Sympathetic Deceit One Shots

De VerySpookyGuy

70.4K 2.2K 2.5K

Sympathetic!Deceit AU Loceit Anxceit Moceit Roceit Remceit DLAMP Sympathetic!Deceit centric one shots, mostly... Mais

Quick Introduction
Loceit (1)
Anxeit (1)
Roceit (1)
Sanders Sides Discord
Loceit (2) pt.1
Loceit (2) pt.2
Anxeit (2)
Loceit (3)
Deemus (1)
Loceit (2) pt. 3
Loceit (2) pt. 4
Roceit (2)
Um, hi?

Roceit (2) - Bonus

1.1K 72 10
De VerySpookyGuy

It's short, I know.

I'll get something good out soon.


It had taken Roman an embarrassing amount of time to build up the courage to propose, it just never felt like the right time.

He tried on the first of December, when he found Janus dancing. But he was soon interrupted by Remus. Because that's what his brother does.


He tried a week later, when they were finally alone, watching a Christmas movie. It was a pretty shitty hallmark movie, one that Roman had seen many, many times. It was tradition and honestly, he was a sap for the cliché romance that inevitably ended the story.

There was a scene at the end, where the toxic masculine rich man proposed to the hard working woman who hated him at the begining of the movie. When the proposal happened on screen, he was going to propose too.

As per usual, things didn't go as planned.

He saw the scene begin, and prepared himself, steeling his nerves, he knelt down onto one knee, looked up to see...

Janus was asleep.

For fuck sake.


The new year passed, and although Roman had considered Christmas morning, and New Year's as moment to propose. But both times, he faltered. Christmas morning, and in turn, the whole day, was too chaotic. Janus was too preoccupied with helping Patton cook and, you know, Christmas day was busy.

New year's was, well, too many people?

Roman was making excuses


It was May.

Five months.

It still hadn't happened.

Roman was honestly surprised that Janus hadn't proposed himself, considering that he was dropping hints into every conversation. Even the other sides had begun saying things like, "This would be great wedding food" (Patton, ever the unsubtle) or "Jan, you'd look really good in this old jacket I found, white kinds suits you." (Virgil, with a really smug look on his face)

Each time, Janus had either laughed it off, or looked at Roman. As if expecting him to do something. Like propose.


It happened so quickly, Roman didn't even realise he was kneeling with the ring box open in Janus' face.

They had been arguing over something. They had started shouting and throwing silly insults at each other. It wasn't really serious. But he could see Jan getting more and more frustrated, and felt closer and closer to exploding.

Then somehow, he was looking up at Jan, the room finally quiet.

Janus was stood with his mouth open, seemingly caught off guard with an insult dying on his tongue.

"Um... I know this is a bit, uncalled for, given our current situation. But I've been wanting to bring this up for a while, I just.  This isn't really the right time, is it. I should wait until... Sorry, I'll just-"

"Finally!" Janus grinned, interrupting Romans doubtful monologue.

"Put this- Excuse me?"

"You finally proposed! Ha, not only are we going to be married, we're going to be rich! Virge owes me a lot of money!"

"I-I... what?"

"You finally did it! I'm so proud of you," Janus knelt in front of him to meet Roman face to face, "it took you long enough. But really, you did it in your own time and thats what matters."

Roman was frozen in place as Janus started kissing his face and neck, still going on about bets and weddings and the planning he'd done.

"YOU KNEW?" Roman exclaimed as he finally pulled himself together.

"Of course I knew. I found the ring in your pocket when I took the laundry downstairs, and you talk in your sleep." He smirked in reply, grabbing Romans face with both hands and kissing him, quite enthusiastically.

"Wait, this mean yes?" Roman grinned hopefully.

"Of course it does, I've been waiting months for you to finally do it, my stupid fiancé" Janus grinned.


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