If Walls Could Talk // JAYTIM...

By ashxtodd

30.1K 1.2K 263

Tim doesn't plan on talking with Jason when he goes to crime alley, because why on Earth would Red Hood be th... More

1. Some things are meant to be secret
2. So if I tell you just keep it and don't say a word
3. Yeah when the doors are all closing, it's bound to get loud
4. 'Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to sound
5. Oh, not everything is so primitive
6. Oh, but I'm giving in
7. If These Walls Could Talk
8. I hope they wouldn't say anything
9. Because they've seen way too many things
10. 'Cause we'd fall from grace
12. Yeah, we'd fall from grace
13. I love your hair and your face
14. I wouldn't dare let you down
15. Don't let that glass go to waste
16. Oh, you're a king but uncrowned

11. We're falling

1.6K 71 37
By ashxtodd

11. We're falling

           Tim doesn't know why the hell he's panicking so much. Of course there are things that he has the right to panic about, but right now he really shouldn't be as anxious as he is. He's not sure if it's because Jason fucking Todd is going to be in his house - in the next room - being his roommate, or the fact that someone might catch Jason being with him.

           Either way, he's causing unnecessary anxiety to himself, which is going to get him killed - by smoking way too many cigarettes in one hour (he's smoked five in two hours)

           It's not like he's crushing on Jason anymore - even if he was, it's not like they're going to have sex or something, there's absolutely nothing to be nervous about.

           But then again, Jason Peter Todd - the guy he used to have a crush on; the guy who tried to kill him; the guy who he replaced and the guy he's forbidden to even talk to because he's Bruce's greatest failure - is going to be in his house as a friend. That's foreign territory for them. He's surprised they've even gotten there, considering their - not so civil - past.

           Although they haven't officially said that they're friends, but recent turn of events definitely confirms it. Even if Roy is the reason they were able to talk their shit out. Truthfully, he understands why Jason didn't have the guts to actually face him. The last week or two has been...overwhelming.

           A lot of the shit that happened the past week and the week before that, has been hard to process. Tim didn't originally think that a turn of events like this would happen (well technically he did, but the possibilities of it ever happening were slim, so he just shrugged it off).

           He's paranoid as fuck too.

           Tim's called Stephanie to tell the other bats that his apartment is off limits for a week - reason being that he's working on a case that takes up a lot of space, so to avoid any evidence tampering, they should avoid the apartment.

           It's legitimately a pretty darn good reason - or he thinks at least.

           He's also very sure he's over doing it.

           (okay maybe not really)

           Tim ordered groceries (after God knows how long) online after Jason and Roy had left. Once he came back home he quickly changed and started cleaning up the place and trying to make the guest bedroom as comfortable as possible for Jason. He took out a fresh towel and hung it in the bathroom; even got a new toothbrush in case Jason forget his and tried to get all the basic things Jason might need in his bedroom.

           Okay it's not overdoing, but that's because Tim's trying to stay in control and not give in and decorate the whole place with Lord knows what.

           He's a wreck and he knows it. It's been eating him up that Jason - The Red Hood, is going to be at his house and they're going to act normal. He's pretty dang sure that Red Robin and Red Hood have never met in civvies alone - except for that drunk night that is the new voldemort, so it is not talked about.

           Tim isn't sure how this is all going to go, seeing as this is the first time they're actually going to bond. He's already socially awkward so Jason's just going to have to live with it and start most of the conversation unless he's also socially awkward, then they're fucking screwed.

           But hey, he can live with not talking to Jason even if they are living in the same house - that's pretty much what happened in the Manor. If anything, it'll make things easier, but he highly doubts that due to Jason's highly inflated ego as Red Hood. But of course that's just a persona, but even then, he's sure that Jason's isn't as socially awkward as Tim, if it all any.

           The doorbell rings.

           "Holy shit!" Tim screams, as he trips on his own feet hearing the doorbell. "Fuck!" He curses. Please don't tell me I twisted my ankle or something for God's sake. He tries to get up and thankfully he does so with ease.

           He walks to the front door and opens it revealing none other than Jason Todd - wearing a bright red shirt and black pants with a bag over his shoulders (presumably with stuff for this 'little' sleepover which lasts a week) "Ya okay kid? Heard a scream and ya seriously took yer time to get 'ere" Jason says grinning playfully.

