Addicted | Niklaus Mikaelson...

By Mrs--Marvel

47.6K 1.2K 552

You get hurt for the first time in your relationship with the Original Hybrid, Klaus Mikaelson. When he feeds... More

Keeping It Under Control
Strange Magic

The First Taste

13.2K 262 102
By Mrs--Marvel

You walked out of Rousseau's, leaving from your long night. It was dark outside as you walked the streets of New Orleans, where you heard music playing in places where jazz never stopped playing.

You smiled as you walked, headed back to the compound. When you heard a sound, a whooshing that passed you.

You looked toward where you heard the sound. You knew what it was, having heard it more times than one. After all, your boyfriend was a hybrid.

You tried to remember the last time you had your intake of vervain, Klaus had you take some to protect you from other vampires around the city.

When you remembered forgetting to take some yesterday and the day before, you knew you were in trouble. You remained calm and continued to walk a little faster, though you knew it would do nothing.

A dark figure stopped in front of you, looking you in the eye. With the little bit of light provided, you could see the dark veins spread down his face and your breath quickened.

"Hey, little one." The voice said. You held your hands out and told him, "Leave me alone. You'll end up dead, if you don't."

The vampire chuckled darkly and said, "You can't hurt me." When he pushed you against the wall, you panicked. You kicked your legs out, trying to get you away and he ignored you, sinking his teeth into your neck and draining the blood from your system.

You continued kicking your legs, uselessly. As your body began going limp, you knew it was the end for you.

But, all too soon, the vampire draining you was ripped away. You fell to the ground, your eyes blurring and you looked up, your vision focusing in and out.

You heard the unmistakable sound of bone cracking and another figure standing over the vampire who attacked you.

He looked at you and bent down. "Sorry, I'm late, love." Klaus voice said. You smiled weakly and saw his jaw clench.

He bit into his wrist, pressing his it against your lips. You didn't want to drink it, but as the blood poured into your mouth, you couldn't help but swallow it.

As soon as the taste hit your tongue, you couldn't help but bring your hands up, pressing his wrist to your mouth. You expected to flinch away from the taste, the nickel flavor in the blood a taste you didn't like to experience. Though, when you savored the blood, you wanted more.

This confused you because you normally hated the flavor of vampire blood, though Klaus was a hybrid, you thought that wouldn't change anything. Oh, how you were wrong.

You began drinking Klaus's blood, taking it in gulps until he pulled away. You sucked in a breath and Klaus got you to stand up. You licked your lips, getting as much of the blood as possible. The action didn't go unnoticed by Klaus, though he ignored the fact.

You'd never really had to drink his blood, being careful enough the barely need to be healed like that. Whenever you did get hurt, though, you'd let it heal.

Besides, it was always Elijah who did it, giving you his blood to heal the little things that would happen to you. You never really liked the taste though, which puzzled him because vampire blood had certain addictive qualities.

Klaus picked you up, running back to the compound. When he laid you down on his bed, he sat next to you, "Why didn't you take the vervain?"

You shook your head, "I forgot. My fault." He pushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear as he pulled you to his chest, "You're lucky I got there in time."

You shook your head again, smiling, "I'm lucky I have you." Klaus couldn't help but smile as he stroked your hair calmly, "Rest. You have need of it."

You nodded and listened to his heartbeat, letting it calm your sensing and sleep.


An hour passed. By now, Klaus had thought you asleep and went to take care of some matters before climbing in bed with you.

You got up quietly, pacing as you couldn't sleep. Your mind was stuck on the taste of Klaus's blood, wanting more.

You couldn't just ask him, that'd be ridiculous. He'd surely as why and you would have to explain that you 'liked the taste of his blood'.

Maybe if you 'accidentally' got hurt, he'd feed you his blood.

Wait, what? What are you thinking? This is crazy, I'll just sleep it off. You thought to yourself. You climbed back in bed, lying down to try and sleep.

You tossed and turned and when you couldn't sleep, you groaned loudly in frustration.

A knock came to the door, and you called the person on the other side to come in. When the door opened, Elijah stood there.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" He asked. You nodded and rubbed your temples, "Just a...headache."

He nodded and bit into his wrist, "I'd hate to have you be hurting." He offered his blood to you and you shook your head, giving him a little smile.

It wouldn't have the same effect, you knew that much.

He narrowed his eyes, like he was trying to figure you out, and asked you, "Are you sure?"

You only nodded and said, "I'll bear through it." You gave a weak chuckle and he nodded, his eyes trailing to the floor slightly. Unable to stop yourself, you asked, "When will Niklaus be getting back?"

Elijah looked back at you and simply answered, "Soon, I'm sure. Try to get some rest, it should get rid of your headache for the time being."

You nodded and laid back in the bed as he turned on his heel, he walking out of the room, leaving you to your headache.

You sighed, standing and going to get a drink of water. When you get to the kitchen, you see a glass sitting on the counter, the dark red liquid an unmistakable sign of blood.

Looking around, you see if anyone is near you. You walk toward the glass, dipping your finger on the inside of the rim, gathering a little of the blood on your finger. You slowly bring your hand to your mouth, tasting the blood.

It was just human blood.

You scrunched your nose up, shaking your head and grabbing another glass, filling it with water and heading back upstairs.

You didn't notice Elijah standing at the top of the stairs on the other side of the compound, watching you walk back to the room.

He narrowed his eyes and rushed down the stairs to the glass, taking a small sip as he tasted the human blood. He set the glass back down and as he did, Klaus walked into the room.

