Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Ma...

By YourMother72

209K 3.6K 2.4K

Anakin Skywalker has been best friends with Jedi Knight (Y/N) (L/N) ever since he joined the Jedi Order. Now... More

I- Cat and Mouse
II- The Hidden Enemy
III- Battle of Christophsis (Part 1)
IV- Battle of Christophsis (Part 2)
V- Assault on Teth
VI- Duel in the Monastery
VII- Escape to Tatooine
IX- Ambush
X- Rising Malevolence
XI- Shadow of Malevolence
XII- Destroy Malevolence
XIII- Rookies
XIV- Downfall of a Droid
XV- Duel of the Droids
XVI- Cloak of Darkness
XVII- Lair of Grievous
XVIII- Dooku Captured
XIX- The Gungan General
XX- Jedi Crash
XXI- Defenders of Peace
XXII- Trespass
XXIII- Blue Shadow Virus
XXIV- Mystery of a Thousand Moons
XXV- Storm Over Ryloth
XXVI- Innocents of Ryloth
XXVII- Liberty on Ryloth
XXVIII- Holocron Heist
XXIX- Cargo of Doom
XXX- Children of the Force
XXXI- Bounty Hunters
XXXII- The Zillo Beast
XXXIII- The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
XXXIV- Duel on Coruscant
XXXV- Weapons Factory
XXXVI- Legacy of Terror
XXXVII- Grievous Intrigue
XXXVIII- Investigating
XXXIX- Voyage of Temptation
XL- Death Trap
XLI- R2 Come Home

VIII- Returning the Huttlet

4.5K 104 33
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(L/C): Lightsaber Color (try not to use red but whatever!:))
(H/C): Hair Color
(S/T): Skin Tone
(F/F): Favorite Food
(F/D): Favorite Drink
(H/L): Hair Length
(E/C): Eye Color

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Narrator: A galaxy divided! Striking swiftly after the Battle of Geonosis, Count Dooku's droid army has seized control of the major hyperspace lanes, separating the Republic from the majority of its clone army. With few clones available, the Jedi generals cannot gain a foothold in the Outer Rim, as more and more planets choose to join Dooku's Separatists. While the Jedi are occupied fighting a war, no one is left to keep the peace. Chaos and crime spread, and the innocent become victims in a lawless galaxy. Crime lord Jabba the Hutt's son has been kidnapped by a rival band of pirates. Desperate to save his son, Jabba puts out a call for help. A call the Jedi are cautious to answer...

Anakin attempted to avoid all of the lasers shot at them by the two Separatist ships, piloted by the two MagnaGuards, tailing them.

Anakin: <to Ahsoka> Set the approach vector and make ready to land.

The two ships continued to fire at them. R2-D2 began to beep in worry.

(Y/N): This will be a tough landing.

Adrian: It always is with Master Skywalker.

Anakin: <yelling> Ahsoka, activate the guns!

Ahsoka pushed the button to turn on the guns, but nothing happened.

(Y/N): Anakin, all the guns are locked in the forward position.

Ahsoka: It's too bad you decided not to repair the rear deflector shields.

Anakin: Not now, Ahsoka!

Adrian: <looking at the ships> They're getting closer!

Anakin: <to R2> R2, see if you can unlock those guns!

(Y/N): Sometimes a good defense is the best offense, Anakin.

Anakin: Yeah, yeah. I don't want to hear it. We're going to blast those tin cans into oblivion.

Ahsoka: Master, listen to Master (Y/N)! Get it through your thick skull that we need those shields!

Anakin: <irritated> Why don't you go secure your little Huttlet friend?

Ahsoka: None of us are secure with you flying!

Adrian: <muttering> Ain't that the truth.

R2 activated the guns.

Anakin: Hang on, back there!

Anakin attempted to get behind the two Separatist ships, causing everyone to go flying inside the ship. Rotta fell off the table and landed in Ahsoka's lap, crying.

Ahsoka: Great! You woke the baby!

Anakin: I'm a little busy here!

One of the Separatist ships flew in front of Anakin's ship. It turned around and started to fly closer. Anakin smirked and fired the guns, destroying the Separatist ship and causing the MagnaGuard to fly out into space.