           "Just tripped" Tim replies, making a face.

           Jason chuckles and Tim finally looks up at his face. "Well then can I come in?"

           "Yeah yeah" Tim mutters, as he backs up, opening up the door wider. "Your room is right down the hallway, to the right" He explains as Jason walks in.

           "The one next to yer room?" Jason asks, turning his face to Tim.

           "Yeah, how'd you know?" Tim inquires.

           "Been 'ere enough times to remember" Jason replies, as he looks around the place. Tim's impressed. He really is.

           He coughs. "Anyway you can go put your bag in your room while I uh" What AM I going to do? "Yeah okay I have no idea what I'm gonna do" He admits.

           Jason chuckles. "It's fine, you can come with me" he shrugs.

           "Okay" Tim says shyly, as he takes on the lead to go to the guest bedroom.

           Tim opens the door to reveal a room similar to his own (but it was still quite easily distinguishable). He hears Jason sniff and he debates whether he's a dog or an actual human.

            "Smells really good, like really really good" Jason comments as he walks towards the bed.

           "It's called air freshener, you should try it sometime" He retorts, but still smiles.

           Jason snorts. "Sassy little shit aren't ya?" He says looking at Tim, as he removes the bag from his shoulders and puts it on the bed.

           "What can I say, Alfred's influence is strong" Tim says, not being able to wipe the smile away from his face.

         "Should've known" Jason says and even though his back his turned, he can hear him smiling.

           Tim leans against the frame of the door and crosses his arms. "You know, I thought it'd be way harder to talk to you" He admits. He doesn't know where he got the courage to confess that - seeing his introverted nature and what not - but he did so.

           "Huh, why's that?" Jason asks, turning back around, looking at Tim with bewilderment.

           "I don't really know...but like I'm sort of an introvert, so communicating with people isn't my thing, plus your Jason Todd for Christ's sake" he offers.

           Jason snorts again. "What does me being 'Jason Todd' have anything to do with that?"

           "You felt following Dick's lead was hard, imagine the pressure to fill in the shoes of the Robin who actually died in the line of duty" And as soon as the words leave his mouth, he regrets it. He thinks he's done it, he's fucked it all up - like he usually does.

           He expects the whole world to come crumbling down, but instead Jason laughs. "Touche" Jason says. He sighs in relief, begging God that Jason doesn't notice. "You did good kid...I mean as Robin and you're doing great as Red Robin too"

           "Thanks" He mutters, but still having a small shy smile on his face. He thinks he might even have a small blush on his face due to the approval of his literal idol.

           "So we going on patrol tonight?" Jason asks, changing the subject.

           "Yeah, in like a few hours, as in I think...one or two hours?" He guesses and Jason nods, satisfied with the answer. "You gonna join me?" He wonders.

           "I mean I'd love to and all but if B finds out, he will literally kick my ass" Jason says, causing Tim to roll his eyes. "But if ya really miss me we can talk on comms" Jason says, almost teasingly.

           "Yeah yeah we'll see about that" Tim rolls his eyes again.


           "It's time for patrol" Red Robin says, as he knocks on Jason's door.

           The door opens to reveal Red Hood - but he's not yet wearing his helmet. "Yeah I figured" He says putting on his gloves.

           "Coming with me or?" Red asks, a little bit hopeful.

           Hood shrugs. "I'll come outside but then I gotta go to crime alley, if that's unusually quiet I'll tag along"

           Yes! "What made you change your mind?" Red asks, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, a sly smirk creeping its way to his face.

           "Maybe you did, babybird" He replies in an awfully low voice, as he steps closer to him.

           If Red Robin wasn't leaning against the door and wasn't trained in the art of concealment, he would've fallen and choked to death. "Real smooth, Hood" he tries instead. "You gotta teach me how to be that smooth one of these days" He says, chuckling, trying to conceal his nervousness.

           Hood rolls his eyes. "And why do you think I'll reveal my secrets to ya?"

           "Because I'm too irresistible" He says sighing dramatically, putting his hand on his forehead.

           "That might've worked on B, but it ain't working on me kid" He says, almost smirking.

           "Jason, what the fuck!" He says laughing, as he smacks him on the shoulder playfully.

