Heartless ā”ā” Lexi Howard.

By coralilac

19.3K 904 461

ā FAIRY TALES DON'T EXIST . . . āž Ā© š—°š—¼š—暝—®š—¹š—¶š—¹š—®š—° š—²š˜‚š—½š—µš—¼š—暝—¶š—® š—¹š—²š˜…š—¶ š—µš—¼š˜„š—®š—暝—± More

š•šŽš‹ šˆ.
š–”. Biting Down.
š–Žš–Ž. Troubled Youth.

š–Ž. Deal With The Devil.

3K 151 134
By coralilac


SETH IS TROUBLED, or so he has been told. He's reckless, hot-headed and impulsive. Yet anyone that truly studied the headstrong teen would see that he is desperate. Desperate for someone to acknowledge the emotional pain seeping through his reckless actions, rather than his words, as he attempts to prove himself stable with his fists. Seth's habit of pushing back against pain has lasted for so long, resulting in the constant routine of getting himself engaged in numerous fights, expressing all his rage and fury on the football pitch as well as fooling around with girls hoping to numb the growing wound. 

   His raging sea of anger would cause him to say things he didn't mean, or act in a certain rash way, for no one taught the teen how exactly to tame the flames of fury pent up inside him. The flames increasing with the constant sight of his father downing his sorrows with alcohol, knowing that not only has his mother caused his family distress, only using his father for his money, but the family of a certain blondish girl that had the benefit of sharing the same horrid mother. 

   His getaway from it all consisted of his usual fling, Ingrid Holden. Her eyes speak of a beautiful soul, her smile embracing a beam of light having the ability to illumine any foul mood. Her hair is the deep hues of chocolate framing against her caramel skin tone. Ingrid sits, perched on Seth's lap. Her petite body melting against his with each deep kiss filled with raw intensity. Her soft, brown skin is exposed against his bare chest, leaving only her undergarments as the pair breathe rapidly, heart rates beating faster. Ingrid's lips are tinted red and swollen, giggling lightly against Seth's lips as he groans from her swift teasing. 

   Their fingers roam and caress each other's skin, both fighting for dominance causing Ingrid to lower both their bodies flat on the bed. Just as the Cruz boy's fingers fumble with her bra, the harsh vibration of Ingrid's phone causes him to groan against her skin. 

       "No." Seth whines, already sensing the girl pull away from his lips. 

    Her neck burns as his lips make contact with her neck, sliding his arm around her waist hoping to distract the curly haired girl. A wave of pleasure runs eagerly through her body, causing her to arch her body deeper against his and just as she's almost lost in the moment, the repeated buzzing of her phone causes the aroused boy to groan once more. 

       "Yes." Ingrid imitates, reaching for her blaring phone but is unable to do so since Seth succeeds in grasping the device. 

   Ingrid glares daringly at the smirking boy below her as he holds the phone away from her reach. Ingrid giggles, a sound that absentmindedly brings a smile onto Seth's face as he continued to move his arm around before she could snatch the device. Every attempt leads Ingrid to fail as the boisterous laughter belonging to Seth sound throughout the immense room, resulting in the well-known girl to pout. 

      "Seth!" Her hand collides with his bare chest.

      "Ouch, fine." He winces, handing the phone before shifting his right arm under the weight of his head as he silently observes the girl above him.

   Ingrid wasn't like many girls he'd encountered—both looks and personality-wise. Sure, she had her flaws—her exaggerated desire for control as an act of jealousy, her honeyed skin slightly littered with blemishes, the minor crookedness of her nose, and so on. Ingrid Holden was a female of flaws, and despite hating just how much she berated herself for such things, Seth couldn't deny she was the most perfect being he'd ever known. Perhaps too perfect for him, he believes, for even though the pair agreed not to get too attached to one another—merely fuck buddies—he could sense the curly haired goddess gradually become attached. Though he knew it was wrong, he couldn't find the courage to let her go, so instead he relished in the sex, but loathed how they fought like an incompetent married couple—like his parents. 

    "It's Maddy." Ingrid sighs, her expensive acrylic nails tapping swiftly across the screen. "Guess who broke up again!

    "God no, don't remind me." He shields his eyes, groaning against his skin. "They act as if I'm their fucking counsellor. I stayed up till four in the morning listening to their bullshit." 

    "That's sweet of you." Ingrid coos, leading Seth to scowl at her elegant features. "What? Oh, forgot—Mr Bad Boy. Must protect the reputation." 

    "Funny." His tone is sarcastic, as he once again captures Ingrid's lips.

  His hands drifts to her hips once more, for what started as a slow, tender kiss resulted in a hot, demanding kiss. He purposely pulls her closer, savouring how warm and pleasant she is against his chest. Ingrid knows the teenage boy's strategy quite well—though as she places her hand against his chest, intending to pull away, she finds herself leaving it there causing Seth to smirk against her lips knowingly. 

