Come Back To Me (Very slowly...

By FreeFallingx1

127K 2.9K 168

4 weeks isn't long enough to fall in love. Well that's what Jonah Masters thinks. Every time Jonah returns ho... More

Come Back To Me
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

4.6K 121 2
By FreeFallingx1

Chapter 16

It had been a week since Jamie's funeral but nothing had seemed change. Yes, Amy cried less and smiled more but I could tell she was still fighting to hide her true feelings. I didn't want her to hide to from me; I wanted her to be able to tell me everything and anything. I needed her to be able to trust me completely as I would be there for her always. Even if she decided that I wasn't enough for her anymore I would still always only be a call away. I loved her and I knew that was never going to change.

I smiled when Amy opened the door to her familiar apartment. When I came over I felt like I was returning home, because this apartment was my home now. I was home when I was with Amy; with her was where I was meant to be. I couldn't help but notice how her smile was a little wider today and her eyes were a little brighter. She looked happier and that made my heart soar. Seeing her happy truly made me happy, as cheesy as that may sound. I guess I was just a cheesy guy when I was around Amy.

"I've got a surprise for you," she grinned happily as she grabbed the collar of my jacket and pulled me across the threshold, her eyes never leaving mine. My eyebrows pulled together into a frown as I responded,

"What?" Why would she possibly have a surprise for me? My mind searched through all the possibilities of what it could be.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise tough guy," she chuckled as her hand found mind and she dragged me into the kitchen.

I don't know what I was expecting but a confused expression spread across my face when she handed me an envelope her eyes gleaming with excitement. She jigged up and down slightly as she waited for me to open the letter. I continued to frown at her as I examined the paper in my hands.

"Open it!" She encouraged as she nudged me. I hadn't seen her so excited since Jamie's death and I couldn't help but smile at the eager expression on her face.

"I love you, you know that right?" I chuckled at how cute she was being in this moment. How had I been so lucky to meet someone as truly amazing as Amy?  Despite everything she still managed to make me smile.

"Just open it already!" She cried flinging her hands up into the air, however, I could see the amusement clear in her eyes.

"Ok," I laughed as I tore the envelope open as excitement started to flow through my body. I captured my bottom lip between my teeth as pulled out the sheet of paper which had been inside. I frowned slightly as I read the information on the sheet. It was a plane ticket to France for this weekend. "Amy?" I asked, confused by the paper in my hand.

"I bought two tickets," she said obviously thinking she was clearing everything up, however, I was still completely confused. My eyebrows pulled closer together as I continued to stare at her blankly. "For us," she continued looking at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Suddenly it clicked and a smile pulled across my face. "You bought two tickets for us to go to France next weekend?" I asked wanting clarification.

"Wow for such a tough guy you really are slow," Amy giggled as she stepped closer to me.

"I just..." I started but was completely lost for words. I couldn't believe she had bought us tickets to France. I couldn't believe we were going on holiday together. However, most of all I can't seem to comprehend how thoughtful she was. I knew we had talked about travelling together, but I never expected to surprise me like this. "You are amazing," I finished, unsure of what else I could say as a simple thank you didn't seem fitting.

"I know," she smiled smugly.

"And big headed," I added laughing as my arms snaked around her waist and swung her over my shoulder causing her to squeal loudly. I continued to laugh as she began to smack my back while screaming for me to her put her down.

"I hate you," she whined when I finally put her on her feet as she punched my chest. I smiled happily as she continued to grin at me. Slowly, I put my hands on her waist and pulled her into me.

"I've missed this," I whispered into her hair which I had buried my face into.

"Me too," she mumbled her lips moving against my chest. I pulled back slightly only to rest my forehead on hers.


The rest of the week had passed unbelievably quickly as it had been spent preparing for France. To say I was excited was an understatement. I couldn't wait to spend four days lying on the beach next to Amy, and seeing her in a bikini wouldn't be awful either.

"Hello!" I chirped as I walked into my parents' house.

"Upstairs!" My mum called so I followed the sound her voice to my bedroom where she was busy folding my close - yes my mum still did my washing.

"Hi mum," I smiled as I pulled her into a quick hug before stepping back and asking where dad was.

"He is at the shops, but don't worry he will be back before you go," she responded as she placed another t-shirt onto the neatly folded pile on my bed.

