Southern Boy Charm | ✓

By NicoleSmithWanabeeMe

843K 22.8K 6.2K

Southern boys are supposed to be charming, right? Wrong. Because when Leighton moves onto her family friend's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 15

22K 612 126
By NicoleSmithWanabeeMe

"Do we really have to go out today?" I ask. These past few days of just me and Nick had been so great, and I wasn't ready to pop my bubble just yet. He has been so kind and sweet, nothing like the usual Nick. I'm just a tiny bit afraid that hanging out with his friends again might bring that back out of him.

He walks around the counter of the island and stands behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Yes, we do because I haven't seen them in forever."

His close proximity makes me freeze over the sandwich I'm making for myself. He leans down, his lips brushing the back of my ear. I hold my breath as my eyes instinctually flutter shut. My body always goes into lockdown mode around him.

I sense him move away from me, and I can't help but hide my disappointment as my eyes open again. But I'm surprised to see my sandwich gone when my vision resurfaces. I look up to see Nick across the counter from me again, this time sporting a cheeky grin and the sandwich I made.

"Hey!" I shout, trying to reach over the island and grab it out of his hands. But I am no match for his long limbs as he easily lifts the sandwich up and out of reach triumphantly, earning a pout from me.

I sport my best puppy dog eyes, the ones that work on nearly everyone I meet. I only use them in intense situations, but now seemed as good a time as any. I can see him try to resist my gaze, but after a while he breaks, offering me back my sandwich with a bite taken out of it.

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing," he says crossing his arms with a huff.

I feign my best clueless expression. "I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about whatsoever."

He waves me off, used to my usual antics by now, as he makes his way to the fridge to find himself something to eat instead of pawning off my plate.

"Seriously though Leighton, please give my friends one more try. I think you'll actually enjoy them."

I highly doubt it, but I can tell that Nick was looking for my approval so I nodded my head anyway. I don't want to be the girl who kept someone away from their friends.

But truly, all I can think about is how me and Nick aren't anything, so I don't have the right to keep him from anyone. Despite how close we've gotten, and the times we've kissed, officially, me and Nick are nothing different than when I came here.

But instead, I focus on happier thoughts, and try to figure out how I am going to survive another night with his friends alive.


Later at night, Nick drives over to another ranch. This one is a little smaller than Nick's, and a little less well kept, but it has the same classic southern charm.

"Whose house is this?" I ask as we pull into their driveway.

"it's Bruce's. His parents aren't home tonight so we have the whole place to ourselves."

My heart skips a beat when he says that.

What does he mean all by ourselves? Is he going to try something? Do I want him to?

I can't keep my mind from racing, but when I look over, I can tell that I'm not the ony one. Nick's face is a bright red.

"I didn't mean anything by that." He says, scratching the back of his head. "I just meant that we, and by we, I mean us and my friends, would be alone. So, we wouldn't have any parents watching over us." He stutters. "Not that me and you would be doing anything that we would need parents to be gone for. It's just going to be a super PG night, nothing crazy." He's a stuttering mess, and I just want to put him out of his misery.

"Don't worry," I say, cutting him off. "I know what you meant." He lets out a sigh of relief, and I can see the tension drain from his face as a comfortable silence fills the car.

"Should we go inside?" I ask, wanting to get this night over and done with.

"Yeah of course," he says, snapping out of his thoughts. "Just wait right here," he commands as he hops out of the pick-up.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

What in the world am I waiting for, we're already here?

But suddenly my door is opens and Nick is the culprit. I can't help the enormous grin that spreads on my face. It's times like this, when he is unnecessarily sweet that make me like him even more.

He offers out his hand and I take it gladly. He wraps his other arm around my waist and lifts me to the ground.

"You didn't have to do all that," I say once he places me on the ground.

"That truck is really tall, and you are barely five feet tall. I would be a bad guy if I continued to watch you struggle every time you had to get out."

I punch him in the arm. "I don't struggle!"

"Last time it took you over a minute to get down. I would have thought you were scaling a mountain with how long you were taking." I punch him again, this time harder, as he laughs at my expense.

Suddenly, the front door of the house swings open, with Bruce and Sammy in the doorframe.

"Are you lovebirds done yet? Because while we all enjoyed the show, we would actually like to get this party started at least sometime soon."

I turn a beet red, and without looking at Nick I can tell that he does the same. "Shut up," Nick grumbles, as we quickly head towards the door, earning a laugh from Bruce. I can't help but crack a little smile, however, that someone is finally laughing at his expense. He waits for me to walk into the door before following after me, earning another comment from Bruce.

But when I look at Sammy, she looks anything but entertained. She may be silent, but I can tell that she's fuming, her eyes shooting sharp daggers at me. I completely forgot that her and Nick had a thing, and I have to remember to ask Nick what it was about. Because by the way she was staring at me, I can tell that it was significant.

Nick seems oblivious, as boys usually are, and heads towards the living room, plopping down on the sofa. Blair and Zach are already there, sprawled out on the couch, and I take the last open seat next to Nick. But when Sammy walks in, her eyes dart to me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Leighton, but I was actually sitting there."

Bruce rolls his eyes. "Sammy don't be so dramatic, just squeeze in next to me."

She gives Bruce the side eye. "No way, you get too handsy when you're drunk. Leighton can just sit on the floor. We do it all the time."

Of course, Sammy would throw such a big fit. She just wanted to sit next to Nick, or more accurately, for me not to sit next to Nick. I was about to respond in a not so nice manner when Nick interjected.

"It's okay Sammy, you're right, it was your seat first." It takes everything in me for my jaw not to drop.

How could he be so oblivious to Sammy's motives? Or maybe he wasn't oblivious at all, and he just wanted to sit by her too. Maybe I was just a temporary placeholder for what he and Sammy are.

I feel a lump forming in my throat, but I use everything in me to remain my composure. If he wanted to sit by Sammy, then so be it.

I was about to stand up when suddenly Nick stands up. "Here, you can have my seat," he says, and instantly my heart melts. In that moment, I take back all of my doubt for him. I take his place at the couch and he sits down at my feet on the floor. I look at Sammy, and I can tell that she is anything but happy with this arrangement. I send her a smile as she sits down next to me, and her eyes look like they would kill me if the could. Good thing I'm not afraid of her.

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