Captive of the Shadows (The F...

Bởi Magic_Dome_Books

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It started out like any other day. How was I to know it was my last day on Earth? You see, on that day, my bo... Xem Thêm

Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Seven

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Bởi Magic_Dome_Books

HOW DO YOU go about drawing blood without looking suspicious?

This is what came to mind the next morning, as I stood under the waterfall-shower, trying not to groan due to all the aches and pains throughout my body. Sure, I'd had no deficit of sex in my life before I'd met Doran. But I don't recall ever having to fall out of bed on all fours the day after, practically crawling to the shower.

And yet just the slightest memory of it made my body light up with the desire to have another go at it. That's why I opted to think about drawing blood — I needed to banish thoughts of Doran from my mind. All the more so as that's what really mattered right now — the blood, I mean.

The problem was that in 'faeryland,' there was no concept of medical examinations and analyses and such. From talking with Haedyn, I understood that faeries would come to see him for issues such as amputations or disembowelments. Faeries were self-healing beings, just like dogs, except for extreme situations.

The hot shower did wonders. I could now breathe a bit easier and move about almost fluidly. I wondered who would be escorting me to the lab today.

I returned to the bedroom and hastily pulled on a vest and pants, braided my hair, and glanced into the mirror embedded in the wall, framed with dark green ivy. Hmmm...What to say? There was no hiding a wild night like I'd had. I cautiously touched my bruised red lips, and even thought it wasn't a bad look for me. Right, the "wanton wench" look.

The door creaked open and I turned around, expecting to see Doran or Haedyn. I certainly wasn't expecting Jioladh. Naturally, I was startled, and I spun around to face him. But the red-haired faery was calm and business-like. He was even dressed; when I'd seen him with Aerona, I could tell that he felt just fine without clothes. Now Jioladh favored the colors of the Court of Shadows: black and lilac with a hint of silver. Form-fitting dark pants, high boots and a vest that highlighted his masculine chest which was totally devoid of hair.

"Hello, Rory."

I was silent, not knowing what to expect. I'd found that with faeries it was best to listen. It didn't matter what Court he or she hailed from.

"I hope you didn't have any nightmares?" he went on, somewhat solicitously. "A mortal facing off with a Brollachan is no laughing matter. The mortal could go crazy from such an encounter."

"I'm fine."

"Can you tell me how you found yourself there?"

"Why don't you go first?" I asked, spontaneously.

"Me and Aerona?" Jioladh smiled, leaning on the door jamb and toying with his hair. "Aerona loves kinky places, you see. And what's kinkier than sex in a dungeon, with all sorts of creatures like the Brollachans wandering about? Doran keeps them around because they're part of the Hunt. And except for that, they live in the darkness, in the nether regions. But it's not advisable to go down there. So you're a lucky girl."

"They could've eaten me?" I asked, my voice faltering a bit. Those had been some foul-looking creatures. They vaguely reminded me of the Dementors in Harry Potter.

"That's right. They'd consume you," Jioladh nodded. "They eat everything that crosses their path. Including faeries. So you can imagine how I felt when Aerona dragged me down there."

I kept silent, having no desire to meddle in other people's proclivities. And mentally summoning Doran. Behind Jioladh, I suddenly saw the familiar Shadow that looked like a kitten. He slipped between Jioladh's legs and sat between him and me. I made a point of ignoring the shadowy beastie.

"I doubt if Doran would approve of your presence here."

Jioladh grinned wryly and nodded. "So true, mortal one. Do you want some advice?"

"I want you to leave. Otherwise I might well be the one to get it."

"Do you like being a toy?"

Jioladh's red hair again brought to mind molten gold. And yes, he was like a bright ray of sun in the kingdom of darkness and shadows. No wonder I wanted to simply touch him. I dug my nails into my palm so that the pain would help me get a grip on myself.

"Enchantments," I said hoarsely, trying to look away. The shadow kitten walked up to me and rubbed its tail on my ankle. Strangely, I felt a little better.

"In the Seelie Court, they love mortals," continued the faery, now no longer Apollo-like, but still an amazing looking creature, even if no longer radiating sunshine.

"What of it?"

"There is always a choice, Rory."

And with these words Jioladh stepped out the door, after giving me a look as significant as if he'd just proposed to me. Yet I did not feel any lust; rather, it was like a strange kind of admiration.

Against my will, my glance fell on the tattoo that circled my wrist. So I had a choice? Sure, sounds good. But what kept me here was revenge and slavery. It's not likely that this brand-bracelet was a simple matter. More likely than not, it wouldn't let me stray beyond the borders of Ruadh. And neither would the ubiquitous Shadows.