Anakin: Got one of them!

Ahsoka: What about the other one?

Anakin: One thing at a time!

The other Separatist ship shot at them, hitting the Jedi ship, causing a piece of it to fly off.

Anakin: I think we needed those rear shields after all.

(Y/N): <taking Rotta from Ahsoka> You think?

Ahsoka: We told you so!

Anakin tilted the ship, avoiding a few blasts.

Anakin: <to R2> R2, turn those guns around!

However, with Anakin tilting the ship, R2 began to slide away from the control switch. Adrian and Ahsoka pushes R2 over to the control switch, while (Y/N) held Rotta tightly.

Anakin: R2!

Ahsoka: <pushing R2; grunting> Why can't you be a tiny little mouse droid?

Adrian: <pushing R2; grunting> Lose some weight, will ya?

R2 reached the switch and turned the guns around, firing at the Separatist ship.

(Y/N): Get him, R2!

One laser hit the Separatist ship, destroying it. Everyone sighed with relief.

Anakin: <to R2> Good shot, buddy! You've been holding out on me.

R2 began to beep excitedly.

(Y/N): <glaring at Anakin> Excuse you, what about us? We had to deal with your leadership skills and you're fancy flying. Next mission, I'm leading.

Anakin: Fine. Let's see how well you do.

(Y/N): <giving Rotta to Ahsoka> I'll do better than you.

The ship got closer to Tatooine. Ahsoka walked over to the co-pilot seat, carrying Rotta.

Anakin: Ahsoka, strap in.

Ahsoka: <sitting in the seat> You've got that "we're in trouble" look.

Anakin: There's a look?

(Y/N)/Adrian: Yep.

Rotta laughed as Ahsoka smiled.

Ahsoka: You can't miss it.

Anakin: Very funny, Snips. <turning on ship hologram> Obi-Wan, come in! Do you copy?

Obi-Wan: <hologram> Kenobi, here. Anakin, have you reached Tatooine yet?

Anakin: Almost, but we ran into some old—

Obi-Wan: <hologram; interrupting> Anakin, did you get shot down again?

(Y/N): <leaning towards Anakin> Yes!

Anakin: This ship is too slow. I haven't had time to modify it yet.

Obi-Wan: <hologram> Let (Y/N) fly, then.

(Y/N): <smiling; shouting> Alright!!

Anakin: No way!

Obi-Wan: <hologram> I'm still cleaning up your other mess, but I'll get there.

Adrian: So much for reinforcements.

The ship began to enter Tatooine's atmosphere.

Anakin: Hang on, this landing could get a little rough.

Ahsoka: <clutching Rotta> Crashes are rough. Landings are not.

Anakin: <irritated> Then it's a crash landing.

The ship entered the atmosphere and fell towards the sandy ground.

(Y/N): <pushing Anakin out of the way; reaching for the controls> For the love of god, let me land this ship.

Anakin: <pushing back> No way!

They continued to bicker and push as the ship crashed into the sand.

At Jabba's palace, Count Dooku stood in front of Jabba with three MagnaGuards behind him.

Dooku: Mighty Jabba, my battle droids have shot down Skywalker and (L/N)'s ship.

Jabba: <pleased; speaking Huttese>

TC-70: Jabba will send out his bounty hunters to see that he is dead.

Dooku: Allow me. I have much more experience dealing with Jedi.

Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Padmé Amidala, Anakin's wife, hears of his mission and how Dooku is lying to Jabba. She decides to go see Ziro the Hutt, Jabba's uncle, who lives on Coruscant.

Back on Tatooine, the Jedi, Rotta, and R2 exited the crashed ship.

Ahsoka: <holding Rotta> Welcome home, Stinky.

(Y/N): Jabba's palace is on the far side of the Dune Sea.

Anakin, who had a backpack on, knelt in front of Ahsoka. She put Rotta in the backpack.

Anakin: We'd better hurry if we're gonna make it by morning.

Anakin jumped off the ship, along with (Y/N) and Adrian. Rotta looked up at Ahsoka, who was still on the ship. He began to whimper.

