. One of whom had a really strong accent.

"N-n-not us-s-sed to s-s-sp-speech."

"You're not used to speaking?"

"Yes-s-s," responded Zephyr shortly.

"Why are you talking to me, then?"

Oh, we women. One second, I was just lying there wallowing in self-pity, and the next I wasn't, all because of the talking Shadow. How could my mood change so quickly?

But my clever little brain quickly gave me the answer. Clearly the world was full of jerks of the masculine variety. So beating myself up every time I came across one would kill me inside. But here I was, talking with a Shadow, and that's truly something unique and interesting. And, moreover, it beats thinking about Doran. Yeah, he was still there, at the edge of my mind. But still, this was better than lying here torturing myself over what had happened.

"You," the Shadow kneaded his "paws". "You...okay?"

"Me okay?!?"

"Feeelinkss-s-s. "You....and D-d-doran."

I snuggled under the covers, although I was already plenty warm. Especially due to the heat generated by the Shadow's words.

"So you deliberately led me here, right? Why? Did you want us to quarrel? Or do you get your kicks from sex? If so, you can lap it up at this Court to your heart's content."

"F-f-feelinks-s-s d-d-dif-f-ferent."

"Meaning? Feelings about sex?"

"F-f-feelinks-s-s b-b-between you and K-k-kink."

"Me and the King? Stop. Stop, stop, stop! What do you mean 'feelings different'?" What business is it what our 'feelings' are?"


Zephyr licked himself and added in his rustling tones, "Help, R-r-rory, b-b-rink f-f-f-eelinks b-back here. Or..."

"Or what?" I asked grimly, "Are you going to threaten me, too?"

"It ends-s-s... the Kinks-s-s agreement with us-s-s. Ends-s-s-s."

"What agreement?"

My head was already spinning what with all these secrets.

"Ours-s-s," Zephyr said cryptically, and sprung off the bed. I heard his sibilant hiss from the floor,"Ror-r-y is-s-s s-s-o good. Tas-s-s-ty."

Oh wow! "If I'm so tasty, they why haven't you all pounced on me and eaten me?"

"Whaaat?" Zephyr was surprised, and flew up above the bed, hovering above me. "Hush-sh-sh now.... we...r-r-reas-s-s-on-able. We l-l-like to know you l-long t-t-time and s-s-s-afe. N-n-n-ice and eas-s-s-y. We no k-k-k-ill nic-c-ce K-k-k-ink, nic-c-c-e R-r-rory, nic-c-ce f-f-aer-r-ies."

"So what's this got to do with the King?"

Zephyr was evidently thinking, and then he did a smart little pirouette and responded, "I s-s-show you. S-s-sp-eech s-s-still hard f-f-for m-m-me. But Chaos-s-s..."

This was turning out to be a really interesting chat. It had notes of surrealism, not to mention the prevailing situation.

"What about Chaos-s-s?" I bit my tongue –I didn't intend to tease him, but Zephyr didn't seem to mind. He didn't seem to care what kind of tone I adopted with him. What seemed to matter was the gist of the discussion.

"Chaos-s-s-s drives-s-s p-p-peop-p-ple c-c-craz-z-y."

"Yes, I've heard."

"B-b-better t-t-o sh-show you agreement. You no g-g-go craz-z-y."

"Why not?" I asked, warily. I figured he was about to tell me there was something different about me. Because I knew how it worked in the realm of fantasy fiction: Anyone who stands out is the one who gets hit the hardest.

Zephyr moved in so close to me that we were face to face, staring into each other's eyes. To be honest, it was a bit creepy staring into them. There weren't any pupils in them, just two holes with a liquid green flame dancing in them. Incidentally, the Shadows that hung around Doran all had glowing red eyes. Just an even red light. Lanterns from hell.

"Your e-s-s-sence," again the rustling sibilants touched my ears, "i-s-s unknown." Hidden. B-b-but you are c-c-c-ap-p-pable."

"Stop right there," I raised my hands and warned him, "I don't know about my essence, but Haedyn checked me out. I am an ordinary person, honestly! I was brought up in an orphanage, then went to college, and devoted myself to science. I'm not one of your kind or anything unique."

"Not unique," agreed Zephyr. "Your es-s-s-enc-ce thought. I can't read it. F-f-f-aeries c-c-c-an't f-f-f-eel it. Ps-s-s-s."

He hissed just like a cat. And again he spoke more calmly:

"I s-s-show you s-s-something. Just in cas-s-se. L-l-look"

I involuntarily looked into the green eyes again. And in a flash, it was like I fell into their depths. I would have screamed in surprise, but my voice was gone.

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