You All Along 2

By tonibraxtonbitch

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By tonibraxtonbitch

2 weeks later

Toni pov

Kenny's jet just touched down and we were officially in bora bora.

We got out the jet and got in the truck that was waiting for us.

"Omg i cant believe it. It's so pretty look at the water." Peyton said and i smiled.

Our first family vacation.

When we made it to the hotel we agreed to wait an hour before we went out just to rest. The boys shared a room. Peyton and kacey shared a room while me and kenny had the master sweet. Right now the boys and Peyton were in their rooms laying down and watching tv while kenny and i was in ours playing with kk.

"Ma Ma nsfehhwksisva" she said and i smiled.

"What did daddy do to the baby." I asked as she was on Kenny's chest trying to move around.


"Forreal girl he did all that."


"Wow i cant believe it."

Kenny pov.

Who knew life would turn out so great. I pulled toni on my chest and kacey put her head down and started to suck her fingers.

"This all i ever wanted when i first met you." I said and she smiled.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more." I said kissing her forehead. We went to sleep just like that.


"Please we wanna go swim." Peyton said.

"The waters looking mighty swimmable." Deizle said.

"Fine got get dressed." I said and they ran off leaving out our room.

"How about a pink one piece momma." Toni said while bouncing kacey on her legs.

"Fhsuegejssh." She answered.

"Yea girl it's pink with little white hearts around it." Toni said.

I smiled going to find me some swim trunks.

Toni pov

After i got her dressed i gave her to ken and went and got dressed too. It was a black bikini and i slipped on a white see through cardigan to put over it.

"Who told ya momma to look this good." Kenny said smacking my ass while he held kacey in his arms. She started to laugh clapping her hands and i rolled my eyes grabbing my purse.

I put on my shades and we walked out the room. I knocked on peytons and the boys door and they walked out ready.

We walked out the hotel and got in the truck kenny rented.

"Im bout to get the hunnies." Diezle said.

"Boy please." Peyton said.

"Shut up"

"Ma ma ma ma yrbsjdgskkwos." Kacey said and i reached my hand back and she grabbed it and started to play with my fingers. I love our relationship. She's so kind.

We pulled up to the beach and the kids ran out going to the water.

Kenny and i got out and i grabbed the baby from her car seat.

She kissed my cheek Slobbing on me and i giggled wiping it off.

"Give daddy kiss. " i said pointing at ken and she leaned out of my arms almost falling. She give him a sloppy kiss and he smiled.

"Da." She said and Kenny grabbed her from me.

"Say it again. Say da da for me." He said.

"Da da." She said i clapped my hands causing her to laugh and clap her hands too.

"Im so happy." He said spinning her around. It was the cutest thing.

We made it to the beach and kenny was with the kids in the water while me and kacey played in the sand.

"Ewww dont put it in your mouth no no." I said shaking my head pointing at the sand she just crocked her head to the side.

"It doesn't taste good. Dirty." I said and she picked up one of her toys.

"Good job." I said building a sand castle.

"Momma can i help you." Peyton said running up to me. Her wet hair causing water to get all over me when she moved.

"Yea come." I said and she sat next to me.

"Mommy i love you." She said playing with the sand and i smiled.

"I love you too."

Kacey crawled over to pey and pey sat her on her lap

"Hey kk" peyton said bouncing her on her legs. Kacey was laughing and smiling with her no teeth. I swear life is amazing.

Kenny came an grabbed me in his arms spinning me around.

"Babe put me down." I said laughed and he stopped and then started to kiss me.

"I wanna spend my entire life with you." He said looking into my eyes.

"I wanna spend mine with you too." I said and somehow he ended up in the sand with him on top of me. We we're making out when the boys told us to stop.

"I thought i was gonna sink in the sand like how the girl did in nutty professor." I said and he giggled.

"I wanna ride the jet skis come with me." He said and i told him no.

"Imma be holding you. You know i wont never let anything happen to you." He said and i smiled telling him fine.

We got up and i picked up my baby.

"Come on yall lets go get on the skis." He said and the kids ran to the docks in excitement.

When we made it kenny wrote the man a check and he let us have 3.