  Wind, unexpectedly, blows through the sudden unsealed window and into his bedroom with a powerful passion. The pair gladly disregard this, along with the scattering of sheets of paper littered on his desk as if they were the leaves of fall, until—

       "Oh, shit!" 

   Ingrid lets out a yelp, swollen lips tearing away from contact to shift her gaze onto the intruder. Her gaze shows a lack of softness, a look purely conveyed with bubbling hatred. Disgust, perhaps. 

      "Well, this is awkward."  Lana sheepishly grins, considering the lack of clothing from both teens, lastly managing to release her leg from the hold the open window had on her. 

      "You think." Ingrid quips, releasing her grip on Seth. She irritatingly bites her tongue, refusing to let the pale girl get to her—it was a new thing she's trying, she couldn't bear to give Lana the satisfaction of seeing her riled up.

      "Nice to see you too, Ingrid." Lana jeers, rolling her bright brown eyes. "I see you you're still Seth's little fling—so I guess nothing's changed, huh?" 

      "You ever heard of privacy?" Seth queries, glowering at Lana. "Or a front door?" 

      "Oh, yeah." She nods, as a matter of fact. "You want me to show your booty call the way." In her teasing triumph, a small pout forms on her lips, followed by a tilt of the head. 

   Ingrid inhales a deep breath, one that causes Lana to stifle a chuckle. In several seconds, Ingrid's classy attire, consisting of a tight-fit mini skirt and blouse, covers her slender body. As she leans forward, Ingrid ensures she's got Lana's full attention before capturing Seth's lips with her own, almost causing the blondish-brunette to vomit on the spot. Seth was shocked, that's for sure—especially with how brittle the air was at that moment. He avoids his sister's gaze, only because he knows her internal thoughts, or rather the words she'd mouth at him. Standing upright, Ingrid departures from the room, not before scoffing at Lana's directed middle finger, leaving behind her lingering scent of high-priced perfume and lip stains all over a certain teenager.

      "You sure?" Lana queries, referring to their ( several ) previous conversations regarding Ingrid Holden. "Because it seems to me—"

      "Lana, for the last time," He stresses, "She's not my girlfriend, OK?"

       "Thank god." Lana praises, "You may wanna tell her that. From the looks of it, she hasn't got the memo." 

      "Fuck off." He quips, the corners of his lips twitching to form somewhat of a half smile. "You know, I could be getting laid right about now." 

      "Oh, please." Lana scrunches her nose before wrapping an arm around his broad shoulders and pulling him closer. "If anything I just saved you from catching anything from that witch. That is if you haven't got anything already—God knows who you've been whoring around with." With this, she immediately draws herself far from him, to which he scoffs a short laugh before pushing the side of her head, gently. 

   Seth couldn't put his finger onto what is was about Lana Underwood that practically screamed tender, perhaps her chestnut chin-grazing hair she cut out of the blue last year, or her darling dimples inherited from her father, or her plain brown eyes she never complained much about considering her strong beliefs that brown eyes were in fact not dull but the most beautiful. Seth treasured how, even though Nathalia abandoned both Lana and her father once she was a few months old, Lana didn't let the pent up anger affect her—she learnt to let go. 

    In spite of everything, it brought the unusual pair together—the awareness that they shared the same mother made it easier for both of them to connect. Though Seth would never admit it out loud, Lana's the most soft and abiding person he knows, causing him to want to protect her from the cruel world—despite the fact he was the younger sibling. He'd tell her he hates her, yet the blondish-brunette girl would respond with a grin and a declaration of the opposite, taking him back to when they were younger. 

      "What do you want, anyways?" He starts, "I'd appreciate it if you stopped climbing through my window every single time you come over, there's a door for a reason." 

      "Where's the fun in that?" Lana scoffs, setting aside her skateboard. "And . . I sort of need a favour—well, a ride." She rushes, placing her hands together pleadingly.

      "To . . ?" Seth urges.

      "McKay's party?" 

   A deep rumbling laughter erupts from the boy's chest, his shoulders shaking in the process. His fingers reach just below his eyes to swiftly wipe the tears away, all the while Lana stares with a flatness evident in her expression.

      "Oh, you're serious." His laughter ceases, his legs dangle from his bed as he turns his full attention onto his sister. "Why? You hate parties." 

      "What—? No, I don't." Lana says, her tone incredulous. "Please Sethie." 

  Seth grimaces at the uncomfortable nickname given to him by none other than Ingrid, Only causing Nate and McKay to howl in laughter, once they'd first heard. Ever since, he's been taunted with the irksome alias.  

