Blind Date

By MarcelinaIswanti

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Blind Date

2 0 0
By MarcelinaIswanti

         A new winter began and Kim Hana started life as a new student. She was a woman who was easily forgetful of all things, and she must immediately go to room 611 but forgot where to go. Appearing from the right side of a man who suddenly approached him and asked "where are you going?" Hwang Yunseong asked. "I want to go to room 611 but forget where to go," Kim Hana answered. Hwang Yunseong immediately pulled Kim Hana's hand as he ran and escorted Kim Hana to room 611.
       In Kim Hana's mind "who was that a man? He was a new student or he was a senior man on college," yes, I will figure it for tomorrow.
Hwang Yunseong also thought who that woman was? Why she so confused when the building she was looking for is on her left. "Oh yeah, I have a quiz, I have to go to class immediately."
"Hey, Yunseong, why are you coming now when you left first," Kim Yohan asked. "Yes, there was something happened on the trip, but it's finished, has the lecturer entered Yohan?" Hwang Yunseong answered. "But we were given 15 minutes to study first, fortunately you came quickly," said Kim Yohan.
     On the way home hwang Yunseong and Kim Yohan always waited for Lee Eun Kyung after class. Every day the three of them always went everywhere, there was something strange that Kim Yohan felt at Hyang Yunseong why he seemed to be looking for something. What are you looking for Yunseong? How confused "Kim Yohan asked. "It's nothing just wanting to enjoy the view of the college after the first snowfall last night. "Answered Hwang Yunseong". It's so strange you are Yunseong, just go on a blind date there, the two of you. "Said Lee Eun Kyung. "HA??? What the heck are you said, Eun Kyung, we haven't joined what we should do on a blind date? There are just you, "answered Yohan and Yunseong. There is a lot we can do to know many people from various faculties on our college, fortunately also for me so that when I ran for the presidency on college to win, ha ha ha. "Eun Kyung said
       From coercion Eun kyung finally they both wanted to go on a blind date that would be held next week and who would go on a blind date were new students.
       Kim Hana was finally accepted on the campus she wanted, and she also applied to be a cheerleaders member. The cheerleaders chairman wanted new members to go on a blind date next week so they got to know the seniors on campus. In Kim Hana's heart ‘hopefully later I could meet the man who helped her yesterday.’
After arriving in the house Hwang Yunseong and Kim Yohan talked about what they had to do for their first time on a blind date. “Hey, Yunseong how is it true we are going on a blind date next week, "Kim Yohan asked. "Just come along," Yunseong answered ‘in Yunseong's heart I wish I could meet that woman, he must be a new student.
       It was time for a blind date, Kim Hana was confused choosing which clothes she wanted to wear and had to dress up modestly or glamorously, finally she chose long jeans with short sleeved tops and did not forget the thick dress up with simple dressing. On the other hand, Hwang Yunseong relaxed with his thick sweater and jacket while Kim Yohan, who was not interested in blind dates, had the longest time getting ready.
       New students came first than seniors. New students listened to the senior directives that arrange blind dates today, you will get acquainted, have a casual chat and the person who raises his hand in advance can choose the partner he likes and the person chosen cannot refuse it up to whoever raises the hand of a boy or girl first. After that the seniors began to come one by one Kim Hana just focused on the entrance to see if he was the man who helped him on this blind date.
        Hwang Yunseong, Kim Yohan and Lee Eun Kyung arrived at the blind date cafe near the campus. Hwang Yunseong entered the Kim Hana cafe who kept focusing on the entrance, surprised and happy when he came and wanted me to be the first person to raise his hand later.
        Kim Hana wants to go straight to the man who doesn't know what his name is, but he is approached by Kim Yohan is a friend of Hwang Yunseong, she has been chatting casually but her eyes are on Hwang Yunseong. What made Kim Hana confused was whether he forgot about her because of his cold, ignorant face.
       Hwang Yunseong when he entered the cafe he was surprised that he was the woman he was looking for wanted to directly approach her, but Kim Yohan first approached her. Hwang Yunseong chose someone else to talk to.
        In the middle of the event Lee Eun Kyung introduced herself and gave speeches that she became the campus presidential candidate for this year. Eun Kyung's presence wherever she campaigned she wanted a woman to win. "Said Kim Yohan"
And it's time to choose the partner Kim Hana wanted it, and sure enough Kim Hana raised her first hand without hesitation in pointing at the man who helped her. Hwang Yunseong also wanted to raise hand first but he was late. He was surprised at being pointed out by the woman he wanted to know. Hwang Yunseong pretended to forget her when she was chosen by Kim Hana. Kim Hana is confused as to why men aren't expressing pleasure but are ignorant and cold.
         The two of them chat and have dinner with Kim Hana to introduce themselves first after that Hwang Yunseong. Exchange Kim Hana's phone number while chatting with Hwang Yunseong thanked him and asked if he still remembered Kim Hana. Hwang Yunseong answered yes I still remember, ‘with a cold expression. And the blind date is over
Two days later
       Kim Hana ventured to send a text to Hwang Yunseong, and Hwang Yunseong smiled shyly when Kim Hana sent her a message.
They intensively know each other after a blind date
The election for campus president began and the two of them met together to go home together, having lunch together at the cafe where the blind date.
       Kim Hana said that tomorrow the day after tomorrow she and the cheerleaders would go to Busan to encourage softball members and after that about two weeks would train for the cheerleaders competition in China. Yes, Hana was enthusiastic, "said Hwang Yunseong"
Arriving at Hwang Yunseong's houses sorry why he just said that, Hwang Yunseong immediately went out again and ran to Kim Hana's house, when he arrived at Kim Hana's house was not at home so Yunseong decided to go home, turning around turned out that Kim Hana had just come from the supermarket. Yunseong what made you come all the way here again? What's up? "Asked Kim Hana, where are you from? "Yunseong asked. I'm from the supermarket, "Kim Hana answered
     Hwang Yunseong ventured to express his feelings to Kim Hana
Hana when I first met I was surprised why you were like a confused person, and during the second meeting with you I was very sorry for my indifferent expression to you but really I hope that on a blind date in order to meet you, "Hwang Yunseong asked Kim Hana
I am a person who was easily forgetful and a little annoyed at you when you were blind at that time I thought you forgot me, "answered Kim Hana. I'm glad to see you again and can we be serious friends? We know each other more than friends. "Hwang Yunseong asked. What? When we meet again I am also happy and hope we can get to know each other. "Kim Hana answered
Finally they were dating and Lee Eun-kyung was elected president on campus and Kim Yohan went on a blind date every week
1 month later, after Kim Hana came home from China, she immediately approached Hwang Yunseong at Kim Yohan's house and gave a surprise and invited him to go to campus together.
When the trip to the Kim Hana campus suddenly pulled Hwang Yunseong's hand by running like when they first met.

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