Ahsoka: I'm coming.

She jumped off the ship. R2 stayed on, beeping nervously. Ahsoka turned to R2.

Ahsoka: Oh, Artooie, it's just endless tracts of gritty, abrasive sand. I'll clean your servos later. Come on.

R2 jumped off the ship and joined the Jedi as they began journeying to Jabba's palace.

Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Padmé asks Ziro for help in returning Rotta. Ziro refuses and has Padmé imprisoned, believing that the Jedi had kidnapped his nephew, Jabba's, son.

On Tatooine, the Jedi and R2 continue their trek through the sandy planet. They walked past the skeleton of a creature.

Ahsoka: <to Anakin> Master Yoda has a saying. "Old sins cast long shadows." Do you know what he means by that?

Anakin: He means your past can ruin your future if you allow it.

(Y/N): Ah, more lessons from Skywalker the Wise.

Anakin: <ignoring him; to Ahsoka> But you forget it was Master Skywalker who said, "I don't want to talk about my past."

(Y/N) looked at Anakin, concerned.

Ahsoka: Okay, fine. There is so much more we can talk about out here. Like the sand.

Anakin: The desert is merciless. It takes everything from you.

Adrian: <whispering to himself; smirking> And it is also rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere.

(Y/N) continued to concerndly look at Anakin. He remembered the night when the Tusken Raiders killed Anakin's mother. He was there with Anakin when it happened. Anakin snapped and killed every single Tusken Raider there.

Ahsoka: That's a happy thought. It won't take us, Master. <looks at R2> Right, Artooie?

R2 just beeped.

On Coruscant, Padmé escaped her cell and discovered Ziro talking to Dooku. It turns out that he helped Dooku kidnap Rotta. Padmé is caught and returned to her cell.

On Tatooine, Dooku put away his holoprojector.

A droid commander walks up to Dooku.

Droid Commander: Count Dooku, we have picked up five life forms crossing the desert. One is a very young Huttlet.

Dooku: <grinning> Ah, (L/N) and Skywalker.

Elsewhere, the Jedi continued to walk through the desert. It was almost dark.

Adrian: <groaning> I'm so bored.

Suddenly, they all heard distant chattering.

Ahsoka: We're not alone.

(Y/N): I sense it, too. It's the dark side of the Force.

Rotta whimpered and pulled the top of the backpack over his head.

Anakin: Whatever it is, it's coming for the Hutt. Time to split up.

Ahsoka: We'll all face it together, Master.

Anakin: <putting his hand on her shoulder> Not this time, Snips. I have a far more important mission for you.

Ahsoka: More than keeping you alive?

Anakin: Ahsoka, I need you to trust me on this one.

(Y/N): <to Adrian> Adrian, I want you to go with Ahsoka just in case she needs a little help.

Adrian: Okay, Master!

(Y/N): <to Ahsoka> Don't worry, Ahsoka. I'll keep Anakin alive and breathing.

Ahsoka and Anakin smiled.

Back on Coruscant, a battle droid accidentally turned on Padmé's holoprojector, allowing C-3PO to see what had happened to Padmé. She tells C-3PO to get help before the droid destroys the holoprojector.

On Tatooine, Anakin and (Y/N) continued to walk through the night sky. Anakin still had on the closed backpack. Suddenly, Dooku, with a hood on, appeared in front of them on a speeder bike. He jumped off it.

(Y/N): Well, well, well. If it isn't the one and only Count Dooku.

The two Jedi activated their (L/C) and blue lightsabers.

Dooku: Surrender the Huttlet or die, Skywalker and (L/N).

He shot Force Lightning at the two. However, they blocked it using their lightsabers.

Dooku then took off his hood and activated his red lightsaber. He leapt at them, and all three of them crossed blades.

They fought for a few seconds before locking lightsabers.

Dooku: Your training has come a long way, boys.

(Y/N) jumped back as Dooku kicked Anakin to the ground. (Y/N) ran to Dooku and slashed at him. The Count blocked the attack as Anakin got back up. They continued to fight. Anakin was able to knock Dooku back a bit.

