Going Beyond!

By TheWanderingBlade

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A My Hero Academia Story: Izuocha More

Update 2023
Relationship Arc information
(Arc 1)Chapter. 1 Savior
(Arc 1) Chapter. 2 Priorties
(Arc 1) Chapter. 3 Teamwork
(Arc 1) Chapter. 4 Confessions
(Arc 1) Chapter. 5 Whispers
(Arc 1) Chapter. 6 Attacked
(Arc 1) Chapter. 7 Raid
(Arc 1) Chapter. 8 Freefalling
Recovery Arc Information
(Arc 2) Chapter. 9 Together
(Arc 2) Chapter. 10 Training
(Arc 2) Chapter. 12 Return...
Finale Arc Information
(Arc 3) Chapter. 13 Alone
(Arc 3) Chapter. 14 Apology
(Arc 3) Chapter. 15 Fall
(Arc 3) Chapter. 16 Beyond
(Arc 3) Chapter. 17 Bittersweet
(Arc 3) Chapter. 18 Peace
(Arc 3) Chapter. 19 Forward
Authors Note (Book Completion)

(Arc 2) Chapter. 11 Upgrades

2.6K 65 71
By TheWanderingBlade

[I hope you're all enjoying the book!]

The following morning...

The two teens had woken up relatively early, they took turns in the shower and then ate together, an average, uneventful morning.

"Ready?" Deku asked, book bag on his back and a smile on his face.

"More than ready babe." Uraraka smiled and held his hand, the pair walked out the dorm room and made their way to Class 1A.

Deku opened the door and no one was in the class, much to the pairs surprise.

"Where is-" Deku asked and walked to the podium at the front.

"Midoriya, Uraraka, the class got up early today as punishment for helping you in your 'mission' and is working out, meet us outside ground beta when you read this.


Deku blinked and handed the paper to Uraraka.

She glossed it over and handed it back to Deku.

"Something's never change huh." Uraraka chuckled and Deku rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, but they shouldn't be punished for helping." Deku commented and began walking out, Uraraka holding his hand.

A bit later...

The pair were closing in on they were told to meet, along the way they had a fun conversation about quirks and what the world may be without them, the thought sent shivers down the pairs back, neither wanting a world like that.

But before long, they had reached the destination and saw...

"No one?" Deku asked confused and looked around, seeing no one.

"Huh." Uraraka said slightly annoyed and the two began looking around.

The spotlights came on all of a sudden and the pair looked up to investigate.

Then while they were distracted, the class began slithering their way behind them and tapped their shoulders simultaneously.

They both turned around to see what it was.

"SURPRISE!" Their class out and scared the pair.

Deku has jumped back slightly and raised his fists to fight, but instantly dropped them when it registered what was happening.

Meanwhile Uraraka instinctively used her quirk and began floating upward.

"You guys..." Deku smirked and began making his way to them.

There was a cake, balloons, a real party, even Aizawa was in on it! Deku smiled and then looked to his side, a certain brown haired cutie was missing.

He turned behind him and saw her floating still and decided to jump up and grab her, she wore a blush as he landed with her in his arms, just like a newly wed would.

He let her off and she kissed his cheek as a thank you, making the green-haired boy blush as well.

"Congrats on not being a cripple Deku." Bakugo smirked and Kirishima punched him in the side.

Bakugo laughed and walked over to Deku.

"Remember our agreement." He spoke and Deku smirked.

"Tonight." Deku spoke with a grin and Bakugo grew one as well.

"Fine by me, meet me where we fought last time." He spoke and walked back to Deku.

"Bring everything you've got." He smirked and walked away.

Uraraka looked at the pair confused and growled at Bakugo.

"It's ok." Deku assured her and she calmed down.

"Anyway, we're happy you're ok!" Mina yelled and the group circled around Deku and Uraraka.

All the class began making conversation, it was a nice change of pace for the pair, being back at school.

"You guys did great with handling that giant Nomu!" Deku smiled and his classmates all smiled.

"And you did well saving your girlfriend." Yaoyorozu smiled and Deku blushed.

He rubbed the back of his head and Uraraka kissed his cheek.

"Yes he did, but it's not gonna happen again." She spoke and a fire grew in her eyes.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Kirishima asked and Uraraka clenched her fists.

Me and Izuku are training together, so I won't need to be saved again." She said pridefully and the rest of the class smiled, some even clapping.

Kirishima smiled and pulled Deku to his side.

"She's a badass Midoriya, don't lose her." He spoke somewhat aggressively and Deku nodded.

"I don't plan on it." He smiled and the rest of the class returned to the party, talking more and eating, but all fun has to end eventually.

The day began not to long after, the class returned back to their home room, all students in their seats, Deku smiled as his teacher would start his lectures.

Uraraka groaned with the rest of the class and turned to her boyfriend to let out her frustrations.

But he was beaming a smile and scribbling notes down in his notebook.

I guess things are really back to normal...

She smiled and flipped her attitude, returning to her notebook as well, hoping to keep pace with the green blur.

