better : alvaro romero


132K 3.8K 2.5K

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3.6K 105 156


today was the day and alvaro was nervous. camila wasn't as nervous, considering the hard part was already done for her. she met his parents, now she was just meeting the rest of his family.

liked by camilaramirezx, mattiapolibio, and thousands of others.
ig.alvaro meeting my girls family today, wish me luck 😁

mattiapolibio good luck rat 🥳
ig.alvaro thanks bby 😚

camilaramirezx you'll be fine!
ig.alvaro i hope!

user oh so ya'll SERIOUS serious
ig.alvaro she's my girl 4L
user mattias lane, here i come
mattiapolibio @user hi

kairicosentino good luck 🤝
ig.alvaro glooks 🤝

eliasramirezz you'll be straight my boy
ig.alvaro i sure hope so g
camilaramirezx hey hey hey
camilaramirezx when did this happen
eliasramirezz surprise! 🙈

alejandrozario lookin kinda fresh doe 🤩
ig.alvaro get it from u 🤩

roshaun_diah clean
ig.alvaro 😁😁

camila finished getting ready and looked at the time. four thirty-seven, he should be here any minute now. camila was nervous, she didn't know how her father was going to act. she knew her mother was going to love alvaro.

elias on the other hand was scared of how his mom was going to react. he was always a mommas boy, he never brought any girl to meet his mother before.

just as camila opened the door to leave her room, she heard the doorbell ring and rushed to open it. as she got downstairs, she seen her brother and alvaro. alvaro shut the door behind him and nervously smiled at her.

"hi." she kissed his cheek, grabbing his hand and leading him to the kitchen where her parents stood with one of her tios and tias. as they were making their way to the kitchen, three young kids ran past the couple.

as they entered the kitchen, all eyes shifted to the couple. both of their nerves were going crazy, but alvaros nerves were getting to his head. what if i say something wrong? what if they don't like me? what if i'm not good enough for their daughter?

"alvaro, this is my dad." she pointed a tall man who was standing in the corner of the kitchen. his smile faded and alvaro was immediately intimidated.

"hi mr. ramirez, i'm alvaro.. alvaro romero." alvaro held his hand out and smiled, looking directly into her fathers eyes. camilas father and alvaro shook hands, alvaro firmly grasped her fathers hand to show his professionalism.

"this is my mom." she gestured to a short woman who was being covered by camilas father. camilas mother pushed her husband out the way and alvaro held his hand out.

"alvaro romero." he repeated, smiling. her mother ignored his hand and pulled him into a hug, tightly squeezing him. he hesitantly hugged her back, being taken by surprise.

"hola, mijo! camila he's so handsome." her mother smiled, releasing alvaro from the hug. elias tried his hardest to hold in his laughs.

camila turned around, looking at her tio and tia. she made eye contact with her tio, who was not too happy to see camila with a boy. before camila can say anything, her tio stood up and walked towards the two.

"for her, i kill." her tio pointed to camila, eyeing alvaro. alvaro swallowed the lump in his throat.

"roberto, leave him alone!" alvaro heard camilas tia shout at who he assumed was roberto. a smile sneaked onto camilas tios face and he erupted in laughter.

"don't be too serious, you don't have anything to worry about unless you break my nieces heart." her tio lightly punched alvaros arm. alvaro let out a breathe he seemed to be holding in and smiled. he shook her tios hand and introduced himself.

"i would like to meet him too." camilas tia pushed her husband out the way. she grabbed alvaro by the face and kissed both of his cheeks.

"i've never met one of camilas boyfriends." she smiled, now pulling him into a hug. "you are so handsome!" she exclaimed.

"thank you." alvaro smiled, looking at camila. camilas father looked at the two and whispered something in his wifes ear. camilas mom smacked him and the two laughed. the tension slowly eased and the doorbell rang once again.

"wait here." camila said, looking at elias who was getting up to open the door. the two made eye contact and both of them jolted towards the door. camila made it to the door first, opening it and revealed a young girl about elias' age. she stared the girl up and down. yup, this is his type.

"hi, i'm.." the girl was cut off by camila leaving the door and letting her brother get to the door.