           "Hey look! For people that don't know him, it might look like he's a pedophile, seeing as how many kids he adopts!" He defends himself, but still laughing with Red Robin.

           "You're disgusting!" Red Robin complains, as he finally sobers down.

           "I get that a lot, but that's usually after sex" Hood says.

           "I don't know whether to be flattered or even more disgusted" Red says making a face.

           Hood shrugs.

           "Anyway we should go on patrol" He says changing the subject, as he grabs his helmet.

           "Yeah" Red says as he turns towards his bedroom. "Come on, through my room. My window is in a more concealed location" He explains, entering his bedroom.

           He hears footsteps following him. Red walks across his messy room - which looks more like an art student's dorm room more than anything - towards the window. He opens the window and takes out his head from the window, taking out his grappling gun and aiming towards the roof of the building.

           He aims and shoots and goes up. Red Hood does the same, following Red Robin.

           They stand there looking over the neighborhood in silence.

           "Ready?" Hood's the first one to break the calming silence.

           "Yeah" They both swing away in different directions using their grappling guns.


           It's been forty-four minutes since Red Hood and Red Robin parted ways. He knows that because he's been counting.

           He isn't nervous per se. He just wants company.

           Craves it really.

           Red's been feeling like he needs to get high or some shit to actually stop thinking about Hood. And it's not because he's thinking about him in a sexual way (actually far from it), he's just been so consumed with Jason in general really.

           They're both outsiders in a family of outsiders.

           In order of service to Batman they were Robin numbers two and three. Respectively.

           Which mean they'll spend their lives never being number one.

           In a sadistic way it's comforting for Tim to know that he isn't alone. That Jason understands him.

           Truthfully, Tim wants to talk to him right now, no matter how socially awkward he is. Even though he's getting enough action in the field to keep himself distracted, but he really wants Jason's company because the guy knows how to brighten up someone's mood, even if it is by daddy issues jokes.

           He sighs, contemplating whether he should or not, as he jumps across rooftops to a robbery he tracked down.

           Fuck it, I'm all about bad ideas aren't I?

           He presses his comm, switching his line to Hood's. "Um hello?"

           "Missing me already, babybird" He hears Hood say.

           A shiver runs down his spine and he isn't sure why the hell he keeps using that nickname because it's so damn annoying (well it really isn't he just hates how he reacts to it). "I was bored"

           "mhm" Hood replies with. "What ya doing?" He asks, presumably making small talk.

           "On my way to a heist, you?" He says, picking up his speed.

"Aw man, would really love to join ya, Crime Alley's quiet, apparently Arsenal took care of it, that lil shit" He sulks.

           "You could always join me" Red suggests, again.

            Hood stays quiet for a moment - probably debating whether he should or not.

           "What's yer location" He finally says.

           A grin finds its way on Red Robin's face. "The abandoned toy factory near the lake, I think it's the Riddler, the rest of the bats are too busy with their own patrol areas, so you won't have to worry about that"

           "'kay, I'm like five minutes away" He hears Hood say.

           "Me too, meet ya there Hood"

           He runs and runs, maintaining a constant speed. Jumping across rooftops has so much adrenaline in it. He loves it. Loves the thrill in it. It's almost as if he's flying. It's a magical experience.

           He can hear Hood breathing and panting occasionally, slipping out a few groans and grunts and even a few curse words as he runs (he assumes). He's sure he's doing the same, minus the cursing. None of them comment on it though and stay in complete silence exempting their breathing and what not.

           Red Robin arrives at the location in two more minutes. "Hood, I'm here"

           "Ya 'kay, I'll be there in a few, ya go ahead" Hood replies right away.

           Red nods, even though he knows Hood can't see. He still doesn't wait any time and gets to the nearest open window, using his grappling gun to get up to it and crawl inside.

           He stays in the shadows - a habit he adopted while working with Bruce - as he recons. He can't see much. The only thing he sees are the creepy broken toys.

           "Good job, he should be here by now" He hears a voice. It's when the person comes into view, he realizes that it's none other than the riddler. Who the hell is he talking about? Batman? "Also, if you're wondering, I'm talking about you Red Robin" The Riddler says, looking directly at Red Robin. "The Red doesn't exactly mix with the shadows I must say"

           Tim mutters a few curses under his breath. He jumps down in front of the Riddler since there's no point of hiding anymore. "What do you want Nigma?" Red asks, obviously annoyed at being caught.

