Wishful Dreams (Kamen Rider E...

Von Paranilla

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**Credit to Rufus147 for the beautiful cover** Elkie Winters is asked by one of her friends about what world... Mehr

-80- **Read Note at the end please**


138 4 1
Von Paranilla


"Poppy appeared and explained the game?" I ask. 

What in the world is going on? Why is Poppy explaining a new game to everyone? And this new game? Is it the one that I saw Parad holding onto after he kidnapped me briefly? Is that what he was referring to with me when we talked?

"She did," Hiiro answers, eyes going to Emu. 

I look at Emu as he frowns. "Emu..." 

This is totally killing Emu inside right now. Poppy isn't with us because she's part of this name game. What is this new game?

"What's the name of the game?" I want to know what it is called. "And Genm Corporation is behind it?" 

I don't think that is the case for sure. They might be taking credit for it because Kuroto started it. Or is Ren working with Parad on the game secretly like how Kuroto worked with Parad secretly to do things to hurt the riders? 

"Kamen Rider Chronicle," Emu tells me. "Apparently, Poppy is the navigator of the game. You know how video games have tutorials, right? That's kind of her job for this game. It is a deadly game."

"The phone kept going off while you were gone," I tell them. "I answered each one and it was the same over and over again. What is going on out there?"

"Multiple people are getting the Bugster virus from the game, Kamen Rider Chronicle. It seems like this game is deadly to play and it seems to make Bugsters have fun."

Parad is the one behind this game for sure. He probably took it from Kuroto and decided to use it to have fun with humans. Also, he wants to have fun with Emu. But I can't tell anyone that Parad showed me that thing when he took me away. I can't prove it was it, but I can assume that it was it. It isn't wrong to assume something in this scenario when it comes to Parad.

"Bugsters are having fun?" I don't know what to say right now. "Has anyone died yet because of the game?"

"No one has died as far as we know of," Hiiro tells me, answering my question. "I have a feeling that we all know who started this." 

"Yeah..." My really sexy but super psycho ex-boyfriend did. "I am sure Kuroto is the one who made it. He had to be the one working on it in order for Parad to take over it. Are you sure he didn't kill Kuroto to take over the game?"

Maybe Kuroto was going to use it in a way Parad didn't want him to use it. That's the only thing I can think of. But why would he take it over from him?

"We shouldn't focus too much on how he got ahold of the game right now. The focus should be on the people in danger because of him holding it," Hiiro says softly. 

Emu sighs a little. "Hiiro, she's allowed to worry about it. She was kind of his target and she probably still is."

"Of course she's his target! He is probably wanting to kill her because of you." Hiiro turns away from us. "We shouldn't talk too much about him or else we'll end up seeing him sooner. I need to see what Taiga has found out at Genm Corporation. There is no way they would release such a game." Wanna bet on that, Hiiro? They're not know for releasing innocent games and having a sane CEO.

"Hey, I am not attracting anything bad towards her, Hiiro! You know that I'm harmless to her, right?" Emu shouts, looking annoyed. 

I don't blame him for being super annoyed right now. I would be annoyed too. Hiiro is implying that Emu is making harm come towards me. 

"Whatever you say, Intern. Anyways, we have to face thirteen bosses and finish this game without having a ton of people die."

"That's an interesting way to word that, Hiiro." 

"I am putting it in terms that you both can understand." 

"Rude!" I can't believe him! Actually, I can. He's like my mean older brother. 

Hiiro shakes his head. "I'm not rude at all. I'm just being really honest with you, Elkie. Well, now that we've talked about things, I'm going to meet up with Taiga and that little girl who follows him around at Genm Corporation. I need to ask the new CEO a few questions about this game and why Poppy is acting off." 

I doubt that he'll find anything useful out. He's just going to have some excuse ready because he is obviously working with Parad. At least I think that he is since it makes sense why he would even allow this game in the first place.

"Is Jennie going to be there?" I am curious.

Hiiro nods his head. "Yes, she's with him. He can't leave her alone at all during this new game at all because it could fall into her hands. You're not going to get one of the Gashats for it and play it, got it? Being a Kamen Rider isn't for you."

"It seems like a lame game anyway," I mutter out. Not like I was thinking of becoming a Kamen Rider. That crap seems hard and that stats are obviously weaker than the Bugsters' stats.

I can only imagine what it would be like to be a Kamen Rider for this game. Parad would hunt my butt down and make Emu show up. Then he'll fight Emu and win easily, making Emu watch as he takes me away. Yeah, that is so what would happen in that case. I can tell.

"I just hope your favorite isn't behind this game." Hiiro turns away. "I'll be back." Is he being hopeful for my sake?

I know that Parad is behind the game. He's the one who arranged it because Kuroto is gone and he can't even do anything with the game. Dead people can't do things from the grave as far as I know. But this is a TV Show and anything is possible in it. 

"He's gone now," Emu states, sighing a bit. "We have a few patients that I'm going to need help checking on. Well, one named Tenma. Do you think you can help keep people calm while they're in a crisis?" 

I look at Emu and nod my head. "I believe that I can do so." 

I'm not the best at keeping people remotely calm, but I do provide good distractions. I would tell him that I distracted Parad with a fake story, but that would put my secret out there and I can't have that. I don't want to be hunted down and killed by some moody Bugster. And he is moody. Very, very moody.

"Come, let's go and check on the patient."


I drop to my knees as the Rider Players disappear, leaving this world behind and heading to the afterlife. This can't be happening right now. They can't be gone, right?

I can still hear the sound of the Game Over in my mind right now. How can someone allow this game to happen? Who could enjoy something like this? It is sick.

