Par Shadowdragon157

358K 4.1K 4.1K

a regular guy named Y/n decided to adopt a stray, and after that, more strays started to come to him, and he... Plus

The first pet - lets meet Ruby
New Home - Arguments and Fun
Encyclopaedia's First page - Ruby the cookie monster
Big Trouble - Ruby's mess
Trip to the vet - Lets check up on Ruby
Schnee Snowflake - Tsundere Weiss
Ruby and Weiss - Movie and Cookies!!
Mystery Package - The cat with the Bow
Shopping for gold - Cute yet stunning
Dinner time - June's quick visit
a RWBY morning - Wake up for Pancakes
The Mummy and Rwby - The bark from Egypt
Y/n's girl problem - Pumpkin pete's Doggie
Jealous Rose - Hammer Time
Unexpected visit - Meeting Salem
the 99th and 100th customers - two pets for one
Shopping for goods - Ex issues
Home with gifts - Sad to Happy
Latina Joins the Fun - First Day of Cuteness
Cooking Dinner - Cute and The Helpful
Weird Morning - human and pets
The Bird in the House - Y/n owns a cage?
A Character Return - Future plans
Familiar Story - Three surprises
Under the Storm - Stuck in a House with them
Office Teacher - A lesson about a Office
Pets in Work Spaces - the Strange Returns
Beach Time _ the Twin tail
Everyone is appearing - Normal Day at Home
Tea cups and Pets - Cute and New
Surprisingly Calm - Just a normal day

Chill morning - they just barged in

10.2K 108 132
Par Shadowdragon157

Y/n and Miku was having a lazy morning, Y/n was cutting pictures out of his pets and putting them in frames, Miku was reading a magazine she brought while listening to music

She hummed along to the song as Coco sat next to her, Y/n's pets was all spending their time doing their own thing, Weiss was somewhere, Blake was reading a book about two souls, Yang was cleaning her new bike, Nora somehow got onto the ceiling light, Pyrrha was exercising, Velvet was in her Bunny base which is just a card board box that she claimed as her own, Penny was recharging, Grimm somehow managed to get into the cookie jar and close the lid on herself, she then found out the cookie jar was empty, Y/n sighed to himself as Ruby was looking at him while laying down on her


Y/n: *looking at Ruby with concern* "what was that?"

Ruby looked at Y/n with a smirk as her tail wagged, Y/n continued to cut the pictures, Y/n finished until he finally noticed Nora on the ceiling light

Y/n: "how did you get up their?"

Nora: *clearly proud of herself* "NYA!!!"

Y/n: "get down or no pancakes"

Nora pouted and Jumped onto Y/n's face, she began nuzzling Y/n's face

Miku: "Y/n?"

Y/n: *pulling Nora off* "yep?"

Miku: "why is Grimm in a empty Jar?"

Y/n looked towards the kitchen to see Grimm licking the glass out of boredom, Y/n sighed as he stood up and walked over, he opened the jar to free Grimm, She jumped out as Y/n began questioning his pets

Y/n: "how did you get stuck in a Jar?"

Grimm happily shrugged before Penny finished charging, she yawned before hugging Y/n leg, he picked her up and carried both Grimm and Penny to the table, Ruby was looking at the pictures with confusion as she saw a picture of Yang getting her new bike

Ruby looked at Y/n with confusion until something caught her eye, it was a picture of Y/n and Miku, Y/n had a picture of himself with a guitar and Microphone, the more she looked at the picture, the more she noticed the things around Y/n

Ruby: "wan?"

Y/n: "looks like you found a old picture of me Ruby"

Ruby tilted her head as she looked at Y/n with intreast

Y/n: "its a picture of me in high school, last day aswell, i've never seen my mom and sisters cry so much"

Miku: "let me look"

Y/n showed Miku as she squiled and took the photo

Miku: "so cool~"

Y/n: "can i have it back?"

Miku began taking photos of the pictures, Y/n groaned because Miku probably won't shut up about the picture, Y/n sat back down as Ruby jumped onto Y/n's leg before barking

Ruby: "WAN!!"

Y/n: "whats up Ruby?"

Ruby held her hands up to Y/n with a smile, Y/n picked Ruby up and cuddled her, she happily cuddled with him before she was placed on his shoulder

Miku: "hey babe? can you make me something tasty to eat?~"

Y/n looked Miku as she was giving him with puppy eyes, he sighed before looking at his pets they was all giving him the same look

Y/n: *sighing* "fine, but let me check Velvet and Weiss"

Y/n walked over to the Bunny base and knocked the top, Velvet didn't come out so Y/n just opened the box, Velvet sat up and looked at Y/n while rubbing on of her eyes

Y/n: "morning sleepy head"

Velvet stood up and wobbled over to Y/n, she yawned as Coco quickly tackled Velvet, Y/n sighed before pulling Coco off Velvet, he carried her away from a Hissing Coco, he took out his phone and opened a certain app, he pressed a camera icon, it started loading as Miku walked over and looked at his phone

Miku: "what are you doing?"