"One of yall gone have to let Peyton ride with yall." Kenny said.

"She can ride with me." Diezle said.

We all got on them. Kenny was behind me while the baby was in my lap facing me. Kenny started and we went to riding and it was so much fun.

"You having fun momma." I said to her, but she just went to laughing looking around.

Kenny stopped the jet ski and wrapped his arms around us and put his head in my neck.

"It's so beautiful." I said.

"Not as beautiful as you." He said kissing my neck.

"Kk yo daddy tryna sweet talk me."

"Gssidyd usjsisnskisbd." She said and i nodded.

"Yea girl."

"Dad this is so much fun." Peyton yelled when they had road past.

"I love you." He said before kissing my shoulder causing me to smile.

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

"I love you more then most."

"Imma let you win this one." He said and i chuckled.



"Im a real nigga." Peyton yelled running around the parking lot. We were about to leave the beach and im not sure who gave her candy.

"Real nigga my ass go to the car." Kenny said and she hung her head down in shame.

"Why to ruin my mood."

We got in the car and kenny drove us back to the hotel.

"Straight to the shower. Pey want me to help you wash your hair."

"No mommy i got it." She said walking into her room.

Kenny and i walked in our room. Kacey was sleep in my arms and i sat on the edge of the bed.

"Are you gonna bathed her or let her rest." Ken ask taking off his shoes.

"I'll bath her. She stinks." I said laying her down.

"I wanna do it."

"Last time you did it. It was shit everywhere."

"I can do it baby." He said and i shrugged moving over.

"And plus she sleep so if you mess up your just an idiot."

"Shut up."

He actually did it and and she woke up too.

"Who's the best dad out there me." He said and i rolled my eyes.

"While you at it you can go bath her too."


We were at this cute outside restaurant for dinner and it was beautiful.

"I love all of you so much. I just want yall to know that." Peyton said while eating her fries.

"This family is really cool and im happy im apart of it." Diezle said and i smiled.

"I second that." Denim said.

"I want yall to know that i wouldn't trade yall for the world. Everyday i woke up i make sure i provide a better life. Not only that, but to allow yall to enjoy it." Ken said.

"All this talking is gonna make me cry." I said

"Don't cry." Peyton said.

"Can we end the night watching a movie." Denim asked while eating some bread rolls.

"Yea we can do that." Ken said.

"Look at these." Diezle said showing me his phone. It was pictures of us at the beach. Looking at the pictures of Kenny spinning me around you would think we were teenager's. Yall dont understand how much i love that man.

We continued to eat and laugh until it was time to go back to the hotel.

When we made it back we changed into our night clothes and then went into the living room that was in me and Kenny's sweet.

The kids were on the ground while i laid on Kenny's chest and he had his arms wrapped around me.

"Yall dont roll over on my baby." I said.

"Aint nobody gonna hurt the baby. Isn't that right koala." Diezle said.

"Don't call my baby that."

"Shhhhhh it's starting." Peyton said and we all focused on the tv.


The kids fell asleep and we decided to leave them in here. Kenny moved the baby out of the way and covered her up. I kissed the kids goodnight before covering them up.

Kenny and i went into our room and closed the door.

"I think our first night went great." Kenny said as we got in the bed.

"It was more then great. It was amazing." I said getting on top of him.

He grabbed my hands and intertwined them.

"Your so beautiful." He said and i blushed.

"Thank you daddy your handsome."

"You know i gotta stay looking good for you." He said making me laugh.

"Im grateful to have you. Your the best women I've ever dated in my whole life." He said and i rolled my eyes.

"Thats cuz im the only women you ever dated. You was messing with them ugly hoes." I said and he giggled pulling me down to his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I want another baby." He said and i sat up shaking my head.

"Do you know how hard i worked to lose all that weight and you tryna just make me gain it all back. Plus kacey not even one."

"You didn't even have a lot to lose and so what. She can have a really close sibling now come here." He said pulling me back down so we could make out.

He flipped us over and moved my hair out of my face and started to look into my eyes.

"Who knew that. This short gorgeous, optimistic, and ready to sing girl would be my soul mate and my wife." He said making me smile big.

"Who knew that it was you all along."


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