"don't mind her." elias said, pulling the girl in for a hug and pecking her lips.

camila folded her arms and walked away from the two. it was out of character for camila to act like this, but she was use to being the only girl in elias' life. their mother as well, but it would hit camila differently for the fact that camila did everything with elias and she knew that him being in a relationship would only mean less time with him whenever he comes home from deployment.

elias introduced his girlfriend to everyone and when he got to camila, he kind of hesitated. he sighed and gave her a sort of nudge.

"camila, this is my girlfriend, thalia." he began, the girl held out her hand and nervously smiled. "thalia, this is my sister camila."

camila quickly shook her hand and alvaro chuckled, knowing camila was going to have a hard time accepting thalia.

"your brother told me you'd be tough to get around." thalia began, standing next to camila. "we should get to know each other, nail date.. on me?"

camila looked at the girl and studied her face, slowly nodding. the two discussed when they'd both be free. camila and thalia talked a little longer while alvaro talked to camilas parents.

things were going smooth and camila was happy. she's warmed up to thalia and camilas father has warmed up to alvaro, especially after learning alvaro was from peru.

camilas house became packed with kids running around and older family members talking amongst each other. alvaro learned camila had a lot of boy cousins, a lot of them around her age. there were barely any girls in her family.

he's also met her grandparents and more of her tios and tias. he learned the family that was over was her fathers side of the family. her mother's family resides all over the states, so they can never do anything as a whole.

camila sat down on the couch, alvaro by her a side. a young girl shyly sat next to camila, occasionally taking glances at alvaro. he noticed, smiling and waving at her.

"cammy, who is that." he heard the young girl whisper, hiding her face in camilas side.

"he's my boyfriend." camila said. alvaro watched his girlfriend talk to the young girl, smiling at the sight.

"what's a boyfriend?" she asked, taking another glance at alvaro.

"you know how mommy and daddy are together?" camila asked, trying her best to explain what a boyfriend is to a four year old. "that's like me and alvaro."

"you guys are going to have babies?!" the young girl shouted, laughter erupting from the two. camila shook her head and sighed.

"wanna meet him?" camila asked. the young girl climbed onto camilas lap, then stared at alvaro.

"my name is isabella." isabella said, playing with her hands.

"hi, isabella. i'm alvaro." alvaro smiled. isabella looked at camila and camila nodded. isabella climbed on alvaros lap and began talking to him. camila watched alvaro talk to her cousin and smiled, taking in the moment that was going all too well.

"roberto don't start." shouts came from the kitchen. camila looked towards the kitchen and saw her dad and tio in each others face. camila sighed and told alvaro to stay with isabella. camila got up and walked to the kitchen, seeing her tio attempt to punch her father.

"always the better brother." her tio slurred, being held back by elias. alvaro peaked to look in the kitchen and seen camila approaching the fight.

"isa, stay here, okay?" he told isabella. isabella nodded and he gave her his phone. he walked to the kitchen and tried to grab camila but she was in distress and was embarrassed of her fathers and tios actions.

camilas father looked at camila and saw alvaro trying to take her away from the scene. her father pulled himself together and opened the sliding door, walking into the backyard.

elias managed to calm their tio down and the christmas party resumed as if nothing had ever happened. camila was humiliated and embarrassed. she walked upstairs to her room and sat on her bed, sighing and holding her head.

alvaro followed her, making sure isabella was still on the couch with his phone. he knocked on her door and she looked up.

"i'm so sorry." she said, fanning her eyes. don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. "please excuse my dysfunctional family, i don't know what it is with them two."

"hey, you don't need to explain anything to me. families fight, it happens. it's okay." he assured her, sitting on her bed and grabbing her hand. he caressed her hand with his thumb.

"it's just so embarrassing and humiliating.. why would anyone want to be apart of a family like this?" she rested her head on his shoulder.