"I need to pack," I stated as I flopped back onto my bed, being careful to avoid the clothes.

My mum helped me pack and by the time we had finished my dad had returned. We ate lunch together before Amy arrived and we left for the airport. It was weird saying goodbye to my parents at their house without a single tear. I was so used to my leaving being a big ordeal so it felt strange to be going away and knowing that I would be safe away as well.

I sighed happily as I took Amy's hand in mind and led her through the airport. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face as we walked through security together, usually I would have had to had said goodbye to my family and friends by now.

"Happy?" Amy smirked obviously noticing my expression.

"Very," I grinned as my hand cupped her face and I placed a quick peck on her lips.

"You really are cheesy," she commented whilst laughing to herself as she pulled me towards the departures lounge.

"Only around you," I countered as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her body to mine. I loved the feeling of her body against mine and I would never get tired of it. It was like whenever she wasn't around I missed her. It was impossible to not think of her. Even when she was with me she was on my mind. She was constantly on my mind.

We waited about half an hour before we were able to board the plane. I hadn't been on a commercial plane in years - before I signed up for the army.

After the short journey we touched down in France and before we knew it Amy and I were walked off the plane and through the crowded terminal. Excitement flooded my body as we walked through the automatic doors and were greeted by the heat of the sun.

We took a quick taxi ride to our hotel where we dropped our bags and changed before heading to the beach, which was only a five minute walk from our hotel.

As soon as we reached the beach and spread out our towels I wrapped my arms around Amy before pulling her over my should - much like I had the week before in the kitchen - and started running towards the clear blue sea that was lapping the beach.

"Jonah!" Amy squealed as she slapped my back. I just chuckled as I continued to sprint towards the water, planning on chucking her in. "Please don't!" She continued to beg however she stopped slapping my back, but I just ignored her. As soon as the water touched my feet I stopped running, still chuckling from deep within my chest.  "Jonah," Amy whined as she clung on to my t-shirt.

"Okay," I sighed as I sung her down from my shoulder and put her on her feet next to me. I was so whipped it was ridiculous, I would do anything she wanted because I wanted to make her happy. I would do anything to see this beautiful girl smile and laugh, because as soon as she did I would instantly be happy. That was all it took, one small smile, and my day would be made. I would spend forever trying to make her happy.

"Whipped," she said while coughing.

I leapt towards her as the words left her mouth, however, I had no intention of capturing her again. But as soon as I moved she tried to take a step backwards, however, instead she stumbled and before I could reach out and grab her she was in the water.

I bit my lip trying to hide the laughs fighting to escape as she remerged from the water. She pushed her hair from her face as she glared at me.

"That was your entire fault," she grumbled as I helped her up and she punched me on the chest - surprisingly hard - before turning around and storming up the beach. My heart dropped - she was mad. My mouth went dry as every fear I had ever had of losing her hit me like a ton of bricks. I needed to chase her but my feet felt like they were concreted to the ground. Somehow I forced my legs to move and bounded after her.

I grabbed her hand once I reached her and pulled her round to face me. "I'm sorry," I whispered begging her with my eyes to forgive me. I couldn't lose her. I can't believe that we had barely been here an hour and I had already messed everything up. I had ruined everything. As soon as the words left my mouth a small smile formed on her lips and worry was replaced with confusion. What was going on? However, before another word could leave my mouth she was in fits of giggles. She was hunched over, holding her stomach she was laughing so hard.

Now I was truly confused.

"I was joking," she said through laughter.

I couldn't help but sigh in relief as her words sunk in. "Damn it Amy, you had me so worried," I breathed as all the remaining worry washed from my body.

"I know, you should have seen your face," she smirked as she wrapped her arms around her waist. I moved my hands to her hips as I pulled her body towards mine all the while a smile pulling at the corner of my lips.

"You're mean," I pouted playfully as I rested my forehead against hers. She giggled before responding,

"I guess you're just not as tough as I though, tough guy," she teased as her hands moved down from my neck to my chest. I had to bite my lip to trap the moan that was fighting to escape my lips.

"And I forgot how much of a tease you are," I smirked as I took her bottom lip between my teeth before capturing her lips with mine. Her fingers dug into my chest as she pulled her hands down to the top of my shorts. My hands gripped her hips tightly as I lifted her from the ground while her legs wrapped around my waist, never once breaking the kiss.

