The Karate Hedgehog

By hjzuniga4866

829 2 0

Sonic always had big dreams of learning Kung fu like the furious five. But during the election day of the cho... More

Sonic's History
The Chosen One
The Training
The Evil Bird
Learning How To Fly
The Bulldog

The Rescue Mission

85 1 0
By hjzuniga4866

Amy, Shadow, and Knuckles tried to get Sally's attention, but Sally kept on flying away and started to cry because of what Sonic said to her.
The Master Nigel found her and took her away to carnival. Sally tried everything she could to defeat him but it was no use.

Sally: Hey, let me go!
Amy: Oh no, Sally has been capture by an ugly bird!
Knuckles: We have to go and find Tails! Come on!

Shadow, Amy, and Knuckles went to find Tails to tell him what had happen to Sally. Meanwhile Tails kept on following Sonic.

Tails: Hey Sonic, wait up.
Sonic: (Sigh) Tails, carnival is not this way. OK
Tails: Oh, I'm not going to carnival, I'm sticking with you because your my family too Sonic. And family suppose to stick together no matter what.
Sonic: But I thought you love carnival.
Tails: True, but what I love the most is my family, and that will never change a thing about how I feel.

Sonic was shock to here that Tails still cares about him, after what he said to Sally. Then he and Tails saw Amy, Shadow, and Knuckles coming with bad news.

Amy: Sonic! Tails! Sally has been kidnapped by an ugly bird and he's taking her to the parade of carnival.
Sonic: Ugly bird? Tell me how the bird looks like.
Shadow: He was white with big feather, scary eyes, messed up feather in his head, and he knows Kung Fu so good.
Sonic: That's Master Nigel! Oh no, now Sally is going to be his prisoner forever! This is all my fault. (Deciding to go and save Sally) Lets fly!

So, Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Shadow went to carnival to save Sally. The Furious Four carried Sonic while they were flying. When they were in carnival, they knew they had to figure out which float Sally is in. So, they had to split up to find her quickly. Then Sonic got Sally's sense inside a crocodile float. So, he went inside without the crocs seeing him. Sally was trapped in a cage and was upset for all the things he said to Sonic, until she saw Sonic.

Sally: Sonic?
Sonic: Sal! I'm going to get you out!

As Sonic was about to get Sally out, Master Nigel grabbed him and put him in a cage as well.

Master Nigel: Ah, at last, I finally caught two love birds.
Sonic: Think again, bird! I have friends who are totally going to kick your tail feathers. (Saw the Furious Four locked in a cage as well)
Tails: Hurray! They are going to save us.
Shadow: Kid, the faker meant the four of us.
Tails: (Upset) Oh.

Master Nigel told his crocs to head to their airplane quickly. As they were in the airplane, Sonic and the Furious Five were upset because they have fail their mission.

Tails: Goodbye Master. Guess we won't be back home as we promise.
Sonic: I'm sorry guys, this is all my fault. If I hadn't got so angry, we wouldn't be here by now.
Sally: Sonic, remember the time that you ask me what my favorite color is, and the story of your color problem?
Sonic: Yes
Sally: Well, my favorite color is also red and blue and I also had a color problem.

Sonic smile, knowing that he and Sally has something else in common. Then he started to have an idea of how to get out of the cage. He started to use his claw to open up the cage. Then he push the button that opens the back side of the plane, then all of the birds started to fly away free. All of the crocodiles came to the back of the plane to stop Sonic and his friends from escaping, but Sonic and the Furious Five use their Kung Fu moves to defeat the crocodiles and made them to jump off the plane. The Furious Four fly off the plane to head back to Rio. As Sally was about to help Sonic, Master Nigel grabbed Sonic on the neck.

Master Nigel: Thought you could escape, ha Blue.
Sally: Leave him alone.
As Sally was about to save Sonic, Master Nigel punch Sally very hard.
Sally: Ouch, my arm.
Master Nigel: Guess I'll be having two flightless love bird to be my slave.
Sonic: OK bird, spit it out now! Why did you go after me and Sally in the first place?
Master Nigel: Because you two are Master Iroh's students, and the day that I was leaving China, Iroh told me that if I use Kung Fu for popularity, it will lead me to disaster. So, I got angry at him and left China for good, and I swear that one day I will capture his students to become my slave. But since I can't have you two as my slave, then I will kill ya'll instead. (Evil Laugh)

Sonic tried everything he could to escape from Master Nigel's claws, but it was not use. Then Sonic looked at a fire extinguisher and manage to hook it onto Master Nigel's foot and sets it off.

Sonic: Not cool man. Not cool.
Nigel: Huh? ( blasted out of the plane and manages to get the extinguisher off) Ah!!!.

As the fire extinguisher was making Master Nigel fly around, a propeller flies at him, seemingly killing him and eventually causing the plane to fall.

Sonic: Goodbye ugly bird.

Sonic then saw Sally, trying to get grip and calling his name to help her, and started to fall off the plane without being able to fly. Sonic was afraid that he wouldn't be able to fly to save Sally, but he started to have feelings for Sally. So, he jumped off the plane to save her, and manage to catch her, then they both fall down to the ocean.

Sally: Sonic, are your crazy, what are you doing!?
Sonic: I'm not gonna let you go! Your my family too and I love you.

Sally felt emotion when Sonic told her that he loves her, that she kiss him on the lips. Sonic then felt his heart open when Sally kiss him, that he started to fly on his own, carrying Sally.

Sonic: WOW!
Sally: Sonic, your flying!
Sonic: Yah, I am! And you are right, I'm not an ostrich! I'm not an ostrich!

The Furious Four were starting to get real worried about Sonic and Sally, until they saw Sonic flying and carrying Sally. The Furious Four ran to see Sonic and Sally OK, but then saw Sally with a broken arm. So, they carried her back home to China to get better along with Sonic. A few weeks later, Sally was all heal and was back on going on mission with her friends. She and Sonic became a couple, and she allowed him to train in the training area. Master Iroh was happy to see that Sonic and Sally have finally got along well. Vector was happy to see that his son has completed his mission. And Sonic was happy to know that his dream has finally come true. No matter what danger there are, Sonic and the Furious Five will always find away to save the day.


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