drowning | ruel van dijk

By sarsharesstories

15.3K 444 177

the ocean is peaceful. until it isn't. until all i can see is raging water. and her. ---- a story told throug... More

twenty one
a quick note <3
twenty two
twenty three
a final note ~ the ending


744 19 11
By sarsharesstories


she's doing something to me.

see the thing is, i'm not usually quickly attracted to people.

but that girl....


she must be doing something right.

i try and flirt with her a bit, but to be honest, i'm not really sure if i'm going it right.

to be frank, i've never been in a relationship before.

is that weird? to be 17 and have never had a girlfriend?

maybe, but i try not to think about it too much.

not to brag, but i'm kinda a lanky legend.

being a famous singer with so many fangirls can be a little overwhelming sometimes.

actually, the only reason why i'm having more time to myself recently, is because i'm deciding to take a month off of touring.

i need a break.

a distraction...

"hey? are you even listening to me?" says the distraction herself, kate.

"uh... no...?" i reply.

"well, if you cared to listen, i found your stuff under a beach blanket."

i see her standing next to the pile of my belongings, holding up a corner of the blanket to see what's underneath.

"oh right! i think i did that on purpose,"

she probably thinks i'm a douche now.

"alright... so...," she drags on, looking down at her feet. she drops the blanket.

there's a good 10 seconds of awkward silence.

"i guess i should go back now?" she speaks again, wary of leaving me.

i have to do something.


"wait! don't you want to stay for a bit to eat? if i remember correctly i reckon i packed some bagels in that backpack right there," i point.

"okay, sure. i'd like that," kate tells me with a smile.



all the four beagles i packed are gone now. so is a bowl of fruit and one chocolate bar.

i gave kate the chocolate bar.

"thanks for looking after me today," i tell her.

"ya, it's no biggy. I actually kinda needed the company today," she replies with a dazed look on her face.

i wonder why...

"how come?" i ask.

"um... it's personal," kate tells me, seeming kind of on edge.

she looks up at me and her i can see right through her. she really wants to share what's going on. i can feel it.

"i um actually came here with my friend, meg, but i don't know if i want to call her a friend anymore" she finally breaks.

i don't interrupt, and wait for her to keep talking. i never want to pressure her into telling me something she feels uncomfortable with. after all, we basically just met.

"you know what, it's a long story," kate says, shaking her head and standing up from our spot on the beach.

"those are the best kind of stories," tell her.

she's silent for a moment.

i don't know what's going to happen next.

maybe i never will...


we liking the story so far? sorry abt not updating sooner. motivation isn't at its highest this month. regardless, i hope you all are still interested in the story.

<3 sarah

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