      "Alright, just—don't talk to me, don't look at me—"

   Lana rolls her eyes, once more. 

        "Dick." She mutters. 

        "But if anyone tries anything, you come straight to me." Seth directs. 

        "In case you haven't noticed, I am the eldest. You know that, right?" Lana says, her words not easing her younger sibling as much as she hoped. "Relax. It'll be different this time, OK? I'll be fine. I appreciate you looking out for me, Sethie, even if you believe you're too cool." She mutters, ruffling her brother's hair as she makes her way towards his bedroom door. "Take a shower too. You're all greasy. Probably from that whore—"

      "Bye, brat!

   Lana disappears for a second, until her head appears from the side of his door. "Gig is this weekend, you coming?"

 Lana is unsure as to why she continuously questions her brother, for she was well aware he's never blew her off or missed out on any of her band's performances. He was astounded with each performance he attended, marvelling at the concept that someone so close to him could achieve this level of talent. Her movements were with feeling on that stage, almost where she belonged, pouring an outburst of emotions as her dainty fingers worked their magic on the electric guitar, followed by her angelic voice erupting the excitement buzzing from the crowd. 

       "I'll be there." Seth calls. 


       "I promise." 

      A CONFIDENT SMIRK lingers on Seth's lips as he approaches the lively room, his complexion reflects the vague tones of red radiating from the room, the music filling the air without effort. The sounds rushes towards him in an instance before he could even step into the room, he perceives some reacting to the rhythmic beat, others downing shots lined up against the counter and the rest continuing to chatter collectively. Seth's gaze lands on the group of shirtless teammates gathered together hours before McKay's party was to commence. Their energy spills out as much as the drinks in their hands, merging with the noise of their laughter.

       "I see you've started without me." Seth announces, causing his presence to be known to the group of almost-wasted, teenage boys.

   Electrified cheers break out, accompanied by individuals coming forth to dap the Cruz boy up. There's no denying Seth Cruz was considered the life of the party, his lively and energetic attitude having the ability to rub off on anyone—that is, if he doesn't end up picking fights by the end of the night. 

       "Never." The last to greet the mixed boy is much taller than the rest, slightly towering over his best friend in all his glory and masculinity features. 

   In the course of Seth's youthfulness, he was evidently reserved and uncomfortable in the presence of other children—choosing to keep to himself, if Maddy wasn't near by. His fear of anyone finding out about his domestic life prevented him from making any new friends other than Maddy. He was nothing like his current cocky self—his cheeks that once always seemed flushed at the sight of the shy, brunette beauty and his curls that resembled of an innocent adolescent boy as he ran. He was much more different. He'd gained a bond with none other than Nate Jacobs—a bond assembled from two adolescent boys that never thought their lives were so similar. It felt like a breath of fresh air, to not have to act like his life wasn't deteriorating each day, to know he wasn't the only one that felt alone in the cruel world. 

  Seth gladly ignores the commotion in the background, easing into the familiar feeling of his head getting lighter, and his body gradually losing the ability to gain control. His pinkish lips embraces the lit blunt, observing the engaging scene before him consisting of Nate and Chris, and the rest of the lustful boys lounging across the room, going back and forth on the topic of Cassie Howard—a girl McKay may or may have not been interested in, ( definitely a may. )

         "Whether I like her or not is irrelevant. The fact is, she's a fucking whore through and through, bro." Nate voices, his lips forming a smirk as he nudges his seated friend in amusement. 

         "All right. Look, I don't know what she's done, guys. But I'm just saying, I think she's cool. She's smart. She's funny. Bro, she likes cars, man!" McKay justifies, causing the amount of boys to sprung out in laughter.

         "She loves cars! Shit, thank you for telling me." Nate cries, sounds of chortling following after his comment. "What the fuck?" 

         "Shit, sounds to me like someone's in love." Seth sounds, his hands above his heart, mockingly. His bloodshot eyes squint in a playful matter before making kissy faces at the irritated teenager, to which McKay pushes him away. 

          "For real, yo. McKay's about to start a Pinterest, guys." 

Upon recalling McKay's comment about not knowing what the blonde beauty had done, Nate directs the boy into a little trip to the land of shame to which Nate displays Cassie's rather explicit and supposed secret images to McKay as well as the rest of them. Seth had been too distracted to even notice the new formed circle until Nate calls his name. He settles the Juul between his lips, gently inhaling as he lowers his phone, enough so that the group of immature and lustful teenage boys were able to perceive the blonde girl McKay had spoken so fondly of.  