           The Riddler laughs. "What's the rush? I got a riddle for you; I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?" He asks.

           "The Human brain" Red deadpans.

           "Oh goodie! I got another on-"

           "Enough games Nigma, what do you want?" Red asks, the guy already getting on his nerves.

           "Ah well it's quite simple actually. I want you dead" He replies, smiling innocently. That's when Red Robin realizes that he's trapped. Nigma's men are surrounding him. And they're not scrawny like Edward, no way. They're buff and they're a lot. There is no way Red Robin can take them on, even if he is a very skilled fighter, they're just too many of them. "You see, I figured out your patrolling pattern. Wasn't hard getting your attention either, all I had to do was plan a robbery and leave some clues to lead here. I also realized you patrol alone unlike your other mates, plus you're the weakest I must say" Red grits his teeth.

           "Then ya really musn't be expecting me to drop by" A voice from above says. And then they drop right behind him. Red Hood. Oh thank God.

           "You really took your time" Red snorts, as The Riddler (obviously taken back by the Red Hood's appearance here) moves backwards.

           Hood wastes no time and shoots Nigma on the shoulder and then on the leg. "Just be thankful I came, Red" He says as The Riddler screams in pain and falls down.

           "Oh trust me, I am" Red says chuckling, as he takes out his bo-staff.

           "Good" Hood says. "Ya ready to show these amateurs how it's done?"

           "Hell yeah"

           And the battle begins. Red Hood shoots the guys in front of him with his gun, on their legs and and shoulders, while maintaining his stance and trying not to get shot by them either.

           Meanwhile Red Robin climbs on top of each other them, kicking them with his legs on the face, before electrocuting them unconscious. He does his best to dodge their punches and bullets, but occasionally getting hit by them, but the kevlar in his suit protecting him - to some extent.

           From the corner of his eye, Red sees The Riddler escaping - very slowly due to the gun shots of Red Hood. "Hood, Nigma's tryna escape, you got things covered here?" He asks as he punches a guy, his back with Hood's as they fight.

           "Yeah, yeah, go get 'em tiger" Hood says, causing Red to roll his eyes.

           He escapes the battlefield, Hood having his back and not letting anyone follow him.

           He runs towards The Riddler. "The only place you're going is back to Arkham, Nigma" He says, before hitting him with his bo-staff on the head, knocking him out. Ouch, that oughta hurt for a few days.

           Red takes out a pair of handcuffs, dragging The Riddler's body across the room, to where Hood is. By the time he reaches there, he's taken care of everything - which is quite impressive, seeing the size and amount of those guys. He cuffs Nigma to the pillar where Hood is currently tying the other guys.

           "Well that was fun" Hood says.

           Red hums in response. They stay in silence for a while, helping each other tie up all of Nigma's goons. But then Red Robin breaks the silence. "So how we gonna explain all these gunshots on them?" He asks.

           Hood shrugs. "Don't know, just write a note saying they shot themselves or something"

           "That's actually a good idea" Red says, a surprised expression on his face.

           "Wow Red, I'm offended that ya think I can't come up with good ideas" Hood replies, shaking his head in disapproval.

           Red's eyes widen. "No no no! That's not what I meant-"

           "Calm down, I was kidding" Hood snorts.

            "I know you were but still" He sighs.

           "Aww, ya think ya can hurt my feelings that easily?" Hood replies teasingly. "That's admirable Timmy"

           "Hood! Codenames!" Red Robin hisses, his eyes wide.

           "Oh calm down, they're all practically dead anyway" Hood says, and he can feel him rolling his eyes.

           "Fuck you"

           "Fuck you too, babybird"


This is basically them bonding. Also there's some references here and there, they're the reason I even managed to write this chapter ngl. This chapter is Tim growing slight feelings for Jason (but not quite) but he doesn't know yet, he's just too confused and conflicted with other things in his life to actually think about his love or sex life.

Chapters will also come out less frequently now since I haven't written the rest. I'm still working on Chapter 12. Writer's block sucks man. Hopefully I'll finish writing it by today and also start writing chapter 13. 

I hope you enjoyed :)

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