But we all know that goal was unreachable.

A little later...

"Man class was boring!" Uraraka whined and Deku shrugged.

"I didn't think it was to bad." He spoke and she rolled her eyes.

The pair were walking toward the exit of the school building.

"I can't wait to go rest." Uraraka spoke and Deku nodded.

I feel like I'm forgetting something...

Deku stopped and his eyes widened.

"Izuku?" She asked concerned and he shook his head.

"I'm okay, but I need to go see Hatsume." He spoke and Uraraka did a double take.

H-He wants to see... HER!?

"You alright?" Deku asked and she growled under her breath, but managed to give a smile.

"I'm... fine." She spoke agitated and Deku sighed.

"She annoys me to be honest, but she did tell me she was making me an upgrade for my costume." Deku spoke aloud to himself and Uraraka listened in.

Her shoulders relaxed and her genuine smile returned.

So he isn't cheating... Phew

"Ochako?" He asked and she jumped at her name being called.

"I'm gonna go now, I'll meet you back at the dorm building okay?" He spoke and then used his quirk to sprint to the school building.

"Sure..." Uraraka spoke and walked to the dorm building alone.

"Stupid Izuku going alone... I wanted to go too." She spoke and puffed out her cheeks.


Deku rounded the corner and deactivated his quirk.

"Pushing it to 30 percent now is a cake walk." He smiled and walked into the room where Hatsume told to meet him.

"HI MIDORIYA!" She yelled from the top of a ladder.

"Hi Hatsume." He rubbed the back of his head and she jumped down.

She landed and ran over to him.

"So you did come." She said happily and he nodded.

"Yeah, when you told me to come here I was interested." He admitted and then smiled.

"I'm sure whatever you made me is amazing." He assured he aloud and her eyes sparkled.

"Wait right here Midoriya!" She yelled and ran back to the back of the room, she began throwing invention after invention trying to find it.

"Nope... Nope... Nope..."

"Ah, here we are." She spoke and pulled out a pair of gloves.

"Ta-daaa!" She smiled and handed them to deku who scratched the back of his head confused.

"Uh, gloves?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yep, these are a special pair of gloves, since I've seen that your quirk destroys your body when you over use it, I came with a fix."

"I call them, the doub gloves!" She yelled out and Deku stared still confused.

"Oh right, I should tell you what's so special about them." She sweat-dropped and Deku chuckled.

"So, this baby can double your punches power." She stated nonchalantly and Deku's eyes widened.

"Y-You mean I can hit twice as hard?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yep!" She said happily and threw them to deku.

"Consider this a prelude to our partnership in the future when you make it big." She chuckled and Deku put them on.

"They fit nicely." He commented and cocked his fist back and threw some light punches.

"Let's try five percent." He mumbled and punched the air, shockwaves came out sending the inventions flying in various directions.

Hatsume was thrown as well but Deku ran and caught her.

"Nice catch." She giggled and he nodded.

"My five percent punch never did that... it felt like ten percent." He spoke to her and she smiled.

"Yay they worked!" She said happily and began pushing him out of the room.

"So I'm gonna get to work on something new for you! So out out out out!" She shoved him out and slammed the fork leaving the green-haired boy speechless and staring at the door.

"Thanks." He spoke and then began walking away.

As he did so he looked out the giant glass window to his left and saw the sun setting, meaning it was time.

"Round two." He spoke and rushed back to his dorm.

On the way he thought of his girlfriend, unsure of what to do, but he decided to keep it a secret, not wanting to be scolded.

So he took the scenic route to his room,
He leapt up and landed on the balcony and walked into his room.

He threw off his clothes and threw on a green hoody and black pants, while keeping the gloves on.

"I guess this is the perfect way to test them." He reasoned and leapt out of the balcony once again.

A few minutes later...

Deku ran to ground beta and walked around the area, he stopped when he saw a familiar face leaning against one of the buildings.

"I was wondering if you wimped out." He spoke and Deku walked over to him.

"I like to keep my word." Deku responded and Bakugo grinned.

He walked over to the street of the mock city and cracked his knuckles.

"Me versus you Deku, hold nothing back." He spoke and launched a few small explosions from his hands.

Deku walked over as well and assumed his position, clenching his fists and activated One For All.

Green sparks began flying and he adjusted his new gloves on his hands.

"I'm ready." Deku spoke and Bakugo nodded.

"LETS GO NERD!" He shouted and rushed forward, blasting his way through the air towards the green-haired boy.

Deku bursted forward from his position and took to the air with his fist cocked.

"IM READY KACHANN!" Deku yelled back and the two clashed blows in the air.

They met even and broke apart, both landing on the ground.

Bakugo rushed forward wasting no time and blasted Deku point blank in the face with an explosion that sent him skidding back.

The boy recovered and wiped his face only to see Bakugo right above him soaring down.

Deku jumped back and waited for the hot headed teen to land, he then sprang forward and cocked his fist back.

"DETROIT...." he yelled and landed his fist on the boys cheek and planted his feet.