"Hello, brother." Klaus responded, his tone amused at whatever he's done. Elijah turned to him, one hand in his pocket as he said, "What have you achieved this time, Niklaus?"

Klaus shrugged, a light smirk on his lips as he answered, "Oh, just payed a little visit to a certain vampire who threatened Y/N's life tonight."

Elijah nodded and pressed on, curious as to what he saw, "Tell me, dear brother, what exactly happened tonight?" Klaus' smirked dropped as he wondered why Elijah was questioning the events that are now over with.

He answered, "I went to bring Y/N home from Rousseau's and she had already begun to walk home. When I got to her, a vampire was feeding on her blood. That is all that happened, I simply fed her my blood and nothing more."

Elijah's eyes narrowed as he thought about it. Klaus asked, "Why?"

Looking back up to his younger brother, Elijah answered, "I find it curious that Y/N should have a headache and when I offer my blood to have her rid of it, she refuses. Then she should come downstairs for a drink of water, see a glass of blood sitting on the counter, and decide to have a taste of it. Of course, when she tastes it, she flinches away, grabs the water she came for, and returns to her room. Don't you, Niklaus?"

Klaus clenched his jaw, having heard what Elijah said, he couldn't help his own kind of curiosity. Klaus simply answered, "Indeed."

They both look at each other, a silent conversation being had. Elijah grabbed another glass, and set it on the counter. Biting into his wrist, he bled into the cup and held it out to Klaus, taking a paper towel and wiping the blood from his wrist.

"Take this to her. Offer it as your blood and see if she accepts it." Elijah told him. Klaus eyed the glass, finally taking it from him as he said, "Alright, we'll test your little experiment. Whatever is happening in that brilliant mind of yours surely has a point to it."

Klaus walked passed his brother, heading to his room where Y/N was sure to be reading a book as she was unable to sleep.

Arriving at the door, he opened it slowly and walked into the room, a smiling on his face at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend. "Hello, love." He greeted. You looked over at him, returning his smile and setting your book to the side.

"Hi, Niklaus." You looked at the glass of blood in his hand and asked, "What's that for?" He looked at the glass, handing it out to you and replying, "I heard of your little headache, and I can't have you hurting, now can I?"

You grabbed the glass almost a little too quickly, your smiled growing ever so slightly. You were eager to taste the blood again and it bothered you slightly, though it didn't matter as you pushed the thought to the side.

You began to drink the blood, though at the first taste, you couldn't help but flinch away. You spat it back in and holding the glass away from your lips. Swallowing the little bit in your mouth, you looked at Klaus and handed the glass back to him with a shy smile.

This was not his blood.

The headache slightly calmed because of the vampire blood he'd given you. He eyed the glass like he had before when it was Elijah giving it to him and grabbed it from your hand.

"Thanks." You mumbled, shifting slightly, fighting the urge to scratch the itch on your neck that had cease to disappear.

Klaus' smile faltered a little, but he kept it up as he said, "Whoops. Must have switched it out with another glass. I'll be right back in just a moment, love." He turned around, his smile dropping as he headed down the hall.

Your smile dropped as well as you scratched your neck, knowing that physical itch was just from your need for Klaus' blood.

Klaus walked down the hall back to his brother. Elijah recognized the frustrated frown on Klaus' face and offered, "She didn't drink it."

Klaus strode over to his brother, placing the glass on the counter. He corrected Elijah, his voice calm enough as to not be heard by you, "No. In fact, she spat it out. What is it you are picking at, Elijah?"

Elijah kept his calm, collected disposition as he explained, "If she wanted to get rid of the headache, she would have just drank it."

Klaus urged, "Yes, yes, of course. Your point?"

Elijah ignored his brother's dismissive behaviour and continued, "You said Y/N spat it out, did you not?" Klaus gave a simple nod, hating how Elijah dragged on his explanation. "Well, Niklaus, how does she react when I give her my blood?" Elijah asked.

Klaus recalled the times you would get yourself hurt with simple injuries and Elijah would offer to heal them for you, remembering how you would hesitate to take it or decline completely. When you did accept it, you only took enough to barely heal, saving yourself the taste.

"She's dubious." Klaus responded exasperatedly. Elijah nodded and moved his hand as he explained, "Exactly, she hesitates. It's as if she'd rather be in pain than drink the blood and feel better. Now, how did she react when you fed her your blood?"

Klaus remembered the mouthfuls you took in when you had accepted the blood earlier that night. His eyes widen slightly, his curiosity only beginning to grow from the small spark he had just moments ago.

He finally answered, looking to his brother as he finally got to the point, "She drank." Elijah nodded, looking to the side as he contemplated this, "I thought so."

In an eager attempt to test that theory, Klaus all but ran to rinse out that glass of Elijah's blood and replaced it with his own. He rushed to you, careful not to spill any of it, and gave you an eager smile as he handed you the glass.

"Here you are, love. My apologies it took so long." Klaus said, handing you the warm blood. You stopped rubbing the sides of your head to grab it from him.

But before you drank it, you dipped your finger in to make sure it was his. When you sucked the finger into your mouth, you drank from the glass, downing the blood like a glass of alcohol you needed after a long, stressful day at work.

Klaus watched you down the drink. You had to restrain from licking the glass clean as you handed the glass back. He gave you a smile before leaving to put the cup up. You closed your eyes, the taste lingering in your mouth as you licked your lips.

When he left the room again, he went to Elijah immediately. He held up the cup, showing off the now empty glass. "Every drop." Klaus said. Elijah narrowed his eyes as he thought out loud, "What is going on?"

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