Izuku Midoriya, Bearer of the...

By AiondeeCo

99.6K 1.5K 874

After finding a strange rock while cleaning out the beach for his training, Izuku finds himself in a very pec... More

Part 1: The Strange Rock
Part 3: First Impressions
Part 4: Devil Arms
Part 5: The Entrance Exam
Part 6: The First Day
Part 7: Battle Trial
Part 8: The U.S.J. Attack 1
Part 9: The U.S.J. Attack 2
Part 10: The U.S.J. Attack 3
Part 11: U.S.J. Aftermath

Part 2: The Retired Devil Hunter

12.2K 196 119
By AiondeeCo

It was pitch black momentarily for the green haired boy until he began to slowly open his eyes. He saw a figure looming over him but could not tell who it was due to his blurry vision. Once his eyes adjusted, he could properly see the figure above him and it was his worried mother

Inko: Icchan...? Are you awake?
Izuku: ...Mom...?

Inko then hugged Izuku tightly

Inko: Oh, Thank God! I was so worried! A stranger called and said that you were sent to the hospital due to your arm injury! Thank goodness, you're okay!!
Izuku: ...What happened?

Izuku then looked over to his right side and saw an arm cast hanging from his shoulder

Inko: If you want, you can stay here and take a rest for the day.
Izuku: No thanks. I rather go home and stay with you.
Inko: Thank you...
Izuku: It's alright.

Izuku then sat up and moved to the left side of the bed. The boy used his left arm to position himself and hold onto his mother's hand. With the help of his mom, Izuku stood up and slowly walked to the exit with his left arm above Inko's shoulders

Once they got out of the hospital, Inko helped her injured son walk down the streets to their home. Unbeknownst to them, a cloaked figure from the rooftops watch the two walk cautiously across the neighbourhood

Figure: Heh. That kid's got a lot of potential.

Later, the two arrived at their home. Inko helped Izuku climb the stairs, into his room. Izuku carefully climbed into his bad and laid down

Inko: There. All better. You feeling alright, Icchan?
Izuku: I'm fine. I just need some rest. That's all.
Inko: Okay. If you need me. I'll be downstairs.

Inko left and closed the door behind her leaving the tired boy alone in his room. Many questions filled the boy's mind

What happened to me? What was with that rock? Where did it come from? Does that rock have something to do with what had happened? Why do I feel an overwhelming surge of power inside me?

These questions swam through Izuku's mind as he began muttering with his left hand on his lips

Afterwards, Izuku was finished with his muttering session and decided to close his eyes and rest for the day

The Next Day

Izuku woke up to the sound of his alarm blaring. Without thinking, Izuku tried to stop it with his right hand which made it ache badly. Izuku shot up and held onto his arm while groaning in pain

Izuku: Ugh! I forgot!

The pain then faded away and Izuku stopped his alarm with his left hand. The boy got out of bed and went down to the kitchen to see his mother preparing breakfast

Inko: Icchan! You're up! How do you feel?
Izuku: I feel... Alright... Kinda.
Inko: That's good. Breakfast will be served in a few minutes so just hold your horses, Alright?

With a nod, Izuku went over to the living room and watched the news, mostly about the latest Villain attacks and the Heroes thwarting said Villains. Izuku's mind was filled with hopes and dreams again. The thought of being one of the Pro-Heroes was enough to make Izuku jumpy and excited despite his injured arm. A few seconds later, his mother called signalling that breakfast was ready

Izuku: Coming!

The boy then headed on to the kitchen and ate his breakfast while looking at the schedule All Might gave him. Despite of his broken arm, Izuku couldn't help but continue his training in order to be a compatible vessel for One for All.
After finishing up his breakfast, Izuku went over to the door

Izuku: Mom! Is it alright if I go train with All Might for a while?
Inko: Hold on, what?! In that condition?! But you'll hurt yourself!
Izuku: I know but... That's just part of the training. No pain, no gain.
Inko: I... But... Fine. You can go. Just be careful, okay?
Izuku: I will. Bye mom, love you!