I looked down the corridor and immediately spied Doran headed my way. And he wasn't alone. Aerona was with him. His regal sister looked strange. I couldn't even explain exactly what it was about her. "Follow me, Rory.

So, it seems they'd talked. I obediently followed them. Again I wondered why no other faeries were around. Was this some elite floor? The royal quarters?

The now familiar misty arch conveyed us to the laboratory. And there ... there I stopped and felt my eyes grow wide in amazement. In the center of the laboratory stood Kalvag, his chest swelling with pride, and next to him was a mound of instruments which defied description.

"What is this?"

"Instruments for your research."

I looked at Doran, not sure that I'd heard him right. He was the one so fixated on secrecy. Yet here he was with his sister and...

Then I was in store for another surprise in a morning already full of them. Aerona took a couple of steps so that she was facing me, and then she dropped to her knees. And clearly, she did this of her own volition. When she looked up at me, I almost dropped to the floor myself. The face which so recently was a model of arrogance and malice now reflected the deepest despair.

"Your first test subject," Doran said.

"If you can help me, then I'll do whatever I can for you," Aerona said, haltingly. "Whatever you want, understand? I mean it! Just help me, help!"

It was all so pathetic, really. I leaned over and tried to lift Aerona up. For whatever reason, though, she resisted, and she was much stronger than me.

"Enough of this show," Doran said. "So we have one test subject. How many more do we need?"

That was the King, always the picture of composure. I gave up my efforts with Aerona, and stood up to face him.

"Ideally, we should have dozens of each of your species. Healthy males and females. And preferably, they'd be couples united by the Tree, and also lovers in general. But I have no idea how to make this happen without causing a stir. I'd need more than just a drop of blood."

"I know," Doran replied, and Haedyn sighed and muttered something about having to "work around the clock again."

"We'll announce a games in the name of Chaos. Many will come to participate in them. And Haedyn will collect blood from whoever we need."

Right, what's the problem, really? If we needed blood, let's simply create some carnage.

It must have been obvious from my expression what I thought of this, because Aerona, who was still on her knees, cut in.

"These games take place once a year. It's the only opportunity for faeries to challenge whoever has offended them to a duel. They can cleanse themselves of shame in a bloodbath, or they can avenge themselves in public, for all to see. Sometimes entire families take part in battles."

I gulped, and asked, "So this is the only time anybody gets to fight?"

"No. If someone feels the need, they can request permission from the King or his counsel. In extreme cases, a duel is permitted. But most of the time, any offender is simply incarcerated until it's time for the games."

I transferred my eyes from the still prostrate Aerona to Doran.

"That's one way of keeping the peace."

"It's effective," he responded. "Senseless slaughter isn't to anyone's benefit. And while awaiting the games, there's plenty of time to investigate any offenses. Often, most of those accused of wrongdoings are eventually cleared."

"Does anyone ever attempt to exact revenge on the sly?"

"Never," Doran responded coldly. "Even if one were to succeed in doing something like that, he would immediately be banished from the Court of Shadows. He would then be an outcast, as no other Court would have him."

"And women?" I wasn't content yet. "Do they also take part in these games?"

"Of course," Haedyn responded, "but less often. And they prefer to use magic to fight rather than physical force. You'll see. Doran, when will the games take place?"

"They're slated for a week from now, but I'll move them up to tomorrow evening. I'll say this is to please Chaos. Rory, do you want to look over the new equipment?"

"I do. In a minute." I looked at Aerona, not knowing what to do with her. "You said that should I succeed, you'll do anything for me?"


"Then listen," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Swear that if you become pregnant and your brother nevertheless refuses to free me despite his promise, that you will help me return to Earth."

What I asked of Aerona would not endanger her. If she was pregnant, then no one would dare lay a finger on her.

Doran truly disliked this turn of events, of course. I glanced at the King. Indeed, his already impassive face was even stonier, with his cheekbones clearly etched under his pale skin, and the darkness was flashing in his eyes. At least for a moment.

"I swear!" Aerona's serene voice reached me as if through a haze. I blinked and realized that Doran and I had been standing there with our eyes locked. And the tingling frost along my skin was from his gaze.

I really didn't know what to expect from him. Doran wasn't the hysterical type, but I could feel his displeasure, even when suppressed, in every part of me. He waited for me to break away first, and then said, somewhat mockingly,

"Whenever two women get together, it's always the men they blame for their woes. It doesn't matter what species they are."

There you have it. I guess I didn't know Doran at all.

"And now, Sister of mine," Doran said in a completely different tone, "leave us. And remember your Oath of Silence. You could lose not only your life, but also any hope of bearing a child. Not to mention more than one child."