Y/n: "Knight has-"

Miku: "knight?"

Y/n: "that robot Knight i got Weiss for Christmas, it doesn't just walks around, its has a built in camera that lets me see what it sees"

Miku: "so you can spy on your pets then you not home"

Y/n: "i wouldn't say spying, its more like making sure everyone is okay"

the app finished loading as Y/n looked, Knight was looking at Weiss as she was hugging a picture of Y/n, she was happily purring as loud as she could, Y/n also noticed Weiss was also on a jacket of his, Miku looked at Y/n's phone again

Miku: "she is on my jacket"

Y/n: "its my Jacket"

Miku: "no, its our jacket"

Y/n: *walking away from Miku* "i'm going to scare Weiss, we can argue later"

Miku: "kay"

Y/n snuck upstairs, he looked at Ruby as she happliy nodded, Y/n quickly entered the room

Y/n: "HI WEISS!"

Ruby: "WAN!!!"

Weiss: *Screams in Meow*

Weiss jumped into the air before realising it was Y/n and Ruby, she stood up as her tail was standing straight up, she looked at Y/n and Ruby before she started to glare, her anger kept rising as she hissing became louder and louder, she took out her claws as Y/n and Ruby still had smiles, but they quickly left Weiss as she might kill them

Y/n: "nope, nope nope"

Ruby: "WAN! WAN! WAN!"

Y/n quickly walked down stairs to hear a knock at his door, Y/n placed Ruby on the floor

Ruby: "WAN?"

Y/n: "i'll give you a cookie to distract Weiss while i answer the door"

Ruby: "WAN!"

Y/n: "i'll give you a cookie"

Ruby: "WAN!!!!!"

Y/n: "i'll give you 6"

Ruby: "..............................................................................WAN!!!!!"

Weiss appeared on top of the stairs with a look of anger, Ruby stuck out her tongue which caused Weiss's anger to skyrocket, Weiss quickly ran down stairs and chased Ruby, Y/n answered the door to see one of Miku's friends

Y/n: "..............."

???: ".............."

Y/n: "hi Maki?"

Maki hugged Y/n and picked him up, she moved him to the side, she then walked in

Maki: "hey Y/n"

she continued to walk as Y/n face palmed

Y/n: "shoes, you air head"

Maki walked back and took of her shoes before looking around again

Y/n: *sarcasm* "ya Come on in, open house, everyone is invited"

Maki: "don't be so dramatic, wheres Miku?"

Y/n: "living room"

Maki walked away as Y/n pushed the door to close it

Rose + Rosa: "OW!!!!"

Y/n: "my lazy morning has changed to chaos....................the Weiss scare was my idea"

Weiss: "MEOW!"

Y/n: "welp i'm dead"

Rose pushed open the door and walked in, she walked into the leaving room and crashed onto Y/n's smaller chair with a smile

Rose: "i have successful snuck in"

Y/n: "i saw you walk in"

Rose: "did you know what i was going to do?"

Y/n: "Yes!"

Rose: "did you stop me?"

Y/n: "no, you just barged in"

Rose: "then i win"

Y/n sighed to himself as Rosa coughed

Rosa: "forgetting someone?~"

Y/n: "nope"

Y/n closed the door again, Rosa quickly re-opened the door and walked in, Rosa glared as she walked over to her sister, Y/n closed the door before walking into the living room, he saw Weiss has now cornered Ruby, she began to slowly walk over to Ruby until Y/n picked her up and cuddled with her

Y/n: "how is my super cute snowflake?~"

Weiss: *loud hissing*

Y/n: "such a cutie~"

Weiss: *Hissing*

Y/n: "absolutely adorable~"

Weiss: *quiet hissing*

Y/n: "so cute~"

Weiss: *silent*

Y/n kissed the top of Weiss's head, she blushed with a annoyed look before Y/n placed her back down on the ground, she walked way as Y/n gave Ruby 6 cookies, she was beyond happy, Y/n's phone vibrated, he look at it but saw a picture of Rosa in her underwear

Y/n looked Rosa as she showed Miku the picture

Rosa: "And Y/n knows how much better i am then you"

Miku: "EXCUSE ME?!?!"

MIku and Rosa glared at each other as Rose shrugged

Rose: "i don't see the big deal, Y/n saw me in my underwear all the time, we've bathed togther"

Y/n: "i was six"

Rose: "and i don't care"

Miku: "oh! miss 'i have a brother complex', Y/n has seen me naked more times then i can count! and we had-"

Y/n: "can i remind you of the innocent puppies, kittens and cute bunny"

Maki: "can i pet them?"

Y/n: "pet Coco"

Maki happily cheered as she looked for Coco

Y/n: "and Maki, Maki is here to"

Miku: "please just make everyones food, please"

Y/n sighed before walking to the kitchen, Rosa spun around and raised her arm

Rosa: "do you have any Bacon?"