Dooku: Ah, Skywalker, now I remember. This was your home planet, wasn't it? I sense your strong feelings. Feelings of pain, loss.

Anakin looked down, and then glared at Dooku.

(Y/N): You're walking into hot water now, Count.

(Y/N) jumped at Dooku. They crossed blades, before Dooku pushed (Y/N) back. When (Y/N) was out of the way, Anakin used the Force to push sand into Dooku's face.

Dooku used the Force to send the sand back at Anakin. (Y/N) tried to help, but both of them were pushed to the ground by the sand. Their lightsabers rolled away from them. Dooku then jumped at them, his lightsaber ready for the kill.

(Y/N) rolled out of the way and grabbed his lightsaber, while Anakin used the Force to get his lightsaber. He activated it, locking lightsabers with Dooku.

Anakin then got up and tried to run, but Dooku slashed at the backpack, cutting it! Anakin fell to the ground, while (Y/N) watched, smirking.

Dooku: You've failed, Jedi. I have just killed Jabba's son.

Anakin chuckled and looked up at the Count.

Anakin: <taking the backpack off> You've fallen for our little trick, Count. It's nothing but rocks.

Anakin through the backpack to the ground. It opened, revealing sliced rocks. Dooku just looked at the rocks, not saying a word.

Anakin: The Huttlet is with our Padwans, safely at Jabba's palace.

(Y/N) began to laugh, hysterically.

(Y/N): <laughing> Ah ha ha ha ha!! We tricked a Sith Lord!

Dooku: I expected such treachery from a Jedi.

(Y/N) stopped laughing and glared at Dooku.

Dooku: I assure you my web is strong enough to catch your insignificant little Padawans.

(Y/N): <glaring at Dooku> They're more skillful than you think.

Dooku: You decieve yourselves!

Dooku ran towards the two Jedi. They activated their lightsabers and continued to clash with the Count.

Meanwhile, close to Jabba's palace, Ahsoka, Rotta, Adrian, and R2 were walking. Rotta was tied to Ahsoka's back.

Suddenly, the two Padawans senses something. They each activated their lightsabers as the three MagnaGuards came out of the ground, wielding their staffs.

Adrian: Not good.

Ahsoka: Not good at all.

(Y/N) and Anakin continued their fight with Dooku. However, Dooku used the Force, causing the two Jedi to go flying backwards on the ground. Dooku took out his holoprojector.

Dooku: <turning on the holoprojector> Look, I have a message from your Padawans.

The hologram showed Adrian and Ahsoka fighting the MagnaGuards.

(Y/N) and Anakin got up and ran at Dooku. They clashed for a bit, before (Y/N) kicked Dooku in the face, causing him to fall to the ground and drop the holoprojector. It showed Adrian and Ahsoka struggling to fight the MagnaGuards.

Dooku looked up at the Jedi as the hologram disappeared.

Dooku: Once my droids kill Jabba's son, they will deliver your Padawans to him for punishment for the Huttlet's murder. I can't imagine he will be merciful.

The two Jedi looked at each other and deactivated their lightsabers. (Y/N) ran to the speeder bike and hopped on it. Anakin got on behind him, and they sped off into the distance.

Dooku got up and looked at them. He began to laugh maliciously.

Meanwhile, a MagnaGuard hit R2 to the ground.

Adrian/Ahsoka: R2!

The two Padawans continued to fight the droids.

Ahsoka: Three against three? Stinky, you watch my back!

The three MagnaGuards pushed the two Padawans back. Ahsoka tried to jump away, but ended up falling down a sand hill.

Adrian: Ahsoka!

One MagnaGuard attacked Adrian, who blocked the attack and jumped down the hill to Ahsoka, who was on the ground with a wailing Rotta.

Ahsoka: <to a crying Rotta> I thought you liked to play in the sand.

On Coruscant, Padmé was brought before Ziro for execution. Fortunately, C-3PO arrived with clone troopers who saved Padmé and arrested Ziro.

Back on Tatooine, the three MagnaGuards slid down the hill. The two Padawans were no where in sight. Suddenly, the two Jedi jumped down from another hill, Ahsoka slicing one of the droids in two.

The remaining two droids attacked the two Padawans.

