You're Word Against Ours

By urmomsnow

89 0 10

Annabella Valor, Vanessa Calloway, and Andrea Chesterton come from different backgrounds. Each with their own... More



8 0 0
By urmomsnow

Annabella Valor~~

When Vanessa opens the door she looks like a complete mess. Her hair was thrown up sloppily and has basically fallen out by now. She was in shorts and hoodie, which isn't her style at all. Mascara was smudged under her eyes and she looked like hell. "What's wrong?" I immediately ask. "Gosh you have no idea. My parents have been going crazy and it's making me go crazy" she says with heavy breathes. "What are they doing?" I ask as I take my shoes off and line them up on the guest mat. "My mom keeps yelling at my dad and she's accusing him of all these stupid things and then my dad won't stop drinking and calling her names. Then to add onto that they found out about the breakup and they are going psycho." she rants out as we walk into her kitchen. 

"Where are they now?" We sit at the island and she turns to look outside. Her parents were both sitting on the patio looking over files and papers, each with a drink in their hands. "What are they looking at?" "Court papers, legal shit. All stuff to do with Lucas. Making sure there is a way to keep him quiet. But I know he won't say anything, he needs to get into college on a scholarship and well if it gets out then he won't be going anywhere." she tells me and grabs us each a glass of water. 

"I'm really sorry, Vanessa." I apologize.  She gives me a sad smile and tells me it's fine before we go to her room. She locks her door and opens her window for us to sit by. Soon Andrea showed up and we all passed around a blunt and listened to music. Extra loud to drown our worries with the world.

Vanessa's parents have always been crazy. But ever since all the crap happened with Lucas a while ago, they have gotten worse. At least that's what Vanessa told us. She explained how cautious her mom got and how she doesn't go a day without having an episode or a breakdown. Her parents are so caught up in making sure the town knows that they are a rich, happy family that they don't realize they are destroying their lives. Her older sister, Jasmine, left as soon as she was able to. It was about seven months ago when she left so she didn't have to deal with the even more crazed version of them. Which just put more struggle on Vanessa. 

"What's been up with Mr. Miller?" Andrea asks as we all sit around the room. "Everything's okay. I think we are both just ignoring that any of it happened. I mean it's for the better right?" "Yes, definitely." Andrea responds and I just nod my head. 

"Sooo, Annabella what's been up with your love life?" Vanessa randomly asks. "Uh, why?" I retort. "Because we never hear anything about your love life, I mean honestly are you even straight? I never see you talking to guys.." she continues. "You really wanna talk about love lives after everything that has just happened?" 

She nods her head, "Yes. As long as it isn't mine." "Ahh, well I am straight and there isn't really much to it." I lie to them. "Uh huh, sure" Andrea remarks. "What's that supposed to mean?" I say in disbelief. Do they really not believe me? I mean I wouldn't either but come on. "It means, there has to be someone. Like come on... do you really think we are that stupid?" Vanessa says. I think for a second. To be fair I haven't told them much about anything. Neither of them know about the escorting, or Mickey, or Elliot. But two of those things have to stay a secret so I decide to tell them about Mickey. "Well, there's this boy Mickey. Except he's been in my life for a long time. I met him when I was four and we were best friends for the longest time. He had a room at my house because he was so troubled and could never stay at his house. I loved him so much and then like a year and a half ago he just upped and left out of know where. Anyway, he came back a few weeks ago and I've only talked to him once since." I tell them. 

"Oh." Andrea says. "I wanna meet him." Vanessa demands. "No, no, no. We will not be meeting him. I don't even know if I want to see him again." I explain. "What? Why?" Vanessa exclaims. I just shrug not really knowing myself. "Personally, I think you should. Clearly this boy is like head over heels for you. He literally changed himself for you, and let me tell you it's hard to find someone that will do that." Andrea inputs. "Yeah, but I don't want someone to change themselves for me. It's selfish. And if he really wanted to do it for me, then he wouldn't have left. He would have stayed so I can watch him better himself and help him. But he didn't." I pronounce. 

To be honest, I don't even believe he left to better himself. I think he just came back a better person, but left for other reasons having nothing to do with me. 

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