"cam, i don't think you realize that when i asked you out, i asked all of you out including your family. i don't mind being apart of a family like this, you guys seem loving and genuine." he began. "like i said before, families fight and it's normal. don't think a dysfunctional family can scare me away."

camila sighed and nodded. camila thought the one little fight between her tio and father would push alvaro away, but it didn't. it didn't phase him at all, whereas when elleah first experienced one of camilas family fights, she was scared out of her mind.

camila soon realized she couldn't compare the two. elleah was camilas best friend, but alvaro was her boyfriend. the two talked a little bit, then made their way out of camilas room before her mother or one of her many tios became suspicious.

alvaro walked downstairs and seen isabella making funny faces into his phone. he sat next to her and picked her up so she can sit on her lap.

"you're making funny faces without me?!" he smiled. isabella lifted the phone and the two began making funny faces.

"come on, cammy!" isabella climbed on her lap. "take pictures with us!"

the three were making faces into the camera when camilas dad walked into the living room. camila and alvaro looked up.

"alvaro, can i speak to you?" her father asked. alvaro nodded and followed her father into the backyard. the two sat down and camilas father looked at him.

"wanted to thank you for getting my daughter away from that situation." her father began. alvaro didn't know, but that's all camilas father needed to see in order to know alvaro was worth camilas time and love.

"it was no problem." alvaro replied, rubbing his sweaty palms onto his jeans. "i just did what any guy should do, keep his girlfriend away from anything that can harm her."

"do you know what you've shown me?" her father asked him. alvaro shook his head and her father leaned back into his chair and folded his arms.

"when i first met her mother, a similar situation happened at a family party of hers. instead of keeping her away from the danger, i let her try to handle it because it's what she wanted." he explained, alvaro nodding in the process. "but man, after that happened her father hated me. he said that instead of protecting her, i was willing to let her get harmed, even if there was really no harm to occur to her."

alvaro nodded and he realized what he did. he didn't make the same mistake her father made. instead, he realized he proved himself to her father.

"i already grew a liking to you earlier, but this sealed the deal. you've shown me i can trust you to protect my princess, take care of her." her father concluded. "your parents raised a fine young man."

this meant everything to alvaro. he worried so much about camilas parents not liking him, he didn't think about how he would feel with her parents liking him. he was overwhelmed with emotions, mostly feeling happy.
acceptance from her family was all he wanted, and he got it.

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

the two made their way into alvaros house, being greeted by the smell of food. alvaro and camila ate at her house, so they weren't as hungry. camila had gifts in her hand for alvaro, his siblings, and even his parents.

"i'll take these." alvaro grabbed the gifts, placing them under the tree. camila greeted his parents and was introduced to some of his cousins.

"so you're the girl alvaro goes on and on about." an older girl said, eyeing camila up and down. camila smiled while alvaros cheeks began turning red.

"shut up." alvaro pulled camila away from the girl. camila smacked alvaros arm and he laughed. "ow, what was that for?"

"that was rude!" she answered. alvaro laughed and pulled her onto the couch next to him.

"i just want you to myself now, okay?" he wrapped his arm around her. she laughed and pushed him.

"your family is here, it's rude to be distant." she explained, standing from the couch and holding her hand out for him to grab. "now you go spend time with your family, and i'll go spend time with your momma and sister."

camila and alvaro went their separate ways. camila already has a good relationship with anna and alvaros mom so all she would be doing is building it. there were only a couple of hours until the clock strikes twelve and christmas was officially here.

camila was excited for alvaro and his family to open the gifts she bought them. alvaro was talking to his cousins when roshaun sat next to him.

"how was it?" roshaun asked alvaro.

"bro it went so good!" alvaro excitedly announced. "her parents loved me, and look." alvaro pulled his phone out and showed him pictures of him and isabella.

alvaro gave roshaun a rundown of the conversations alvaro had with her parents, also throwing in the little fight that happened and explained how happy he was when her dad told him he trusted his daughter with him.

the family bonded with each other, playing music to keep each other entertained and even playing christmas themed games.

camila and alvaro played a candy cane game. the point of the game was to hold a candy cane from your mouth and use it to pick up other candy canes. whoever got the most candy canes on their plate by the time was up wins.

roshaun ended up winning and alvaro was being a poor sport.

before they knew it, time flew by. alvaros family went home around eleven, they had to be home to open gifts at twelve as well.

it was already eleven fifty-five and camila was helping sort gifts. she got to a good sized present and looked at the name. she looked at alvaro who smiled at her.