"SMASHHHH!" Deku screamed and put pressure behind the blow, sending Bakugo flying into a building.

Deku stood panting and wiped his sweat.

He looked down at his fists and clenched then both.

"That punch was with twenty percent... but it hit like forty or fifty... these gloves are the real deal." He commented and looked at the dust and saw a few explosions.

Deku smirked and returned his attention to the battle.

"That was one hell of a punch Deku." Bakugo grinned and landed in front of the boy who rubbed the back of his head.

"Your explosion wasn't too shabby either." Deku joked and the blonde teen raised his fist.

"But I'm not satisfied." He spoke and jumped back.

"Neither am I." Deku agreed and the blonde boy cracked his neck.

"Round two." He demanded and Deku jumped back as well.

"Sounds good." He agreed and the teens grinned to one another.

"LETS GO!" They yelled in unison and charged one another.

Bakugo opted to not swing a giant right hook to start and mimic Deku, meeting him blow for blow with a flurry of punches.

Seeing as neither of them were making progress, they both leapt back and raised their hands.

Bakugo began focusing and launched a flurry of explosions toward the green-haired boy who bent his fingers on both hands.

"DOUBLE DELAWARE SMASH!" He yelled and launched the attack out of both hands, completely destroying the explosions and making Bakugo jump back.

Seeing this, Deku bum rushed forward, much like Bakugo would.

He jumped into the air to where he expected Bakugo to be, but he was no where to be found.

Deku then began frantically looking around for the blonde but before he found him he was hit in the back and sent flying to the ground, slamming into it.

"Found him." Deku groaned and looked up to see Bakugo flying down to him again.

But this time, Deku didn't have time to react and leap away.

He put his hands up in the air and braced for impact.

"HOWITZER IMPACT!" The blonde boy yelled and slammed into Deku with flames surrounding him.

Deku groaned in pain and caught the boys hands.

"H-How!?" Bakugo yelled and Deku gritted his teeth.

"FIFTY PERCENT!" The boy yelled and the ground sank beneath him.

He then began pushing back and shoved the boy flying into the air.

Bakugo was stunned and before he could do anything else, looked up to see Deku in the air above him.

H-He really....

"SMASHHHH!" Deku yelled and landed a blow on his rivals face, sending him down to the ground.

Is a hero...

Bakugo looked up and saw Deku land right next to him with his hand offered down to him.

"That was an awesome fight." Deku smiled and the blonde boy looked at his hand.

His ego was telling him to leave, but his gut was telling him otherwise.

"Y-Yeah... it was." He agreed and took Deku's hand.

He pulled his rival to his feet and the two looked at one another.

"You really aren't the same Deku are you?" He asked and Deku looked down.

"Not really, I feel the same, but circumstances made me change." He explained and Bakugo nodded.

"You really are gonna be a hero aren't you." He spoke and Deku looked to him surprised.

"What do you mean?" Deku asked and the blonde boy began walking away.

"You're strong, kind, caring, honest." He began and then turned back.

"And if you say one word to anyone about this I'll kill you." He threatened and Deku nodded.

"Wouldn't think of it." Deku spoke and Bakugo scoffed and grew a small smile.

"You better push me if you're gonna be my rival." Bakugo commented and wiped a bead of sweat off his face.

"I'm glad we fought tonight... Izuku." He spoke and then walked away.

Deku stared at the boy as he left.

"H-He called me by my first name..." Deku said out loud and looked down.

"Oh shit!" Deku gasped and then turned around.

"I forgot Ochako!" He yelled and began running but stopped when he saw a figure walking toward him.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA!" They yelled out and Deku froze.

"So you left to go fight!?" A livid Uraraka yelled and Deku began flailing his arms.

"I-Uh-We..." he tried to speak but the girl placed her hands on her hips and raised her finger.

"Explain to me what happened." She spoke and Deku took a deep breath.

"Bakugo wanted a rematch, a 1 on 1 fight to settle our rivalry." Deku explained and Uraraka nodded.

"Are you alright?" She asked and Deku nodded.

"A bit sore... but other than that, I'm fine." He spoke and she nodded with a smile.

Then dropped it and grabbed his arm forcefully.

She then pinched his cheek and he began whining in pain.

"Owwwww...." Deku whined and Uraraka rolled her eyes.

"That's for worrying me and leaving me without telling me!" She yelled angrily and then stopped her assault.

"I'm sorry..." Deku bowed and looked to her.

"Can I make it up to you?" He asked and she nodded, still pouting.

"Make out with me." She spoke and Deku tilted his head.

"Come again-"

The boy was stopped by a pair of lips slamming against his and toppling him to the ground.

He then closed his eyes and began kissing back, the two teens embraced one another and continued their intimate make out session for a few more minutes before getting up.

"I really am sorry." Deku apologized and Uraraka leaned her head against his.

"It's fine Izu, just don't lie to me again." She spoke and Deku nodded.

"I promise." He agreed and took her hand.

"Lets go back now." He continued and she nodded.

The pair then walked back to the dorms, hand in hand.

[sorry for the upload delay...]

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