That's right, King, let's raise the stakes even more. 'Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,' or whatever.

"I'm leaving, King, and know that you can trust me."

I was astonished when Aerona, after bowing to her brother, then bowed to me. I could only nod briefly, but I certainly appreciated it. I mean, it wasn't so long ago that she'd called me a toy and all but threw me to the dogs, figuratively speaking.

"You don't trust me, Rory," Doran said, as soon as Aerona had left. It wasn't a question. He was stating a fact.

"I don't trust anyone here."

"She's a quick learner," Haedyn added. He was circling around the instruments, and I cast a dubious eye on them. The learned healer looked a little dazzled, but also quite into the challenge. True, he wasn't actually fiddling with anything, but he was studying them with a judicious eye.

"I gave you my word," Doran said.

"King," I said politely, deciding that now was the time to be candid, "you said that you would let me go home. However! With all your abilities to influence the human psyche, you may arrange it so that I start thinking of Ruadh as my home. And so either you promise to convey me back to Earth, safe and sound, to my hometown, without trying to impose your will on me, or I'll turn to Aerona for help."

Silence filled the laboratory, and it was, well... formidable. Even Haedyn stopped pacing around the instruments like a curious tiger, and stared at Doran and me. I dug my nails into my palms and tried not to tremble. Really, every conversation with this fairy was a serious test of nerves.

"You deserve respect," Doran said suddenly, and added after a short pause: "But do not deign to be impertinent, or make plans to escape. Now, would you like to see what the Hogmani have put together here?"

I was taken aback by Doran's ability to so swiftly change tracks.

But sure, the equipment, why not take a look? Otherwise, I could be distracted by matters related to the King and forget about the main thing.

These weren't just instruments, no. These were THE instruments. It was like night and day, the difference between these instruments and their earthly equivalents. I was, after all, in a different world. I found myself looking at something that had been taken right from a mega-blockbuster fantasy computer game. It featured major firepower, test tubes filled with liquid lights, and also Shadows. The Shadows were an integral part of the instruments.

How was I supposed to operate these things?

"Doran, where are the user manuals?"

"I wouldn't mind looking at them, either," Haedyn said. "Kalvag, where are you?"

It turned out that he'd disappeared during the showdown between me and Doran, but as soon as Doran called him, he appeared as if out of nowhere. Wearing only an apron, his eyes burning, he looked at me and said,

"You have only to will it to activate the instruments."

"Great instructions," I nodded in approval, "The main thing is they're easy to follow. "But since I'm a mere mortal, can you expound on them a little? I mean, do I simply fill the tubes up with blood and imagine what I want to happen?"

"You are quite clever for a mortal," Kalvag said diplomatically, "Yes, that's essentially the way it works."

"So it runs solely on magic?"

"No, not just magic. We lack your electricity, and so I replaced it with magical energy, which is generated here," the Hogman indicated some glass spheres in the center of the instruments holding a dark gold liquid of some sort. "That's what activates the instruments."

"And the Shadows?"

"They capture your thoughts, your vision, and track what's happening. You'll catch on to how it all works. Your equipment takes a long time to figure out, but ours requires only that you get a feel for the instruments."

Right, what I felt for them just then was that they were going to give me a few headaches. But what other options did I have?

"Thank you, Kalvag," Doran said. "As always, you're on top of things."

The Hogman bowed to the King and departed without a word. He left as stealthily as he'd appeared. That's why I always had the thought at the back of my mind that all these faeries had some kind of secret tunnels that they used to get around.

"Well, Rory, are you ready to try out the new equipment?"

"I'm ready"

In fact, I was dying with curiosity about how this setup was going to work. I caught myself circling around the instruments just like Haedyn. We exchanged glances, and he winked at me. Really, he was a good sort.

"Give it a go, Rory," Haedyn said, encouragingly. "I think it'll work for us.

Well, why not? We had the entire day before us. I straightened up, feeling sort of high, like I always did when carrying out complicated experiments. It was like a mixture of excitement with the desire to prove I could do it all.

"Give me some blood, gentlemen," I said almost cheerfully. "I need your blood to learn how to run this equipment, because I don't see any other donors around here. Or is the King unwilling?"

"My blood is at your service, Rory," he responded. Yes, someone was clearly in a good mood. What a pity to have to spoil it.

"You know what else? At the same time, let's conduct a semen analysis, since I have reagents and a microscope now."

"What's that?" the King and the scientist asked in unison.

"It's a test to assess your fertility and any potential problems with your reproductive system. In other words, you need to give me sperm so that I can study it. Usually it's provided in a jar."

