the son of Satanael ( kuroinu...

By Arthurpendragon285

89.2K 894 492

first off no it's not final fantasy segund: this my first off brand fantasy there Will be seeings of 18+ so f... More

character bio
prólogo: the Return and beginning of His Quest
harem 2
harem 3
episode 2: a dragón's thrist ( lemon)

episode 1: the hunt of the knight

10.2K 124 44
By Arthurpendragon285

Narrator's pov:

Across the land of rumors of the knight that got all girls from humans, from High elfs to the succubus clan and rest of monsters that wanted to know His identity, at the church two sisters the older one Emily and her Little sister Mimi begin to pray of the misterios Savior call himself Satanael, at first they we're afraid of the arcángel that betrayed it's father god( which Is True plus in persona 5) , Emily found out that Mimi was moaning touching herself saying His name

Emily's pov:

I was going to check on Mimi that acted strangetly ever since meeting Satanael durante that invasión at the Church, i still remember that day

- Flashback-

We we're trap with commander Fiora by a group of Rogue bandits with swords,daggers and they even had mages as one of them ripped Mimi's clothes leaving her with bra on it, commander Fiora was tie up with clothes damage and i was helpless to save them, i pray of god to help but then . . .

Bandit 1: - got shock by unknown thunderbolt screaming in pain that die-

Bandits: !!!

Bandit leader: who goes there!? Show yourself COWARD!

????: Coward? I wasn't the one who just capture almost rape an innocent girl, none shall deserve to leave

Bandit 2: oh yeah? Says who!?

As the sky turn to black an arcángel that Is majestic with a gold mask, with six wings landed on the ground reveal himself

Satanael: you may call me the son who betrayed god, Satanael

Mimi: s-satanael?..

Bandit 2: ha! That's just a Fake ass name! Die! - charge Towards him with a sword-

Satanael: - blocks His attack with a pinky finger- you should watch your tongue agains an arcángel human- then cast fire burning the bandits to death as he walk pass them-

I was scared the way he smile felt and it's soul Is hard to describe as he releases us three but the bandit leader stop us with His axe

Bandit leader: you won't leave here alive! Only in death! I will make them my slaves! Not only that but all the girls Will become my bitch!

Satanael: - sigh- this Is why humans are so greety with lust- summon His weapon and points it at the bandit leader-

Satanael: sinful..... Shell- pulls the trigger and headshots the bandit leader that His head Exploded-

I witness His death may the dévil punish him, but when i look at Satanael revert to His actual human state and was wearing a armor, Is Satanael a knight?

Satanael: well then, i Made a clear path for you three return home - walks away -

Mimi: w-wait!

Satanael: hm?

Fiora: we are in your debt, if there's anything you want i could speak the queen ale-

Satanael: i thank for your request, but i refuse...i just hate perverts who just fórces and rape girls by there own Will, see ya - Vanish-

- flashback end-

Mimi: ahh~ ahh~ s-satanael-sama~ Satanael-sama~ - kept moaning while touching herself-

Emily's mind: ( satanael, you have our eternal thanks, we need a Savior for this world and...for "other stuffs" for us....~)

Narrator's pov:

The rumor was Sent through out the kingdoms, some at the kingdom of dragnolia, lead by queen Daenerys, mother of dragons was inform by her daughter Kamui which she inform the people about a knight that even show an appearance that turn the queen and the daughter in heat for the knight, other Places like the high elfs which love hidden from the world report it which need to capture it, the human kingdom on Camelot where princess Alexandra who still misses His fiance Y/n after His death, but then got report about a knight that Is crossing the kingdoms which believes His fiance alive, at the demon kingdom rules the succubus queen Samantha which learn His real name, Y/n L/n so she send her followers lead by her three daughters to bring him Over to reproduce More children

Y/n's pov:

I was lucky to bought a house almost between the humans and demon kingdoms, also I'm living with Rem, a maid which Is a demon i save from an ugly salesmen, and ivy Valentine and she looks at me as if I'm her Little brother which I'm older than her Yet she dominantes me as i sneeze a bit

Y/n: hm?

Rem: Is something wrong Y/n-san? - cooking food-

Y/n: i don't know, i got a feeling that something Will come looking for me by all kingdoms or something? Who knows to he honest

Ivy: - enters the house- well Little brother, it seems your famous o "Satanael" - shows the wanted póster to him-

Y/n: huh, it can't be that bad

Ivy: - reads it- "bring Satanael either dead or alive and you be reward $100,000" - raise her eyebrow looking at him-

Y/n: 😅😅 w-well it can get any worse right? . . . . . Right?

Episode 1 end

Next Time: a dragón's thirst ( Lemon)

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