Under His Protection

Από lixxylazzy

244 6 3

Under construction.... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

15 1 0
Από lixxylazzy

Walter Tarisai paced back and forth in his big study room with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He was mad...words can not describe how mad he was. Bryan was becoming the president's right hand man. He's not reporting to him as agreed. What was he up to? ...Surely he couldn't betray him. He would skin him alive if he lays his hands on him. He rarely come home these days.
He was sending someone else to the state house. But who? He needed to find a less suspicious person. Never send a boy to do a man's job. And he realised he sent a boy and that boy was Bryan. He needed someone else for the said job.

He could have been president if not for that Maxwell Badza. He had to find ways to bring him down . To make him step down. And after that he would take over power . Over half of the ministers were on his side and dear Maxwell was oblivious to this. He didn't know that people were planning a coup against him.

He picked up his phone and he rang Bryan.

"Hello sir...?", Bryan answered.

"You are not reporting to me dog...what has he been up to?"

"I've seen nothing yet about the president sir ,....I will let you know as soon as I find something "

"You better stick to your word dog or else I will kill you", Walter said between gritted teeth and he hung up his phone. He got mad at the boy. He was lying to him. He threw the glass of whiskey in the hard flow and it shattered into pieces. He heard from the people in the statehouse that the president has been doing some secrets visits with Bryan and noone knew what it was . They all assumed to it as his personal matters. And Walter was eager to know what these personal matters were.

"I will kill you Bryan!", he said with eyes full of rage.


Bryan knew that it's only a matter of time before Walter finds out that he has been lying to him. God...what was he to do. He knew too that the vice president and some of the other people in the parliament were planning something against Badza. But how was he going to tell him. How was he going to tell the president that he came to work for him as a spy....and that he no longer wish to follow Walter ' s bad deeds.

Bryan was on the couch in the hotel room that he had checked in for the president's daughter. The president had clearly instructed him not to leave her side. And he wasn't going to do that either. He would protect her with his all. It was a surprise that Badza trusted him enough to leave him alone with his daughter in the same hotel room. But surely there was nothing attractive on the girl. It's true she is blessed with a pretty face. And she had dimples when she smiled here and there . Indeed she was pretty. Even more pretty than Mitchel.....but she looked too thin for his liking. Mitchel has this curvy body in all the right places. Wait wait wait....since when did he start comparing the two?

But there was something about Faith that made him feel possessive.

Faith finished taking her bath and as she was about to step out of the bathroom she heard Bryan on the phone.

""I've seen nothing yet about the president sir ,....I will let you know as soon as I find something ", she heard. What ?....Was Bryan a spy? Was he spying on her father. He would let whoever he was talking to know as he finds out something. What is it. How dare he?....how dare he plan something against her beloved father. Her father was the kindest man she's ever seen. She thought the worst of him. But not anymore....she doesn't hate him. She adores him. So much. And she wasn't going to let someone ruin her father.
She couldn't understand though....why this bodyguard would want to betray her father. After all her father trusted him. He trusted him enough to leave the two alone in the same room.

Somehow she felt like she needed to alert her father about the danger coming his way. About some people planning something against him.

Faith opened the door and she stepped into the bedroom. She had already dressed herself back in her long big skirts. She didn't want to embarass herself in front of the bodyguard. She doesn't know him. And she's starting to hate him. After what she heard him saying on the phone, she was no longer feeling comfortable around him.

"Miss.... you okay ?", Bryan asked. Faith didn't know what to believe.  This man was too good to be a spy.  Mayhap she is wrong about him. The last thing that she wanted was to break whatever it is that the president and the bodyguard had.

"I'm not okay",she said the truth. She wasn't okay. She needed to clear the air. Faith has never been the one to hold back. She would say what she was feeling. She had to ask him. After all that call concerned her because it involved her father. She was helpless when her mother died and she would never let anything happen to her father. She could never lose him. She just got him.

"Why...what's wrong?", Bryan asked with worry in his voice. He moved from the couch to the bed that Faith was sitting on. He touched her shoulder and quickly removed it when he felt like he was caught in an electric shock. And he was relieved when he saw that Faith didn't feel anything. But that was a lie. Faith felt it but she quickly composed herself. They didn't know that they both felt it.