"what is this?" she asked him. he shrugged his shoulders and looked at roshaun, who was smiling as well. she turned to anna and pointed at the gift, anna shrugged her shoulders and then she turned to his little brother, who did the same thing.

after sorting the gifts, it was time to open them. camila handed alvaros parents, his siblings, and roshaun their gifts. she got alvaros mom a pair of earrings and a necklace to match, she for alvaros dad a watch because she didn't really know what he would like but remembered that alvaro said he did like watches.

anna opened her gift and pulled out a butterfly necklace, the same one camila had. anna admired it a lot when camila had it on so she figured anna would love it, and she was right.

camila got gian a chain, according to alvaro he's been eyeing the one she got him.

roshaun opened his gift and was surprised with hoodies he was looking at when they were at the mall. she also got him two colognes that he was also looking at.

"cam, i appreciate the gifts but are you trying to tell me.. i stink?!" he dramatically asked.

"maybe.." camilas voice got low. the group laughed and roshaun hugged camila.

"thank you so much." he tightened his hug on her.

"of course." she released him from the hug and pulled away. she urged alvaro to open his gift but he refused. he wanted to do it in private, he didn't know why he didn't want to open it, but he was nervous.

"open yours." he grabbed the good sized gift from her pile. "actually, open all of mine last."

she opened her gifts and loved what she got, alvaros parents even got her something. she turned to alvaro who was watching her and smiled at him, grabbing his small gifts first.

she opened the first gift, revealing a gold anklet with the day they crossed each others paths. she remembered this day clearly, she had no intention of ever having interest in alvaro and now look at her, she was whipped.

"now this one." alvaro threw another small box at her. she opened it and revealed a locket. 4L was engraved on the locket and when she opened it, a picture of her and him was inside of it. she frowned and looked at alvaro.

"i love it, thank you." she kissed his cheek. "can you help?" she said, handing him the locket. he placed it around her neck and put it on her. she held it before moving onto the bigger gift.

"okay, you better not cry." he informed her. she looked at him and then at the gift. she opened it, revealing a mac miller canvas. it wasn't a print on canvas, it was an actual painting on canvas. the lyrics to her favorite mac song were written on the background. her eyes watered and she looked at alvaro who was smiling. this had to have been expensive.

"do you like it?" he asked her. she nodded and tightly hugged him. mac miller was by far her most favorite artist, his death was one of the only celebrity deaths that hit her.

"you're such a crybaby." he laughed, pecking her lips. she wiped her eyes and laughed. she was speechless, she didn't know what to say.

camila and alvaro picked up all the wrapping paper that covered the floor, grabbing a trash bag to throw it away. after they were done, they went to his room.

"can you open yours now?" she asked him. he nodded and sat on his bed. camilas gift to him was a box of items. what was set on top of those items were two flannels, accompanied by two t-shirts: a white and black one. under the clothing was a cd camila made. a love letter to you, but in a cd. there was a picture of them on the cd and he loved it.

"i know it's old fashioned, but it's cute and it's me." she laughed. he smiled and kissed her cheek.

"i like it." he assured her. next to the cd lied a box. in that box lied a bracelet that had '4L' engraved on it.

"guess we kinda think the same, huh?" he laughed, handing her the bracelet so he she can put it on him. she nodded and the two laughed.

"it's not much, but everything i've got you.. except the clothes.." she laughed, "has symbolism to it. the cd is for what i want to say, but what i'm too afraid to say. and the bracelet means you will forever have my heart and that i can see things long-term with you." she explained.

"i love it all." he smiled, kissing her. "thank you."

╔═══ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ═══╗
╚═══ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ═══╝

added that gif cus DAMN HE HIT
if i'm being honest, the second half of this
chapter was so hard to write LMFAO. i don't
like it but eh. also, i've never had a boyfriend
during the holidays so i didn't know what cute
shit camila could've gotten alvaro 😔✋🏽. single
tings. also, thank you guys for checking out the
ale fic! i appreciate it mucho <3

word count: 3462

Lanjutkan Membaca

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Let's say i forget ab this book sometimes. I'm not copying another mattia fanfic, my other books got deleted. Please, do not report my books, i give...
551K 12.4K 42
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