Seth failed to notice his enraged friend's state as he, and the majority of the group, continued to hype and excite the explicit images of the blonde girl. With Young Troy and Roy's ( his twin brothers ) eager expressions and irritating dance moves, Nate dry humping the air tauntingly and Seth expressing his rather crude comments on her breathtaking appearance and figure—anger boils in McKay's system, gradually churning within with each passing second. He was fairly relieved at the slight shift in conversation—even if it wasn't ideally something he'd hope for. The recent subject being: Lexi Howard, or more specifically Cassie's younger sister as indicated by a single teammate. At this, it brought about a debate—a debate whether the team of arrogant teenagers considered the gentle and reserved relative of Cassie, was anything like her.

        "So what if they're related? She's not like that, man." McKay defends, infuriated with the fact he was even entertaining this. "So, like, knock it off." 

        "Chill the fuck out, man." Nate sounds, gradually noticing the irritation building up on his friend's face. 

        "Look, all I'm saying is—the quiet ones are usually the freakiest." Seth voices, eventually expressing his thoughts on the prolonged discussion after keeping hushed for sometime, grasping everyone's attention as he toys with the Juul passed to him. "I guarantee Lacie—Or whatever the fuck she's called—is a freak." He smirks, a trail of smoke soon lingering past his lips and into the open air as sounds of agreements and disagreements surround him. "What?" He queries innocently, given the disapproving look McKay shot his way.

       "Oh, yeah?" Nate challenges, sluggishly leaning forwards to dig his elbows against his denim-clad knees. 

McKay knows that look, so does Seth—nothing good ever came out of it, and that surely wasn't about to change any time soon. Yet, Seth still humoured the daring gaze directed at him. Every single fibre in his muscular body pleaded the impulsive teenage boy to retreat—to not give into the temptation of the harmful dare. Seth is well aware of his many bad habits— treating girls as if they had expiry dates, or using his fists rather than his words, or consuming perhaps too much alcohol when he knows he shouldn't—but one that he didn't even realise himself, was his ability to make such awful decision. Everyone but him acknowledged this. 

       "What'd you say, Playboy? You up for it?" Nate requests, resting his arm against the back of the plump sofa. 

The hushed snickers, behind them, don't faze the pair. The closest friends out of the bunch only maintain intense eye contact whilst the rest impatiently await for his answer.

       "Y'all gonna start making out?" Roy ( or Troy? ) teases, " 'Cause we can leave if y'all want, privacy and shit."

       "For real." 

       "Alright." Seth voice rings, causing the chorus of laughter to die down within a second as each and every boy in the room ( except McKay ) gaze amusedly between the pair. "You're on." 

Seth didn't quite know it then, but he'd just made a deal with the devil. 

       "Seth." McKay scolds, observing the high teen with the gaze of a disappointed father. "You can't be serious." 

       "Relax, McKay. It's harmless fun." Seth says in return, causing McKay to let out a scoff in disbelief. 

A flash of pure annoyance clouds Nate's hazel gaze. It soon fades, replaced by a stern look of concern. "What's gotten into you, bro? Lighten up. You'll see, he'll fail—there's no way Casanova here could even pull her." 

Seth only retaliates by scoffing at his brunette friend, and teasingly swinging his fists against his frame causing a playful brawl to break out between the pair, just as the remaining boys fall into the routine of commencing their own private conversations. In time, the duo soon break it up, ceasing with boyish sounds of laughter and heavy pants. 

        "Well, this has been fun! But, unfortunately, duty calls, boys." Seth stands upright, shifting his heated hands into the deep pockets of his grey hoodie. 

        "Where you going?" McKay wonders, given the short amount of time he'd spent in the presence of his teammates. 

        "I'm giving Lana a ride here." Seth answers, the gradual intoxicating feeling soon fading. "I'll be back in time for the party. In the meantime," He points towards McKay. "Get that fucking stick out from up your ass before I return." 

       Nate chortles, giving a harsh pat against his defeated friend's back. "Oh, and tell Lana, Nate says Hey." 

       "Stop playing." Seth warns, gradually strolling backwards as he keeps his gaze fixed on the smirking teenager. "Don't think I won't beat your ass." 

       "Uh-huh. I'll like to see you try, fun-sized." Nate quips, a devious grin plastered across his face. 

      "That's not what Maddy was saying last night." Seth winks, observing as his friend abruptly starts to stalk towards him, causing the Cruz boy to let out a boisterous laugh as he darts out the room—not before portraying rather crude hand movements to the Jacobs boy. 

      "Don't forget our deal!" He hears, the voice of Nate Jacobs coursing throughout McKay's spacey residence.

Right. The Deal.

author's note: so seth is sort of an idiot at first ( that's for sure ); he makes dumb decisions and hangs out with the wrong people ( *nate* ). but he'll hopefully become a much better person. if you pretty much know your cliche's, you'd know the bet both nate and seth made. i'm literally trying to update as many books as i can, and create more content and stuff, so i really really really! appreciate those of you that actually read the shit i publish. 

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