I'd certainly become good at shocking faeries. Even Doran was a little green now. He looked at me in amazement, as if I was joking. No, my dear, I'm totally serious.

But Haedyn was all about business.

"So I should masturbate into a jar, then?"

"Well, yes, that's right. Ideally, of course, you should have abstained from sex for a couple of days. But as I understand it, that's not realistic with you guys, so let's work with what we get, and then see what happens. Maybe it's totally different here."

The men stared at me somewhat reluctantly. Well, what did they expect? Some kind of virtual analysis?

"Listen," I definitely hated their silence, "listen, I know that to you, what I'm asking is outrageous. This is a waste of semen, a precious substance that could impregnate a woman. But you have to realize that I need to analyze it. I need semen, and it has to be from a jar. I can't use semen from intercourse."

I paused, and then added, "If it's taken, well, from sexual activity, the data might be compromised. And the guidelines of the World Health Organization definitely frown upon using semen ejaculated during sex. Seriously, you're both intelligent. You surely understand that there's no other way. So you can either donate some sperm, or, forgive me, all our efforts are an utter waste of time."

Alright, I felt like it was a little easier to breath now. At least they'd stopped staring at me. Well, not Doran, who was still fixated on me. But Haedyn sighed and went over to a distant table.

"Will these do?" he asked, coming back with two jars that looked a little bit like they'd once held baby food. They were a thick, greenish glass with some kind of symbols on the outside...

"Are they sterile?"


"Okay. Then they'll do. Go for it."

Haedyn handed one to Doran, turned the other over in his hands, sighed, and muttered something in an unfamiliar language. Then he went into the next room. I'd never been in it, but I suspected that was Haedyn's ad hoc bedroom here at the lab.

Doran stayed put, his eyes still fixed on me.

"King, do you have a problem? I just want to get everything ready for when Haedyn is done configuring the equipment. I myself lack any magical know-how. And what if it turns out that the problem is —how to say? — in the seed?"

Was I right in thinking the King's eyes darkened for a moment? The urge to kill a certain mortal had no doubt flashed through his head. Suddenly and almost imperceptibly, I felt my scalp tingle. The work of a scientist always comes with a risk — there's no escaping that.

"So what you're saying," Doran said deceptively, gently, "Is that I am to sit down somewhere and jerk off into this bottle? I? The King of the Court of Shadows?"

Well, yes, when you put it that way...

"That's right. Listen, I'm doing my job. The one you brought me here to do. It's you who ordered me to figure out your reproductive problems. So then, any questions?"

The shadows suddenly whirled around the King in a cloud and in a flash, vanished.

"Yes, I do have a question," he nodded, grinning. "Won't you help me?"

At first, I didn't understand. Then I felt my cheeks grow hot. Was he suggesting that I ....that him? Judging by the King's wide smile, he was reveling in my perplexity.

He stood, arms crossed, and then he put the ill-fated jar next to him on a table laden with books. Involuntarily, my eyes dropped down to the region requiring my assistance. The right thing to do would be to adopt a serious look and say that the King should service himself while I got ready to analyze the results.

But I just stood there looking at him, while running my tongue over my now dry lips. Hmmm...I could touch it...he was obviously already aroused. It was like I could feel his warm resilience, and velvet skin...the fire under that skin, ready to burst out. I remembered how it pulsated inside me as I clawed Doran's back crying out in ecstasy, over and over.

It took me an incredible effort to look way. My wanton eyes, though, again strayed to the King's pants. And I had to clench my fingers into fists, as they were itching with the crazy desire to reach over and touch him.

"You can command me to help, of course," I said hoarsely, "but I think it makes more sense for me to get everything ready for testing your, er, output. I also need to draw your blood."

Speaking of, my blood was already pounding like a drum beat in my head.

"So, you're refusing to assist me?"

"You can do just fine without me. And it'd be quicker, too."

Yes, I want to throw myself at you! And yes, feel you in me again.

I gently exhaled and was rather surprised that I wasn't breathing fire. It felt like my blood was about to boil. And down low I felt a pulsing sensation.

"Alright, if that's the way you want it, Rory." he said, mildly, but I knew. The King was offended. He hadn't expected me to refuse him.

I had to force myself to turn in the direction of the reagents, microscopes and all sorts of laboratory trifles that didn't care what world this was. What do we have here? Yes, a pipette, glasses, indicator paper ... ah, yes, a microscope. Moving like an automaton, I pulled everything I needed out, and spread it atop a stone table. I didn't immediately realize that Doran was headed for the exit.

"King, please don't go far. I need fresh sperm for the test."

