A Cry For Help.

By _Fallen_Angel_4122

34.7K 937 119

A Harry Potter ~ AU. Harry Potter, an orphan was left under the care of her aunt. But no one can imagine what... More

Before you begin.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's Note

Chapter 2

5.1K 171 25
By _Fallen_Angel_4122

" Dudley thats wrong you shouldn't do that. " Vernon said. " Sorry " He mumbled.

Severus nodded in understanding. This clears his doubt that the sound come from Dudley.

Severus dabbed at his lips with the napkin that was placed on his lap, his plate all scraped up of the food as streaks of gravy is all that is present on his empty plate, a plate that a certain frail looking boy that is being held inside a certain cupboard under the stairs had to wash, once the guest left of course.

Right now he is a secret. A secret that wasn't allowed to be spread. "My goodness petunia, that was a lovely dinner you have presented tonight, your family here is blessed to have you cook such a wonderful meal" Severus neatly screws up the napkin and put it on his plate.

Petunia nodded, her mouth twitching with words that she could not make out. "Your quite welcome Severus" the petite woman managed to get out.

Starting to collect the plates to put them on the side next to the sink for her freak of a nephew to clean "Would you like some help with that, it's the least I could do after all since you didn't have to feed me" the black haired man started to stand, though he immediately got shut down of the offer.

Vernon scoffed. "No no, please we will do them later, don't worry Sir" Vernon ended up chuckling a little nervously.

To which Severus thought seemed a little odd, however didn't question. "I see, well I guess I should make myself scarce then. Work in the morning and all, right Vernon" Severus gave him a direct look before going down the hallway to retrieve his long black tail coat and shoes.

Sitting on the bottom step to tie his elegant black lace shoes, Severus perked up when hearing a sneeze.

Tying the other shoe, Severus stood up and put his coat on. Becoming confused when he heard the sneeze again. It sounded close and not that far to be from inside the kitchen.

Staying quiet, he heard shuffling about, only ever so slightly. With only seeing a small cupboard door under stairs being his only answer, Severus walked over to it, careful to not make his footsteps come off as loud.

All of a sudden Dudley come from no where and once again sneeze. He fakely did that once again. " Was that you who was sneezing ?" Severus asks the fat boy standing infront of him.

" Yeah. I guess i have a cold. " He said and begin to cough fakely. No one can say that they are bad actors. The whole family is so good in putting up fake acts and throwing drama.

" Okay. I am leaving now " He announced and the fat boy company him to the gate.

The moment the final goodbyes takes place and the door is shut. Their true colours also come.

The cry for help is not heard again.

" Thank god. You noticed it on the right time. " Petunia said. In actual, the moment Harry sneezed. Dudley heard it and informed his father.

Vernon further guided his soon. In this way, the fooled the man. " Well done, Dudley. You acted well" Vernon praised his soon.

" Thank you. " the boy said and go to his room to play with toys. " The boy needs a lesson. " Vernon said grinding his teeths. " Yes, teach him a lesson Vernon. " Petunia fueled the fire.

She knows that this will put a great show for her. She loves hearing the screams filled with pain and agony. Somehow, all of that soothed her heart.

The man making his way to the hallway, he opened the cupboard. He grip the fragile boys hairs and drag him out of the cupboard. The poor boy who is already sick so much have to undergo the torture now.

The hour of torture begins with Vernon and Petunia verbally abusing him and then Vernon take off his belt and placed some hard swats on his body.

" You are a waste." Vernon spit on the boy's face and throwed him back into cupboard.

" You are a waste" Vernon spat on the boy's face and threw him back into cupboard.

Harry's eyes where glossy and red from the treatment he had received.

He looked at his uncle's eyes when he felt his chin being grabbed.

"You have just lost your privilege to get out of your cupboard tonight, looks like those dishes will be waiting for you tomorrow, boy"

And with that, he was shoved backwards on his knees and the door slammed shut, the sound of the lock and shutter slamming closed being the last he heard before he was left alone in the dark, no comfort, no nothing.

Just darkness and his thoughts keeping him company as he stayed hunched on his scruffy stained mattress.

Curling his knees up tight to his chest, he couldn't help but to know that every word his Uncle has ever muttered or rather spat at him, it's all true.

He is a burden, he is a waste and he did deserve everything that happened to him.

But when your not allowed to make a noise, how can his call for help be heard?

What have he done wrong ?


What do you think after reading this ?

Will Harry be heard ?


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