Dead souls - corey scherer

By lovelycorey

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brandi hawksin is drowning in her own ocean trying to swim to the surface. corey scherer is fried out with hi... More



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By lovelycorey



-  brandi -

corey left me alone to do some witchy stuff, or that's what he likes to call it i guess. i snuck in a small candle and lit it for atmospheric effect. elliot stared daggers at me and his limbs struggled to get loose. he knew what was about to happen.
my head tilted back and i pulled off my wrinkled flannel that i had placed over my black shirt. "i'm not doing this to hurt you, elliot. i want to help you escape." i spoke softly and kept my eyes shut. if i wanted this to go through, i couldn't look him in the eyes. it was disturbing to me. words spilled out of my mouth as i proceeded with the spell. during my time i have never done anything on another person like this. it's always just been for practice.
    the thing about this specific spell is that it only helps elliot become stronger and to push out the evil inside of him. i've yet to succeed using it, but i had high hopes for it to work. elliot began to shake, but i couldn't only hear the bed move around. i couldn't look at him at any matter.

- corey -

elton stood beside me but chose not to ask any questions. "you like brandi?" i asked and leaned against the wall behind me. elton nodded his head and widened his stance. "that's cool. she's chill."

"yeah." he responded and kept his eyes on me. he was trying to understand what was happening but to keep brandi's privacy i didn't spill. "what's her brother doing in  the hospital?" i shrugged and looked to the ground.

"uh some shit happened at the house that injured him and yeah. so he's been staying here for a while. getting tests done and.. yeah." i think i tried to hard to not say anything. it was obvious that i was keeping things out, but elton knew not to push. "so how's ya gal?" elton pursed his lips and crossed his arms.

"i haven't had a girlfriend since amanda. (just in the story obviously) so i guess she's fine?" he laughed but kept his focus on the closed hospital door to the left of him. "so you guys seem to be close now? what happened to colby being the one getting her attention?"

"uh well she needed a place to live i guess. and we did cause her to lose her job," i cringed and clenched my teeth. "so uh sam offered for her to basically live at my house. i didn't really like her before that so i absolutely didn't want her living with aaron and me. i was an ass to her because i didn't want this situation to turn out like it did with devyn. at first it was just like... i don't want to be rejected like that again, ya know?" elton nodded to show he was listening and he narrowed his eyes. "and then once i finally allowed myself to know her more, it became more of a relationship thang."

"that's tough man." elton chuckled lowly. "i mean, the idea that the whole thing with devyn caused you to not want new friends is messed up. but you seem to blame that whole thing on her?" elton knew the whole story of what happened, but i had yet to really explain the whole thing to anyone else. brandi doesn't even know about devyn at all.

"i know that i influenced it a lot, and i said some harsh words that are never gonna be forgotten... what i said affected myself even though they weren't pointed toward me. i was horrible and it made me want to become the way i am now. not a dick." elton patted my shoulder and we stopped talking.

- brandi -

it was finished. my breath blew out from my mouth and ended the candles life. elliot's body was limp and his eyes were closed. my knees buckled and i fell to the ground with exhaustion and disbelief. i finally did it. "damn." my fingers wrapped around the bars and i stood beside the bed in hopes he would wake up before i left. the door opened to the room without anyone touching it, and it remained open. after about 10 seconds, corey came out from the hall and looked puzzled. "that wasn't me." i confessed and pointed to the door.

"wasn't me either." he walked beside me, but made sure to have elton wait outside. "did it work?" my eyes began to water as i looked at him.

"i don't know. maybe?" he placed his hand on the small of my back and pulled me into a hug once the tears steamed down my cheeks. "i hope i-it did." i wrapped my arms around his body and let mine relax in his presence.

staring into the floor with my glossy eyes, all that was thought was childhood memories of elliot and i together. how our mom would force us to practice when we should have been having sleep overs and playing with a ball outside. or how when we were younger we refused to sleep in separate beds because it was more comforting knowing someone was there with you. as we got older that changed though. i started becoming more of a social girl and wanted my space away from my brother who wasn't as social as i was. i was a bitch to him all of sophomore year and up. until i finally realized that we needed to leave and escape from my mom.

"he's awake." corey spoke gently to me and released me from his comforting hug. my eyes focused on the tears that streamed down elliots face.

"thank you." he whimpered and clenched his jaw. my hand instantly wrapped around elliots and i whispered to myself, thanking god that it worked.

"h-how do you feel?" elliot shrugged as best as he could and laughed at the straps around his body.

"exhausted. you probably are too." i nodded my head and ran my fingers across his forehead that was drenched in sweat. "i love ya."

"i love ya too, brotha." elliot looked to the tray of food beside him and licked his lips without realizing it. "you hungry?" his eyes widened and his head bobbed, showing he was hungry. "here," i handed him the. trey and moved the straps over so he had enough freedom to eat. "i uh- i'm going on a little over night stay with corey and his friends. i won't be able to be here until later tomorrow probably. but i'll be here. i promise." elliot looked to me with a grin and back to corey. corey has fingers intertwined with mine and i hadn't even noticed.

"i'm guessing you guys are getting along," he snickered and took a harsh bite out of his carrot. "i mean..." he dragged out the word and looked away to our hands.

"i guess you could say that. corey has been helping me cope with this whole thing, elli. we're not dating or anything. he's just been a good friend through all of this." corey looked to the floor and agreed with what i was saying. "you scared me, elliot. i thought i lost you."

"but ya didn't!" elliot said, quoting an old video everyone thought was hilarious. which, they weren't wrong. corey chuckled and shook his head.

"i should've left you on that street corner where i found you!" corey quoted and widened his eyes.

"but ya didn't!" elliot and i said in unison.

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