"I heard you talking over the phone....I'm sorry sir but I'm now scared of you. What if you want to kill my father?", Faith said and she broke in tears. Bryan didn't know that Faith heard him talking over the phone. God...how was he going to explain to this girl.
He would never betray Badza. Infact he was going to protect him and his family to his last breath. It was his job.

"Listen I will never betray your father. That man is the only person who's ever called me son ever since I was born...why would I want to kill that kind of person", Bryan felt like telling her that there are of course other people who wanted to kill the president but he held back.  He didn't want her to get scared.

"You sure?", Faith asked as she wiped away her tears.

"I am so sure...I promise you that", Bryan said giving her a reassuring smile. 

"Sleep now cry baby we have a long day tomorrow", Bryan said and Faith did she was told. She laid herself down on the soft silk sheets and she felt her body relaxing.
She had never slept on something as comfortable as this.

Bryan slept on the couch with his suit on...his tie and his shoes. He was a bodyguard and he would protect her no matter what. After all she was under his protection.


Maxwell looked at the sleeping form of his wife. He smiled and kissed her slightly on the cheek. But he he needed to tell her about Faith. It's now or never. The girl needed love . She needed parents who will love her. And he prays Amanda would be able to provide that. He couldn't be sure though but Amanda have a heart of gold. She stayed by his side for years and loved him knowing that he had someone else in his heart. She had comforted him when he wept for Emily. She didn't give up. But now he feels bad. How was she going to take it.

"Amanda...?", he wakes her up softly. It's way too early in the morning. For God's sake it's 4 am. But still he needed to tell her now.

"Amanda", He softly whispered in her ear.

"Hmmmh...", she moaned.

"Sorry honey but I need to tell you something "

"Max..... can't it wait?"

"It can't my love please listen", Maxwell said and he sat up resting his head on the headboard. Amanda sat as well as Max.

"Max...I'm feeling sleepy...what is it that can't wait", Amanda yawned as she said. Maxwell couldn't help but smile ...she still looked beautiful. No matter the age. He touched her cheek and said...."Amanda I'm sorry", Amanda got confused. Why was he sorry.

"Max why are you sorry?"

"Amanda I want you to know that I love you....I had always loved you. It's just that I was too blind to notice"

"Owww Max I love you more...you know that", Amanda said giving Max a quick kiss on the lips.

"But mai Mitchell you will have to forgive me...I've wronged you", Maxwell said to his wife.Amand was confused. She knew that during their first years of marriage there was no love between them. But Maxwell was so easy to love. He was a good man and a good husband. Maxwell started opening up to Amanda when Mitchel was born. She brought joy to the two. She was their joy.

"Amanda there's a child....a daughter..my daughter....",Maxwell wasn't able to finish. He cried.

"God...Max please compose yourself", Amanda said. She prepared herself for the worst.

"I have have a daughter Amanda..out there. She is my daughter with Emily"

"Max. ..since when did you know?"

"I knew it Amanda....I knew Emily was pregnant when she left but I chose to ignore...not that I didn't care but I didn't want to bring her life in danger. Believe me my love, I only received a call from her yesterday....",Max continued to say.
Amanda didn't know what to say. She had no words to say.

"Amanda I saw her today. And what she told me broke my heart. Emily died just the day she was born....imagine Amanda she grew up with a stranger. And the woman who was taking care of her died just a week ago...she was alone...all alone...",Max wept.

"What do you want me to say Maxwell?" Amanda said.

"My love please I need to bring her. She needs to finish  school....she wasn't even able to wite her O level exams and to think that she's 18 she's supposed to be doing A level", Max said.

Amanda loved the man. And she would do anything to make him happy. And if his daughter brings happiness to him then why deny him his happiness. After all she's happy only when he's happy.

"Max do what you think is right...", Amanda said looking at him with teary eyes.

"Amanda what have I don't to deserve a wife like you....you are an angel", Maxwell said and he kissed her hard.

And again they made hot passionate love.


My favourite couple.


Deeply in love 😙

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