An embarrassing loud moan escaped my lips just as a voice caused me to pull back from Amy. We both turned to the side to see a small girl standing next to us, her mouth hanging open, her hand pointing towards us and her mum looking disapprovingly at us from next to her. Amy instantly blushed and buried her head in my chest while I just chuckled. The little girls mum's frown grew at my reaction so I quickly straightened out my face before apologising and carrying Amy back to our towels.

"Damn, that was embarrassing," Amy giggled as I placed her on her towel but I didn't move from above her, and from the fact that her legs didn't leave my waist I figured she didn't want me to either.

"Totally worth the embarrassment," I countered though as I shifted my body so I wasn't resting so much weight on top her.

"Not really," she said with a shrug. I frowned in response before an evil smirk formed on my lips. Her mouth fell into a small 'o' as she seemed to read my mind. Her legs dropped from my waist - and I instantly missed the closeness - before she tried to wriggle from underneath me, but I was too strong for her.

"You're going to be cheesy and start tickling me before turning it into making out with me, aren't you?" Amy smirked as she stopped moving; probably realising I was too strong for her.

"Well you know me, I'm a cheesy guy," I laughed as I started tickling her sides, loving the feel of her skin beneath my hands.

"Really Jonah?" She breathed in-between laughing.

"Really," I confirmed as I continued to tickle her before I pressed my lips against hers, and then surprisingly she stopped complaining.


We spent the rest of the day just lying on the beach. It couldn't have been more perfect; I wanted to stay here forever. I hadn't seen Amy this relaxed in what felt like forever and I think it was good for her to be away from the constant reminders of Jamie. I knew she would never be able to ever completely forget - he was her brother after all - but she definitely seemed happier.

At the moment I was waiting for Amy on the bed in our hotel room while she got ready for dinner. I was absentmindedly flicking through the channels on the TV - most of which I didn't understand as they were in French. I was still trying to figure out what they were saying when Amy appeared in front of me - I hadn't even heard her leave the bathroom.

I sat up as my mouth fell open. "Shit," I mumbled my mind blanking as the most truly breath taking girl stood in front of me. I could not process a single thing apart from how beautiful Amy looked right now. I must have looked like a complete idiot just staring at her but I honestly couldn't help it. My whole body had frozen and the messages from my brain to my muscles didn't seem to be working. So I just stayed still while continue to perv on her.

"Amy," I finally breathed before my whole body froze up again. What was wrong with me? Why was I finding it so difficult to react? Why couldn't I just tell her how beautiful she looked, kiss her on the lips and be done with it? However, I already had the answer to that. The answer was beautiful wasn't a good enough word to describe her. I couldn't just tell her she was beautiful and be done with it because, to me, that wasn't enough. Amy deserved to know how everytime I so much as looked at her she took my breath away, she honestly got more and more beautiful everytime I looked at her. But the thing was, I didn't have the words to say those things to her.

"Just going to keep staring tough guy," Amy laughed as she reached out her hand, which I more than willingly took, and helped pull me up from the bed. I was still struggling to talk so I just nodded in response.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," she chuckled as she passed me my phone which had been sitting on the table opposite the bed.

"Ok," I chirped happily, finally finding my words.

"I was joking," she laughed as I flicked through my phone until I found the camera app.

"I know, but you can't back out now," I laughed, thankful I was finally able to speak because my silence was starting to become awkward.

"Jonah," Amy whined as I pushed her in front of my before snapping a photo of her.

"Come on at least pose," I laughed at her discomfort. Amy glared at me before pushing her hips out, tangled her hands in her hair and pouted, playful amusement glinting in her eyes. "Much better," I chuckled as I continued to take a few more photos of her.

"I want some of you now," she laughed as she grabbed the phone out of my hand and turned it back to me. "I expecting some good posing, tough guy," she continued between giggles. I struck a few poses causing her to hunch over with laughter while still trying to take photos.

"Ok, stop," she begged as she wiped tears from her eyes. I chuckled as I wrapped my arm around her waist and looked at the photos of me over her shoulder as she flicked through them.

"Thank god these are on my phone so I can delete them," I smirked.