Izuku then headed out of the house and closed the door behind him

Inko: ... Love you too...

While walking down the neighbourhood, on his way to Dagobah Municipal Beach Park, Izuku thought he was walking alone. He was not. He saw a shadow looming behind him

Figure: Hey, kid.

Izuku turned around slowly to see a tall figure covered in a dark red cloak. Izuku gulped and ran as fast away as he could from the stranger

Figure: Trickster!

Izuku could hear the figure shout from behind and before he knew it, the figure warped in front of him. Izuku bumped onto the stranger and fell on his rear. The boy had nowhere to run now and he could only shake in fear

Izuku: H-Hello. W-W-What can I do for you?

The figure did not say a word. Instead he just laughed at the boy's scared state

Figure: Hahaha! Man! The ol "Ominous Dark Red Cloak" gets them everytime!

The figure then removed his cloak and Izuku saw his face. He was tall and slightly hunched over, had long greyish, white hair and a grey beard

Dante: How you doing, kid? The name's Dante.
Izuku: H-Hi, Dante... I'm Izuku Midoriya... What are you doing here?
Dante: Well, kid. I just happened to notice that your arm there.

Dante said pointing at Izuku's hanging arm cast

Izuku: I know. It's injured.
Dante: Is it?
Izuku: Huh?
Dante: Your arm was never injured or broken.
Izuku: What are you talking about?
Dante: Your arm now carries the abilities and qualities that most people wish they could have.
Izuku: I still don't get it.
Dante: You have powers now, kid.
Izuku: Wait. Really?! Like a Quirk??
Dante: Eh. Not really. Kinda similar but way more powerful. I'm talking demonic-levels of power.
Izuku: Wait. How do you know so much about this? Are you a hero?
Dante: You could call me that.
Izuku: Woah! That's awesome! So you protect people?
Dante: Maybe.
Izuku: From what? Villains? Accidents? Disasters?
Dante: Demons.
Izuku: Come again?
Dante: I hunt demons, kid. Used to, anyway. I'm retired.
Izuku: Really?
Dante: Yep. It's ironic, actually.
Izuku: Why is that?
Dante: Cus I'm half-demon myself.
Izuku: What...?
Dante: Yeah. My dad, Sparda, is a pure demon who betrayed his fellow kin for the safety of mankind. He goes by the title of "Legendary Dark Knight".
Izuku: How about your other family members?
Dante: Only my brother and I are half-demons. My mother was a pure human. She died in a house fire alongside my brother.
Izuku: Oh my... I'm sorry to hear that...
Dante: It's fine. Ever since then, I became the Legendary Devil Hunter with my coworker Trish. She runs the devil hunting business now.
Which is also ironic since she's a pure demon.
Izuku: Woah. Your life is weird.
Dante: Tell me about it. Anyway, about your arm. You now have powers, kid. It's just dormant.
Izuku: So what do I need to do in order to activate it?
Dante: I don't know. Where were you planning on going anyway?
Izuku: I was gonna go to the beach park to train with All Might.
Dante: That guy? Yeah I've heard of him. Big guy, big muscles right?
Izuku: Yep. That's him.
Dante: Anyway, it's good that you're training. Your body needs to be capable enough to withstand the demonic energy within you. If you don't, you'll probably die, maybe explode.
Izuku: Again?
Dante: That All Might guy told you that, didn't he?
Izuku: Yeah...
Dante: Alright, I'm gonna take my leave. See ya later, kid.

Dante then jumped from wall to wall onto a rooftop. Izuku watched in awe from Dante's athleticism

Izuku: I have demonic powers...

From a rooftop, Dante watched the boy walk down the street, on his way to the beach park. Dante smirks knowingly

Dante: I have a very good feeling about that kid.

To be continued...

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