Y/n: "yes, why?"

Rosa: "because i want something with bacon, i'll give you a kiss~"

Miku: "STAY.......AWAY.......FROM.......HIM!!"

Rosa: "i was joking, your just too clingy"

Rose: "i agree with her"

Maki: *on the verge of crying* "which one is Coco? i want to pet them all, can i take them home? their too cute, i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i n-n-n-need help"

Y/n: "look at that, my pets have caused someone to have a mental breakdown"

Miku: "its kinda weird"

Y/n: "well, i'm kinda proud"

Blake climbed up to Y/n's shoulder and began rubbing her head against Y/n's cheek

Y/n: "sorry Blake, we don't have any fish but"

Y/n held up to bags of Fish shaped crackers

Y/n: "you could try that fishing set"

Blake thought about it as Y/n opened both bags and gave Blake her fishing set, Blake sat down and cased the fishing line,  she instantly got a cracker with a smirk

Y/n sighed as he realised that she played Y/n, Ruby climbed up Y/n as Sam busted into the house and ran towards Y/n with tears rolling down her cheeks

Sam: *crying* "Onii Chan!!!!"

Y/n: "hey, why are you crying?"

Sam held up a tub of empty ice cream and showed it to Y/n

Y/n: "you ate all of the ice cream, but I though you hated Neapolitan ice cream?"

Sam: "only is I'm not eating it with you!!! But when I walked out the shop it was empty!!!"

Y/n: " you ran all of the way back here to tell me? What am I going to do with you, lucky for you I need to go shopping"

Sam: *rubbing her eyes* "thank you"

Ruby + Grimm+ Penny: "WAN!WAN!

Y/n watched as most of his pets began yelling at him to take them with him, Y/n sughed before Maki cuddled everyone but Blake and Ruby

Y/n: "well that was decided"

Maki: "their all just too cute!!!!!"

Y/n: "you can be their babysitter if you can make sure nothing bad happens while I'm gone"

Maki: "really!"

Y/n: "yep, I need someone to do it, and you'll probably just hug them until I get back, okay we're going now, anything you guys want?"

Sam: "ice cream!"

Miku: "engagement ring"

Rosa: "naked you"

Rose: "a version of you that just wants to hang out with me, or a energy drink"

Maki: "I'm fine thanks"

Y/n: "alright, bye"

Y/n and Sam walked out as Ruby and Blake was on his shoulders, Y/n got into his car as Sam angrily sat in the back set

Sam: "why do I need to sit in the back?"

Y/n: "because I don't want you to hurt Baby"

Sam: "stop calling your dumb car 'baby', it's just a car"

Y/n: *angry* "you shut your mouth"

Ruby was sat on the dash board as Blake sat next to the window, Y/n started to drive as Ruby jumped down to the seats, her ears was twitching as she was barking loudly, Y/n looked over to Blake to see her looking out the window, she noticed Y/n and looked at him

Y/n parked his car and got out, Sam quickly got out, Y/n took Blake and Ruby our of Baby and made sure to lock his car, Y/n and Sam walked in to the shop, Sam walked over to the customer service checkout

Sam: "hello, I brought ice cream from here and in the way back home, I found out the tub was empty"

Sam showed the staff member the tub

Staff: "sorry, this has been happening a lot lately"

Sam: "it's okay, just as long as I get a refund"

The staff member gave Sam her money back, Y/n walked around the shop with Ruby and Blake, Y/n walked down the cookie aile, Ruby almost jumped at the shelf's if Y/n didn't stop her, Y/n then walked down to where the fish was, Blake began drooling as she wanted all of the fresh fatty fish, Y/n continued to walk around the shop until he looked for ice cream, he saw a pot of ice cream tipped over, but there was a little pink neko, she had ice cream on her head and tail, she noticed Y/n had caught her

Sam walked over with a big smile but stopped after seeing the pink neko, she placed it together before Y/n tried to pink up the car, the pink cat smelt Y/n's finger before getting pet behind the ear by him, before Y/n could move his hand away, she quickly Jumped onto him and licked his cheek, Y/n tried to move the pink cat but she matched onto him, Ruby climbed time Y/n's shoulder and began pulling the pink cat, but to Y/n surprise, Lucy walked over, she noticed the pink cat, she then looked at Y/n with a smile as she held up a pet adoption sheet

Lucy: "oh Y/n, I knew you loved cute things but I never thought that you would want to adopt so many cute little pets~"

Y/n: "your going to make me pay for her, aren't you?"

Lucy: "oh Y/n.....................................of course, your the only guy that gives up when I sell them stuff"

Random stranger: "WHY IS MY @*$€*') ICE CREAM EMPTY?!??!?!? "

Ruby: "............................................................................wan"

Y/n: "Ruby!! No!!!"

Ruby: "Wan!!!"

Y/n: "Ruby stop!!!"

Ruby: "WAN!!!!!!!!!!!"

Continuer la Lecture

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