"Already sent them to my phone," she replied as a smirk - which mirrored his - played on the corner on her lips. My face dropped before I pouted giving her my best puppy dog look. In all honestly I didn't care if she kept the photos or not, I just loved that they made her smile. As long as Amy was happy, I was happy - as cheesy as that may sound.

"Don't bother," she giggled as she tosses the phone back to me.

"Fine," I whined as I flicked back onto the camera action before grabbing her around the waist again and pulling her back into my body before taking a picture of us in the mirror we were standing in front.

"Hey! I wasn't ready!" Amy whined as she jabbed me in the chest.

"I'm sure you'll look beautiful," I smiled before I looked down at my phone and quietly added, "You always do," as I searched through my photos.

"Aw!" Amy cooed, obviously hearing my last comment. "When did you get so sweet?" She asked.

"What are you talking about I've always been sweet!" I stated as my hand moved to my heart trying to look offended.

Amy snickered but I was suddenly distracted when I saw the photo I had just taken of the two of us. Damn, she was stunning. I was standing facing the mirror, a goofy grin - which I only wore around Amy - plastered on my face, and my arm around Amy's waist. She, on the other hand, had her body pressed into mine and was looking at me, her eyes shining happily and a smile playing on the corner of her lips.

"Damn, we're a hot couple," Amy joked as she too looked at the photo.

"Any girl looks hot with me," I stated cockily as I set the photo as my lock screen background.

"I would argue with you but to be honest you're actually that hot," Amy said truthfully causing my eyes to bulge. Amy was confident but she wasn't usually that straight with me, normally she would give me some smart comeback instead. I was left in complete shock.

"Did you just compliment me?" I gasped.

"It looks like I did," she said before pausing, "I take it back," she added.

"That definitely sounds more like something you would say," I chuckled as I pulled her towards the door.

"Yeah, I don't know what came over me earlier," Amy said feigning shock as I took her hand in mine and walked down the corridor together.

"Ready for dinner then?" I asked as we stopped by the elevator.

"Do you honestly need to ask that? I'm always hungry," she chuckled as she started to swing our hands between us.

"I love you," I suddenly said as I kissed her temple. A smile broke out on her lips as she responded,

"I love you too."


Dinner passed way too quickly and it was still pretty earlier by the time we finished so we decided to go to the club a couple of streets away from the hotel. The last day with Jonah had been more than I had ever imagined. I loved spending so much time with him and it seemed each day I would fall a little bit more in love with him. I didn't even think it would be possible to fall in love with Jonah more. I already felt more for him than I had for anyone else I had ever met before, yet somehow that feeling continued to grow. Everything he said made my heart beat at a million beats per minute. To me, he was truly perfect. It should be impossible to be perfect, nobody is perfect, yet somehow Jonah was. He honestly was flawless, and despite that he chose to be with me, a person with so many flaws.

I would always be thankful of the time Jonah spent with me because I knew one second it could all be ripped away from me. I would cherish every second I got to spend with Jonah and just hoped that nothing would ever change the way he felt about me because I couldn't see anything changing the way I felt about him any time soon.

The line outside wasn't too long so we were within twenty minutes. As soon as we entered the club and my ears were met by the pounding music I was taken back to the first night I met Jonah, when Jamie had been alive. It felt like another lifetime when I met Jonah, so much else had happened. So much had changed.

My mind flashed back to the way we had danced together, barely speaking, hypnotised by each other's eyes. I remembered the way he had kissed me, the feel of his soft lips against mine. It was weird how much that one kissed had changed my life. I can't imagine what my life would be like right now if I hadn't met Jonah. I can't even begin to comprehend how I would have got through Jamie's death without Jonah. Even now he was still helping me through it. Every second of every day he was there for me.

"Drink?" Jonah asked loudly enough to be heard above the music.

"Dance?" I suggested instead. I wanted to feel his body against mine. I wanted to remember the first night we had met before everything had gone wrong, before it felt like my whole life it had crashed down around me.

"Definitely," Jonah nodded eagerly causing me to smirk as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. 


AN: This is kinda just a filler chapter filled with Jonah and Amy mush, but I thought after everything that happened they deserved a chapter of mush :P

I originally uploaded this like half an hour ago and then realised how short it was so deleted it, wrote a bit more, and re-uploaded.

So yeah, thanks for reading.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. 

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