"Isn't this the most fun you have ever had in your life, M?" Parad's voice asks and I lift my head up a bit, my eyes landing on his smiling face. "This isn't a game for the humans to win at all. Do you know what kind of game this is if you all can't beat the Bugsters?" 

He killed them all so easily. It was like they're nothing to him and he could just get more players out of nowhere. This is the reality of my situation isn't it? Parad isn't someone I can just easily trust and be around since he's a murderous Bugster who happens to be sexy and my ex. What have I gotten myself into now?

"It is a game for the Bugsters to hunt you all down," Parad says casually, explaining the meaning of this game. "That is right, M. You're not going to beat this game because it isn't designed for the humans to win at all." 

A game that favors them is his dream. He wanted this game to be made so he could dominate it with ease. But is that the true reason behind this? Or is he trying to make sure he ends up existing?

Parad's eyes go to me and he laughs a little. "What? Does this not excite you?" he asks, moving around Emu and straight up to me. 

Emu turns and lunges at Parad's leg, trying to keep him from me. Parad moves to the side and lets Emu fall onto the ground, laughing a little as he lands in front of me. How is this funny to him? Why is it funny to him?

"I think it has been enough time for her to decide who she wants to be with and you know what the answer is?" Parad turns to face me, head looking down at me as I stare up at his cruel face, and he smirks. "The thing that she wants is to be with me or else. Right, Elkie?"

I shake my head and look at Emu. "No, I don't want to go anywhere with you!" 

"Did I give you a choice?" Parad asks and I look back at him as he kneels before me, his face growing dark and smile free. "I don't remember saying that you had a choice."

"You need to leave her alone, Parad!" Hiiro exclaims. "She doesn't belong to anyone but herself."

"I agree with Hiiro on this one and we all know how I feel about him," Taiga says, actually agreeing with Hiiro for once. Someone give that man a cookie! Wait...I should really focus on what is going on before me. Elkie, focus!

Parad places a finger on my chin, touching my face gently with his cool hand. "You're coming with me so I can make sure that you are enjoying this game from my side. If you don't come with me, I will just kill your friends right now."

I don't have a choice do I? I mean, I do, but nothing that is going to help anyone. I think the best action I can take is to stay at his side and free myself later. Emu is someone I can trust to find a way to get me back to his own side. If there is a will, there is a way!

"I'll go with you, Parad. You're right that I never loved him." I look at Emu and smirk.

He stares at me, eyes sparkling a bit, and nods. "Right...you didn't. I was only keeping you from him." He knows what I'm trying to do, huh? I am so proud of him. He's a smart man and I love it.

"Oh, he is admitting that he forced you to be with him? I always knew that he didn't truly love you like I do," Parad comments, sounding happy with this. He is so dense. How is he actually smarter than me?

"What?" Taiga asks. "You're just going to let her go with him?"

"Intern, watch it!" Hiiro shouts. "You're doing the wrong thing right now."

"So what? She's none of my concern. I was only protecting her because it is my job to do so. She means nothing to me and every kiss was to lead her on and keep her busy. That's right! I kept her busy from loving Parad!" Emu stands up and points at me. "You're nothing to me and I hate you!"

"That is such a nasty word to use towards Elkie," Parad says, picking me up along with himself. He pulls me close to his body and I swallow hard. This is going to be difficult to adjust to, but I'll deal.

"You're going to have to feed her from now on."

"Oh, that won't be hard to do," Parad replies. "She's going to be treated like a Goddess in my care. Unlike you, M, I am the right man for the job." Nope, the wrong man for the job. Trust me.

"Whatever you say!" Emu waves a hand in the air and I hold back a laugh. He's an amazing actor. "I'm going back to my hospital to cry now since you killed all those people. I am going to defeat you and then take her back so she can be all mine again. Deal with it, loser." Ouch. Not as rude as he could have been, but it is rude for Emu.

He turns back to us and punches Parad right in the face and I stumble back, moving away from Parad's stumbling body. Parad lifts a hand to his face, holding where he got hit at, and laughs. He finds that funny?

"Oh, M, my heart is jumping right now!" Parad exclaims, laughing some more. He stops and looks at me, eyes burning with passion. "Come, we're going to go home where you belong. I will get you everything you ever wanted there."

Can I just force push him off a cliff or something? 

A/n: And I'm stopping it there! I was going to make this an extra long chapter, but I settled on something a bit different. I hope that this is good enough (it seems like fun to me) for you all. I am worried it'll be received badly, but I kind of wanted to do a fun side thing with this.

Elkie won't be a Rider Player since I don't have plans for her to be a Kamen Rider. However, maybe Jennie will join the Rider Player stuff (and give Taiga one more headache to the other headaches he has going on for himself). We'll see more fun with Elkie and the others behind the scenes while Emu and her work their magic to get free and be together again. 

Now if Kiriya could be here right now, this would have been more fun. I love that bike man. He honestly made me laugh so much and smile like an idiot with his silly actions. Ex-Aid is my fav because of that.

IN OTHER NEWS my Shuya Sunagawa calendar is going to be here later (he plays Horobi in the current series, Kamen Rider Zero-one) and I'm not ready for it. My twin ordered it for me and I didn't even ask her to. I just wanted her to see the hotness of Shuya and she was like ";)" on facebook to me. And then I went "Did you do something?" and she was like "No" and I was like "Did you get me a Horobi plush?" and she was all "No" and then I asked about the calendar and she was like "Maybe" and avoiding the yes. 

Then she told me that she did. :p I love her. Anyways, sorry for going on and on with a boring story on you all. I got carried away ;-; Sorry.

Thanks :D and I hope you enjoy 


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