the gift ⌯ am

By IndirectACM

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my mom told me one day I'd be somebody's gift and I'm glad I was his and he was mine // @indirectacm More

cream colored curtains
my girl
movie night
little sister
motherly talks
soft kisses
i can't
one kiss
holding hands
moving in
with you
my baby
never forget

blue eyes

7K 158 3
By IndirectACM


     I fix the backpack on my shoulder, not looking forward to my first day of Senior year at this new school. Mom had gotten a new job up here in Miami, Florida. Miami is beautiful, it really is, but I miss San Antonio, Texas. That's home. I would kill to be back home.

     As I walk in, I notice girls immediately avert their attention over to me. Their eyes wandering up and down my fit body that I spent years working on. I'm use to girls checking me out in the hallways, and the attention is nice, but I'm not someone to sleep around. I like to flirt though, girls' reactions are always so cute.

     One girl, Brittany Meyer (she introduced herself), walks me to my first class in some tight high waisted shorts and a halter top that makes her B cup look like a C. I always wonder why girls have to show off their body for a guy's attention. I'm not attracted to girls like that, but flirting with them is quite enjoyable because they'd flirt back. Most girls I flirt with flirt back though. It wasn't something unusual and odd.

     "Austin! Sit next to me," Brittany purrs into my ear, before leading me to a seat next to her in Chemistry. I can feel all eyes on me. Girls drooling, while boys scoff at the fact the new kid is being lead around by this girl. I'm guessing Brittany is popular by the way people seemed to drool over her. But one girl in the very back seems to be too occupied by her journal to look up to face Brittany.

     Brittany seems to not be happy by this reaction because she leads me over to the girl. Brittany leans over the desk, and sneers, "Hey Madison Hoesin."

     I watch as the brown hair girl looks up, her blue eyes piercing harshly at Brittany. I feel my breath get caught in my throat as the girl looks to me with those beautiful eyes. Her face seems to relax as she lands on me, but once she glances back to Brittany she clutches her tiny hand around her pen in hand.

     "Hutson," The girl, Madison, corrects calmly.  I notice her hand relax from around the pen, and she looks away from Brittany. Brittany seems to roll her eyes at the girl, not done with her.

     "What you drawing?"

     "Something beautiful, unlike you," she responds, and I have to hold back a chuckle. I already see Madison is sassy, but another part of her is mysterious. She slowly closes her journal, sliding it away from Brittany before she can grab it.

     This girl, she’s funny. The guys around us couldn't help but let out chuckles, and whistles for Madison. She didn't seem effected by it though, just shooing her off and going back to her journal. Luckily, before Brittany could even get another word in the teacher walks in.

     Brittany scurries off to her seat while I continue to look at the girl in admiration. Her brown hair seems to hide her face as she continues to doodle, keeping that precious journal close to her. I could see the journal is barely surviving. The seam of the notebook seeming to be falling off, and turning an ugly brown that resembles poop. It isn't a pretty sight.


     "Where is new student, Mr. Austin Mahone?" The teacher speaks up, making me turn on my heels to look at the young women who wears a pencil skirt she could barely walk in. Her hair is up in a bun and little pieces seem to frame her worn out face. She looks like the younger version of my Mema a bit, but I could be over exaggering.

     "Here," I voice, raising my right hand up a bit and letting it fall back to my side.

     "Take a seat next to student, Madison Hutson, will you Mr. Mahone?" The teacher voices, gesturing to the blue eyed beauty. Her eyes trail back up to connect with my familiar ones. But she doesn't seem interested, looking back down at her journal. I sort of admire the way she looks at her journal and bites her lip to keep focus on it. It is quite hot. Her pink lips sort of shine in the light meaning she is wearing a lip gloss that made her lips look very kissable.

     I sit down next to the girl, deciding to take a look over. She notices too, shutting her journal quickly and shoving it into her worn out black pack back that contains many brown stains. The girl won't glance my way at least once, which makes my heart ache. I just wanna see those pretty blue eyes of her. Her cold stare made me have shivers I'd never felt before rush through my body.

     Madison is mysterious and she seems to always be doing things that made people wonder why. Like the way she plays with her fingers in class when the teacher (I learned her name is Mrs. Harold) starts to ask her a question. Why is a beautiful girl like her seeming to get nervous when a teacher calls on her? Madison always seems to get the correct answers, but boys seem to just smirk at her and eye her as if answering a question is the sexiest thing ever.

     Did Madison not like the attention she got from teachers and boys? It's like Madison doesn't like to be looked at, observed to be exact. But Madison seems to look like a piece of art. Everything is put in the right place making it look beautiful. It's that one piece that people seem to drool over and pull people to look at. The fact Madison seems very mysterious, makes the attention bigger.

     Throughout the day I learn about how boys had already made bets at who could sleep with her first, and everyone had dibs on Marco Branson, who is head football quarter back, but all he wants is sex I hear. No one around here knows much about her. I tried to ask my new friend, Alex Constancio, about her but he seemed to just shrug.

     Madison doesn't do much in school. She doesn't play sports. She doesn't do theatre. She doesn't stay after school and do baking class. No one really knows what exactly she is into. She's some mystery to everyone including me.

     By the end of the day I'm heading to my red range rover. My car really looks beautiful today because a certain someone is standing near it, taking in its features. I decide to do what any normal annoying teenage boy would do so I go behind her and whisper in her ear, my lips grazing her ear lobe, "Boo!"

     She jumps, turning around and looking directly into my eyes with her beautiful blue ones that look like I'm looking at the ocean. They have a certain sparkle in them as they look up into my hazel eyes.

     "Like what you see?" I ask, talking about the car but also myself. Madison just rolls her eyes though at my normal teen boy comment. Before I can say much more Madison walks off to her red pick up truck. She sways her hips back and forth as if it is natural. How can someone walk so perfectly?

     She hops into her red truck, not even looking at me once more. She starts it up; it immediately makes a loud clunk before heading on its way.

     A part of me wanted to follow her, but she'd recognize my car and think I am some stalker so I decide it's best to go home.

     All I know is I learned three things about Madison today:

-she is sassy
-she likes cars

-she likes to doodle

     That's all I need to know to figure out I need to know more about this girl and how she has such an effect on me so easily while not feeling much at all.

     Those blue eyes hid everything, leaving me speechless on things she thought of me, the own country boy, Austin Mahone.

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