Adrian then noticed (Y/N) and Anakin on the speeder bike.

Adrian: Master! Over here! Master!

Ahsoka: Master! I'm here! Master! <groans> Master!

The two Jedi do not hear their Padawans yells, and they continue to go towards Jabba's palace.

Adrian: Ugh! They never listen.

Ahsoka: I guess we'll have to deal with these pieces of metal ourselves.

(Y/N) and Anakin arrived at Jabba's palace. They got off the speeder bike as the gate opened. TC-70 and a few of Jabba's henchmen walked out of the gate. (Y/N) and Anakin ran to them.

Anakin: Where are our Padawans?

TC-70: This way.

TC-70 turns to the gate. She then suddenly stops and turns back around.

TC-70: Your weapons, please.

She holds out her hand. (Y/N) and Anakin look at each other. They then notice the henchmen closing around them, guns pointed at them. They reluctantly give TC-70 their lightsabers.

Ahsoka and Adrian still continued to fight the MagnaGuards. They jumped back, away from the droids.

Ahsoka: Okay, stick-tinnies, you're going back to Dooku in pieces.

In Jabba's palace, TC-70 brought Anakin and (Y/N) before Jabba.

TC-70: This is Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and (Y/N) (L/N). As Count Dooku said, your son is not with them.

Anakin and (Y/N) looked confused while Jabba growled.

(Y/N): What? Your son's not here?

Jabba: Jedi poodoo!

Anakin: Where's Ahsoka and Adrian?

Outside the palace, Adrian kicked a MagnaGuard back and grabbed its staff. He then stabbed it with its own staff. He cut off its head.

Ahsoka knocked the other one to the ground and looked at Adrian.

Ahsoka: I think we've got this.

Adrian looked behind Ahsoka as the MagnaGuard got back up.

Adrian: Look out!

The MagnaGuard swung at Ahsoka, who ducked, barely avoiding the attack.

In the palace, Jabba began to talk in Huttese as Anakin looked around. He spotted his lightsaber in TC-70's hand and used the Force to get it.

(Y/N): Wait, Anakin!

Anakin ignited his lightsaber and pointed it at Jabba. The whole throne room gasped and screamed.

(Y/N): Anakin, calm down!

Anakin: <to Jabba, threateningly> What have you done to our Padawans?

Jabba: <Huttese>

TC-70: You came here to kill Jabba.

(Y/N): Mighty Jabba, we came here to negotiate. I don't know what my fellow Jedi is doing, but we mean no harm.

Back outside the palace, the two Padawans avoided the remaining MagnaGuard's attacks.

Adrian avoided its swing, and then cut it in half just as Ahsoka cut off its head.

Ahsoka fell to the ground, tired, while Adrian breathed heavily. Rotta whined a little.

Ahsoka: Being a Padawan is harder than I thought.

Adrian: Of course it is. And it's not going to get any easier. But I know that we will get through it together.

Adrian held out his hand for Ahsoka. Ahsoka smiled and blushed a little and grabbed his hand. She then looked at Rotta.

Ahsoka: <to Rotta> Let's get you home.

R2 rolled over to the two Padawans. They then ran over to the palace.

Inside the palace, Jabba stared at the two Jedi.

Jabba: <Huttese>

TC-70: You came here to die.

The henchmen pointed their guns at (Y/N) and Anakin. (Y/N) used the Force to get his lightsaber from TC-70's hand. He brushed his (H/C) out of his face and activated his (L/C) lightsaber.

Ahsoka/Adrian: <yelling> Stop!

Everyone in the throne room looked at Ahsoka, R2, and Adrian. Ahsoka held Rotta in her arms. She began to slowly walk over to Jabba while R2 and Adrian walked over to Anakin and (Y/N).

Jabba: <excited> Rotta! <Huttese>

Rotta began to squeal with excitement as Ahsoka handed the Huttlet to Jabba. Jabba then pointed at the Jedi.

Jabba: <Huttese>

TC-70: You are to be executed immediately.

(Y/N)/Anakin/Ahsoka/Adrian: <shocked> What!?

R2 beeped in confusion.

