THEY'RE BABIES?!?!?!?! (Divin...

By Ashl0390

15.5K 563 372

The cover was made by LuckyLve this is an FTO au, and that's all you're getting without reading the story :3 ... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
question for the next chapter
chapter 3
look at what I made :3
chapter 3.5
chapter 4 part 1
the cover
chapter 5

chapter 4 part 2

1.2K 51 145
By Ashl0390

Prepare yourselves because you're going to want to MITCH slap some people. (And murder E.Brandon)

This chapter will contain blood.

Everyone had done their best to look at where the voice came from, only to feel both fear and anger when they saw Eden, Future Jakey, and E.Brandon.

''Eden...'' Michael growled at the person he once saw as his brother.

''Hello Michael~'' Brandon glared at the three males.

''What do you want?'' E.Brandon chuckled at his counterpart before speaking, causing everyone to feel horror at his words.

''Well my dear counterpart~ we came for the baby guild leaders~'' Ritchie and Silver both whimpered, knowing that he was talking about them.

Everyone could do nothing but watch as E.Brandon forced Ritchie out of Brandon's grip, causing him to start bawling in fear and struggle, and as Eden forced Silver out of Brick's grip, causing the same results as Ritchie except Silver was less scared than Ritchie was.

The two walked back towards Future Jakey, holding the babies in a tight grip that was only causing them to cry more as it was hurting them. The evil trio smirked as Eden teleported them away, causing the spell that was keeping them in place to vanish.

All of the other babies had immediately started bawling, knowing that their friends were kidnapped. Some of the group had gone to comfort the babies while the rest tried to calm down both Brandon and Brick before they do something that causes the babies to cry even more.


It's been 10 minutes since they got kidnapped, and Silver and Ritchie were both latched onto eachother and silently cried while the scary people who took them were discussing something in the other room. The scary people re-entered the room, causing the babies to start trembling as their grip on eachother tightened.

The scary version of Ritchie's brother and the scary man that looked like Jakey had walked closer towards the two, causing them to tremble even more. The other scary man had than said something that caused the babies to cry almost instantly.

''Separate them.'' The scary Brandon had grabbed Ritchie and the scary Jakey had grabbed Silver, causing both babies to begin bawling even more.

Ritchie was ripped away from Silver and carried out of the room. He began to struggle which caused the scary Brandon to grab his arm and squeeze very hard. A loud crack sounded shortly after and was quickly followed by a pain filled cry from Ritchie. The scary Brandon had broken his arm and refused to let go, making the pain worse for Ritchie.

They arrived in a different room and the scary Brandon had dropped Ritchie onto the floor, making sure that the baby would land on his broken arm. Ritchie had cried so much that he was unable to cry anymore, but he was shaking and whimpering in fear. The scary Brandon looked down at him before smirking and speaking in a scary voice.

''Let's have some fun~'' Ritchie saw him pull out a shiny thing with a black handle before he got rolled onto his back.

He was breathing shakily until he let out a cry of pain as something dug into the skin on his back. He didn't know it but E.Brandon was using a knife to cut along the baby's spine. He than turned Ritchie onto his back before pinning him down with one arm while using the hand to spread one of Ritchie's wings out. With a smirk, he brought the knife down and cut the membrane, causing Ritchie to scream out once more. The scary Brandon did the same to his other wing before letting go of the baby and standing back up.

He kicked the baby into the wall before turning and walking out the door. When Ritchie hit the wall, he landed on one of his wings and his broken arm which caused him to  let out a pain-filled cry, even louder than before.

''That's all the fun for today... but I'll be having more fun with you tomorrow~'' He walked out as Ritchie curled up, slightly disoriented because he hit his head when the scary Brandon kicked him into the wall.

Black dots appeared in his vision as he teary eyes closed, him passing out from the pain.

You don't even have to kill the evil trio, just make them suffer.

Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Bye wolf pups!!

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