"I'll be right outside the door and I'll be fast," came the cold reply.

"In terms of?"

"Rory, any woman at the palace is ready to assist me. Especially when the task is so insignificant. And don't worry, she will not ask too many questions, she will be discreet, since the Shadows are omnipresent, and I will immediately know if she talks."

"But...but it's easier if you simply do it on your own."

"I don't want to."

Well, to be sure, he is a king, after all. I turned around, and again set about readying everything for the tests. Right, the disposable pipettes, sealed. The glasses too, but the microscope ... well, it needed adjusting. And the displays...what's this?

Would he choose a beauty? Well, really, weren't they are all beautiful here? Even if they were scary, they were scary-beautiful.

I felt like hundreds of small needles were pricking my face. Like you feel after stepping into a warm room after being out in a frost. For some reason I was moving a glass from one spot to another.

Will they do it right outside the door? Or does Doran keep a room here for convenience's sake?

Let's see, test tubes go here.

Why was it taking Haedyn so long? And Doran, was he going at it with some little faery-whore, or just watching as she did him?

Was I jealous, or what?

I put my hands on the table and shook my head. And as luck would have it, just then Haedyn came out his room triumphantly carrying his flask.

"Rory, how are you going to conduct the tests? What's the matter?"

I straightened up and tried to look busy. But something cold was still prickling me in the face, and also the back of my head.

"It's all pretty simple. Let me show you."

Haedyn was obviously interested, and I was glad I had a distraction. No, I wasn't jealous at all, not about the faery. I was just going about my business, and, yes, letting off steam. Anything to keep it together.

I had just finished showing Haedyn how to use the microscope to count spermatozoa when Doran walked in. He had the jar with him. It was full. Without a word, he set it down next to me and looked at me. I had a hard time not dumping it out onto his head. What stopped me was my cool head and the understanding that this would be a sure-fire way to really mess up my life here.

"Thank you," I said. I stopped myself from adding sarcastically, "You can go now," and instead picked up a pH meter to measure the acidity of the ejaculation.

"What's that you're doing?" Haedyn jumped in. I felt like kissing him. His questions helped me keep on track emotionally with the work.

Doran could just stand there watching me do my thing. That's right. I was working. Wasn't it time for the King to also go about his business?

"I'm measuring the acidity. Humans have a normal pH of about eight. You have ..." I paused, then said, "Your acidity is slightly higher, but not by much. Now I'll take a look at the liquefaction and so on, and then we'll be using the microscope."

How nice that we had five of them. Doran and Haedyn also wanted to take a look and do some counting, while I explained everything in detail. It was something else — two faeries and a mortal, heads bent over microscopes. I had to explain what a sperm counting chamber was, how to perform a sperm count, and why the cover glass had to be a specific size. Of course, there were countless other questions.

And then we were done.

"Well," I said, turning to look at Doran and Haedyn, "You're both just fine. True, your sperm count is a bit lower, and they also move a little slower, but, after all, you are faeries, not humans. That's probably just the norm for you. But I don't see how that could negatively impact your virility. So now let's focus on blood and hormones. King, give me your hand."

You done good, faeries, by arming me with all my 'toys'. I picked up a tourniquet, indicated a chair, and said to Doran,

"Have a seat and make a fist with your hand. Or do you need a sexy little faery to help you?"

Doran gave me a scorching look, and then asked, "Is something bothering you, Rory?"

"Not a thing," I replied, extracting a needle and several collection tubes out of a disposable package. "I'm just glad it worked."

To hell with it all. I drew blood from Doran's vein with a steady hand, removed the tube and said calmly, "Next."

"Haedyn, you're in charge," Doran told the healer, rolling down the sleeve of his shirt. "I'll be gone from the palace until nightfall."

"Yes, my King."

And I noticed how the now familiar tiny Shadow in the form of a kitten slipped into the lab. I noticed, and so I pretended that I was busy with Haedyn, who'd already sat down at Doran's place. Why did I pretend not to see it? Because I saw how the King first froze, and then quickly glanced at me. As if he was checking to see if I saw it or not.

Something inside me told me not to let on that I did, in fact, see it, and to just go about my business. Pretend that the kitten-Shadow wasn't spinning around my ankles, exuding a barely noticeable heat.

Doran stood there, thinking for a for more seconds, and then he left. And the 'kitten' slid after him in a dark, smoky stream. For some reason, this made me feel a little sad, and small. It's funny, of course, that the Shadow seemed to have a thing for me. Or was it simply an energy vampire feeding off of my emotions?

But this wasn't the time for further musings about the little Shadow. We were finally getting down to business. I was about to try working with the new equipment.

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