All of the henchmen in the room pointed their guns at the Jedi, who activated their lightsabers in defense.

Ahsoka: <to Anakin and (Y/N) Does this always happen to you two?

Anakin: Everywhere we go.

Adrian: I'm so confused right now. Didn't we just give Jabba his kid?

(Y/N): When dealing with the Hutts, you should always expect the unexpected.

Suddenly, Jabba's holoprojector began to shine and beep.

TC-70: <looking at the holoprojector> Your Uncle Ziro is contacting us.

TC-70 pushed the holoprojector, causing a hologram of Padmé to appear, shocking the Jedi.

Padmé: <hologram> Greetings, honorable Jabba. I am Senator Amidala of the Galactic Congress. I have discovered a plot against you by one of your own. Your uncle will admit he conspired with Count Dooku to kidnap your son and frame the Jedi for the crime.

Ziro then appeared on the hologram. Jabba growled, angrily.

Jabba: <yelling angrily> <Huttese>

Ziro: <hologram; scared> <Huttese>

Jabba: <Huttese>

Ziro: <hologram> <Huttese> Jabba. It was Count Dooku!

Jabba: <Huttese>

The hologram of Ziro disappeared, and Padmé appeared on the hologram again.

TC-70: Ziro will be dealt with by the Hutt family most severely.

Padmé: <hologram> Perhaps now you will allow the Republic to use your trade routes and hostilities can come to an end.

Jabba began to chuckle, causing the Jedi to look at him, confused.

Jabba: <Huttese>

TC-70: Jabba agrees. A treaty is in order.

Padmé: <hologram> You will not regret this, Jabba.

Jabba spoke to Padmé in Huttese, while the Jedi deactivated their lightsabers.

TC-70: The clone armies may move through Jabba's territories.

Anakin: <to Padmé> Senator, you have my undying gratitude.

(Y/N) smirked at Anakin.

Padmé: <hologram> No, Master Skywalker, it is I, and the Republic, who owes you thanks.

Anakin and Padmé stared at each other lovingly for a few moments, which (Y/N) noticed, before the hologram disappeared.

Rotta again began to squeal with excitement.

TC-70: <to the Jedi> Jabba would be most appreciative if you bring Dooku to justice for his crimes against the Hutts.

(Y/N): You can count on it, Jabba.

Meanwhile, Count Dooku's ship left Tatooine. Inside, Dooku was talking to Darth Sidious on a hologram, while his pilot droid steered the ship.

Dooku: It is unfortunate, Master. The Jedi armies will now have their supply routes to the Outer Rim. Our fight has become far more difficult.

Sidious: <hologram> Allow the Jedi their small victory, my friend, for the engines of this war turn in our favor.

Back on Tatooine, the Jedi, R2, and Jabba were walking out of the palace as a Republic gunship entered the atmosphere of Tatooine.

(Y/N): <whispering to Anakin> That was a cute moment you and Padmé had, wasn't it?

Anakin: <blushing> Hey! <lightly punches (Y/N)'s arm> We were just thanking each other.

(Y/N): <smirking; whispering> Sure. I saw the look in both of your eyes. <trying not to laugh> So, when's the baby coming?

Anakin blushed even harder and angrily kicked (Y/N) in the shin. (Y/N) burst out laughing, confusing Ahsoka and Adrian.

Adrian: You okay, Master?

(Y/N): <laughing> Y-Yeah. I'm fine.

Anakin angrily walked over to Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: What's wrong, Skyguy?

Anakin: Nothing. (Y/N) is just being himself: an idiot.

Ahsoka: I think my first real mission went really well.

Anakin: Yeah, I'll agree with that. I'm proud of you, Ahsoka.

The Jedi and Jabba walked out of the place as the gunship landed. Inside were Obi-Wan, Yoda, Rex, and Cody. They walked out of the gunship.

Yoda and Obi-Wan looked proudly at Anakin and Ahsoka.

(Y/N) and Adrian looked at Jabba, who held Rotta in his arms, lovingly.

Ahsoka loved her first mission. She also enjoyed the company of Anakin, (Y/N), and Adrian. She felt she was ready for whatever adventures and missions came next.

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